Updated 29 days ago
So, you've decided your business or organization needs a website. You've been checking out web design and hosting services, and come across strange terms like 'bandwidth' and 'FTP'. I've written this article to help explain some of the basics of websites and how they work... HTML files - the files that make up a website. Usually (but not always) made up of files with an '.html' extension (HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language). They contain all of the text of the webpage, and special commands to let computers know how to display the webpage (like centering some text, making it bold or colored, different font types and sizes, and so on). Pictures are separate files (usually .gif or .jpg extensions), and the HTML file also has commands that tell the computer where to put each picture on the page, and how large or small to make them... As an example, we'll use a website that consists of eight pages, using a total of 146 KB in webspace. Their limit is 1 GB of bandwidth per month...