Updated 14 days ago
1974 Sproul Road, Suite 200, Broomall, PA 19008
We've earned millions of frequent flier miles, auditioned a few contortionists, and drank enough coffee and Red Bull to float Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet. We work as a cohesive team with open communication and faster decision making - ideal for the world of events, and ideal for our "we're all in this together" company values...
Digital. In-person. Hybrid. Regardless of format, your events need to move the needle. We help brands accelerate sales cycles and deepen customer relationships...
Official website of Event Strategy Group Since our founding over two decades ago, we've put on thousands of corporate events. Massive ones, small ones, virtual ones and somewhere-in-between ones.
Also known as: Event Strategy, Event Strategy Group, Event Strategy Group, Ltd.