Updated 2 days ago
We are your project manager. MTD is not an additional expense or competitor. Our compensation comes from the same 01030 general conditions you have already budgeted for. Otherwise, it's business as usual with you as the contractor of record receiving all the typical fees and rewards you're familiar with... MTD is an independent construction project & planning management service focused on Healthcare, Commercial, and Advanced Technology. Not to be confused with a typical Construction Manager's role, we are the actual contractor's project manager with a few extra skills & benefits... MTD understands that our specialized construction and design has a direct impact on the quality and success of your interests. We keep current and involved with the groups and issues that affect your equipment, governance, throughput, and innovation. Issues concerning DHS, OSHPD, FDA, Imaging/Treatment, Infection Control, and cGMP are constants here. We pride ourselves in understanding your business's..
Also known as: MTD