Updated 28 days ago
2014 Fir Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 USA
In 2002 Peggy Pace discovered Lifespan Integration as a method to work with adults who were traumatised or neglected during childhood. Since then, the uses of LI have expanded and LI is now being used by therapists in many countries around the world to treat a variety of disorders and distress. Lifespan Integration is a relatively new therapy but has a research base to clinically evidence its effectiveness. Due to its continuity of successful outcomes, the therapy continues to spread and expand across the world. In addition to this, LI underpins its theoretical basis from current neuro-science and neuro-psychology research... It is understood that Lifespan Integration re-writes neural networks, encouraging transformation at a cellular level. We know from clinical studies that to achieve emotional regulation, we need neural integration. LI provides integration through briefly activating the neurons and nervous systems linked to memories (from the timeline). Each memory we hold, when..
Also known as: Lifespan Integration UK, Lifespan Integration, LLC