Updated 22 days ago
2100, 95 th street, St-Georges, QC G5Y 8J3
Our mission is simple. We take the road every single day with the desire to serve our customers well and meet most of their transportation needs...
The CRS Group, is made of CRS Express inc., Transport Express Beauce and CRS Express Logistics inc. Our trucks travel across North America. Born of an avant-garde vision to always meet changing road transport needs, the Group has developed and continues to grow by remaining aware of opportunities and by knowing how to innovate...
Our companies are synonymous with versatility, safety and reliability. Our story begins in 1993 and, at the heart of it, is our ability to always offer our customers the best solutions adapted to their needs. Constantly expanding, CRS Express Inc., CRS Express Logistics Inc. and Transport Express Beauce, will haul full loads and/or partial shipments locally or throughout North America.
Also known as: CRS Express inc., CRS Express Logistics inc.