Updated 36 days ago
167-168, Opp. Ranipur Patia, Narol Sarkhej Road, Ahmedabad - 382405. INDIA
Komal Electrotech Pvt. Ltd. is one of the companies of KOMAL Group. It is the Electronics and Electrical division. It is one of India's leading companies which manufactures, trades and repairs all kinds of Industrial Electronics and Electrical instruments, all at one junction...
At Komal Texfab we follow fair employment practices by obeying national laws and international practices as far as....
Ko ma l Gr ou p of In du st ri es St ar ti ng St ep to lo ng Te rm Wi n-Wi n Re la ti on sh ip Ne w Bo nd in g wi th Ou r Pa rt ne r's, Lo ya lt y to Cu st om er is ke y of Ou r Su cc es s, Komal Group of Industries Starting Step to long Term Win-Win Relationship New Bonding with Our Partner's, Loyalty to Customer is key of Our Success, behind Our Growth and success is our ability to understand customer needs and the commitment to serve them in the best way possible with the finest quality products and the fairest prices and adding value with Personalized service.
Also known as: Komal Electrotech Pvt. Ltd., Komal Fabrics, Komal Texfab Pvt Ltd, Komal Worldwide Ltd, KTF Fashion Pvt Ltd, SEZ Komal Texfab Pvt Ltd