Updated 34 days ago
4970 Kane Road Eau Claire, WI 54703
EC Grow is one of the largest blenders of turf & ornamental fertilizer and deicing products in the Midwest. With a solid business structure focused on efficiencies, quality, and outstanding customer service, EC Grow can be counted on to deliver product on-time and within specifications...
EC Grow, Inc is a subsidiary of Eau Claire Cooperative Oil Company located in Eau Claire, WI. Our parent company has been in business for over 95 years and EC Grow has been developing strong business partnerships with our customers for more than 30 years...
Industry-leading manufacturer of fertilizer and deicing products servicing the Midwest. Award Turf Fertilizer, Prolinks, Maxlawn and EC Grow Ice Melt.
Also known as: EC Grow, Inc.
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