Updated 2 days ago
201 S. Central Ave. Locust, NC 28097
Classic Enterprises of Locust, Inc. is the parent company of Classic Auctions, a full-service auction company located in Locust, NC since 1990. We are a diversified company and have knowledge and experience in many fields. We specialize in Estate Auctions, Business Liquidations, Bankruptcies, and Real Estate... Engaged in the auction business since 1991, Classic Auctions provides the highest caliber of auction services for the sale of real estate, business assets, and personal estates through a 4 state area. Always responsive to our client's needs, Classic serves the banking, legal, and corporate communities. Our firm maintains the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, service, and results, affording it a reputation as an auction industry leader. The company's growth over the last ten years has been directly tied to the leadership and innovation of its owners and the talent and dedication of its team members. Our firm staunchly recognizes its responsibility to the community..
Also known as: Classic Auctions, Classic Enterprises of Locust, Inc.
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