John Fairweather

Job Titles:
  • President and CTO of Mitopia Technologies Inc.
John Fairweather is the President and CTO of Mitopia Technologies Inc., and the architect and principal developer of the Mitopia® platform. He has worked continuously on this same code base (over a million lines) since 1989. During that time he learned much about what it takes to tackle the problems involved. Others are relatively new to the field, which really only came to prominence some time after 9/11. As he followed the big-data/business intelligence/data-analytics/and AI industry news, it became apparent that the organizations (both vendor and client) involved in these fields have been trying to solve these huge knowledge-level (KL) problems using approaches that are inappropriate to the problem domain, and are rooted in old fashioned thinking about software. We face the following truths: We cannot simply make our information level (IL) databases bigger, nor can we pretend that text search goes even a fraction of the way towards addressing KL connection-based questions. We cannot graft a KL technology (e.g., semantic ontologies like OWL) on top of IL databases and hope for performance. All the pretty graphs and visualizers in the world cannot overcome the limitations of an IL substrate when asking KL questions. Narrow and general AI are two distinct disciplines, the former (based on neural nets) is currently blooming, the latter according to most AI experts won't emerge for many decades to come.