JEROL - Key Persons

Angelica Wesslander

Job Titles:
  • Front Office

Cecilia Aldvén

Job Titles:
  • Ekonomi
  • Medarbetare Styrelse

Martin Jernström

Job Titles:
  • Kvalitetschef
  • Quality Assurance

Petter Fridsjö

Job Titles:
  • Medarbetare Styrelse
  • Produktionschef

Tom Bryant-Meisner

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
Tom works in sales and is on the board along with together Rolf and Anders. With a background in IT and startups, Tom has built several companies from the ground up and has extensive experience and knowledge when it comes to building stable companies. At Jerol, Tom handles strategic development with customers and partners. Tom spends his freetime in a sports car with the family.