Updated 86 days ago
444 Skokie Blvd., Suite 200 Wilmette, IL 60091
How does the builder guide us toward the best values? Our estimating department is constantly on top of checking prices and quality levels. Their job is to get you the best possible specific value, line item by line item, without sacrificing the quality of the project. Orren Pickell Building Group also offers the value of our buying power. Because we build numerous luxury custom homes per year, our subcontractors, who are the best in the industry, are able to base their bids on volume - giving you a more competitive cost in return... What makes Orren Pickell Building Group different as a builder? Simply put, Orren Pickell Building Group takes the risk and worry out of architectural design and custom home building. Our award-winning team ensures your custom home or remodel will be finished to your specifications on time and within budget. Our longevity, time-proven process, demanding standards, and ability to expertly manage every aspect of the building process - from design to home..
Also known as: Orren Pickell