Updated 1 day ago
2680 Orrington Avenue Evanston, Illinois 60201
NCS is dedicated to representing your interests with a proven standard of excellence. We maintain a tradition of on-time and on-budget performance in conjunction with an unparalleled level of quality and highly-personalized service...
NCS Construction Management is a construction consultancy providing pre-construction project planning, design, procurement & bidding, construction/program management, and owner representation services. NCS has over thirty years of project and program management experience in construction and the renovation/restoration of hisotical and architecturally-significant structures in Illinois and Wisconsin...
Our experience encompasses projects ranging from $100,000 to approximately $15,000,000. Project types include institutional, recreational and educational settings, country clubs, historic restorations, and multi-family dwellings at all phases, from feasibility and planning through design and construction.
Also known as: NCS, NCS Construction Management