Priscilla Douglas is an executive coach, author and speaker. She lives her life in such a way that each day is filled with joy, beauty and contribution. One of the first things you will notice about Priscilla is her clarity, authenticity and compassion. Priscilla connects, inspires and helps her clients achieve breakthrough success in their personal and professional lives. Priscilla brings over thirty years experience from leadership roles in business and government to her firm PHDouglas & Associates.
Priscilla has worked with individuals and teams in the automotive, financial services, and technology industries, as well as in government. She brings real-world experience and thought leadership from the public and private sectors to client engagements. As a result, she knows how to walk the talk and readily shares her insights in a practical way to help her clients.
Her professional career includes key executive positions in government, academics and business where she was often the first woman and the first African American. As a White House Fellow, she served as a Special Assistant to William H. Webster, Director of the FBI. For the Commonwealth of Massachusetts she held two key positions: as Assistant Secretary for Public Safety she launched the Governor's Task Force on Domestic Violence and instituted Hate Crimes Tracking. As Secretary of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulations she led consumer protection and regulatory reforms. In addition, she successfully introduced the techniques of total quality management across the Commonwealth, which led to an invitation by the Australian Parliament to keynote the launch of their quality initiative.
Priscilla was an instructor in the masters program for Harvard University Radcliffe Seminars, and taught courses in management, leadership and organizational behavior. She introduced seminars to bring the voice of women in business and in politics to her students. While at General Motors, she worked closely with the originator of the quality movement, Dr. W. Edwards Deming. At Xerox she designed a knowledge sharing engagement process and curriculum that was deployed globally.