LFSPLANS.COM - Key Persons

Mr. Tom Powers

Job Titles:
  • Counsellor

Tom Licciardello

Job Titles:
  • Your Coach
I'm a runner. I'm a triathlete. I'm a skier. I'm an Obstacle Course Racer. Those passions have made me a passionate financial advisor. How? This is my journey. As a young teenager, I was, frankly, adrift. My group of friends weren't "high achievers", and I didn't care much for school, and I wasn't very popular. As a small kid, I wasn't a very good prospect for football or basketball, and my self-esteem was pretty low. What I did have was a guidance counsellor, Mr. Tom Powers, who took me under his wing and set me on a new path. He was my compass in a new journey. He got me on the wrestling team. Yes, this skinny little kid with no athletic background joined the team. Was I scared? Of course. I didn't know what to expect. But what a difference that made. I soon learned that I was far more capable than I thought. Mr. Powers saw something in me that I didn't see, and my coach, Mr. Crozier, taught me that with effort and focus, I could be a real athlete.