Updated 10 days ago
- Age: 17 years
- ID: 6497906/115
Edificio B3 08019 Barcelona Spain
Our mission is to bring fusion, the energy of the Sun and the stars, to Earth. To do so, we are working closely with industry and research organisations to provide the infrastructure and the components of the biggest fusion device. In parallel, F4E is involved in three major fusion R&D projects, stemming from the Broader Approach Agreement signed between Europe and Japan. Ultimately, F4E will contribute to the development of demonstration fusion reactors by offering technical know-how and expertise...
F4E was established on 19 April 2007 for a period of 35 years. Its headquarters are in Barcelona (Spain) and has offices in Cadarache (France) and Garching (Germany)...
F4E is responsible for the European contribution to ITER and the development of Fusion energy. Discover the merits and business opportunities of the biggest experiment in fusion energy.