CESU - History of Changes

2025-01-19 delete otherexecutives Tina Palmer
2025-01-19 delete personal_emails va..@usda.gov
2025-01-19 insert otherexecutives Tina Licari
2025-01-19 insert personal_emails ch..@usda.gov
2025-01-19 insert personal_emails zi..@ccc.ca.gov
2025-01-19 delete email lb..@usbr.gov
2025-01-19 delete email tp..@usgs.gov
2025-01-19 delete email va..@usda.gov
2025-01-19 delete email we..@usda.gov
2025-01-19 delete person Levi Brekke
2025-01-19 delete person Tina Palmer
2025-01-19 delete person Valerie Hipkins
2025-01-19 delete phone (202) 251-3518
2025-01-19 delete phone (202) 578-6504
2025-01-19 delete phone (202) 720-7848
2025-01-19 delete phone (301) 427-8139
2025-01-19 delete phone (301) 504-0303
2025-01-19 delete phone (303) 445-2494
2025-01-19 delete phone (406) 581-8148
2025-01-19 delete phone (413) 685-5897
2025-01-19 delete phone (571) 372-8299
2025-01-19 delete phone (703) 358-1881
2025-01-19 insert email ch..@usda.gov
2025-01-19 insert email eh..@usbr.gov
2025-01-19 insert email ji..@fws.gov
2025-01-19 insert email ka..@noaa.gov
2025-01-19 insert email so..@fws.gov
2025-01-19 insert email tc..@usgs.gov
2025-01-19 insert email tl..@usgs.gov
2025-01-19 insert email zi..@ccc.ca.gov
2025-01-19 insert person Chris Swanston
2025-01-19 insert person Eve Halper
2025-01-19 insert person Jill Cohen
2025-01-19 insert person Kadija Baffoe-Harding
2025-01-19 insert person Sonja Scott
2025-01-19 insert person Tina Licari
2025-01-19 insert person Zia Schatz
2025-01-19 insert phone (240) 533-0955
2025-01-19 insert phone (303) 445-3416
2025-01-19 insert phone (703) 358-1720
2025-01-19 insert phone (703) 358-1764
2025-01-19 insert phone (703) 424-8138
2025-01-19 insert phone (906) 201-2494
2025-01-19 update person_title Todd Chaudhry: Science Advisor => Acting Senior Science Advisor; Science Advisor
2024-12-19 delete personal_emails ke..@nau.edu
2024-12-19 delete personal_emails ro..@nau.edu
2024-12-19 insert personal_emails eb..@bsee.gov
2024-12-19 insert personal_emails ja..@nau.edu
2024-12-19 insert personal_emails q...@northeastern.edu
2024-12-19 insert personal_emails ro..@bsee.gov
2024-12-19 delete email ke..@nau.edu
2024-12-19 delete email ro..@nau.edu
2024-12-19 delete person Kerwin Lawrence
2024-12-19 delete person Roger Haro
2024-12-19 insert email cb..@bridgew.edu
2024-12-19 insert email cc..@bridgew.edu
2024-12-19 insert email db..@bridgew.edu
2024-12-19 insert email eb..@bsee.gov
2024-12-19 insert email ja..@nau.edu
2024-12-19 insert email li..@fws.gov
2024-12-19 insert email q...@northeastern.edu
2024-12-19 insert email ro..@bsee.gov
2024-12-19 insert email ts..@bridgew.edu
2024-12-19 insert person Christine Brandon
2024-12-19 insert person Colleen Campbell
2024-12-19 insert person Darcy Boellstorff
2024-12-19 insert person Jamie Baxter
2024-12-19 insert person Lindy Garner
2024-12-19 insert person Qin Jim Chen
2024-12-19 insert person Robert Fila
2024-12-19 update person_description Diana Elder => Diana Elder
2024-12-19 update person_title Diana Elder: Associate Dean for Research and Inclusive Opportunities / Director, CPCESU; DIRECTOR; Elder => Associate Dean for Research and Inclusive Opportunities / Director, CPCESU; DIRECTOR; Associate Dean for Research and Inclusive Opportunities / College of the Environment; Elder
2024-12-19 update person_title Gerard Moore: Renewable Energy and Regulatory Compliance Deputy Director => Deputy Assistant Director / Renewable Energy; Renewable Energy and Regulatory Compliance Deputy Director
2024-11-18 delete ceo William H. Doelle
2024-11-18 delete coo Kamilla Hoban
2024-11-18 delete otherexecutives Andrew Lubner
2024-11-18 delete president William H. Doelle
2024-11-18 insert ceo Steve Nash
2024-11-18 insert cfo Linda Vossler
2024-11-18 insert otherexecutives Catherine M. Harlan
2024-11-18 insert president Steve Nash
2024-11-18 delete email an..@nps.gov
2024-11-18 delete email da..@nps.gov
2024-11-18 delete email do..@nova.edu
2024-11-18 delete email ha..@usace.army.mil
2024-11-18 delete email jo..@nps.gov
2024-11-18 delete email ka..@archaeologysouthwest.org
2024-11-18 delete email ke..@nps.gov
2024-11-18 delete email ma..@nps.gov
2024-11-18 delete email mi..@mail.mil
2024-11-18 delete email wd..@archaeologysouthwest.org
2024-11-18 delete person Andrew Lubner
2024-11-18 delete person Dave Pettebone
2024-11-18 delete person Hany Zaghloul
2024-11-18 delete person John Bechtold
2024-11-18 delete person Kamilla Hoban
2024-11-18 delete person Kelvin Delaney
2024-11-18 delete person Matt Hampsey
2024-11-18 delete person Michael Dolski
2024-11-18 delete person Richard Dodge
2024-11-18 delete person William H. Doelle
2024-11-18 insert email ch..@usda.gov
2024-11-18 insert email hb..@nova.edu
2024-11-18 insert email jo..@nova.edu
2024-11-18 insert email lv..@archaeologysouthwest.org
2024-11-18 insert email os..@nova.edu
2024-11-18 insert email pr..@archaeologysouthwest.org
2024-11-18 insert email ri..@nova.edu
2024-11-18 insert email sn..@archaeologysouthwest.org
2024-11-18 insert person Bernhard Riegl
2024-11-18 insert person Charles Rewa
2024-11-18 insert person Holly Lynn Baumgartner
2024-11-18 insert person Jose Lopez
2024-11-18 insert person Linda Vossler
2024-11-18 insert person Paul Reed
2024-11-18 insert person Steve Nash
2024-11-18 update person_title Catherine M. Harlan: Director, Office of Sponsored Programs => Executive Director
2024-11-18 update person_title Erica Cordeiro: Grants Specialist => Branch Chief
2024-11-18 update person_title James Allen: Executive Director, School of Forestry; Department of Defense => Executive Director, School of Forestry; Technical Director, Operational Science and Engineering; Department of Defense
2024-11-18 update person_title Keith Zotti: Agreements Officer => Branch Chief
2024-11-18 update person_title Liz Galli-Noble: Program Director, DoD Legacy Resource Management Program; Program Manager, DoD Legacy Resource Management Program => Program Manager, DoD Legacy Resource Management Program
2024-11-18 update person_title William Nash: Financial Assistance Awarding Officer; Financial Agreements Officer; Supervisory Contract Specialist / Regional a / OPC => Financial Agreements Officer; Supervisory Contract Specialist / Regional a / OPC
2024-10-17 delete ceo Chipper Wichman
2024-10-17 delete ceo Mark Berry
2024-10-17 delete cfo Cory Nomura
2024-10-17 delete cfo Janet Mayfield
2024-10-17 delete coo Janet Mayfield
2024-10-17 delete otherexecutives Anthony Ching
2024-10-17 delete otherexecutives Chipper Wichman
2024-10-17 delete otherexecutives David Doty
2024-10-17 delete otherexecutives Eric Johnson
2024-10-17 delete otherexecutives Eric Jones
2024-10-17 delete otherexecutives Kathleen Van Vlack
2024-10-17 delete otherexecutives Merrie Morrison
2024-10-17 delete otherexecutives Patricia A. Gates
2024-10-17 delete otherexecutives Russell Mumper
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails am..@umb.edu
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails an..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails an..@tnc.org
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails da..@unl.edu
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails fr..@maine.edu
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails gl..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails he..@boem.gov
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails ja..@umb.edu
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails jo..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails ju..@rfsuny.org
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails ke..@wwfus.org
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails mi..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 delete personal_emails su..@usda.gov
2024-10-17 delete president Mark Berry
2024-10-17 insert ceo Dennis Teranishi
2024-10-17 insert ceo Janet Mayfield
2024-10-17 insert ceo Nick Fisichelli
2024-10-17 insert chairman Dennis Teranishi
2024-10-17 insert coo Amy Wills
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Diana Morgan
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Jane Au
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Jason Vokoun
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives John Stella
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Joseph Gazing Wolf
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Joseph Pitula
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Kainan Miranda
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Michael De Luca
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Michele Hass
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Nichole Cavin
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Rafael Bergstrom
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Rebecca Homan
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Sam Mombou
2024-10-17 insert otherexecutives Tyler Sammis
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails as..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails ch..@maine.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails da..@tnc.org
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails da..@umb.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails de..@pichtr.org
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails de..@boem.gov
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails di..@yale.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails fa..@northark.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails ja..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails je..@usda.gov
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails jo..@usda.gov
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails jo..@stonybrook.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails ju..@nmt.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails mi..@boem.gov
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails mi..@stonybrook.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails pa..@wwfus.org
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails po..@qc.cuny.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails re..@wwfus.org
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails ta..@maine.edu
2024-10-17 insert personal_emails ty..@parkinstituteofamerica.org
2024-10-17 insert president Janet Mayfield
2024-10-17 insert president Nick Fisichelli
2024-10-17 insert vp Trisha Kehaulani Watson
2024-10-17 delete email al..@ei.columbia.edu
2024-10-17 delete email am..@huliauapaa.org
2024-10-17 delete email am..@umb.edu
2024-10-17 delete email an..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 delete email an..@stonybrook.edu
2024-10-17 delete email an..@tnc.org
2024-10-17 delete email bc..@une.edu
2024-10-17 delete email bj..@umces.edu
2024-10-17 delete email bl..@triton.uog.edu
2024-10-17 delete email bo..@spatial.redlands.edu
2024-10-17 delete email ca..@grants.rutgers.edu
2024-10-17 delete email co..@redlands.edu
2024-10-17 delete email cs..@mail.umes.edu
2024-10-17 delete email da..@unl.edu
2024-10-17 delete email de..@coastalstudies.org
2024-10-17 delete email dh..@gmail.com
2024-10-17 delete email do..@usgs.gov
2024-10-17 delete email dr..@montana.edu
2024-10-17 delete email em..@gso.uri.edu
2024-10-17 delete email ep..@neu.edu
2024-10-17 delete email er..@anthro.umass.edu
2024-10-17 delete email fr..@maine.edu
2024-10-17 delete email gi..@berkeley.edu
2024-10-17 delete email gl..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 delete email he..@boem.gov
2024-10-17 delete email hi..@mail.mil
2024-10-17 delete email ja..@umb.edu
2024-10-17 delete email jd..@nmt.edu
2024-10-17 delete email je..@esf.edu
2024-10-17 delete email jl..@vtecostudies.org
2024-10-17 delete email jo..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 delete email js..@uri.edu
2024-10-17 delete email jt..@mbl.edu
2024-10-17 delete email ju..@rfsuny.org
2024-10-17 delete email ke..@usda.gov
2024-10-17 delete email ke..@wwfus.org
2024-10-17 delete email ki..@usda.gov
2024-10-17 delete email kr..@usgs.gov
2024-10-17 delete email kv..@gmail.com
2024-10-17 delete email ls..@notes.cc.sunysb.edu
2024-10-17 delete email mb..@schoodicinstitute.org
2024-10-17 delete email mb..@coastalstudies.org
2024-10-17 delete email mc..@cdkc.edu
2024-10-17 delete email mf..@comcast.net
2024-10-17 delete email mi..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 delete email mm..@abcbirds.org
2024-10-17 delete email mu..@ua.edu
2024-10-17 delete email mv..@grants.rutgers.edu
2024-10-17 delete email og..@research.umass.edu
2024-10-17 delete email om..@gmail.com
2024-10-17 delete email pa..@brown.edu
2024-10-17 delete email pe..@boisestate.edu
2024-10-17 delete email pg..@uclink.berkeley.edu
2024-10-17 delete email ph..@sercinstitute.org
2024-10-17 delete email ps..@marine.rutgers.edu
2024-10-17 delete email ra..@sustainablecoastlineshawaii.org
2024-10-17 delete email ra..@triton.uog.edu
2024-10-17 delete email rl..@mbl.edu
2024-10-17 delete email rr..@ei.columbia.edu
2024-10-17 delete email sc..@columbia.edu
2024-10-17 delete email se..@umces.edu
2024-10-17 delete email sm..@siue.edu
2024-10-17 delete email st..@redlands.edu
2024-10-17 delete email su..@usda.gov
2024-10-17 delete email ul..@tnc.org
2024-10-17 delete email um..@maine.edu
2024-10-17 delete email wi..@ntbg.org
2024-10-17 delete partner Cal Poly Humboldt
2024-10-17 delete partner Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
2024-10-17 delete partner Hopi Tribe, The
2024-10-17 delete person Alison Miller
2024-10-17 delete person Amber Souza
2024-10-17 delete person Amy Den Ouden
2024-10-17 delete person Andrea Kelly
2024-10-17 delete person Anne DePietri
2024-10-17 delete person Anthony Ching
2024-10-17 delete person Barbara Jenkins
2024-10-17 delete person Barry A. Costa-Pierce
2024-10-17 delete person Bob Baird
2024-10-17 delete person Casandra Burrows
2024-10-17 delete person Chipper Wichman
2024-10-17 delete person Christopher Boynton
2024-10-17 delete person Cory Nomura
2024-10-17 delete person David Doty
2024-10-17 delete person David Secor
2024-10-17 delete person David W. Roberts
2024-10-17 delete person Doug Harris
2024-10-17 delete person Ellen Mcvey
2024-10-17 delete person Eric Johnson
2024-10-17 delete person Eric Jones
2024-10-17 delete person Frederick Servello
2024-10-17 delete person Glenn Warner
2024-10-17 delete person Heather Crowley
2024-10-17 delete person Jack Wiggin
2024-10-17 delete person Jerica B. Santos
2024-10-17 delete person Jesus D. Gomez-Velez
2024-10-17 delete person Jim Tang
2024-10-17 delete person John Auwaeter
2024-10-17 delete person John Lloyd
2024-10-17 delete person John Volin
2024-10-17 delete person Judith Swift
2024-10-17 delete person Justine Gordon
2024-10-17 delete person Kapua Kawelo
2024-10-17 delete person Kathleen Van Vlack
2024-10-17 delete person Keith Nislow
2024-10-17 delete person Kenneth Rice
2024-10-17 delete person Kevin Ellison
2024-10-17 delete person Kim Parks
2024-10-17 delete person Mark Berry
2024-10-17 delete person Mark Borrelli
2024-10-17 delete person Maureen Finnerty
2024-10-17 delete person Melissa Vinch
2024-10-17 delete person Merrie Morrison
2024-10-17 delete person Michael DeLuca
2024-10-17 delete person Michael R. Willig
2024-10-17 delete person Michelle Curlee
2024-10-17 delete person Norbert Psuty
2024-10-17 delete person Patrice Carroll
2024-10-17 delete person Patricia A. Gates
2024-10-17 delete person Pei-Lin Yu
2024-10-17 delete person Phyllis Morris
2024-10-17 delete person R. Lawrence Swanson
2024-10-17 delete person Rachael Leon Guerrero
2024-10-17 delete person Rachael Roehl
2024-10-17 delete person Rebecca Lynn
2024-10-17 delete person Rita Ricobelli
2024-10-17 delete person Rosemary G. Gillespie
2024-10-17 delete person Russell Mumper
2024-10-17 delete person Sean O'Meara
2024-10-17 delete person Steven Cohen
2024-10-17 delete person Steven D. Moore
2024-10-17 delete person Susan Cordell
2024-10-17 delete person Susan Morgan
2024-10-17 delete person Thomas Doyle
2024-10-17 insert email aj..@columbia.edu
2024-10-17 insert email am..@ua.edu
2024-10-17 insert email as..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 insert email aw..@stevens.edu
2024-10-17 insert email aw..@naturalareas.org
2024-10-17 insert email bb..@cdkc.edu
2024-10-17 insert email bk..@abcbirds.org
2024-10-17 insert email bo..@boisestate.edu
2024-10-17 insert email bo..@ua.edu
2024-10-17 insert email bp..@montana.edu
2024-10-17 insert email cg..@eco.umass.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ch..@usda.gov
2024-10-17 insert email ch..@maine.edu
2024-10-17 insert email cm..@coastalstudies.org
2024-10-17 insert email co..@si.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ct..@une.edu
2024-10-17 insert email da..@tnc.org
2024-10-17 insert email da..@umb.edu
2024-10-17 insert email dc..@mbl.edu
2024-10-17 insert email dd..@research.stevens.edu
2024-10-17 insert email de..@cumc.columbia.edu
2024-10-17 insert email de..@pichtr.org
2024-10-17 insert email de..@boem.gov
2024-10-17 insert email di..@yale.edu
2024-10-17 insert email di..@montana.edu
2024-10-17 insert email dl..@abcbirds.org
2024-10-17 insert email e...@northeastern.edu
2024-10-17 insert email eb..@umass.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ec..@siue.edu
2024-10-17 insert email fa..@stonybrook.edu
2024-10-17 insert email fa..@northark.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ha..@nmt.edu
2024-10-17 insert email hc..@columbia.edu
2024-10-17 insert email he..@heritagelands.org
2024-10-17 insert email hf..@commonwealthu.edu
2024-10-17 insert email j...@northeastern.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ja..@kaainamomona.org
2024-10-17 insert email ja..@cornell.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ja..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 insert email je..@usda.gov
2024-10-17 insert email jl..@uri.edu
2024-10-17 insert email jm..@mbl.edu
2024-10-17 insert email jo..@usda.gov
2024-10-17 insert email jo..@stonybrook.edu
2024-10-17 insert email jr..@umes.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ju..@nmt.edu
2024-10-17 insert email jw..@uri.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ka..@tnc.org
2024-10-17 insert email ka..@usace.army.mil
2024-10-17 insert email ke..@esf.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ke..@mail.mil
2024-10-17 insert email km..@unl.edu
2024-10-17 insert email kr..@umb.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ma..@northark.edu
2024-10-17 insert email mg..@wildlifemgt.org
2024-10-17 insert email mi..@boem.gov
2024-10-17 insert email mi..@stonybrook.edu
2024-10-17 insert email mi..@umces.edu
2024-10-17 insert email mk..@nativeplanttrust.org
2024-10-17 insert email mp..@ua.edu
2024-10-17 insert email mr..@columbia.edu
2024-10-17 insert email nf..@schoodicinstitute.org
2024-10-17 insert email nn..@rutgers.edu
2024-10-17 insert email op..@umass.edu
2024-10-17 insert email pa..@wwfus.org
2024-10-17 insert email po..@qc.cuny.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ra..@sustainablecoastlineshawaii.org
2024-10-17 insert email rd..@coastalstudies.org
2024-10-17 insert email re..@wwfus.org
2024-10-17 insert email rk..@kennesaw.edu
2024-10-17 insert email rr..@vtecostudies.org
2024-10-17 insert email sa..@uconn.edu
2024-10-17 insert email sn..@triton.uog.edu
2024-10-17 insert email st..@esf.edu
2024-10-17 insert email st..@mail.mil
2024-10-17 insert email ta..@maine.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ta..@aol.com
2024-10-17 insert email tc..@ugsg.gov
2024-10-17 insert email th..@brown.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ty..@kennesaw.edu
2024-10-17 insert email ty..@parkinstituteofamerica.org
2024-10-17 insert email wa..@honuaconsulting.com
2024-10-17 insert partner Heritage Lands Collective
2024-10-17 insert partner Institute for Heritage Education
2024-10-17 insert partner Kennesaw State University Research and Service Foundation, Inc.
2024-10-17 insert partner North Arkansas College
2024-10-17 insert partner ʻĂina Momona
2024-10-17 insert person Amy Wills
2024-10-17 insert person Andrew Miller
2024-10-17 insert person Ashley Helton
2024-10-17 insert person Bill Briggs
2024-10-17 insert person Bob Peterson
2024-10-17 insert person Bob Reinhardt
2024-10-17 insert person Brad Keitt
2024-10-17 insert person Bryan Boudouris
2024-10-17 insert person Carys Mitchelmore
2024-10-17 insert person Cathrine Macort
2024-10-17 insert person Charles Tilburg
2024-10-17 insert person Christian Giardina
2024-10-17 insert person Christopher Gerbi
2024-10-17 insert person Clinton Campbell
2024-10-17 insert person Curt Griffin
2024-10-17 insert person Dan DeLany
2024-10-17 insert person Daniel Lebbin
2024-10-17 insert person David Landon
2024-10-17 insert person Debbie DelValle
2024-10-17 insert person Dennis Teranishi
2024-10-17 insert person Desray Reeb
2024-10-17 insert person Diana Morgan
2024-10-17 insert person Diane Cook
2024-10-17 insert person Diane Debinski
2024-10-17 insert person Dina Amin
2024-10-17 insert person Dr. Pierre Comizzoli
2024-10-17 insert person Elizabeth Brabec
2024-10-17 insert person Elizabeth Cali
2024-10-17 insert person Fang Luo
2024-10-17 insert person Faron Usrey
2024-10-17 insert person Gigi Snively
2024-10-17 insert person Haley Clint
2024-10-17 insert person Heather Feldhaus
2024-10-17 insert person Jaclyn Witterschein
2024-10-17 insert person James McClelland
2024-10-17 insert person Jamie Sprague
2024-10-17 insert person Jane Au
2024-10-17 insert person Jason Vokoun
2024-10-17 insert person Jean McCullough
2024-10-17 insert person Jeannette Henry
2024-10-17 insert person John Brown
2024-10-17 insert person John Stella
2024-10-17 insert person Jonathan Cumming
2024-10-17 insert person Joseph Gazing Wolf
2024-10-17 insert person Joseph Scarola
2024-10-17 insert person Judith McShannon
2024-10-17 insert person Kainan Miranda
2024-10-17 insert person Kate Edwards
2024-10-17 insert person Kathy Mitchell
2024-10-17 insert person Kenneth Humphrey
2024-10-17 insert person Kim Holloway
2024-10-17 insert person Kristin Uiterwyk
2024-10-17 insert person Liz Magee
2024-10-17 insert person Maria Kennedy
2024-10-17 insert person Maribel Respo
2024-10-17 insert person Matt Cardin
2024-10-17 insert person Meghan Gilbart
2024-10-17 insert person Michael De Luca
2024-10-17 insert person Michael Fedoroff
2024-10-17 insert person Michael Rasser
2024-10-17 insert person Michele Hass
2024-10-17 insert person Morgan Grove
2024-10-17 insert person Nichole Cavin
2024-10-17 insert person Nick Fisichelli
2024-10-17 insert person Nicole Nicholas-Bennett
2024-10-17 insert person Patrick Lendrum
2024-10-17 insert person Poline Papoulis
2024-10-17 insert person Rachel Kinney
2024-10-17 insert person Rafael Bergstrom
2024-10-17 insert person Rebecca Homan
2024-10-17 insert person Ryan Rebozo
2024-10-17 insert person Sam Mombou
2024-10-17 insert person Sarah Bothell
2024-10-17 insert person Stephanie Colby
2024-10-17 insert person Tammy York
2024-10-17 insert person Thomas Dillon
2024-10-17 insert person Tien Yee
2024-10-17 insert person Todd Chaudhry
2024-10-17 insert person Trisha Kehaulani Watson
2024-10-17 insert person Tyler Sammis
2024-10-17 update person_title Briana Smith: Budget Analyst => Business Manager; Budget Analyst
2024-10-17 update person_title Catherine Bolek: Director, Office of Sponsored Research and Programs; Director, Sponsored Research => Director, Office of Sponsored Research and Programs
2024-10-17 update person_title Christine Ashdown: Senior Grant and Contract Officer => null
2024-10-17 update person_title Daniel Spooner: Department of Biological => Department of Biological; Assistant Professor, Biological and Health Sciences
2024-10-17 update person_title Deborah Epperson: Acting Deputy Director and Science Advisor / USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center => Deputy Director, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
2024-10-17 update person_title Dustin Meattey: Biodiversity Research Institute; Waterfowl Program Director, CESU Project Manager => Biodiversity Research Institute; Director of Waterfowl Program; Waterfowl Program Director, CESU Project Manager
2024-10-17 update person_title Elizabeth Larry: Assistant Director for Research / Northern Research; Assistant Station Director for Research / Northern Research => Assistant Director for Research / Northern Research
2024-10-17 update person_title Ginger Steelman: Assistant Director, Office of Research Administration and Advancement => Assistant Director, Office of Research Administration and Advancement; Director, Office of Research Administration and Advancement
2024-10-17 update person_title Janet Mayfield: Chief Operating Officer; Chief Financial Officer => President; Chief Executive Officer
2024-10-17 update person_title Joseph Pitula: Department of Natural; Department of Natural Sciences => Department of Natural; Director of Research
2024-10-17 update person_title Neil Ringler: Dean of Research; Vice Provost and Executive Director ESF Onondaga Lake Science Center => Vice Provost and Executive Director ESF Onondaga Lake Science Center
2024-10-17 update person_title Pamela Peralta: Director, Contracts and Grants => Interim Vice Provost
2024-09-15 delete address Anderson Hall 102 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195
2024-09-15 delete person Teresa Bresee
2024-09-15 insert email cm..@uw.edu
2024-09-15 insert person Clare Ryan
2024-09-15 insert person Kylie Baker
2024-09-15 insert phone (206) 616-3987
2024-09-15 update person_title Dan Brown: Director, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; CO - DIRECTOR; Director => Director, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; Co - Director; Director and Professor / School of Environmental and Forest Sciences / University of Washington; Director
2024-08-15 insert personal_emails mo..@aamu.edu
2024-08-15 delete email jb..@illinois.edu
2024-08-15 delete email sm..@uga.edu
2024-08-15 delete person Jeffrey Brawn
2024-08-15 delete person Scott Merkle
2024-08-15 insert email au..@illinois.edu
2024-08-15 insert email mo..@aamu.edu
2024-08-15 insert email sc..@illinois.edu
2024-08-15 insert email sp..@illinois.edu
2024-08-15 insert email ty..@aamu.edu
2024-08-15 insert person Auriel Fournier
2024-08-15 insert person Monday Mbila
2024-08-15 insert person Robert Schooley
2024-08-15 insert person Robin Beach
2024-08-15 update person_title Nate Nibbelink: DIRECTOR; Associate Dean, Research and Professor, Spatial Ecology and GIS; Associate Dean for Research / Professor, Spatial Ecology and Geographic Information Science => DIRECTOR; Associate Dean, Research and Professor, Spatial Ecology and GIS; Associate Dean for Research / Professor, Spatial Ecology and Geographic Information Science; Associate Dean - Research / Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
2024-07-13 delete email lb..@email.unc.edu
2024-07-13 delete email re..@email.unc.edu
2024-07-13 delete person Lawrence Band
2024-07-13 delete person Tony Reevy
2024-07-13 insert email mp..@email.unc.edu
2024-07-13 insert email su..@email.unc.edu
2024-07-13 insert person Michael F. Piehler
2024-07-13 insert person Susan Cohen
2024-06-10 insert personal_emails ab..@louisville.edu
2024-06-10 insert personal_emails no..@louisville.edu
2024-06-10 insert email ab..@louisville.edu
2024-06-10 insert email no..@louisville.edu
2024-06-10 insert person Abigail Mack
2024-06-10 insert person Neomi Stanev
2024-04-13 delete otherexecutives David Auty
2024-04-13 delete otherexecutives David P. Earwicker
2024-04-13 delete otherexecutives Erin Williams
2024-04-13 delete personal_emails da..@nau.edu
2024-04-13 delete personal_emails da..@csus.edu
2024-04-13 insert cfo Kurt Achtenhagen
2024-04-13 insert otherexecutives Diana Elder
2024-04-13 insert otherexecutives Elizabeth Furey
2024-04-13 insert otherexecutives Roberta Guerrero
2024-04-13 insert personal_emails di..@nau.edu
2024-04-13 insert personal_emails du..@briwildlife.org
2024-04-13 insert personal_emails m...@csus.edu
2024-04-13 insert personal_emails sh..@briwildlife.org
2024-04-13 delete address School of Forestry Northern Arizona University PO Box 15018
2024-04-13 delete email cs..@esa.org
2024-04-13 delete email da..@nau.edu
2024-04-13 delete email da..@csus.edu
2024-04-13 delete email er..@nps.gov
2024-04-13 delete email mk..@csus.edu
2024-04-13 delete email sa..@nau.edu
2024-04-13 delete person Clifford S. Duke
2024-04-13 delete person David Auty
2024-04-13 delete person David P. Earwicker
2024-04-13 delete person Erin Williams
2024-04-13 delete person Monica Kauppinen
2024-04-13 delete person Sanoma Boynton
2024-04-13 delete phone (928) 523-6680
2024-04-13 insert address Northern Arizona University 200 E Pine Knoll Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5018
2024-04-13 insert email be..@gmail.com
2024-04-13 insert email cb..@nativeplanttrust.org
2024-04-13 insert email di..@nau.edu
2024-04-13 insert email du..@briwildlife.org
2024-04-13 insert email er..@cbf.org
2024-04-13 insert email jd..@harrisburgu.edu
2024-04-13 insert email jf..@nativeplanttrust.org
2024-04-13 insert email kg..@cbf.org
2024-04-13 insert email ku..@lnt.org
2024-04-13 insert email m...@csus.edu
2024-04-13 insert email ma..@lnt.org
2024-04-13 insert email me..@iu.edu
2024-04-13 insert email mp..@nativeplanttrust.org
2024-04-13 insert email rf..@harrisburgu.edu
2024-04-13 insert email rg..@gmail.com
2024-04-13 insert email ro..@iu.edu
2024-04-13 insert email sc..@csus.edu
2024-04-13 insert email sh..@briwildlife.org
2024-04-13 insert email te..@esa.org
2024-04-13 insert person Christine Bennett
2024-04-13 insert person Diana Elder
2024-04-13 insert person Dustin Meattey
2024-04-13 insert person Elizabeth Furey
2024-04-13 insert person Elizabeth Ronston
2024-04-13 insert person Hampton Roads Restoration
2024-04-13 insert person Jessamine Finch
2024-04-13 insert person Julia Dunst
2024-04-13 insert person Kati Grigsby
2024-04-13 insert person Kurt Achtenhagen
2024-04-13 insert person Mariappan "Jawa" Jawaharlal
2024-04-13 insert person Mark Eller
2024-04-13 insert person Meghan Hillman
2024-04-13 insert person Michael Piantedosi
2024-04-13 insert person Rachel Fogle
2024-04-13 insert person Roberta Guerrero
2024-04-13 insert person SUsan Crawford
2024-04-13 insert person Stephanie Rowe
2024-04-13 insert person Teresa Mourad
2024-04-13 insert phone (928) 523-4123
2024-03-13 delete personal_emails br..@pima.gov
2024-03-13 delete personal_emails ke..@unh.edu
2024-03-13 delete personal_emails ky..@umontana.edu
2024-03-13 delete personal_emails te..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert cfo Laura Stolzenthaler
2024-03-13 insert cto Jennifer Seiter-Moser
2024-03-13 insert founder Kim Paul
2024-03-13 insert otherexecutives Kim Paul
2024-03-13 insert otherexecutives Micaela Young
2024-03-13 insert otherexecutives Tribbie Grimm
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails au..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails br..@boem.gov
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails ca..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails el..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails el..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails er..@boem.gov
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails ge..@bsee.gov
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails ia..@pima.gov
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails ja..@usace.army.mil
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails ka..@marquette.edu
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails ka..@utrgv.edu
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails ke..@unh.edu
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails na..@marquette.edu
2024-03-13 insert personal_emails ni..@mso.umt.edu
2024-03-13 insert svp Laura Stolzenthaler
2024-03-13 delete address Northern Arizona University PO Box 5640 Flagstaff, AZ 86011
2024-03-13 delete address University of Minnesota 115 Green Hall 1530 Cleveland Avenue N St. Paul, MN 55108
2024-03-13 delete email a1..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 delete email br..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 delete email br..@pima.gov
2024-03-13 delete email br..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 delete email cd..@utsystem.edu
2024-03-13 delete email cs..@fs.fed.us
2024-03-13 delete email ek..@alaskageographic.org
2024-03-13 delete email el..@ag.tamu.edu
2024-03-13 delete email ji..@bsee.gov
2024-03-13 delete email jm..@bsu.edu
2024-03-13 delete email jo..@unh.edu
2024-03-13 delete email jw..@western.edu
2024-03-13 delete email ke..@unh.edu
2024-03-13 delete email ky..@umontana.edu
2024-03-13 delete email ma..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 delete email ma..@western.edu
2024-03-13 delete email mb..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 delete email mj..@bsu.edu
2024-03-13 delete email mp..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 delete email pg..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 delete email ra..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 delete email rs..@alaskapacific.edu
2024-03-13 delete email sc..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 delete email te..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 delete email te..@alaska.edu
2024-03-13 delete email to..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 delete partner California State Polytechnical University, Pomona
2024-03-13 delete partner California State University, Humboldt
2024-03-13 delete partner Eckerd University
2024-03-13 delete partner The Nature Conservancy Minnesota
2024-03-13 delete person Anthony D. Bobo
2024-03-13 delete person Brendan Moynahan
2024-03-13 delete person Brian Powell
2024-03-13 delete person Brian Straka
2024-03-13 delete person Cathy Dineen
2024-03-13 delete person Eileen Kazura
2024-03-13 delete person Janice Welborn
2024-03-13 delete person Jill Head
2024-03-13 delete person John Aber
2024-03-13 delete person Kim Dow
2024-03-13 delete person Kyle Unruh
2024-03-13 delete person Magaret McKluskie
2024-03-13 delete person Melanie Armstrong
2024-03-13 delete person Melanie Beckstead
2024-03-13 delete person Melody Bernot
2024-03-13 delete person Michael Philbin
2024-03-13 delete person Patricia Glass
2024-03-13 delete person ROMO CESU
2024-03-13 delete person Ray Albright
2024-03-13 delete person Rhonda Sandvik
2024-03-13 delete person Teresa Hollingsworth
2024-03-13 delete person Todd Chaudhry
2024-03-13 delete phone (612) 624-7286
2024-03-13 delete phone (703) 787-1587
2024-03-13 delete phone (720) 962-7275
2024-03-13 insert address University of Minnesota 330E Green Hall 2005 Upper Buford Circle St. Paul, MN 55108
2024-03-13 insert email am..@abcbirds.org
2024-03-13 insert email au..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert email be..@wapa.gov
2024-03-13 insert email be..@western.edu
2024-03-13 insert email br..@boem.gov
2024-03-13 insert email ca..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert email cl..@potsdam.edu
2024-03-13 insert email cr..@usgs.gov
2024-03-13 insert email ct..@akgeo.org
2024-03-13 insert email da..@montana.edu
2024-03-13 insert email da..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 insert email dj..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 insert email dm..@usgs.gov
2024-03-13 insert email el..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert email el..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert email er..@boem.gov
2024-03-13 insert email ge..@bsee.gov
2024-03-13 insert email ha..@usace.army.mil
2024-03-13 insert email ia..@pima.gov
2024-03-13 insert email is..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 insert email ja..@usace.army.mil
2024-03-13 insert email je..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 insert email ka..@marquette.edu
2024-03-13 insert email ka..@utrgv.edu
2024-03-13 insert email ke..@unh.edu
2024-03-13 insert email km..@alaska.edu
2024-03-13 insert email kp..@piikanilodge.org
2024-03-13 insert email kp..@abcbirds.org
2024-03-13 insert email kw..@alaska.edu
2024-03-13 insert email lk..@western.edu
2024-03-13 insert email lp..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 insert email ls..@wcs.org
2024-03-13 insert email ma..@uni.edu
2024-03-13 insert email mc..@potsdam.edu
2024-03-13 insert email my..@piikanilodge.org
2024-03-13 insert email na..@marquette.edu
2024-03-13 insert email ni..@mso.umt.edu
2024-03-13 insert email re..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 insert email rt..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 insert email ru..@utrgv.edu
2024-03-13 insert email ru..@arizona.edu
2024-03-13 insert email ru..@berkeley.edu
2024-03-13 insert email sg..@alaskapacific.edu
2024-03-13 insert email st..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 insert email th..@nps.gov
2024-03-13 insert email to..@uni.edu
2024-03-13 insert email tr..@utrgv.edu
2024-03-13 insert email tv..@blm.gov
2024-03-13 insert email ua..@alaska.edu
2024-03-13 insert email we..@fws.gov
2024-03-13 insert email wi..@usda.gov
2024-03-13 insert partner Boston University
2024-03-13 insert partner Cal Poly Humboldt
2024-03-13 insert partner Cal Poly Pomona
2024-03-13 insert partner Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
2024-03-13 insert partner California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
2024-03-13 insert partner California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
2024-03-13 insert partner Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania
2024-03-13 insert partner Flora North America Association
2024-03-13 insert partner Hopi Tribe, The
2024-03-13 insert partner Koʻihonua
2024-03-13 insert partner Marquette University
2024-03-13 insert partner Monument Lab
2024-03-13 insert partner National Audubon Society
2024-03-13 insert partner Natural Communities Coalition
2024-03-13 insert partner Pepperdine University
2024-03-13 insert partner Piikani Lodge Health Institute
2024-03-13 insert partner Ponchartrain Conservancy
2024-03-13 insert partner Preservation Maryland
2024-03-13 insert partner Rattlesnake Conservancy, The
2024-03-13 insert partner Sustainable Coastlines Hawai‘i
2024-03-13 insert partner The Nature Conservancy Hawaiʻi
2024-03-13 insert partner The Nature Conservancy MN, SD, and ND
2024-03-13 insert person Alexandra "Lexi" Hill
2024-03-13 insert person Anne Mini
2024-03-13 insert person Aubree Benson
2024-03-13 insert person Becca Theodorakos
2024-03-13 insert person Briana Robinson
2024-03-13 insert person Caitlyn Tetterton
2024-03-13 insert person Dale Huls
2024-03-13 insert person Dave Pettebone
2024-03-13 insert person David Wood
2024-03-13 insert person Dee Williams
2024-03-13 insert person Elizabeth Berkley
2024-03-13 insert person Elizabeth Dent
2024-03-13 insert person Eric Taylor
2024-03-13 insert person Gerard Moore
2024-03-13 insert person Grant Proposal
2024-03-13 insert person Hany Zaghloul
2024-03-13 insert person Ian Murray
2024-03-13 insert person Irene Sattler
2024-03-13 insert person Jack McGuire
2024-03-13 insert person Jeff Rasic
2024-03-13 insert person Jennifer Beardsley
2024-03-13 insert person Josh Cocke
2024-03-13 insert person Katherine Cleary
2024-03-13 insert person Katherine Durben
2024-03-13 insert person Kathryn Perez
2024-03-13 insert person Kayla Poyner
2024-03-13 insert person Kelly Jensen
2024-03-13 insert person Kim Cox
2024-03-13 insert person Kim Paul
2024-03-13 insert person Laura Kerr
2024-03-13 insert person Laura Stolzenthaler
2024-03-13 insert person Leona Parker
2024-03-13 insert person Mark Grey
2024-03-13 insert person Micaela Young
2024-03-13 insert person Nathan Lemoine
2024-03-13 insert person Nicole Thompson
2024-03-13 insert person Reggie Tiller
2024-03-13 insert person Ruth Holladay
2024-03-13 insert person Ruth Lozano
2024-03-13 insert person Sami Glascott
2024-03-13 insert person Steven Sponaugle
2024-03-13 insert person Thomas Parr
2024-03-13 insert person Tina Boucher
2024-03-13 insert person Tribbie Grimm
2024-03-13 insert person Wendy Loya
2024-03-13 insert person William Kulbitsky
2024-03-13 insert phone (218) 260-0286
2024-03-13 insert phone (703) 787-1077
2024-03-13 insert phone (720) 962-7000
2024-03-13 update person_description Kelly Giraud Cullen => Kelly Giraud
2024-03-13 update person_title Amy Marshall: Grants Management Officer ( Acting ); Grants Management Officer => Grants Management Officer
2024-03-13 update person_title Ben Crosby: Assistant Professor; Department of Geosciences => Professor and Chair, Department of Geosciences
2024-03-13 update person_title Brad Harris: Associate Professor, Marine and Environmental Sciences => Professor, Marine and Environmental Sciences / Director, Fisheries Aquatic Science and Technology ( FAST ) Laboratory
2024-03-13 update person_title Briget Eastep: Director - Outdoor Engagement Center => Director - Outdoor Engagement Center; Director, Center for Public Lands
2024-03-13 update person_title Claudia Regan: null => Director, Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center
2024-03-13 update person_title Erin Williams: National Park Service; Co - Director; Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest CESU / NPS Science Advisor => Co - Director
2024-03-13 update person_title Jacqueline S. Davis: Central Regional Science Coordinator, National Science and Technology Center => Director, Pre Award, Strategy, and Outreach
2024-03-13 update person_title Jennifer Seiter-Moser: Acting Technical Director => Technical Director
2024-03-13 update person_title Lisa Gerloff: Executive; ROMO CESU Executive Coordinator; Coordinator; Director => Executive; Coordinator; Director
2024-03-13 update person_title Liz Galli-Noble: Program Manager, DoD Legacy Resource Management Program => Program Director, DoD Legacy Resource Management Program; Program Manager, DoD Legacy Resource Management Program
2024-03-13 update person_title Matt Sprau: Resource Planning Branch Chief; Department of Defense => Chief, Planning Branch; Department of Defense
2024-03-13 update person_title Michael Liddel: Program Manager => Program Manager; Program Manager / Chief, Commercial Fishery Statistics Branch
2024-03-13 update person_title Peter Fix: DIRECTOR; Chairman, Department of Natural Resources Management => DIRECTOR; Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Environment / Director, Alaska
2024-03-13 update person_title Sallie Hejl: National Park Service; Research Coordinator => National Park Service; Research Coordinator; Acting CESU Research Coordinator
2024-03-13 update person_title Stephanie Ewing: Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences; Assistant Professor => Professor, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences / Director, Montana Water Center
2024-03-13 update person_title Stephen Brown: Vice President for Shorebird Conservation => Vice President, Science
2023-09-23 delete otherexecutives Teresa Bresee
2023-09-23 insert otherexecutives Kathryn Stoner
2023-09-23 insert personal_emails er..@utahtech.edu
2023-09-23 insert personal_emails ro..@nau.edu
2023-09-23 delete email le..@arizona.edu
2023-09-23 delete email mw..@blm.gov
2023-09-23 delete email ob..@dixie.edu
2023-09-23 delete email pn..@u.washington.edu
2023-09-23 delete email rb..@blm.gov
2023-09-23 delete email ye..@nau.edu
2023-09-23 delete partner Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center
2023-09-23 delete person Rachelle Bruse
2023-09-23 delete person Teresa Bresee
2023-09-23 insert address 2505 E. J. Chapman Drive University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, TN 37996
2023-09-23 insert email ar..@blm.gov
2023-09-23 insert email er..@utahtech.edu
2023-09-23 insert email ks..@arizona.edu
2023-09-23 insert email ro..@nau.edu
2023-09-23 insert email sm..@blm.gov
2023-09-23 insert partner The Jones Center at Ichauway
2023-09-23 insert person Aaron Roe
2023-09-23 insert person Roger Haro
2023-09-23 insert person Stephanie McBride
2023-09-23 update person_description Kathryn Stoner => Kathryn Stoner
2023-09-23 update person_description Willem van Leeuwen => Willem van Leeuwen
2023-09-23 update person_title Erin O'Brien: Department of Biological Sciences => Biological Sciences Department
2023-09-23 update person_title Josh Baker: DIRECTOR; Professor and Associate Vice President for Research / Division of Research and Innovation / University of Nevada => DIRECTOR; Professor and Associate Vice President for Research / Division of Research and Innovation / University of Nevada; Professor and Associate Vice President for Research
2023-09-23 update person_title Kathryn Stoner: Professor and Department Head / Fishery and Wildlife => DIRECTOR; Professor and Department Head / Fishery and Wildlife; Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment / the University of Arizona; Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
2023-09-23 update person_title Willem van Leeuwen: Interim Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment / the University of Arizona; Interim Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment => Interim Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
2023-08-21 insert personal_emails na..@nau.edu
2023-08-21 insert personal_emails su..@mobot.org
2023-08-21 insert president Geoffrey Levin
2023-08-21 insert email gf..@mobot.org
2023-08-21 insert email le..@illinois.edu
2023-08-21 insert email na..@nau.edu
2023-08-21 insert email su..@mobot.org
2023-08-21 insert person Geoffrey Levin
2023-08-21 insert person Gunter Fischer
2023-08-21 insert person Nancy Morin
2023-08-21 insert person Susan Winkler
2023-07-17 delete otherexecutives Ellen Shaw
2023-07-17 delete personal_emails al..@bia.gov
2023-07-17 delete personal_emails el..@usda.gov
2023-07-17 delete personal_emails ma..@tamucc.edu
2023-07-17 delete personal_emails pa..@tamucc.edu
2023-07-17 delete personal_emails ra..@bia.gov
2023-07-17 delete president James Valentine
2023-07-17 insert otherexecutives Gary Barrett
2023-07-17 insert otherexecutives Josh Baker
2023-07-17 insert personal_emails ga..@agfc.ar.gov
2023-07-17 insert personal_emails jo..@bia.gov
2023-07-17 insert personal_emails lo..@tamucc.edu
2023-07-17 insert personal_emails sa..@usda.gov
2023-07-17 insert personal_emails va..@usda.gov
2023-07-17 delete email al..@bia.gov
2023-07-17 delete email bb..@uttyler.edu
2023-07-17 delete email el..@usda.gov
2023-07-17 delete email jd..@iastate.edu
2023-07-17 delete email ma..@mail.mil
2023-07-17 delete email ma..@tamucc.edu
2023-07-17 delete email pa..@tamucc.edu
2023-07-17 delete email qu..@earthlink.net
2023-07-17 delete email ra..@bia.gov
2023-07-17 delete fax (775) 784-1712
2023-07-17 delete person Alyssa Samoy
2023-07-17 delete person BIA Tribal Resilience
2023-07-17 delete person Blake Bextine
2023-07-17 delete person Ellen Shaw
2023-07-17 delete person James Valentine
2023-07-17 delete person John Lawrence
2023-07-17 delete person Mayra Hough
2023-07-17 delete person Paul Zimba
2023-07-17 delete phone (202) 205-8336
2023-07-17 delete phone (202) 494-0907
2023-07-17 delete phone (775) 327-2363
2023-07-17 insert email co..@iastate.edu
2023-07-17 insert email ga..@agfc.ar.gov
2023-07-17 insert email ga..@usda.gov
2023-07-17 insert email je..@unr.edu
2023-07-17 insert email jo..@bia.gov
2023-07-17 insert email ki..@tamucc.edu
2023-07-17 insert email lo..@tamucc.edu
2023-07-17 insert email lw..@uttyler.edu
2023-07-17 insert email ma..@army.mil
2023-07-17 insert email sa..@usda.gov
2023-07-17 insert email va..@usda.gov
2023-07-17 insert person Garrick Dugger
2023-07-17 insert person Gary Barrett
2023-07-17 insert person John Mosley
2023-07-17 insert person Josh Baker
2023-07-17 insert person Kimberly Hawkenson
2023-07-17 insert person Lance Williams
2023-07-17 insert person Loretta Battaglia
2023-07-17 insert person Sarah Sawyer
2023-07-17 insert person Stephen Dinsmore
2023-07-17 insert person Valerie Hipkins
2023-07-17 insert phone (202) 390-1292
2023-07-17 insert phone (413) 685-5897
2023-07-17 insert phone (707) 980-8651
2023-07-17 insert phone (775) 784-4103
2023-07-17 insert phone (916) 978-6053
2023-05-04 delete personal_emails he..@boem.gov
2023-05-04 insert personal_emails je..@walkerbasin.org
2023-05-04 insert personal_emails jo..@bsee.gov
2023-05-04 delete email he..@boem.gov
2023-05-04 delete email ka..@fws.gov
2023-05-04 delete email kl..@unl.edu
2023-05-04 delete email rg..@blm.gov
2023-05-04 delete person Heather Crowley
2023-05-04 delete person Karen Murphy
2023-05-04 delete person Kirsten Licht
2023-05-04 delete person Randy Goodwin
2023-05-04 insert email bb..@unl.edu
2023-05-04 insert email je..@walkerbasin.org
2023-05-04 insert email ji..@bsee.gov
2023-05-04 insert email jo..@bsee.gov
2023-05-04 insert person Barb Biffle
2023-05-04 insert person Jessica Abbott
2023-05-04 insert person Jill Head
2023-05-04 insert person John Bain
2023-05-04 insert phone (703) 787-1587
2023-05-04 insert phone (805) 586-5011
2023-04-02 insert otherexecutives Stanton Enomoto
2023-04-02 delete email gh..@usgs.gov
2023-04-02 delete email jc..@utk.edu
2023-04-02 delete email jk..@usgs.gov
2023-04-02 delete email mw..@purdue.edu
2023-04-02 delete email re..@utoledo.edu
2023-04-02 delete email sm..@usgs.gov
2023-04-02 delete email wj..@usgs.gov
2023-04-02 delete email za..@usgs.gov
2023-04-02 delete person Brenda McKinley
2023-04-02 delete person Grant Hilderbrand
2023-04-02 delete person Jeff Kershner
2023-04-02 delete person Mark Pearson
2023-04-02 delete person Scott Morlock
2023-04-02 insert email bo..@usgs.gov
2023-04-02 insert email jc..@usgs.gov
2023-04-02 insert email jl..@usgs.gov
2023-04-02 insert email js..@bsu.edu
2023-04-02 insert email kc..@bsu.edu
2023-04-02 insert email ki..@utoledo.edu
2023-04-02 insert email sa..@purdue.edu
2023-04-02 insert email st..@ios.doi.gov
2023-04-02 insert partner DOI Office of Native Hawaiian Relations
2023-04-02 insert person Jennifer Lacey
2023-04-02 insert person Ken Sandel
2023-04-02 insert person Kevin Nolan
2023-04-02 insert person Kimberly Thorn
2023-04-02 insert person Stanton Enomoto
2023-04-02 insert phone (808) 264-4960
2023-04-02 update person_title Brent Sigafus: null => Biologist and Safety Program Director / Southwest Biological Science Center
2023-04-02 update person_title Charles Drost: null => Research Zoologist / Southwest Biological Science Center
2023-04-02 update person_title Howard Ginsberg: Ecologist, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center / USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center => Scientist Emeritus / Eastern Ecological Science Center
2023-04-02 update person_title Joseph Clark: null => Supervisory Research Ecologist
2023-04-02 update person_title Sue Phillips: Arid Lands Research Manager => Center Director / Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center
2023-04-02 update person_title Thomas Doyle: Wetland and Aquatic Research Center => Scientist Emeritus / Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
2023-04-02 update person_title Zack Bowen: null => Landscape Program Coordinator / Fort Collins Science Center
2023-03-01 delete personal_emails mo..@usda.gov
2023-03-01 insert otherexecutives David Auty
2023-03-01 insert otherexecutives Elin Torell
2023-03-01 insert otherexecutives Lisa Gerloff
2023-03-01 insert otherexecutives Tina Palmer
2023-03-01 insert personal_emails al..@bia.gov
2023-03-01 insert personal_emails da..@nau.edu
2023-03-01 delete address 302 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211
2023-03-01 delete address Northern Arizona University PO Box 15018 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5018
2023-03-01 delete address University of Rhode Island Coastal Institute Narragansett, RI 02882
2023-03-01 delete email b...@csuohio.edu
2023-03-01 delete email cr..@bia.gov
2023-03-01 delete email ds..@hamline.edu
2023-03-01 delete email jb..@usgs.gov
2023-03-01 delete email jw..@usbr.gov
2023-03-01 delete email ki..@usda.gov
2023-03-01 delete email km..@semo.edu
2023-03-01 delete email l...@csuohio.edu
2023-03-01 delete email mo..@usda.gov
2023-03-01 delete fax (703) 648-4238
2023-03-01 delete fax 401-874-6869
2023-03-01 delete person Amber Grupe
2023-03-01 delete person Crystal Keys
2023-03-01 delete person David Stern
2023-03-01 delete person John Whitler
2023-03-01 delete person Joseph Bunnell
2023-03-01 delete person Kathy Mangels
2023-03-01 delete person Leo Jeffres
2023-03-01 delete person Mike Walton
2023-03-01 delete person Monica Schwalbach
2023-03-01 delete phone (303) 445-2241
2023-03-01 delete phone (405) 406-8719
2023-03-01 delete phone (703) 648-6497
2023-03-01 delete phone (928) 523-6643523-5894
2023-03-01 delete phone 401-874-6513
2023-03-01 insert address 200 E Pine Knoll Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5018
2023-03-01 insert address 334 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211
2023-03-01 insert address School of Forestry Northern Arizona University PO Box 15018
2023-03-01 insert address University of Rhode Island Narragansett Bay Campus Narragansett, RI 02882
2023-03-01 insert email al..@bia.gov
2023-03-01 insert email bs..@semo.edu
2023-03-01 insert email da..@nau.edu
2023-03-01 insert email el..@uri.edu
2023-03-01 insert email kn..@usbr.gov
2023-03-01 insert email tp..@usgs.gov
2023-03-01 insert person Alyssa Samoy
2023-03-01 insert person Brad Sheriff
2023-03-01 insert person David Auty
2023-03-01 insert person Elin Torell
2023-03-01 insert person Ken Nowak
2023-03-01 insert person Megan Guerber
2023-03-01 insert person Tina Palmer
2023-03-01 insert phone (202) 494-0907
2023-03-01 insert phone (303) 445-2197
2023-03-01 insert phone (401) 874-6103
2023-03-01 insert phone (916) 591-6779
2023-03-01 insert phone (928) 523-6680
2023-03-01 update person_title Brandon Gerig: Research Coordinator, Great Rivers Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit; National Park Service; Co - Director => National Park Service; Co - Director; Research Coordinator
2023-03-01 update person_title Kim Parks: Lead Grants Management Specialist / Southern Research; Grants and Agreements Specialist / Southern Research => Lead Grants Management Specialist / Southern Research
2023-03-01 update person_title Lisa Gerloff: ROMO CESU Executive Coordinator; Coordinator => Executive; ROMO CESU Executive Coordinator; Coordinator; Director
2023-03-01 update person_title Tracy Fredin: null => Director, Center for Global Environmental Education
2023-01-29 insert personal_emails br..@usda.gov
2023-01-29 delete email cb..@kent.edu
2023-01-29 delete person Christopher Blackwood
2023-01-29 insert email br..@usda.gov
2023-01-29 insert email cb..@kent.edu
2023-01-29 insert email tr..@usda.gov
2023-01-29 insert person Brenda Frenzel
2023-01-29 insert person Christie Bahlai
2023-01-29 insert person Tracy Grazia
2023-01-29 update person_title Douglas Delahanty: Interim Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs => Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs
2023-01-29 update person_title Elizabeth Larry: Assistant Director for Research => Assistant Director for Research / Northern Research
2023-01-29 update person_title Jerry Elian: Grants Management Specialist => Grants Management Specialist; Grants Management Specialist / Northern Research
2022-12-28 delete otherexecutives Tim Wagoner
2022-12-28 insert otherexecutives Heidi Hansen
2022-12-28 insert personal_emails el..@cortland.edu
2022-12-28 insert personal_emails ke..@nau.edu
2022-12-28 insert personal_emails li..@cortland.edu
2022-12-28 insert personal_emails ma..@cortland.edu
2022-12-28 insert personal_emails wi..@oswego.edu
2022-12-28 delete email tp..@usbr.gov
2022-12-28 delete person Tim Wagoner
2022-12-28 insert email aj..@savethebuzztails.org
2022-12-28 insert email br..@scienceforourcoast.org
2022-12-28 insert email el..@cortland.edu
2022-12-28 insert email er..@oswego.edu
2022-12-28 insert email he..@usbr.gov
2022-12-28 insert email ke..@nau.edu
2022-12-28 insert email li..@cortland.edu
2022-12-28 insert email ma..@cortland.edu
2022-12-28 insert email wi..@oswego.edu
2022-12-28 insert person Alec Jarboe
2022-12-28 insert person Andrea Davalos
2022-12-28 insert person Brady Skaggs
2022-12-28 insert person Elizabeth Speziale
2022-12-28 insert person Eric Hellquist
2022-12-28 insert person Heidi Hansen
2022-12-28 insert person Kerwin Lawrence
2022-12-28 insert person Li Jin
2022-12-28 insert person William Bowers
2022-12-28 update person_title Kristen Nelson: Department Head and Professor, Department of Forest Resources / Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest; Co - Director => Department Head and Professor, Department of Forest Resources / Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest; Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Co - Director
2022-12-28 update person_title Laura Merkl: null => Director of Scholarship, Research and Sponsored Programs
2022-12-28 update person_title Michael Kilgore: Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food => Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food
2022-11-26 delete otherexecutives Lisa Gerloff
2022-11-26 delete otherexecutives Patrick Market
2022-11-26 insert otherexecutives Allison Pease
2022-11-26 insert otherexecutives Brandon Gerig
2022-11-26 insert otherexecutives Dan Filer
2022-11-26 insert otherexecutives Matt Fitzpatrick
2022-11-26 delete email bs..@semo.edu
2022-11-26 delete email ll..@alcorn.edu
2022-11-26 delete email nm..@berkeley.edu
2022-11-26 delete email no..@nps.gov
2022-11-26 delete email ta..@nps.gov
2022-11-26 delete person Ben Findlay
2022-11-26 delete person Brad Sheriff
2022-11-26 delete person LaShunda Anderson Hodges
2022-11-26 delete person Nicholas Mills
2022-11-26 delete person Tanya Shenk
2022-11-26 delete phone (202) 219-1652
2022-11-26 delete phone (573) 882-1496
2022-11-26 insert email ag..@alcorn.edu
2022-11-26 insert email ba..@berkeley.edu
2022-11-26 insert email br..@nps.gov
2022-11-26 insert email da..@nps.gov
2022-11-26 insert email jo..@nps.gov
2022-11-26 insert email ke..@alcorn.edu
2022-11-26 insert email km..@semo.edu
2022-11-26 insert email pe..@missouri.edu
2022-11-26 insert person Alfred Galtney
2022-11-26 insert person Allison Pease
2022-11-26 insert person Amber Grupe
2022-11-26 insert person Brandon Gerig
2022-11-26 insert person Dan Filer
2022-11-26 insert person Dennis Baldocchi
2022-11-26 insert person John Bechtold
2022-11-26 insert person Kathy Mangels
2022-11-26 insert person Keerthi Mandyam
2022-11-26 insert phone (405) 406-8719
2022-11-26 insert phone (573) 882-2160
2022-11-26 update person_title Crystal Keys: Acting Climate Resilience Coordinator => Acting Climate Resilience Coordinator; Acting BIA Tribal Resilience Coordinator; Acting Tribal Resilience Coordinator / Bureau of Indian Affairs
2022-11-26 update person_title Lisa Gerloff: Executive; Coordinator; Director => ROMO CESU Executive Coordinator; Coordinator
2022-11-26 update person_title Matt Fitzpatrick: null => Co - Director
2022-11-26 update person_title Patrick Market: DIRECTOR; Co - Director; Professor and Interim Director / School of Natural Resources => Professor and Interim Director / School of Natural Resources
2022-11-26 update person_title Rachael Novak: Tribal Resilience Coordinator / Bureau of Indian Affairs; BIA Tribal Resilience Coordinator => BIA Tribal Resilience Coordinator
2022-09-23 delete otherexecutives Michael Kilgore
2022-09-23 delete personal_emails ma..@nau.edu
2022-09-23 insert cfo Paul Rafac
2022-09-23 insert otherexecutives Jo Ann Metcalfe
2022-09-23 insert otherexecutives Kristen Nelson
2022-09-23 delete email am..@chicagobotanic.org
2022-09-23 delete email jd..@usf.edu
2022-09-23 delete email ki..@fws.gov
2022-09-23 delete email kp..@southalabama.edu
2022-09-23 delete email ma..@nau.edu
2022-09-23 delete email mb..@nmu.edu
2022-09-23 delete email wm..@kent.edu
2022-09-23 delete person Anya Maziak
2022-09-23 delete person Chrostopher Churchill
2022-09-23 delete person Jeffrey Du Vernay
2022-09-23 delete person Kim Webb
2022-09-23 delete person Matthew Wint
2022-09-23 delete person Michael Broadway
2022-09-23 delete person W. Grant McGimpsey
2022-09-23 delete phone (612) 624-3098
2022-09-23 insert address University of Minnesota 115 Green Hall 1530 Cleveland Avenue North St. Paul, MN 55108
2022-09-23 insert email cr..@bia.gov
2022-09-23 insert email dd..@kent.edu
2022-09-23 insert email jb..@glc.org
2022-09-23 insert email km..@chicagobotanic.org
2022-09-23 insert email lc..@usf.edu
2022-09-23 insert email ne..@umn.edu
2022-09-23 insert email pc..@southalabama.edu
2022-09-23 insert email pg..@blm.gov
2022-09-23 insert email pr..@chicagobotanic.org
2022-09-23 insert email sa..@nau.edu
2022-09-23 insert email si..@usf.edu
2022-09-23 insert email sp..@uvm.edu
2022-09-23 insert email ts..@nmu.edu
2022-09-23 insert partner Chesapeake Conservancy
2022-09-23 insert partner Citadel, The
2022-09-23 insert partner College of William and Mary, The
2022-09-23 insert partner Ember Alliance, The
2022-09-23 insert partner Georgetown University
2022-09-23 insert partner Immaculata University
2022-09-23 insert partner Marymount University
2022-09-23 insert partner National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers
2022-09-23 insert partner U.S. Naval Academy
2022-09-23 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi Community College
2022-09-23 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Honolulu Community College
2022-09-23 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Kapiʻolani Community College
2022-09-23 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Kauaʻi Community College
2022-09-23 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Leeward Community College
2022-09-23 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Maui College
2022-09-23 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Windward Community College
2022-09-23 insert partner Utah Tech University
2022-09-23 insert partner Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
2022-09-23 insert partner Wildlife Restoration Foundation
2022-09-23 insert person Christopher Churchill
2022-09-23 insert person Crystal Keys
2022-09-23 insert person Douglas Delahanty
2022-09-23 insert person Joe Bertram
2022-09-23 insert person Keri May
2022-09-23 insert person Kristen Nelson
2022-09-23 insert person Lana Metayer
2022-09-23 insert person Lori Collins
2022-09-23 insert person Patricia Glass
2022-09-23 insert person Paul Rafac
2022-09-23 insert person Philip Carr
2022-09-23 insert person Sanoma Boynton
2022-09-23 insert person Silvia Alvarez
2022-09-23 insert person Tesse Sayen
2022-09-23 insert phone (612) 624-1277
2022-09-23 update person_title Cesar Cadena Blanco: Chief, CVPIA Project Implementation Division => Program Coordinator
2022-09-23 update person_title Christopher Blackwood: null => Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
2022-09-23 update person_title Dr. Gregory M. Mueller: Vice President of Science and Academic Programs => Chief Scientist and Negaunee Vice President of Science
2022-09-23 update person_title Jo Ann Metcalfe: Grants Management Specialist => Grants Management Specialist; Grants Officer
2022-09-23 update person_title Michael Kilgore: Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Co - Director; Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest; Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Department Head and Professor / Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest => Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Department Head and Professor / Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest
2022-09-23 update person_title Sonya Stern: Director, Sponsored Project Administration; Director of Sponsored Projects => Director, Sponsored Project Administration
2022-08-21 delete otherexecutives Carianne Campbell
2022-08-21 delete personal_emails as..@colostate.edu
2022-08-21 delete personal_emails ka..@enmu.edu
2022-08-21 delete personal_emails na..@erau.edu
2022-08-21 insert ceo Katrina Hoffman
2022-08-21 insert otherexecutives Emily Burns
2022-08-21 insert otherexecutives Kelley Uyeoka
2022-08-21 insert otherexecutives Kimberlie McCue
2022-08-21 insert otherexecutives Paige Kleindl
2022-08-21 insert president Katrina Hoffman
2022-08-21 delete email ai..@oah.org
2022-08-21 delete email as..@colostate.edu
2022-08-21 delete email aw..@blm.gov
2022-08-21 delete email bg..@unl.edu
2022-08-21 delete email ca..@skyislandalliance.org
2022-08-21 delete email ca..@colostate.edu
2022-08-21 delete email cl..@coloradomesa.edu
2022-08-21 delete email da..@erau.edu
2022-08-21 delete email el..@blm.gov
2022-08-21 delete email ew..@austin.utexas.edu
2022-08-21 delete email gr..@ucf.edu
2022-08-21 delete email jc..@mail.ucf.edu
2022-08-21 delete email je..@nasa.gov
2022-08-21 delete email ka..@enmu.edu
2022-08-21 delete email kb..@dbg.org
2022-08-21 delete email km..@semo.edu
2022-08-21 delete email na..@erau.edu
2022-08-21 delete email ro..@nps.gov
2022-08-21 delete email sk..@austin.utexas.edu
2022-08-21 delete person Aaron Wilkerson
2022-08-21 delete person Aiden Smith
2022-08-21 delete person Ashley Stahle
2022-08-21 delete person Brittany Grove
2022-08-21 delete person Carianne Campbell
2022-08-21 delete person Carmen Morales
2022-08-21 delete person Cindy Lueb
2022-08-21 delete person Clinton McClure
2022-08-21 delete person Elizabeth Love
2022-08-21 delete person Eric William James
2022-08-21 delete person Jenette Gordon
2022-08-21 delete person Josey Combs
2022-08-21 delete person Kara Barron
2022-08-21 delete person Kathy Durand
2022-08-21 delete person Kathy Mangels
2022-08-21 delete person Polly Knutson
2022-08-21 delete person Rose McClelland
2022-08-21 delete person Stephen Richardson
2022-08-21 delete person Steven Daniel
2022-08-21 insert address Natural Resources Institute Texas A&M AgriLife Research College Station, TX 77843
2022-08-21 insert email bs..@semo.edu
2022-08-21 insert email da..@usda.gov
2022-08-21 insert email em..@skyislandalliance.org
2022-08-21 insert email gu..@erau.edu
2022-08-21 insert email he..@enmu.edu
2022-08-21 insert email jl..@blm.gov
2022-08-21 insert email jm..@ufl.edu
2022-08-21 insert email ke..@huliauapaa.org
2022-08-21 insert email ke..@colostate.edu
2022-08-21 insert email kh..@pwssc.org
2022-08-21 insert email ki..@usda.gov
2022-08-21 insert email kl..@unl.edu
2022-08-21 insert email km..@dbg.org
2022-08-21 insert email ma..@erau.edu
2022-08-21 insert email ma..@nps.gov
2022-08-21 insert email mo..@jsg.utexas.edu
2022-08-21 insert email os..@coloradomesa.edu
2022-08-21 insert email pk..@fiu.edu
2022-08-21 insert email pz..@oah.org
2022-08-21 insert email sk..@hopi.nsn.us
2022-08-21 insert email tm..@blm.gov
2022-08-21 insert email zh..@auburn.edu
2022-08-21 insert person Arch Harner
2022-08-21 insert person Brad Sheriff
2022-08-21 insert person Courtney Frazier Swaney
2022-08-21 insert person Dana Roth
2022-08-21 insert person Daowei Zhang
2022-08-21 insert person David Mohrig
2022-08-21 insert person Emily Burns
2022-08-21 insert person Heather Smith
2022-08-21 insert person Jayde Krauth
2022-08-21 insert person John Davis
2022-08-21 insert person Judy Perkins
2022-08-21 insert person Katrina Hoffman
2022-08-21 insert person Kelley Uyeoka
2022-08-21 insert person Kellie Reifstenzel
2022-08-21 insert person Kimberlie McCue
2022-08-21 insert person Kirsten Licht
2022-08-21 insert person Matt Hampsey
2022-08-21 insert person Nickolas D. "Dan" Macchiarella
2022-08-21 insert person Paige Kleindl
2022-08-21 insert person Paul Zwirecki
2022-08-21 insert person Sarah Martonick
2022-08-21 insert person Stewart Koyiyumptewa
2022-08-21 insert person Thelma Mosley
2022-08-21 update person_title Kim Parks: Grants and Agreements Specialist / Southern Research => Lead Grants Management Specialist / Southern Research; Grants and Agreements Specialist / Southern Research
2022-08-21 update person_title Nanette Guzman: Director, Grants and Contracts => Director, Office of Sponsored Research Administration
2022-08-21 update person_title Nate Nibbelink: DIRECTOR; Associate Dean for Research / Professor, Spatial Ecology and Geographic Information Science => DIRECTOR; Associate Dean, Research and Professor, Spatial Ecology and GIS; Associate Dean for Research / Professor, Spatial Ecology and Geographic Information Science
2022-08-21 update person_title Stephanie Gray: Assistant Vice President for Research => Assistant Vice President and Director, Division of Sponsored Programs; Assistant Vice President for Research
2022-06-20 delete otherexecutives Mark Fox
2022-06-20 insert otherexecutives Anthony Ching
2022-06-20 insert otherexecutives Scott Black
2022-06-20 insert personal_emails an..@tnc.org
2022-06-20 delete email hn..@abcbirds.org
2022-06-20 delete email mf..@tnc.org
2022-06-20 delete person Hannah Nevins
2022-06-20 delete person Mark Fox
2022-06-20 insert email an..@tnc.org
2022-06-20 insert email ma..@xerces.org
2022-06-20 insert email sc..@xerces.org
2022-06-20 insert email ul..@tnc.org
2022-06-20 insert person Anthony Ching
2022-06-20 insert person Mace Vaughan
2022-06-20 insert person Scott Black
2022-05-20 delete otherexecutives Ronald Harris
2022-05-20 delete personal_emails ca..@boem.gov
2022-05-20 delete personal_emails jo..@boem.gov
2022-05-20 delete personal_emails ro..@usda.gov
2022-05-20 insert otherexecutives Katie Blount
2022-05-20 insert otherexecutives Raymond Sauvajot
2022-05-20 insert otherexecutives Robert Benson
2022-05-20 insert personal_emails da..@usda.gov
2022-05-20 insert personal_emails he..@boem.gov
2022-05-20 insert personal_emails je..@boem.gov
2022-05-20 insert personal_emails mi..@jsums.edu
2022-05-20 insert personal_emails ro..@jsums.edu
2022-05-20 insert vp Scot Williamson
2022-05-20 delete email ca..@boem.gov
2022-05-20 delete email ch..@fws.gov
2022-05-20 delete email da..@yahoo.com
2022-05-20 delete email do..@nasa.gov
2022-05-20 delete email do..@rocketmail.com
2022-05-20 delete email jo..@boem.gov
2022-05-20 delete email jt..@uog.edu
2022-05-20 delete email ld..@alaska.edu
2022-05-20 delete email lo..@nps.gov
2022-05-20 delete email me..@grc.nasa.gov
2022-05-20 delete email mw..@usgs.gov
2022-05-20 delete email ro..@usda.gov
2022-05-20 delete email rs..@purdue.edu
2022-05-20 delete email ru..@berkeley.edu
2022-05-20 delete email st..@fws.gov
2022-05-20 delete person Catherine Coon
2022-05-20 delete person Daniel Aga
2022-05-20 delete person Don Vargo
2022-05-20 delete person Donald Easterling
2022-05-20 delete person Janet T. Dirige
2022-05-20 delete person John H. Glenn
2022-05-20 delete person Jonathan Lilley
2022-05-20 delete person Larry Hinzman
2022-05-20 delete person Lois Dalle-Molle
2022-05-20 delete person Mark Wiltermuth
2022-05-20 delete person Melissa Merrill
2022-05-20 delete person Robert Swihart
2022-05-20 delete person Ronald Harris
2022-05-20 delete person Stephen Miller
2022-05-20 delete phone (202) 208-3843
2022-05-20 delete phone (202) 720-6646
2022-05-20 delete phone (301) 875-8937
2022-05-20 delete phone (703) 787-1049
2022-05-20 insert email aa..@gmail.com
2022-05-20 insert email cc..@usgs.gov
2022-05-20 insert email da..@usda.gov
2022-05-20 insert email gr..@fws.gov
2022-05-20 insert email he..@boem.gov
2022-05-20 insert email je..@boem.gov
2022-05-20 insert email jh..@tucsonaudubon.org
2022-05-20 insert email kb..@mdah.ms.gov
2022-05-20 insert email ma..@nps.gov
2022-05-20 insert email ma..@earthlink.net
2022-05-20 insert email mb..@blm.gov
2022-05-20 insert email mi..@jsums.edu
2022-05-20 insert email na..@berkeley.edu
2022-05-20 insert email pe..@triton.uog.edu
2022-05-20 insert email rb..@mdah.ms.gov
2022-05-20 insert email ro..@jsums.edu
2022-05-20 insert email rw..@purdue.edu
2022-05-20 insert email sw..@wildlifemgt.org
2022-05-20 insert email te..@alaska.edu
2022-05-20 insert email we..@usda.gov
2022-05-20 insert person Chrostopher Churchill
2022-05-20 insert person Craig Colten
2022-05-20 insert person David Lindbo
2022-05-20 insert person Dr. Pamela Peralta
2022-05-20 insert person Gregory Koob
2022-05-20 insert person Heather Crowley
2022-05-20 insert person Jennifer Ewald
2022-05-20 insert person John Russin
2022-05-20 insert person Jonathan Horst
2022-05-20 insert person Katie Blount
2022-05-20 insert person Magaret McKluskie
2022-05-20 insert person Melanie Beckstead
2022-05-20 insert person Michael Gates
2022-05-20 insert person Nalui Garcia
2022-05-20 insert person Robert Benson
2022-05-20 insert person Robert Luckett
2022-05-20 insert person Robert Wagner
2022-05-20 insert person Scot Williamson
2022-05-20 insert phone (202) 251-3518
2022-05-20 insert phone (202) 578-6504
2022-05-20 insert phone (202) 720-7848
2022-05-20 insert phone (301) 504-0303
2022-05-20 insert phone (571) 294-8780
2022-05-20 update person_title Jerica B. Santos: Program Coordinator, Research and Sponsored Programs => Program Coordinator
2022-05-20 update person_title Noël Ann Miller: Lead Grants Management Specialist; Grants Management Specialist; Grants Management Lead => Lead Grants Management Specialist; Grants Management Specialist
2022-05-20 update person_title Raymond Sauvajot: Deputy Associate Director => Associate Director
2021-12-13 insert office_emails mi..@si.edu
2021-12-13 delete email bf..@usbr.gov
2021-12-13 delete email de..@fws.gov
2021-12-13 delete email ll..@citadel.edu
2021-12-13 delete email mi..@wsu.edu
2021-12-13 delete person Bud Fazio
2021-12-13 delete person Darlene Rae Miller
2021-12-13 delete person Deanna Spooner
2021-12-13 delete person Lok C. Lew Yan Voon
2021-12-13 insert email ay..@wsu.edu
2021-12-13 insert email ja..@fws.gov
2021-12-13 insert email jg..@usbr.gov
2021-12-13 insert email mi..@si.edu
2021-12-13 insert email ot..@si.edu
2021-12-13 insert person Amanda Yager
2021-12-13 insert person James Unsworth
2021-12-13 insert person Jason Gibbons
2021-12-13 insert person Karen Otiji
2021-12-13 insert person Scott Miller
2021-12-13 update person_title Debbie Danford: Program Manager / Co - Director, Gulf Coast; Director; Grants Manager / Natural Resources Institute => Program Manager / Co - Director, Gulf Coast; Co - Director; Grants Manager / Natural Resources Institute; Director
2021-12-13 update person_title Rhonda Schwinabart: Director => Coordinator; Director
2021-12-13 update person_title Roel Lopez: Director => Co - Director; Director
2021-08-18 delete otherexecutives Eric Davidson
2021-08-18 delete otherexecutives Kristine Bellmore
2021-08-18 delete personal_emails kr..@nau.edu
2021-08-18 insert otherexecutives Matt Fitzpatrick
2021-08-18 insert otherexecutives Matthew Wint
2021-08-18 insert otherexecutives Yeon-Su Kim
2021-08-18 insert personal_emails ma..@nau.edu
2021-08-18 delete address Colorado Plateau CESU Northern Arizona University PO Box 15018
2021-08-18 delete address PO Box 15018 Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5765
2021-08-18 delete email ed..@al.umces.edu
2021-08-18 delete email kr..@nau.edu
2021-08-18 delete email lr..@ncf.edu
2021-08-18 delete person Eric Davidson
2021-08-18 delete person Kristine Bellmore
2021-08-18 delete person Lee Ann Rodriguez
2021-08-18 delete phone (928) 523-5894
2021-08-18 delete phone (928) 523-8777
2021-08-18 insert address Northern Arizona University PO Box 5640 Flagstaff, AZ 86011
2021-08-18 insert email ju..@ncf.edu
2021-08-18 insert email ma..@nau.edu
2021-08-18 insert email mf..@umces.edu
2021-08-18 insert email ye..@nau.edu
2021-08-18 insert person Matt Fitzpatrick
2021-08-18 insert person Matthew Wint
2021-08-18 insert person Yeon-Su Kim
2021-08-18 insert phone (928) 523-6643523-5894
2021-08-18 update person_title James Allen: Professor and Executive Director / School of Forestry / College of the Environment; DIRECTOR; Executive Director, School of Forestry => Executive Director, School of Forestry
2021-08-18 update person_title Rhonda Schwinabart: Coordinator; Director => Director
2021-07-17 insert email mf..@comcast.net
2021-07-17 insert person Maureen Finnerty
2021-06-14 delete managingdirector Amy Cook
2021-06-14 delete otherexecutives Andrea Deaton
2021-06-14 delete otherexecutives Linda LaGrange
2021-06-14 delete otherexecutives Valrey Kettner
2021-06-14 delete personal_emails ci..@sdstate.edu
2021-06-14 delete personal_emails da..@ttu.edu
2021-06-14 delete personal_emails jo..@uwex.edu
2021-06-14 delete personal_emails ke..@ces.uwex.edu
2021-06-14 delete personal_emails lo..@okstate.edu
2021-06-14 delete personal_emails ma..@usd.edu
2021-06-14 delete personal_emails ro..@ndsu.nodak.edu
2021-06-14 delete personal_emails va..@ndsu.edu
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives Amy Cook
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives Amy Scottr
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives Bruce Grogan
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives David Doty
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives Lori Gwyn
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives Madison Gray
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives Michael Sadler
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives Paula Mathers
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives Ralph Davis
2021-06-14 insert otherexecutives Tim Cowman
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails as..@colostate.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails ch..@ttu.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails da..@usd.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails da..@unl.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails ed..@ndsu.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails er..@swosu.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails lo..@swosu.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails mi..@sdstate.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails ni..@csupueblo.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails ot..@wnmu.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails ra..@sdsmt.edu
2021-06-14 insert personal_emails wi..@bhsu.edu
2021-06-14 delete email ad..@ou.edu
2021-06-14 delete email al..@fws.gov
2021-06-14 delete email ba..@email.und.edu
2021-06-14 delete email ca..@research.colostate.edu
2021-06-14 delete email ci..@sdstate.edu
2021-06-14 delete email da..@ttu.edu
2021-06-14 delete email dy..@uwyo.edu
2021-06-14 delete email fw..@fws.gov
2021-06-14 delete email ga..@fws.gov
2021-06-14 delete email ja..@sdsmt.edu
2021-06-14 delete email je..@fws.gov
2021-06-14 delete email jo..@uwex.edu
2021-06-14 delete email jw..@unl.edu
2021-06-14 delete email ke..@ces.uwex.edu
2021-06-14 delete email kf..@unmc.edu
2021-06-14 delete email la..@nmhu.edu
2021-06-14 delete email lo..@okstate.edu
2021-06-14 delete email lp..@unl.edu
2021-06-14 delete email ma..@usd.edu
2021-06-14 delete email ne..@sdstate.edu
2021-06-14 delete email os..@uwyo.edu
2021-06-14 delete email pa..@fws.gov
2021-06-14 delete email pl..@ksu.edu
2021-06-14 delete email pm..@tamu.edu
2021-06-14 delete email ri..@fws.gov
2021-06-14 delete email ro..@ndsu.nodak.edu
2021-06-14 delete email rt..@unmc.edu
2021-06-14 delete email sd..@emporia.edu
2021-06-14 delete email st..@fws.gov
2021-06-14 delete email va..@ndsu.edu
2021-06-14 delete person Alice Garrett
2021-06-14 delete person Andrea Deaton
2021-06-14 delete person Barry Milavetz
2021-06-14 delete person Cindy Steen
2021-06-14 delete person Dorothy Yates
2021-06-14 delete person Gary Dupuis
2021-06-14 delete person Jan Puszynski
2021-06-14 delete person Jean Lee
2021-06-14 delete person Jeanne Wicks
2021-06-14 delete person Jordon Ott
2021-06-14 delete person Keith Hansen
2021-06-14 delete person Larkin Powell
2021-06-14 delete person Linda LaGrange
2021-06-14 delete person Linda Osterman
2021-06-14 delete person Loren M. Smith
2021-06-14 delete person Mary Berry
2021-06-14 delete person Nels Troelstrup
2021-06-14 delete person Patrick McKenney
2021-06-14 delete person Rich Primmer
2021-06-14 delete person Rob Hansen
2021-06-14 delete person Rodney Lym
2021-06-14 delete person Steve Sponaugle
2021-06-14 delete person Valrey Kettner
2021-06-14 insert email an..@nmhu.edu
2021-06-14 insert email as..@colostate.edu
2021-06-14 insert email as..@umn.edu
2021-06-14 insert email ch..@ttu.edu
2021-06-14 insert email co..@ag.tamu.edu
2021-06-14 insert email cr..@okstate.edu
2021-06-14 insert email da..@usd.edu
2021-06-14 insert email da..@unl.edu
2021-06-14 insert email dk..@emporia.edu
2021-06-14 insert email ed..@ndsu.edu
2021-06-14 insert email er..@swosu.edu
2021-06-14 insert email lo..@swosu.edu
2021-06-14 insert email ma..@unmc.edu
2021-06-14 insert email mi..@sdstate.edu
2021-06-14 insert email mp@ou.edu
2021-06-14 insert email ni..@csupueblo.edu
2021-06-14 insert email ot..@wnmu.edu
2021-06-14 insert email pl..@k-state.edu
2021-06-14 insert email ra..@sdsmt.edu
2021-06-14 insert email wi..@bhsu.edu
2021-06-14 insert email wl..@langston.edu
2021-06-14 insert person Amy Bicek-Skog
2021-06-14 insert person Amy Scottr
2021-06-14 insert person Angela Vigil-Juarez
2021-06-14 insert person Ashley Stahle
2021-06-14 insert person Bill Kelly
2021-06-14 insert person Christy Bratcher
2021-06-14 insert person Craig Davis
2021-06-14 insert person Daniel Engebretson
2021-06-14 insert person David Doty
2021-06-14 insert person Eric Pritchard
2021-06-14 insert person Lori Gwyn
2021-06-14 insert person Madison Gray
2021-06-14 insert person Michael Purcell
2021-06-14 insert person Michele Dudash
2021-06-14 insert person Nicole Quartiero
2021-06-14 insert person Otto Khera
2021-06-14 insert person Ralph Davis
2021-06-14 insert person Shawn DeKeyser
2021-06-14 insert person Wesley Whittaker
2021-06-14 update person_description Toni Shaklee => Toni Shaklee
2021-06-14 update person_title Amy Cook: Associate; Managing Director => Assistant Vice President
2021-06-14 update person_title Brenda Egan: Proposals Manager / Research and Sponsored Programs => Proposals Manager / University of Wisconsin - Madison / Research and Sponsored Programs; Proposals Manager / Research and Sponsored Programs
2021-06-14 update person_title Bruce Grogan: Program Coordinator => Director
2021-06-14 update person_title Charles Lamb: Dean, College of Arts and Sciences => Professor and Chief Research Officer / Department of Biology
2021-06-14 update person_title David Haukos: Associate Professor => Professor and Unit Leader / Kansas Cooperative
2021-06-14 update person_title Debbie Danford: Program Manager / Texas a & M Natural Resources Institute; Director; Grants Manager / Natural Resources Institute => Program Manager / Co - Director, Gulf Coast; Director; Grants Manager / Natural Resources Institute
2021-06-14 update person_title Heather McCarthy: Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology => Graduate Program Director
2021-06-14 update person_title Lisa Kunza: Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences; Assistant Professor => Associate Professor; Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Health Sciences / Atmospheric and Environmental
2021-06-14 update person_title Mark Paschke: Dean; Research Associate Dean / Associate Professor / Warner College of Natural Resources; Research Associate => Dean; Research Associate Dean / Warner College of Natural Resources; Research Associate
2021-06-14 update person_title Michael Sadler: Research and Sponsored Program Manager => Director
2021-06-14 update person_title Paula Mathers: Contracts Administrator => Associate Director
2021-06-14 update person_title Tim Cowman: Director / Missouri River Institute => Director
2021-06-14 update person_title Toni Shaklee: Assistant Vice President for Research => Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Research
2021-06-14 update person_title William Jensen: Department of Biological Sciences => Professor; Department of Biological Sciences
2021-04-20 delete otherexecutives Joel Trexler
2021-04-20 delete otherexecutives Regina Rochefort
2021-04-20 delete personal_emails ri..@ars.usda.gov
2021-04-20 insert otherexecutives Alison Ainsworth
2021-04-20 insert personal_emails ri..@usda.gov
2021-04-20 insert personal_emails ri..@usda.gov
2021-04-20 insert president Gregory Schorr
2021-04-20 delete email as..@cmich.edu
2021-04-20 delete email bm..@utsystem.edu
2021-04-20 delete email cr..@uwf.edu
2021-04-20 delete email eb..@ufw.edu
2021-04-20 delete email ke..@ars.usda.gov
2021-04-20 delete email mo..@cmich.edu
2021-04-20 delete email re..@nps.gov
2021-04-20 delete email ri..@ars.usda.gov
2021-04-20 delete email sh..@nasa.gov
2021-04-20 delete email tr..@fiu.edu
2021-04-20 delete fax (202) 358-3948
2021-04-20 delete partner Parajito Environmental Education Center
2021-04-20 delete partner The Nature Conservancy Hawaiʻi
2021-04-20 delete partner University of Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi Community College
2021-04-20 delete partner University of Hawaiʻi, Honolulu Community College
2021-04-20 delete partner University of Hawaiʻi, Kapiʻolani Community College
2021-04-20 delete partner University of Hawaiʻi, Kauaʻi Community College
2021-04-20 delete partner University of Hawaiʻi, Leeward Community College
2021-04-20 delete partner University of Hawaiʻi, Maui College
2021-04-20 delete partner University of Hawaiʻi, Windward Community College
2021-04-20 delete person Carol Rafalski
2021-04-20 delete person Joel Trexler
2021-04-20 delete person Mary Montoye
2021-04-20 delete person Regina Rochefort
2021-04-20 delete person Sam Higuchi
2021-04-20 delete phone (202) 358-0149
2021-04-20 insert email al..@utrgv.edu
2021-04-20 insert email eb..@uwf.edu
2021-04-20 insert email gs..@marecotel.org
2021-04-20 insert email ke..@usda.gov
2021-04-20 insert email la..@wapa.gov
2021-04-20 insert email me..@cmich.edu
2021-04-20 insert email re..@uwf.edu
2021-04-20 insert email ri..@usda.gov
2021-04-20 insert email ri..@usda.gov
2021-04-20 insert email we..@cmich.edu
2021-04-20 insert partner Western Area Power Administration
2021-04-20 insert person Alejandro Fierro Cabo
2021-04-20 insert person Gregory Schorr
2021-04-20 insert person Matthew Schwartz
2021-04-20 insert person Melinda Brakenberry
2021-04-20 insert person Tim Langer
2021-04-20 insert phone (720) 962-7275
2021-04-20 update person_title Alison Ainsworth: Science Advisor / Ecologist / National Park Service; National Park Service => Science Advisor / Ecologist / National Park Service; National Park Service; Co - Director; Director
2021-04-20 update person_title David C. Weindorf: Allen Endowed Chair => Vice President for Research and Innovation; Allen Endowed Chair
2021-04-20 update person_title Donald Uzarski: null => Professor, Department of Biology / Director, CMU Institute for Great Lakes Research
2021-04-20 update person_title Elizabeth Benchley: null => Director / Archaeology Institute
2021-02-25 delete personal_emails cu..@mail.wvu.edu
2021-02-25 delete personal_emails je..@uvm.edu
2021-02-25 delete personal_emails ke..@dnr.state.mn.us
2021-02-25 delete personal_emails ri..@mnsu.edu
2021-02-25 insert cfo Barb Juelich
2021-02-25 insert cfo Barry Gisser
2021-02-25 insert cfo Christine Horvath
2021-02-25 insert coo Dillon Nakata
2021-02-25 insert general_emails di..@peecnature.org
2021-02-25 insert otherexecutives Christopher Moore
2021-02-25 insert otherexecutives Colin Turner
2021-02-25 insert otherexecutives Katherine Bruell
2021-02-25 insert otherexecutives Nate Nibbelink
2021-02-25 insert otherexecutives Tom Crane
2021-02-25 insert personal_emails ba..@state.mn.us
2021-02-25 insert personal_emails ca..@wafwa.org
2021-02-25 insert personal_emails ch..@wafwa.org
2021-02-25 insert personal_emails ch..@wnpa.org
2021-02-25 insert personal_emails cr..@state.mn.us
2021-02-25 insert personal_emails di..@wnpa.org
2021-02-25 insert personal_emails ke..@wisc.edu
2021-02-25 insert personal_emails kr..@mnsu.edu
2021-02-25 delete address 810 State Route 20 Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284
2021-02-25 delete email ae..@umn.edu
2021-02-25 delete email bo..@wafwa.org
2021-02-25 delete email cu..@mail.wvu.edu
2021-02-25 delete email de..@smm.org
2021-02-25 delete email ej..@smm.org
2021-02-25 delete email je..@uvm.edu
2021-02-25 delete email ke..@dnr.state.mn.us
2021-02-25 delete email ky..@blm.gov
2021-02-25 delete email pm..@smm.org
2021-02-25 delete email ri..@mnsu.edu
2021-02-25 delete email sm..@blm.gov
2021-02-25 delete email sm..@fs.fed.us
2021-02-25 delete email vi..@fs.fed.us
2021-02-25 delete email wa..@usace.army.mil
2021-02-25 delete person Alan Ek
2021-02-25 delete person Bonnie Record
2021-02-25 delete person Bonnie Ricord
2021-02-25 delete person Curt Peterson
2021-02-25 delete person Dan Engstrom
2021-02-25 delete person Eric Jolly
2021-02-25 delete person Jennifer Gagnon
2021-02-25 delete person Karlee Yurek
2021-02-25 delete person Keith Wendt
2021-02-25 delete person Paul Martin
2021-02-25 delete person Richard Straka
2021-02-25 delete person Sean MacDougall
2021-02-25 delete person Warren Lorentz
2021-02-25 delete phone (360) 854-7202
2021-02-25 delete phone (706) 542-6112
2021-02-25 insert address 180 E. Green Street Athens, GA 30602-2152
2021-02-25 insert address Anderson Hall 102 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195
2021-02-25 insert email a1..@blm.gov
2021-02-25 insert email al..@nps.gov
2021-02-25 insert email ba..@rsp.wisc.edu
2021-02-25 insert email ba..@state.mn.us
2021-02-25 insert email bg..@smm.org
2021-02-25 insert email bl..@blm.gov
2021-02-25 insert email ca..@wafwa.org
2021-02-25 insert email ch..@wafwa.org
2021-02-25 insert email ch..@wnpa.org
2021-02-25 insert email ch..@monarchjointventure.org
2021-02-25 insert email cr..@state.mn.us
2021-02-25 insert email di..@wnpa.org
2021-02-25 insert email di..@peecnature.org
2021-02-25 insert email el..@blm.gov
2021-02-25 insert email gr..@umn.edu
2021-02-25 insert email ja..@smm.org
2021-02-25 insert email ke..@wisc.edu
2021-02-25 insert email kk..@lssu.edu
2021-02-25 insert email kr..@mnsu.edu
2021-02-25 insert email lf..@smm.org
2021-02-25 insert email lg..@lssu.edu
2021-02-25 insert email na..@uga.edu
2021-02-25 insert email si..@usda.gov
2021-02-25 insert email vi..@usda.gov
2021-02-25 insert person Alison Ainsworth
2021-02-25 insert person Anthony D. Bobo
2021-02-25 insert person Barb Juelich
2021-02-25 insert person Barry Gisser
2021-02-25 insert person Brenda Egan
2021-02-25 insert person Brittney Linford
2021-02-25 insert person Cathy Campbell
2021-02-25 insert person Christine Horvath
2021-02-25 insert person Christine Sanderson
2021-02-25 insert person Christopher Moore
2021-02-25 insert person Craig Schmid
2021-02-25 insert person Dillon Nakata
2021-02-25 insert person Elizabeth Love
2021-02-25 insert person James Almendinger
2021-02-25 insert person Katherine Bruell
2021-02-25 insert person Kelsey Grachek
2021-02-25 insert person Kevin Kapuscinski
2021-02-25 insert person Kristel Seth
2021-02-25 insert person Laurie Fink
2021-02-25 insert person Lynn Gillette
2021-02-25 insert person Nate Nibbelink
2021-02-25 insert phone (206) 685-7404
2021-02-25 insert phone (706) 352-9294
2021-02-25 update person_title Chad Pierskalla: null => Professor, Department of Forestry
2021-02-25 update person_title Christine Mayer: null => Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences
2021-02-25 update person_title Christine Thomas: null => Dean and Professor
2021-02-25 update person_title Colin Turner: null => Executive Director
2021-02-25 update person_title Dan Brown: Director, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences / University of Washington; CO - DIRECTOR; Director => Director, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; CO - DIRECTOR; Director
2021-02-25 update person_title Gary Lamberti: null => Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
2021-02-25 update person_title Katherine Jore: null => Associate Vice Chancellor for Personnel, Budget and Grants
2021-02-25 update person_title Katie Stores: Assistant Vice President for Research Administration Director, Office of Sponsored Programs => Director, Office of Sponsored Programs; Assistant Vice President for Research Administration Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
2021-02-25 update person_title Kim Moreland: null => Associate Vice Chancellor and Director
2021-02-25 update person_title Ronald Nickerson: null => Department of Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services; Professor Emeritus
2021-02-25 update person_title Simon Kihia: Pacific Northwest Research Station => Research Program Manager / Goods, Services and Values
2021-02-25 update person_title Sonya Stern: Director, Sponsored Project Administration => Director, Sponsored Project Administration; Director of Sponsored Projects
2021-02-25 update person_title Tom Crane: null => Deputy Director
2021-01-25 delete otherexecutives John L. Koprowski
2021-01-25 delete personal_emails ch..@usda.gov
2021-01-25 delete personal_emails da..@usda.gov
2021-01-25 delete personal_emails la..@nau.edu
2021-01-25 delete personal_emails ma..@hsc.utah.edu
2021-01-25 insert otherexecutives Willem van Leeuwen
2021-01-25 insert personal_emails ai..@usda.gov
2021-01-25 delete email 5q..@ag.arizona.edu
2021-01-25 delete email 5q..@email.arizona.edu
2021-01-25 delete email ch..@usda.gov
2021-01-25 delete email da..@fws.gov
2021-01-25 delete email da..@usda.gov
2021-01-25 delete email da..@usda.gov
2021-01-25 delete email de..@wafwa.org
2021-01-25 delete email dm..@tnc.org
2021-01-25 delete email el..@mail.mil
2021-01-25 delete email gr..@fws.gov
2021-01-25 delete email la..@nau.edu
2021-01-25 delete email ma..@hsc.utah.edu
2021-01-25 delete email mi..@unr.edu
2021-01-25 delete email mm..@cnlm.org
2021-01-25 delete fax (520) 621-8801
2021-01-25 delete partner Californnia State University, Humbolt
2021-01-25 delete partner Farm Services Agency
2021-01-25 delete partner Manomet Center for Conservation Science
2021-01-25 delete partner University of Hawaiʻi, Manoa
2021-01-25 delete person Christopher Watkins
2021-01-25 delete person Daniel D. Lovdahl
2021-01-25 delete person David Garrison
2021-01-25 delete person David Mehlman
2021-01-25 delete person Dawn Wilson
2021-01-25 delete person Grayson Rentz
2021-01-25 delete person John L. Koprowski
2021-01-25 delete person Laurie Thom
2021-01-25 delete person Mason McKinley
2021-01-25 delete person Maureen I. McCarthy
2021-01-25 delete person Ryan Orndorff
2021-01-25 delete person Stephanie Snell
2021-01-25 delete phone (202) 446-2932
2021-01-25 delete phone (520) 626-5895
2021-01-25 delete phone (612)624-2213
2021-01-25 delete phone (817) 509-3509
2021-01-25 delete phone (928) 523-5549
2021-01-25 insert address Colorado Plateau CESU Northern Arizona University PO Box 15018
2021-01-25 insert address University of Minnesota 115 Green Hall 1530 Cleveland Avenue N St. Paul, MN 55108
2021-01-25 insert email ai..@usda.gov
2021-01-25 insert email bo..@wafwa.org
2021-01-25 insert email ch..@fws.gov
2021-01-25 insert email cr..@unr.edu
2021-01-25 insert email dr..@cnlm.org
2021-01-25 insert email el..@mail.mil
2021-01-25 insert email fk..@blm.gov
2021-01-25 insert email go..@nmsu.edu
2021-01-25 insert email je..@usace.army.mil
2021-01-25 insert email jw..@usbr.gov
2021-01-25 insert email lb..@ulm.edu
2021-01-25 insert email lb..@usbr.gov
2021-01-25 insert email le..@arizona.edu
2021-01-25 insert email le..@email.arizona.edu
2021-01-25 insert email pa..@fws.gov
2021-01-25 insert email to..@ulm.edu
2021-01-25 insert email ts..@tnc.org
2021-01-25 insert email wh..@wnmu.edu
2021-01-25 insert partner California State University, Humboldt
2021-01-25 insert partner Conservation Science Institute
2021-01-25 insert partner Manomet, Inc.
2021-01-25 insert partner Parajito Environmental Education Center
2021-01-25 insert partner Sierra Streams Institute
2021-01-25 insert partner Southern California Marine Institute
2021-01-25 insert partner Southwestern Oklahoma State University
2021-01-25 insert partner U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
2021-01-25 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi Community College
2021-01-25 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Honolulu Community College
2021-01-25 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Kapiʻolani Community College
2021-01-25 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Kauaʻi Community College
2021-01-25 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Leeward Community College
2021-01-25 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Windward Community College
2021-01-25 insert partner University of Louisiana, Monroe
2021-01-25 insert person Aileen Anderson
2021-01-25 insert person Bonnie Record
2021-01-25 insert person Bonnie Ricord
2021-01-25 insert person Charlene Hart
2021-01-25 insert person Deborah Rogers
2021-01-25 insert person Fritz Klasner
2021-01-25 insert person Jennifer Seiter-Moser
2021-01-25 insert person John Whitler
2021-01-25 insert person Kathy Whiteman
2021-01-25 insert person Kim Marie Tolson
2021-01-25 insert person LaWanna Bell
2021-01-25 insert person Levi Brekke
2021-01-25 insert person Matt Gompper
2021-01-25 insert person Terry Sullivan
2021-01-25 insert person Willem van Leeuwen
2021-01-25 insert phone (202) 208-3843
2021-01-25 insert phone (301) 875-8937
2021-01-25 insert phone (303) 445-2241
2021-01-25 insert phone (303) 445-2494
2021-01-25 insert phone (315) 221-5884
2021-01-25 insert phone (520) 626-0058
2021-01-25 insert phone (612) 625-3107
2021-01-25 insert phone (775) 276-7615
2021-01-25 insert phone (928) 523-8777
2021-01-25 update person_title Ahmad Itani: Director => Foundation Professor and Associate Vice President for Research; Director
2021-01-25 update person_title Ben Findlay: Coordinator; Director => Communications Specialist; Coordinator; Director
2021-01-25 update person_title Elizabeth B. Larry: Assistant Director for Research / USDA Forest Service Northern Research => Assistant Director for Research
2021-01-25 update person_title Jerry Elian: Grants Management Specialist / USDA Forest Service Northern Research => Grants Management Specialist
2021-01-25 update person_title Kristine Bellmore: Coordinator; Director => Business Manager, Senior / School of Forestry / Program Coordinator; Coordinator; Director
2021-01-25 update person_title Liz Galli-Noble: Program Coordinator, DoD Natural Resources and Legacy Resource Management Programs => Program Manager, DoD Legacy Resource Management Program
2021-01-25 update person_title Matt Brownlee: Associate Professor, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management; Assistant Professor, Natural Resources Recreation Planning and Management => Associate Professor, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
2021-01-25 update person_title Michael Kilgore: Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Co - Director; Department Head and Professor / Department of Forest Resources; Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Director => Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest; Co - Director; Department Head and Professor / Department of Forest Resources; Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Director
2021-01-25 update person_title Sharon Ziegler-Chong: DIRECTOR => Research and Community Partnerships / University of Hawaiʻi; DIRECTOR
2020-09-24 delete otherexecutives Chris Lauver
2020-09-24 delete otherexecutives Helena Solo-Gabriele
2020-09-24 delete otherexecutives Laurie Thom
2020-09-24 delete otherexecutives Stephanie Snell
2020-09-24 delete otherexecutives Tom DeLuca
2020-09-24 delete personal_emails ro..@uvm.edu
2020-09-24 delete personal_emails to..@mso.umt.edu
2020-09-24 insert otherexecutives Ben Findlay
2020-09-24 insert otherexecutives Evelyn Gaiser
2020-09-24 insert otherexecutives Glen Josephson
2020-09-24 insert otherexecutives Joel Trexler
2020-09-24 insert otherexecutives Kristine Bellmore
2020-09-24 insert otherexecutives Regina Rochefort
2020-09-24 insert personal_emails kr..@nau.edu
2020-09-24 insert personal_emails na..@uvm.edu
2020-09-24 insert personal_emails so..@uvm.edu
2020-09-24 delete address 124 Coastal Institute URI Bay Campus Narragansett, RI 02882
2020-09-24 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain naccesu.org
2020-09-24 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain welcome.miami.edu
2020-09-24 delete email an..@fws.gov
2020-09-24 delete email br..@blm.gov
2020-09-24 delete email ch..@nps.gov
2020-09-24 delete email co..@fws.gov
2020-09-24 delete email dv..@langston.edu
2020-09-24 delete email hm..@miami.edu
2020-09-24 delete email ns..@brynmawr.edu
2020-09-24 delete email ro..@uvm.edu
2020-09-24 delete email to..@mso.umt.edu
2020-09-24 delete person Annessa Culbreth
2020-09-24 delete person Brandon Riley
2020-09-24 delete person Chris Lauver
2020-09-24 delete person Connie Sauer
2020-09-24 delete person Dennis Howard
2020-09-24 delete person Helena Solo-Gabriele
2020-09-24 delete person Nona Smith
2020-09-24 delete person Robert Manning
2020-09-24 delete person Tom DeLuca
2020-09-24 delete phone (206) 685-7404
2020-09-24 insert address 810 State Route 20 Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284
2020-09-24 insert address University of Rhode Island Coastal Institute Narragansett, RI 02882
2020-09-24 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain fiu.edu
2020-09-24 insert email al..@langston.edu
2020-09-24 insert email eb..@uncg.edu
2020-09-24 insert email ga..@fiu.edu
2020-09-24 insert email gj..@usbr.gov
2020-09-24 insert email ke..@nps.gov
2020-09-24 insert email kg..@langston.edu
2020-09-24 insert email kp..@uncg.edu
2020-09-24 insert email kr..@nau.edu
2020-09-24 insert email na..@uvm.edu
2020-09-24 insert email re..@nps.gov
2020-09-24 insert email se..@brynmawr.edu
2020-09-24 insert email so..@uvm.edu
2020-09-24 insert email tr..@fiu.edu
2020-09-24 insert email vt..@uncg.edu
2020-09-24 insert partner Evergreen State College
2020-09-24 insert partner University of North Carolina, Greensboro
2020-09-24 insert person Ben Findlay
2020-09-24 insert person Evan Goldstein
2020-09-24 insert person Evelyn Gaiser
2020-09-24 insert person Glen Josephson
2020-09-24 insert person Joel Trexler
2020-09-24 insert person Kamal Gosh
2020-09-24 insert person Kelly Adams
2020-09-24 insert person Kristine Bellmore
2020-09-24 insert person Nancy Mathews
2020-09-24 insert person Regina Rochefort
2020-09-24 insert person Sarah Robertson
2020-09-24 insert person Sonya Stern
2020-09-24 insert person Valera Francis
2020-09-24 insert person William Nash
2020-09-24 insert phone (360) 854-7202
2020-09-24 update person_description William Lauenroth => William Lauenroth
2020-09-24 update person_title Amy Marshall: Grants Management Officer => Grants Management Officer ( Acting ); Grants Management Officer
2020-09-24 update person_title Judith Swift: DIRECTOR; Director, Coastal Institute => DIRECTOR; Director, Coastal Institute; Director and Professor of Communication Studies / University of Rhode Island
2020-09-24 update person_title Kimberly Littlefield: null => Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement
2020-09-24 update person_title Laurie Thom: Program Coordinator, CPCESU / Northern Arizona University; Coordinator; Director => Program Coordinator, CPCESU / Northern Arizona University
2020-09-24 update person_title Stephanie Snell: Coordinator; Director; GLNF CESU Coordinator => GLNF CESU Coordinator
2020-09-24 update person_title William Lauenroth: Professor in the Practice / Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies => Professor in the Practice / Yale School of the Environment
2020-07-15 delete otherexecutives John Childress
2020-07-15 delete personal_emails jo..@unh.edu
2020-07-15 delete personal_emails jo..@mail.wvu.edu
2020-07-15 insert personal_emails ka..@mail.wvu.edu
2020-07-15 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2020-07-15 delete email jo..@unh.edu
2020-07-15 delete email jo..@mail.wvu.edu
2020-07-15 delete email mr..@ufl.edu
2020-07-15 delete person John Childress
2020-07-15 delete person John Davis
2020-07-15 delete person Shell Romano
2020-07-15 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain forms.gle
2020-07-15 insert email de..@umich.edu
2020-07-15 insert email ho..@umich.edu
2020-07-15 insert email je..@umich.edu
2020-07-15 insert email jo..@unh.edu
2020-07-15 insert email ka..@mail.wvu.edu
2020-07-15 insert email le..@umich.edu
2020-07-15 insert email uf..@ufl.edu
2020-07-15 insert person Deborah Goldberg
2020-07-15 insert person Jennifer Read
2020-07-15 insert person Karen Houghtaling
2020-07-15 insert person Katie Stores
2020-07-15 insert person Maria Carmen Lemos
2020-07-15 insert person Stephanie Gray
2020-07-15 update person_title Sherry Larkin: null => Director, Florida Sea Grant
2020-05-15 delete cto Alfred F. Cofrancesco
2020-05-15 delete otherexecutives Carl A. Pinkert
2020-05-15 delete personal_emails al..@usace.army.mil
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives Alison Krauss
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives Charley Deal
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives Charna Howson
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives David Sumpter
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives Debi Benoit
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives Jeffry Porter
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives John Childress
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives Merrie Morrison
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives Russell Mumper
2020-05-15 insert personal_emails de..@nicholls.edu
2020-05-15 insert personal_emails jo..@mail.wvu.edu
2020-05-15 delete email al..@usace.army.mil
2020-05-15 delete email bi..@mail.etsu.edu
2020-05-15 delete email ca..@ua.edu
2020-05-15 delete email cb..@esf.edu
2020-05-15 delete email ce..@ua.edu
2020-05-15 delete email el..@tamu.edu
2020-05-15 delete email is..@esf.edu
2020-05-15 delete email kb..@utk.edu
2020-05-15 delete email kn..@famu.edu
2020-05-15 delete email mm..@ncsu.edu
2020-05-15 delete email mm..@jsu.edu
2020-05-15 delete email ri..@fortlewis.edu
2020-05-15 delete email ry..@wcu.edu
2020-05-15 delete email sh..@apsu.edu
2020-05-15 delete email wi..@ohio.edu
2020-05-15 delete fax (601) 634-3664
2020-05-15 delete partner Georgia Inistitute of Technology/Georgia Tech Research Institute
2020-05-15 delete partner Humboldt State University
2020-05-15 delete partner San Diego State University
2020-05-15 delete partner San Francisco State University
2020-05-15 delete partner Sonoma State University
2020-05-15 delete partner University of Wisconsin Extension UWEX
2020-05-15 delete partner Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage
2020-05-15 delete person Alfred F. Cofrancesco
2020-05-15 delete person Andrew Shepard-Smith
2020-05-15 delete person Carl A. Pinkert
2020-05-15 delete person Cheryl Leonard
2020-05-15 delete person Chuck Riggs
2020-05-15 delete person Cornelius Murphy
2020-05-15 delete person Joe Bidwell
2020-05-15 delete person Keith Belli
2020-05-15 delete person Kinfe K. Redda
2020-05-15 delete person Marian McCord
2020-05-15 delete person Mark Lomolino
2020-05-15 delete person Mark Meade
2020-05-15 delete person Robert L. Wiley
2020-05-15 delete phone (601) 634-3182
2020-05-15 insert email al..@wcu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email an..@jsu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email cd..@utm.edu
2020-05-15 insert email cf..@abcbirds.org
2020-05-15 insert email cn..@utk.edu
2020-05-15 insert email de..@nicholls.edu
2020-05-15 insert email ds..@wildlandsconservation.org
2020-05-15 insert email du..@etsu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email el..@ag.tamu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email gr..@appstate.edu
2020-05-15 insert email ha..@wlu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email hi..@eckerd.edu
2020-05-15 insert email hn..@abcbirds.org
2020-05-15 insert email jm..@uwa.edu
2020-05-15 insert email jo..@mail.wvu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email jr..@ua.edu
2020-05-15 insert email jw..@fortlewis.edu
2020-05-15 insert email lh..@jsu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email ll..@alcorn.edu
2020-05-15 insert email mi..@famu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email mm..@abcbirds.org
2020-05-15 insert email mu..@ua.edu
2020-05-15 insert email os..@vt.edu
2020-05-15 insert email os..@vt.edu
2020-05-15 insert email pa..@mail.wvu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email pt..@wlu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email ri..@ncsu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email ru..@eckerd.edu
2020-05-15 insert email ry..@email.wcu.edu
2020-05-15 insert email sp..@ohio.edu
2020-05-15 insert email ti..@nasa.gov
2020-05-15 insert email wa..@usace.army.mil
2020-05-15 insert email we..@ohio.edu
2020-05-15 insert email wj..@esf.edu
2020-05-15 insert partner Alcorn State University
2020-05-15 insert partner American Indian Higher Education Consortium
2020-05-15 insert partner Association of African American Museums
2020-05-15 insert partner California State University, San Diego
2020-05-15 insert partner California State University, San Francisco
2020-05-15 insert partner California State University, Sonoma
2020-05-15 insert partner Californnia State University, Humbolt
2020-05-15 insert partner Eckerd University
2020-05-15 insert partner Gallaudet University
2020-05-15 insert partner Johns Hopkins University
2020-05-15 insert partner Live It, Learn It
2020-05-15 insert partner Monmouth University
2020-05-15 insert partner NatureServe
2020-05-15 insert partner Nicholls State University
2020-05-15 insert partner SUNY, Binghamton University
2020-05-15 insert partner SUNY, The College at Brockport
2020-05-15 insert partner San Luis Obispo
2020-05-15 insert partner Stanford University, Department of Earth System Science
2020-05-15 insert partner Temple University
2020-05-15 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Manoa
2020-05-15 insert partner University of West Alabama
2020-05-15 insert partner Washington and Lee University
2020-05-15 insert partner Wildlands Conservation
2020-05-15 insert partner Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
2020-05-15 insert person Alison Krauss
2020-05-15 insert person Allison Newton
2020-05-15 insert person Ann Ruth
2020-05-15 insert person Anthony DeNicola
2020-05-15 insert person Bethany Spurrier
2020-05-15 insert person Bill Hamilton
2020-05-15 insert person Charley Deal
2020-05-15 insert person Charna Howson
2020-05-15 insert person Chris Farmer
2020-05-15 insert person Cynthia Nichols
2020-05-15 insert person David Sumpter
2020-05-15 insert person Debi Benoit
2020-05-15 insert person Elissa Welch
2020-05-15 insert person Hannah Nevins
2020-05-15 insert person Jennifer Camp
2020-05-15 insert person Jesse Tune
2020-05-15 insert person John Childress
2020-05-15 insert person John McCall
2020-05-15 insert person LaShunda Anderson Hodges
2020-05-15 insert person Lori Hensley
2020-05-15 insert person Merrie Morrison
2020-05-15 insert person Michael Abazinge
2020-05-15 insert person Michael Blum
2020-05-15 insert person PJ Townsend
2020-05-15 insert person Paul Hindsley
2020-05-15 insert person Paul Kinder
2020-05-15 insert person Richard Venditti
2020-05-15 insert person Russell Mumper
2020-05-15 insert person Trudy Riley
2020-05-15 insert person Warren Lorentz
2020-05-15 insert person William Duncan
2020-05-15 insert person William Nicholson
2020-05-15 insert phone (601) 634-3750
2020-05-15 insert phone (918) 810-9419
2020-05-15 update person_title Adam Rollins: Chairman, Department of Biology / Director, Cumberland Mountain Research Center => Dean / School of Mathematics and Sciences
2020-05-15 update person_title David Butler: Vice Provost for Research / Dean, College of Graduate Studies => Vice Provost for Research / Dean of Graduate Studies
2020-05-15 update person_title Jayme Waldron: Department of Biological Sciences => Associate Professor; Department of Biological Sciences
2020-05-15 update person_title Jeffry Porter: Director, Research Services => Director
2020-05-15 update person_title Lori Kruse-Johnson: SWD CESU Program Manager => SWD CESU Program Manager; Program Manager / USACE
2020-05-15 update person_title Neil Ringler: Dean of Research => Dean of Research; Vice Provost and Executive Director ESF Onondaga Lake Science Center
2020-05-15 update person_title Paula Gale: Professor of Soil Science and Assistant Director of Honors Programs => Professor of Soil Science / Department of Agriculture, Geosciences, and Natural Resources
2020-05-15 update person_title Raj Dakshinamurthy: Interim Director of Research and Sponsored Programs => Interim Director and AOR
2020-05-15 update person_title Rebecca Austin: Associate Professor / Anthropology and Environmental => Associate Professor
2020-05-15 update person_title Robert Young: null => Professor; Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources
2020-05-15 update person_title Steven Seagle: null => Professor and Chair / Department of Biology
2020-04-15 delete personal_emails ch..@ftw.usda.gov
2020-04-15 delete personal_emails ch..@wdc.usda.gov
2020-04-15 delete personal_emails je..@ucf.edu
2020-04-15 delete personal_emails je..@ag.tamu.edu
2020-04-15 delete personal_emails ki..@famu.edu
2020-04-15 delete personal_emails wa..@research.und.edu
2020-04-15 delete personal_emails wi..@med.navy.mil
2020-04-15 insert otherexecutives Julie Wraithmell
2020-04-15 insert otherexecutives Ronald Harris
2020-04-15 insert otherexecutives Timothy Moore
2020-04-15 insert personal_emails ch..@navy.mil
2020-04-15 insert personal_emails ch..@usda.gov
2020-04-15 insert personal_emails mi..@ucf.edu
2020-04-15 insert personal_emails ro..@usda.gov
2020-04-15 insert personal_emails ti..@famu.edu
2020-04-15 insert personal_emails za..@us.af.mil
2020-04-15 delete email ba..@duke.edu
2020-04-15 delete email bl..@blm.gov
2020-04-15 delete email ch..@westga.edu
2020-04-15 delete email ch..@duke.edu
2020-04-15 delete email ch..@ftw.usda.gov
2020-04-15 delete email ch..@wdc.usda.gov
2020-04-15 delete email da..@fs.fed.us
2020-04-15 delete email da..@wdc.usda.gov
2020-04-15 delete email de..@duke.edu
2020-04-15 delete email dj..@cornell.edu
2020-04-15 delete email dk..@emporia.edu
2020-04-15 delete email ja..@wdc.usda.gov
2020-04-15 delete email jb..@usbr.gov
2020-04-15 delete email jc..@clemson.edu
2020-04-15 delete email je..@ucf.edu
2020-04-15 delete email je..@ag.tamu.edu
2020-04-15 delete email jl..@audubon.org
2020-04-15 delete email jl..@usbr.gov
2020-04-15 delete email ju..@nps.gov
2020-04-15 delete email ki..@famu.edu
2020-04-15 delete email kp..@blm.gov
2020-04-15 delete email la..@sfasu.edu
2020-04-15 delete email lm..@fs.fed.us
2020-04-15 delete email mb..@blm.gov
2020-04-15 delete email pl..@fs.fed.us
2020-04-15 delete email rh..@uwlax.edu
2020-04-15 delete email so..@wdc.usda.gov
2020-04-15 delete email td..@cas.usf.edu
2020-04-15 delete email ts..@fs.fed.us
2020-04-15 delete email ts..@blm.gov
2020-04-15 delete email wa..@research.und.edu
2020-04-15 delete email wi..@uwlax.edu
2020-04-15 delete email wi..@med.navy.mil
2020-04-15 delete person Ana Barros
2020-04-15 delete person Betty Lockard
2020-04-15 delete person Charla Campbell
2020-04-15 delete person Christine Erlien
2020-04-15 delete person Daniel Decker
2020-04-15 delete person Dean Urban
2020-04-15 delete person Dr. Shelby Laird
2020-04-15 delete person Jacqueline Davis-Slay
2020-04-15 delete person James Wiener
2020-04-15 delete person Jeffrey Lucero
2020-04-15 delete person Jennifer Beardsley
2020-04-15 delete person Jennifer Parker
2020-04-15 delete person Jeremiah Leibowitz
2020-04-15 delete person Jerry Lorenz
2020-04-15 delete person Joe Culin
2020-04-15 delete person Julie Hendricks
2020-04-15 delete person K. Ken Redda
2020-04-15 delete person Linda Marsh
2020-04-15 delete person Matt Burns
2020-04-15 delete person Sonya Neal-Reeves
2020-04-15 delete person Tanya Skurski
2020-04-15 delete person Thomas L. Schmidt
2020-04-15 delete person Wayde Anderson
2020-04-15 delete person William Hunt
2020-04-15 delete phone (202) 205-1165
2020-04-15 delete phone (202) 513-0327
2020-04-15 delete phone (202) 690-2009
2020-04-15 delete phone (402) 472-6825
2020-04-15 insert address 611 South Hardin Hall University of Nebraska-Lincoln 3310 Holdrege Street Lincoln, NE 68583-0996
2020-04-15 insert email am..@blm.gov
2020-04-15 insert email am..@westga.edu
2020-04-15 insert email be..@noaa.gov
2020-04-15 insert email bf..@usbr.gov
2020-04-15 insert email ch..@navy.mil
2020-04-15 insert email ch..@usda.gov
2020-04-15 insert email cu..@clemson.edu
2020-04-15 insert email da..@usda.gov
2020-04-15 insert email el..@usda.gov
2020-04-15 insert email fg..@uwyo.edu
2020-04-15 insert email ga..@citadel.edu
2020-04-15 insert email gl..@nwf.org
2020-04-15 insert email jc..@warnell.uga.edu
2020-04-15 insert email je..@usda.gov
2020-04-15 insert email jw..@audubon.org
2020-04-15 insert email kp..@blm.gov
2020-04-15 insert email mb..@clemson.edu
2020-04-15 insert email mi..@und.edu
2020-04-15 insert email mi..@ucf.edu
2020-04-15 insert email ms..@uwlax.edu
2020-04-15 insert email pa..@usda.gov
2020-04-15 insert email pj..@cornell.edu
2020-04-15 insert email pw..@blm.gov
2020-04-15 insert email ro..@usda.gov
2020-04-15 insert email sd..@emporia.edu
2020-04-15 insert email sg..@uwlax.edu
2020-04-15 insert email sn..@duke.edu
2020-04-15 insert email td..@usf.edu
2020-04-15 insert email ti..@famu.edu
2020-04-15 insert email wg..@audubon.org
2020-04-15 insert email za..@us.af.mil
2020-04-15 insert person Amy Marshall
2020-04-15 insert person Ashley Miller
2020-04-15 insert person Bethany Perry
2020-04-15 insert person Bud Fazio
2020-04-15 insert person Chris Petersen
2020-04-15 insert person Dena Garner
2020-04-15 insert person Elizabeth B. Larry
2020-04-15 insert person Farrell Rapp
2020-04-15 insert person Jennifer Culbertson
2020-04-15 insert person Jerry Elian
2020-04-15 insert person John Davis
2020-04-15 insert person Julie Wraithmell
2020-04-15 insert person Mark Sandheinrich
2020-04-15 insert person Michael Sadler
2020-04-15 insert person Mindy Solivan
2020-04-15 insert person Paige Wolken
2020-04-15 insert person Patrick Sullivan
2020-04-15 insert person Patty Glick
2020-04-15 insert person Ronald Harris
2020-04-15 insert person Sandra Grunwald
2020-04-15 insert person Sheila Lischwe
2020-04-15 insert person Shila Nordone
2020-04-15 insert person Timothy Moore
2020-04-15 insert person Walker Golder
2020-04-15 insert person Zachary Rigg
2020-04-15 insert phone (202) 446-2932
2020-04-15 insert phone (202) 720-6646
2020-04-15 insert phone (402) 472-7762
2020-04-15 update person_title Alan Ek: Department of Forest Resources; Department of Forest => Department of Forest
2020-04-15 update person_title Debbie Danford: Director; Grants Manager / Natural Resources Institute => Program Manager / Texas a & M Natural Resources Institute; Director; Grants Manager / Natural Resources Institute
2020-04-15 update person_title Diana Kuhlmann: Associate Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Budget Director => Vice President for Administration and Finance
2020-04-15 update person_title Dr. Paul Hanson: Director => DIRECTOR; Director, Great Plains CESU / Associate Director and Professor, School of Natural Resources
2020-04-15 update person_title Erin Williams: Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest; National Park Service; Co - Director; Research Coordinator; Director => National Park Service; Co - Director; Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest CESU / NPS Science Advisor; Director
2020-04-15 update person_title John Kupfer: Department of Geography => Professor, Department of Geography
2020-04-15 update person_title Larkin Powell: DIRECTOR; Director, Great Plains CESU / Professor of Conservation Biology / Animal Ecology; Professor, School of Natural Resources / Director, Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit => Professor, School of Natural Resources / Director, Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit
2020-04-15 update person_title Matt Brownlee: Assistant Professor, Natural Resources Recreation Planning and Management => Associate Professor, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management; Assistant Professor, Natural Resources Recreation Planning and Management
2020-04-15 update person_title Noël Ann Miller: Lead Grants Management Specialist; Grants Management Specialist => Lead Grants Management Specialist; Grants Management Specialist; Grants Management Lead
2020-04-15 update person_title Pat Stephens-Williams: null => Professor, Human Dimensions / Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture
2020-04-15 update person_title Sherry Larkin: Associate Dean for Research and Associate Director Florida Agriculture Experiment Station, Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences => null
2020-04-15 update person_title Tina Norwood: Environmental Protection Specialist / NASA => Program Manager
2020-03-16 delete otherexecutives Fred P. Clark
2020-03-16 delete personal_emails ar..@umit.maine.edu
2020-03-16 delete personal_emails fr..@usda.gov
2020-03-16 insert personal_emails al..@usda.gov
2020-03-16 insert personal_emails fr..@maine.edu
2020-03-16 delete email ah..@fs.fed.us
2020-03-16 delete email ar..@umit.maine.edu
2020-03-16 delete email fr..@usda.gov
2020-03-16 delete email iv..@maine.edu
2020-03-16 delete email ma..@blm.gov
2020-03-16 delete email me..@mail.mil
2020-03-16 delete email mm..@uga.edu
2020-03-16 delete fax (202) 205-1773
2020-03-16 delete person Arlene Russell
2020-03-16 delete person Fred P. Clark
2020-03-16 delete person Ivan J. Fernandez
2020-03-16 delete person Mara Alexander
2020-03-16 delete person Michael Mengak
2020-03-16 delete phone (202) 205-1548
2020-03-16 delete phone (202) 912-7096
2020-03-16 delete phone (703) 785-1967
2020-03-16 insert email al..@usda.gov
2020-03-16 insert email ci..@usda.gov
2020-03-16 insert email el..@tamu.edu
2020-03-16 insert email el..@mail.mil
2020-03-16 insert email fr..@maine.edu
2020-03-16 insert email kp..@blm.gov
2020-03-16 insert email pa..@brown.edu
2020-03-16 insert email ty..@brown.edu
2020-03-16 insert email um..@maine.edu
2020-03-16 insert email va..@navy.mil
2020-03-16 insert email yo..@brown.edu
2020-03-16 insert person Christopher Boynton
2020-03-16 insert person Frederick Servello
2020-03-16 insert person Karen Prentice
2020-03-16 insert person Liz Galli-Noble
2020-03-16 insert person Patrice Carroll
2020-03-16 insert person Tyler Kartzinel
2020-03-16 insert person Vanessa Shoblock
2020-03-16 insert phone (202) 222-5228
2020-03-16 insert phone (202) 912-7223
2020-03-16 insert phone (406) 581-8148
2020-03-16 insert phone (571) 372-8299
2020-03-16 insert phone (703) 785-1067
2020-03-16 update person_title Dawn Wilson: Program Analyst, Environmental Justice => Program Analyst, Environmental Justice; Environmental Justice Program Analyst
2020-02-15 delete personal_emails ph..@uga.edu
2020-02-15 insert otherexecutives Paul Hanson
2020-02-15 insert otherexecutives Scott Merkle
2020-02-15 delete address 180 Green Street University of Georgia Athens, GA 30677
2020-02-15 delete email ph..@uga.edu
2020-02-15 delete phone (706) 583-8096
2020-02-15 insert address 180 Green Street The University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-2152
2020-02-15 insert email ph..@unl.edu
2020-02-15 insert email sm..@uga.edu
2020-02-15 insert fax (706) 542-8356
2020-02-15 insert person Paul Hanson
2020-02-15 insert person Scott Merkle
2020-02-15 insert phone (706) 542-6112
2019-12-10 delete otherexecutives E. Maria Kies
2019-12-10 insert otherexecutives Roel Lopez
2019-12-10 insert personal_emails ro..@ag.tamu.edu
2019-12-10 delete email em..@berkeley.edu
2019-12-10 delete email sq..@ag.arizona.edu
2019-12-10 delete person E. Maria Kies
2019-12-10 insert email 5q..@ag.arizona.edu
2019-12-10 insert email ro..@ag.tamu.edu
2019-12-10 insert email ru..@berkeley.edu
2019-12-10 insert person Roel Lopez
2019-11-09 delete personal_emails ja..@mobot.org
2019-11-09 delete personal_emails ma..@drake.edu
2019-11-09 insert founder Dana Ripper
2019-11-09 insert founder Ethan Duke
2019-11-09 insert otherexecutives Dana Ripper
2019-11-09 insert otherexecutives Ethan Duke
2019-11-09 insert personal_emails da..@mrbo.org
2019-11-09 insert personal_emails mo..@usda.gov
2019-11-09 delete email cj..@fs.fed.us
2019-11-09 delete email dd..@fs.fed.us
2019-11-09 delete email ja..@mobot.org
2019-11-09 delete email ji..@mobot.org
2019-11-09 delete email kl..@usgs.gov
2019-11-09 delete email kp..@fs.fed.us
2019-11-09 delete email ma..@drake.edu
2019-11-09 delete email ms..@fs.fed.us
2019-11-09 delete email th..@drake.edu
2019-11-09 delete person Cheryl Jefferson
2019-11-09 delete person James Miller
2019-11-09 delete person James Solomon
2019-11-09 delete person Kirk Lohman
2019-11-09 delete person Mary Wohlford
2019-11-09 delete person Thomas Rosburg
2019-11-09 delete source_ip
2019-11-09 insert email da..@mrbo.org
2019-11-09 insert email da..@usda.gov
2019-11-09 insert email et..@mrbo.org
2019-11-09 insert email gc..@atu.edu
2019-11-09 insert email ki..@usda.gov
2019-11-09 insert email mo..@usda.gov
2019-11-09 insert email mw..@usgs.gov
2019-11-09 insert email tn..@utu.edu
2019-11-09 insert person Dana Ripper
2019-11-09 insert person Ethan Duke
2019-11-09 insert person Greg Crouch
2019-11-09 insert person Mark Wiltermuth
2019-11-09 insert person Thomas Nupp
2019-11-09 insert source_ip
2019-11-09 update person_title Allen Allison: Vice President for Science => Director of Natural Sciences
2019-11-09 update person_title Kim Parks: Grants Management Specialist; Grants Management Specialist / Southern Research => Grants and Agreements Specialist / Southern Research
2019-11-09 update person_title Monica Schwalbach: Assistant Director, Planning and Applications / Southern Research; Forest Service => Assistant Station Director / Southern Research
2019-10-09 delete otherexecutives Lisa Muller
2019-10-09 delete otherexecutives Merril Flanary
2019-10-09 delete personal_emails ja..@boem.gov
2019-10-09 delete personal_emails ka..@boem.gov
2019-10-09 insert otherexecutives Ahmad Itani
2019-10-09 insert otherexecutives Donald G. (Don) Hodges
2019-10-09 insert otherexecutives Eva Levi
2019-10-09 insert otherexecutives Richard Murray
2019-10-09 insert otherexecutives Stephanie Snell
2019-10-09 insert personal_emails da..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert personal_emails el..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert personal_emails fr..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert personal_emails gr..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert personal_emails jo..@boem.gov
2019-10-09 insert personal_emails li..@gmail.com
2019-10-09 insert personal_emails ma..@ag.tamu.edu
2019-10-09 insert personal_emails wi..@yale.edu
2019-10-09 insert president Lisabeth Willey
2019-10-09 delete address Dr. Larkin Powell 3310 Holdrege St., 419 Hardin Hall University of Nebraska, Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68583-0973
2019-10-09 delete email du..@etsu.edu
2019-10-09 delete email es..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 delete email fc..@fs.fed.us
2019-10-09 delete email ja..@boem.gov
2019-10-09 delete email ka..@boem.gov
2019-10-09 delete email ka..@usace.army.mil
2019-10-09 delete email ka..@usace.army.mil
2019-10-09 delete email lm..@utk.edu
2019-10-09 delete email se..@fws.gov
2019-10-09 delete fax (703) 358-2282
2019-10-09 delete person James Moore
2019-10-09 delete person Kate Segarra
2019-10-09 delete person Kathy Mitchell
2019-10-09 delete person Lisa Muller
2019-10-09 delete person Merril Flanary
2019-10-09 delete person Seth Mott
2019-10-09 delete person William R. Duncan
2019-10-09 delete phone (703) 358-1969
2019-10-09 delete phone (703) 787-1651
2019-10-09 delete phone (865) 974-7981
2019-10-09 insert address School of Natural Resources University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68583-0974
2019-10-09 insert email an..@fws.gov
2019-10-09 insert email an..@longleafalliance.org
2019-10-09 insert email bj..@umces.edu
2019-10-09 insert email br..@whoi.edu
2019-10-09 insert email da..@apsu.edu
2019-10-09 insert email da..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert email da..@wdc.usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert email dh..@tennessee.edu
2019-10-09 insert email dh..@utk.edu
2019-10-09 insert email ed..@astate.edu
2019-10-09 insert email el..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert email ev..@uga.edu
2019-10-09 insert email fr..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert email gr..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert email it..@unr.edu
2019-10-09 insert email jb..@astate.edu
2019-10-09 insert email jd..@mansfield.edu
2019-10-09 insert email jl..@vtecostudies.org
2019-10-09 insert email jm..@stevens.edu
2019-10-09 insert email jo..@boem.gov
2019-10-09 insert email ki..@stockton.edu
2019-10-09 insert email li..@gmail.com
2019-10-09 insert email ma..@ag.tamu.edu
2019-10-09 insert email mi..@usda.gov
2019-10-09 insert email ri..@whoi.edu
2019-10-09 insert email wi..@yale.edu
2019-10-09 insert person Ahmad Itani
2019-10-09 insert person Anna-Marie York
2019-10-09 insert person Anne Rilling
2019-10-09 insert person Barbara Jenkins
2019-10-09 insert person Britt Raubenheimer
2019-10-09 insert person Dawn Wilson
2019-10-09 insert person Donald G. (Don) Hodges
2019-10-09 insert person Emily Devereux
2019-10-09 insert person Eva Levi
2019-10-09 insert person Greg Nowacki
2019-10-09 insert person Jennifer Bouldin
2019-10-09 insert person Jennifer Demchak
2019-10-09 insert person John Lloyd
2019-10-09 insert person Jon Miller
2019-10-09 insert person Jonathan Lilley
2019-10-09 insert person Kimberly McKenna
2019-10-09 insert person Lisabeth Willey
2019-10-09 insert person Mathew Kramm
2019-10-09 insert person Mike Rogers
2019-10-09 insert person Raj Dakshinamurthy
2019-10-09 insert person Richard Murray
2019-10-09 insert person William Lauenroth
2019-10-09 insert phone (402) 472-8190
2019-10-09 insert phone (703) 358-1881
2019-10-09 insert phone (703) 787-1049
2019-10-09 insert phone (865) 974-2706
2019-10-09 update person_title Brittany Grove: Coordinator; Director; Program Coordinator / University of Nebraska => Coordinator; Director; Program Coordinator
2019-10-09 update person_title Daniel C. Dey: Northern Research => Project Leader / Research Forester
2019-10-09 update person_title Debbie Danford: Director => Director; Grants Manager / Natural Resources Institute
2019-10-09 update person_title Dr. Larkin Powell: DIRECTOR; Professor, School of Natural Resources / Director, Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit => DIRECTOR; Director, Great Plains CESU / Professor of Conservation Biology / Animal Ecology; Professor, School of Natural Resources / Director, Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit
2019-10-09 update person_title Stephanie Snell: GLNF CESU Coordinator => Coordinator; Director; GLNF CESU Coordinator
2019-08-09 delete personal_emails ch..@usace.army.mil
2019-08-09 insert otherexecutives Ryan Orndorrf
2019-08-09 insert personal_emails te..@usda.gov
2019-08-09 delete email al..@mail.mil
2019-08-09 delete email ch..@usace.army.mil
2019-08-09 delete email gi..@nature.berkeley.edu
2019-08-09 delete email lk..@fs.fed.us
2019-08-09 delete fax (970) 498-1010
2019-08-09 delete person Alison A. Dalsimer
2019-08-09 delete person Charles McGregor
2019-08-09 delete person Linda E. Kruger
2019-08-09 delete phone (571) 372-6893
2019-08-09 delete phone (907) 586-8811
2019-08-09 insert email fo..@uww.edu
2019-08-09 insert email gi..@berkeley.edu
2019-08-09 insert email je..@fe.navy.mil
2019-08-09 insert email lo..@usace.army.mil
2019-08-09 insert email mi..@mail.mil
2019-08-09 insert email or..@uww.edu
2019-08-09 insert email sp..@uww.edu
2019-08-09 insert email te..@usda.gov
2019-08-09 insert person Carl Fox
2019-08-09 insert person Dale Splinter
2019-08-09 insert person Jennifer Horeg
2019-08-09 insert person Lori Kruse-Johnson
2019-08-09 insert person Michael Dolski
2019-08-09 insert person Ryan Orndorrf
2019-08-09 insert person Stephanie Snell
2019-08-09 insert person Teresa Hollingsworth
2019-08-09 insert phone (571) 372-6833
2019-08-09 insert phone (612)624-2213
2019-08-09 insert phone (703) 785-1967
2019-08-09 update person_title Merril Flanary: Coordinator; Director; GLNF CESU Coordinator => Coordinator; Director
2019-07-09 insert personal_emails di..@tamuk.edu
2019-07-09 insert president Richard Wilkinson
2019-07-09 delete email ku..@tamuk.edu
2019-07-09 delete person Sandra Garcia
2019-07-09 insert email ar..@gmail.com
2019-07-09 insert email di..@tamuk.edu
2019-07-09 insert person Diana P. Luna
2019-07-09 insert person Richard Wilkinson
2019-06-08 delete personal_emails mi..@mtsu.edu
2019-06-08 insert personal_emails ch..@sealaska.com
2019-06-08 insert personal_emails da..@mtsu.edu
2019-06-08 insert personal_emails je..@mtsu.edu
2019-06-08 delete email ch..@tnc.org
2019-06-08 delete email ed..@uguam.uog.edu
2019-06-08 delete email jp..@uguam.uog.edu
2019-06-08 delete email me..@etsu.edu
2019-06-08 delete email mi..@mtsu.edu
2019-06-08 delete email mn..@mtsu.edu
2019-06-08 delete email rm..@tnc.org
2019-06-08 delete person Christine Hall
2019-06-08 delete person Edwin Reyes
2019-06-08 delete person Jim L. Mead
2019-06-08 delete person John Peterson
2019-06-08 delete person Myra Norman
2019-06-08 delete person Rob McKim
2019-06-08 insert email ap..@alaskaconservation.org
2019-06-08 insert email bl..@triton.uog.edu
2019-06-08 insert email ch..@sealaska.com
2019-06-08 insert email cs..@wildlifemgt.org
2019-06-08 insert email da..@mtsu.edu
2019-06-08 insert email je..@mtsu.edu
2019-06-08 insert email jt..@uog.edu
2019-06-08 insert email mc..@tnc.org
2019-06-08 insert email na..@etsu.edu
2019-06-08 insert email pl..@tnc.org
2019-06-08 insert email ra..@triton.uog.edu
2019-06-08 insert email ry..@mail.mil
2019-06-08 insert person Aaron Poe
2019-06-08 insert person Arpita Nandi
2019-06-08 insert person Christian Smith
2019-06-08 insert person Chuck Smythe
2019-06-08 insert person David Butler
2019-06-08 insert person Janet T. Dirige
2019-06-08 insert person Jeffry Porter
2019-06-08 insert person Jerica B. Santos
2019-06-08 insert person Meredith Cornett
2019-06-08 insert person Peggy Ladner
2019-06-08 insert person Rachael T. Leon Guerrero
2019-06-08 insert person Ryan Orndorff
2019-04-08 delete otherexecutives Shibu Jose
2019-04-08 delete otherexecutives Steve Lindow
2019-04-08 delete otherexecutives William P. Kruidenier
2019-04-08 delete personal_emails do..@ar.usda.gov
2019-04-08 delete personal_emails gr..@nd.edu
2019-04-08 delete personal_emails ja..@drake.edu
2019-04-08 insert ceo Kurt Strand
2019-04-08 insert otherexecutives Brandon Butler
2019-04-08 insert otherexecutives Ellen Shaw
2019-04-08 insert otherexecutives Nicholas Mills
2019-04-08 insert otherexecutives Patrick Market
2019-04-08 insert personal_emails am..@slu.edu
2019-04-08 insert personal_emails cl..@csupueblo.edu
2019-04-08 insert personal_emails ja..@mobot.org
2019-04-08 insert personal_emails ma..@uwex.edu
2019-04-08 insert president Kurt Strand
2019-04-08 delete address 103 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211
2019-04-08 delete email ba..@missouri.edu
2019-04-08 delete email co..@socket.net
2019-04-08 delete email cs..@lincoln.edu
2019-04-08 delete email da..@illinois.edu
2019-04-08 delete email dc..@lc.edu
2019-04-08 delete email do..@ar.usda.gov
2019-04-08 delete email er..@missouristate.edu
2019-04-08 delete email ga..@mail.mil
2019-04-08 delete email gr..@nd.edu
2019-04-08 delete email ic..@berkeley.edu
2019-04-08 delete email ja..@iu.edu
2019-04-08 delete email ja..@drake.edu
2019-04-08 delete email jo..@missouri.edu
2019-04-08 delete email kr..@uiuc.edu
2019-04-08 delete email la..@uiowa.edu
2019-04-08 delete email md..@rivermuseum.com
2019-04-08 delete email ni..@nps.gov
2019-04-08 delete email no..@wdc.usda.gov
2019-04-08 delete email os..@illinois.edu
2019-04-08 delete email pe..@usgs.gov
2019-04-08 delete email ph..@audubon.org
2019-04-08 delete email we..@uiowa.edu
2019-04-08 delete email wg..@siu.edu
2019-04-08 delete partner Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, Inc.
2019-04-08 delete person Chris Barnett
2019-04-08 delete person Dale Chapman
2019-04-08 delete person Dave Murphy
2019-04-08 delete person David Richardson
2019-04-08 delete person Doris Washington
2019-04-08 delete person Erin Parrish
2019-04-08 delete person Gary Larsen
2019-04-08 delete person Greg Luttrell
2019-04-08 delete person James L. Christiansen
2019-04-08 delete person Larry Weber
2019-04-08 delete person Mark D. Wagner
2019-04-08 delete person Nicole Athearn
2019-04-08 delete person Noller Herbert
2019-04-08 delete person Patricia Hagen
2019-04-08 delete person Peter Lasier
2019-04-08 delete person Shibu Jose
2019-04-08 delete person Steve Lindow
2019-04-08 delete person Teresa Miller
2019-04-08 delete person Wayne Glass
2019-04-08 delete person Wendy Beaver
2019-04-08 delete person William P. Kruidenier
2019-04-08 delete phone (573) 884-2636
2019-04-08 insert address 302 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211
2019-04-08 insert email al..@slu.edu
2019-04-08 insert email am..@slu.edu
2019-04-08 insert email bb..@confedmo.org
2019-04-08 insert email ca..@uiowa.edu
2019-04-08 insert email cl..@csupueblo.edu
2019-04-08 insert email er..@uiowa.edu
2019-04-08 insert email es..@usda.gov
2019-04-08 insert email ga..@uiowa.edu
2019-04-08 insert email ge..@mail.mil
2019-04-08 insert email ja..@mobot.org
2019-04-08 insert email ja..@missouristate.edu
2019-04-08 insert email kb..@audubon.org
2019-04-08 insert email ks..@rivermuseum.com
2019-04-08 insert email lg..@lc.edu
2019-04-08 insert email ma..@uwex.edu
2019-04-08 insert email ma..@missouri.edu
2019-04-08 insert email ma..@mail.mil
2019-04-08 insert email nm..@berkeley.edu
2019-04-08 insert email or..@iu.edu
2019-04-08 insert email rl..@wisc.edu
2019-04-08 insert email sc..@lincoln.edu
2019-04-08 insert email so..@siu.edu
2019-04-08 insert email so..@wdc.usda.gov
2019-04-08 insert email sp..@illinois.edu
2019-04-08 insert email st..@missouri.edu
2019-04-08 insert email tb..@usgs.gov
2019-04-08 insert email th..@drake.edu
2019-04-08 insert email tl..@rivermuseum.com
2019-04-08 insert partner Alaska Conservation Foundation
2019-04-08 insert partner Association for the Study of African American Life and History
2019-04-08 insert partner Audubon Florida
2019-04-08 insert partner Audubon Minnesota
2019-04-08 insert partner Audubon North Carolina
2019-04-08 insert partner Audubon South Carolina
2019-04-08 insert partner Avian Research and Conservation Institute
2019-04-08 insert partner Binghamton University
2019-04-08 insert partner Bowie State University
2019-04-08 insert partner California State Polytechnical University, Pomona
2019-04-08 insert partner Center for Large Landscape Conservation
2019-04-08 insert partner Colorado State University Pueblo
2019-04-08 insert partner DC Department of Energy and Environment
2019-04-08 insert partner Ecological Society of America
2019-04-08 insert partner Farm Services Agency
2019-04-08 insert partner Front Range Community College
2019-04-08 insert partner Georgia Inistitute of Technology/Georgia Tech Research Institute
2019-04-08 insert partner Hood College
2019-04-08 insert partner Lincoln University Missouri
2019-04-08 insert partner Lock Haven University
2019-04-08 insert partner Longwood University
2019-04-08 insert partner Manomet Center for Conservation Science
2019-04-08 insert partner Mansfield University
2019-04-08 insert partner Marine Ecology and Telemetry Research
2019-04-08 insert partner Maryland Institute College of Art
2019-04-08 insert partner Morgan State University
2019-04-08 insert partner Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
2019-04-08 insert partner Ocean Research and Conservation Association
2019-04-08 insert partner Old Dominion University
2019-04-08 insert partner Park Rx America
2019-04-08 insert partner Pima County, Arizona
2019-04-08 insert partner SUNY, Stony Brook University
2019-04-08 insert partner Saint Edward's University
2019-04-08 insert partner Saint Mary's College of Maryland
2019-04-08 insert partner Sealaska Heritage Institute
2019-04-08 insert partner Shepherd University
2019-04-08 insert partner Smithsonian Institution
2019-04-08 insert partner Sonoma State University
2019-04-08 insert partner Stroud Water Research Center
2019-04-08 insert partner Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
2019-04-08 insert partner Texas A&M AgriLife Research
2019-04-08 insert partner The Institute for Bird Populations
2019-04-08 insert partner The Marine Mammal Center
2019-04-08 insert partner The Nature Conservancy Hawaiʻi
2019-04-08 insert partner The Nature Conservancy Minnesota
2019-04-08 insert partner The Nature Conservancy New Mexico
2019-04-08 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi Maui College
2019-04-08 insert partner University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa
2019-04-08 insert partner University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2019-04-08 insert partner University of Michigan
2019-04-08 insert partner University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
2019-04-08 insert partner University of Southern California, School of Architecture
2019-04-08 insert partner University of Tennessee, Martin
2019-04-08 insert partner University of Wisconsin Extension UWEX
2019-04-08 insert partner Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage
2019-04-08 insert partner Virginia Polytechnic and State University
2019-04-08 insert partner Western Colorado University
2019-04-08 insert partner Wildlife Management Institute
2019-04-08 insert person Alexis Bruce-Staudt
2019-04-08 insert person Amanda Cox
2019-04-08 insert person Brandon Butler
2019-04-08 insert person Carmen Langel
2019-04-08 insert person Claire Varian Ramos
2019-04-08 insert person Ellen Shaw
2019-04-08 insert person Erin Brothers
2019-04-08 insert person G. R. Rocky Gillette
2019-04-08 insert person Gabriele Villarini
2019-04-08 insert person Holly Stillman
2019-04-08 insert person James Miller
2019-04-08 insert person Janene Proctor
2019-04-08 insert person Ken Buchholz
2019-04-08 insert person Kurt Strand
2019-04-08 insert person Linda Williams
2019-04-08 insert person Lyle Guyon
2019-04-08 insert person Matt Sprau
2019-04-08 insert person Nicholas Mills
2019-04-08 insert person Patrick Market
2019-04-08 insert person Paul Bohn
2019-04-08 insert person Rebecca Power
2019-04-08 insert person Sonjie Schwartz
2019-04-08 insert person Sonya Neal-Reeves
2019-04-08 insert person Stacey Schulte
2019-04-08 insert person Stephen Miller
2019-04-08 insert person Thomas Rosburg
2019-04-08 insert person Tom Lange
2019-04-08 insert phone (202) 205-1165
2019-04-08 insert phone (202) 205-8336
2019-04-08 insert phone (573) 882-1496
2019-04-08 insert phone (703) 699-1191
2019-04-08 update person_title Alfred F. Cofrancesco: Technical Director, Civil Engineering Programs / U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center; Technical Director => Technical Director; Technical Director, Civil Engineering Programs / Engineer Research and Development Center
2019-04-08 update person_title Brett Ayers: Director, Grants and Sponsored Projects => Director, Grants and Sponsored Projects; Director, Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects
2019-04-08 update person_title Donald Huggins: Senior Scientist, Kansas Biological Survey => Senior Scientist, Kansas Biological Survey / Director, Central Plains Center for BioAssessment
2019-04-08 update person_title Gordon Tribble: null => Director, Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center ( PIERC )
2019-04-08 update person_title James Solomon: null => Curator of Herbarium
2019-04-08 update person_title Liz Rulli: null => Associate Vice President for Research
2019-04-08 update person_title Lori Artis: Vice President, Administration => Vice President, Administration; Vice President, Administration / Lewis and Clark Community College
2019-04-08 update person_title Rachael M. Novak: BIA Tribal Resilience Coordinator; Climate Science Coordinator / Bureau of Indian Affairs => Tribal Resilience Coordinator / Bureau of Indian Affairs; BIA Tribal Resilience Coordinator; No Alternate Council Member / TBD
2019-03-02 delete otherexecutives Carly Surratt
2019-03-02 delete otherexecutives Nicole Athearn
2019-03-02 delete personal_emails al..@islandconservation.org
2019-03-02 delete personal_emails de..@boem.gov
2019-03-02 delete personal_emails ni..@noaa.gov
2019-03-02 delete personal_emails sa..@oit.edu
2019-03-02 insert otherexecutives Julie Hartup
2019-03-02 insert otherexecutives Matthew Carlson
2019-03-02 insert otherexecutives Philippa Hawker
2019-03-02 insert otherexecutives Tom Kaye
2019-03-02 insert personal_emails da..@wsu.edu
2019-03-02 insert personal_emails ja..@noaa.gov
2019-03-02 insert personal_emails je..@pdx.edu
2019-03-02 insert personal_emails ke..@noaa.gov
2019-03-02 insert personal_emails mi..@oit.edu
2019-03-02 insert personal_emails pa..@islandconservationorg.onmicrosoft.com
2019-03-02 insert personal_emails ph..@uga.edu
2019-03-02 insert president James Valentine
2019-03-02 insert vp Toni Carrell
2019-03-02 delete address 1376 Storrs Road Unit 4087 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269-4087
2019-03-02 delete address The University of Connecticut U-87, 1376 Storrs Road Storrs, CT 06269-4087
2019-03-02 delete address University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269-5210
2019-03-02 delete email al..@islandconservation.org
2019-03-02 delete email ap..@blm.gov
2019-03-02 delete email ca..@usgs.gov
2019-03-02 delete email cs..@uga.edu
2019-03-02 delete email de..@boem.gov
2019-03-02 delete email j1..@blm.gov
2019-03-02 delete email jo..@noaa.gov
2019-03-02 delete email mg..@blm.gov
2019-03-02 delete email ml..@uaa.alaska.edu
2019-03-02 delete email ni..@noaa.gov
2019-03-02 delete email pa..@fws.gov
2019-03-02 delete email sa..@oit.edu
2019-03-02 delete email sh..@wsu.edu
2019-03-02 delete email sm..@email.arizona.edu
2019-03-02 delete email zu..@pdx.edu
2019-03-02 delete fax (501) 210-8935
2019-03-02 delete person Adrienne Pilmaris
2019-03-02 delete person Alex Wegmann
2019-03-02 delete person Carly Surratt
2019-03-02 delete person Carrie Phillips
2019-03-02 delete person Dee Williams
2019-03-02 delete person Jessica Clark
2019-03-02 delete person John E. Stein
2019-03-02 delete person Lisa Shipley
2019-03-02 delete person Lisa Zurk
2019-03-02 delete person Maria Gochis
2019-03-02 delete person Nicole Bartlett
2019-03-02 delete person Paul Heimowitz
2019-03-02 delete person Sara Reuter
2019-03-02 delete person Stuart E. Marsh
2019-03-02 delete phone (202) 720-2520
2019-03-02 delete phone (501) 210-8910
2019-03-02 delete phone (703) 787-1707
2019-03-02 delete phone (860) 486-0140
2019-03-02 delete phone (860) 486-1455
2019-03-02 delete phone (860) 486-2840
2019-03-02 insert email co..@fws.gov
2019-03-02 insert email da..@wsu.edu
2019-03-02 insert email db..@pdx.edu
2019-03-02 insert email de..@fws.gov
2019-03-02 insert email hu..@edithkanakaolefoundation.org
2019-03-02 insert email ja..@noaa.gov
2019-03-02 insert email je..@pdx.edu
2019-03-02 insert email kb..@dbg.org
2019-03-02 insert email ke..@noaa.gov
2019-03-02 insert email mc..@gmail.com
2019-03-02 insert email mi..@oit.edu
2019-03-02 insert email ml..@alaska.edu
2019-03-02 insert email mw..@blm.gov
2019-03-02 insert email pa..@islandconservationorg.onmicrosoft.com
2019-03-02 insert email ph..@uga.edu
2019-03-02 insert email po..@pdx.edu
2019-03-02 insert email pw..@smumn.edu
2019-03-02 insert email qu..@earthlink.net
2019-03-02 insert email rb..@blm.gov
2019-03-02 insert email sr..@blm.gov
2019-03-02 insert email tl..@shipsofdiscovery.org
2019-03-02 insert email to..@appliedeco.org
2019-03-02 insert email ts..@blm.gov
2019-03-02 insert person Connie Sauer
2019-03-02 insert person Daniel Thornton
2019-03-02 insert person Dawn Boatman
2019-03-02 insert person Deanna Spooner
2019-03-02 insert person James Valentine
2019-03-02 insert person Jason Podrabsky
2019-03-02 insert person Jennifer Ward
2019-03-02 insert person Julie Hartup
2019-03-02 insert person Kara Barron
2019-03-02 insert person Kevin Werner
2019-03-02 insert person Michelle Meyer
2019-03-02 insert person Patty Baiao
2019-03-02 insert person Paul Wildenborg
2019-03-02 insert person Philippa Hawker
2019-03-02 insert person Rachelle Bruse
2019-03-02 insert person Shelli Timmons
2019-03-02 insert person Todd Stackhouse
2019-03-02 insert person Tom Kaye
2019-03-02 insert person Toni Carrell
2019-03-02 insert phone (202) 690-2009
2019-03-02 insert phone (817) 509-3509
2019-03-02 update person_description John Volin => John Volin
2019-03-02 update person_title Christopher Watkins: Grants Management Specialist => Grants Management Specialist; Chief, Quality Assurance Branch / Grants and Agreements Division
2019-03-02 update person_title Doris Washington: Coordinator; National Coordinator, Cooperative Ecosystems Study Units ( CESU ) & Center of Excellence ( COE ) => Coordinator
2019-03-02 update person_title Jacqueline Davis-Slay: National CESU Coordinator => National CESU Coordinator; National Coordinator, Cooperative Ecosystems Study Units ( CESU ) Director, Public and Private
2019-03-02 update person_title Kapua Kawelo: Manager, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii 's Oahu Natural Resources Program; Department of Defense => Manager, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaiʻi 's Oahu Natural Resources Program; Department of Defense
2019-03-02 update person_title Matthew Carlson: Associate Professor of Biological Sciences => Director
2019-03-02 update person_title Nicole Athearn: National Park Service; Co - Director; Research Coordinator; Director => National Park Service; Research Coordinator
2019-03-02 update person_title Sue Phillips: Arid Lands Research Manager => Arid Lands Research Manager; Forest and Coastal Research Manager / USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center
2018-12-25 delete personal_emails je..@noaa.gov
2018-12-25 insert ceo Tara Riemer
2018-12-25 insert otherexecutives Brittany Grove
2018-12-25 insert otherexecutives Kathleen Van Vlack
2018-12-25 insert otherexecutives Lisa Muller
2018-12-25 insert otherexecutives Martin Robards
2018-12-25 insert otherexecutives Rusty Lloyd
2018-12-25 insert otherexecutives Zander Evans
2018-12-25 insert personal_emails ch..@wdc.usda.gov
2018-12-25 insert personal_emails ro..@noaa.gov
2018-12-25 insert president Tara Riemer
2018-12-25 delete address PO Box 757200 Fairbanks, AK, 99775
2018-12-25 delete email au..@cofc.edu
2018-12-25 delete email bb..@alaskageographic.org
2018-12-25 delete email bo..@noaa.gov
2018-12-25 delete email da..@nps.gov
2018-12-25 delete email do..@noaa.gov
2018-12-25 delete email je..@noaa.gov
2018-12-25 delete email jg..@fs.fed.us
2018-12-25 delete email jl..@wcs.org
2018-12-25 delete email ju..@blm.gov
2018-12-25 delete email kb..@unl.edu
2018-12-25 delete email ml..@alaskapacific.edu
2018-12-25 delete email os..@ecu.edu
2018-12-25 delete email rd..@fs.fed.us
2018-12-25 delete email sd..@alaska.edu
2018-12-25 delete email ta..@alaskasealife.org
2018-12-25 delete person BIA Climate
2018-12-25 delete person Barbara Elfman Bell
2018-12-25 delete person Bonnie Ponwith
2018-12-25 delete person Darcy Hu
2018-12-25 delete person Douglas DeMaster
2018-12-25 delete person Jen Lechuga
2018-12-25 delete person Jennifer Lechuga
2018-12-25 delete person Joe Liebezeit
2018-12-25 delete person Joyce Gorgas
2018-12-25 delete person Julia Lang
2018-12-25 delete person Katherine Bickert
2018-12-25 delete person Michael Auerbach
2018-12-25 delete person Mike Loso
2018-12-25 delete person Ricardo Lopez
2018-12-25 delete person Stephen Sparrow
2018-12-25 delete phone (865) 974-7989
2018-12-25 insert address PO Box 757200 University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, AK 99775
2018-12-25 insert email an..@alaskageographic.org
2018-12-25 insert email bg..@unl.edu
2018-12-25 insert email bh..@alaskapacific.edu
2018-12-25 insert email ch..@wdc.usda.gov
2018-12-25 insert email cl..@noaa.gov
2018-12-25 insert email ee..@pitt.edu
2018-12-25 insert email ek..@alaskageographic.org
2018-12-25 insert email ja..@wdc.usda.gov
2018-12-25 insert email ja..@nps.gov
2018-12-25 insert email kp..@fs.fed.us
2018-12-25 insert email kv..@gmail.com
2018-12-25 insert email ld..@alaska.edu
2018-12-25 insert email lm..@utk.edu
2018-12-25 insert email lo..@unh.edu
2018-12-25 insert email lp..@blm.gov
2018-12-25 insert email ma..@pitt.edu
2018-12-25 insert email mr..@wcs.org
2018-12-25 insert email of..@pitt.edu
2018-12-25 insert email om..@gmail.com
2018-12-25 insert email or..@ecu.edu
2018-12-25 insert email pe..@buffalostate.edu
2018-12-25 insert email rl..@riversedgewest.org
2018-12-25 insert email ro..@noaa.gov
2018-12-25 insert email rs..@alaskapacific.edu
2018-12-25 insert email sc..@fs.fed.us
2018-12-25 insert email sc..@buffalostate.edu
2018-12-25 insert email sp..@isu.edu
2018-12-25 insert email ss..@montana.edu
2018-12-25 insert email ta..@alaskasealife.org
2018-12-25 insert email va..@cofc.edu
2018-12-25 insert email za..@forestguild.org
2018-12-25 insert person Alice Lawson
2018-12-25 insert person BIA Tribal Resilience
2018-12-25 insert person Brad Harris
2018-12-25 insert person Brittany Grove
2018-12-25 insert person Chris Pennuto
2018-12-25 insert person Clay Porch
2018-12-25 insert person Donna Scuto
2018-12-25 insert person Eileen Kazura
2018-12-25 insert person Emily Elliott
2018-12-25 insert person Jacqueline Davis-Slay
2018-12-25 insert person Jadelyn Nakamura
2018-12-25 insert person Julie Cole
2018-12-25 insert person Kathleen Van Vlack
2018-12-25 insert person Kimberly Parks
2018-12-25 insert person Larry Hinzman
2018-12-25 insert person Leona Parker
2018-12-25 insert person Lisa Muller
2018-12-25 insert person Louise G. Griffin
2018-12-25 insert person Mark Abbott
2018-12-25 insert person Martin Robards
2018-12-25 insert person Patricia Spotts
2018-12-25 insert person Peter Lasier
2018-12-25 insert person Rhonda Sandvik
2018-12-25 insert person Robert Foy
2018-12-25 insert person Rusty Lloyd
2018-12-25 insert person Sandy Sward
2018-12-25 insert person Sean O'Meara
2018-12-25 insert person Sebastian van Delden
2018-12-25 insert person Susan Cordell
2018-12-25 insert person Travis Doering
2018-12-25 insert person Zander Evans
2018-12-25 insert phone (865) 974-7981
2018-12-25 update person_title Barbara Gray: Director, Office of Sponsored Programs => null
2018-12-25 update person_title Brian Straka: Financial Assistance Agreements Officer => Financial Assistance Agreements Officer; Lead Grants Management Officer
2018-12-25 update person_title Joseph Bunnell: International Program Specialist => Program Analyst
2018-12-25 update person_title Kapua Kawelo: Department of Defense => Manager, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii 's Oahu Natural Resources Program; Department of Defense
2018-12-25 update person_title Karlee Yurek: Branch Chief, Natural and Community Resources => Branch Chief, Natural and Community Resources; Associate Deputy State Director
2018-12-25 update person_title Paul Wagner: No Alternate Council Member / TBD => Deputy Associate Director for Ecosystems; No Alternate Council Member / TBD
2018-12-25 update person_title Peter Fix: DIRECTOR; Associate Professor of Outdoor Recreation Management; Chairman, Department of Natural Resources Management => DIRECTOR; Chairman, Department of Natural Resources Management
2018-12-25 update person_title Stephen Brown: Director of Shorebird Science => Vice President for Shorebird Conservation
2018-12-25 update person_title Tara Riemer: Interim Resident and CEO => CEO; President
2018-11-05 insert email cj..@fs.fed.us
2018-11-05 insert person Cheryl Jefferson
2018-10-02 delete cfo Lori Hallett
2018-10-02 delete otherexecutives Alison A. Dalsimer
2018-10-02 delete otherexecutives Katherine Bickert
2018-10-02 delete personal_emails bi..@noaa.gov
2018-10-02 delete personal_emails ca..@briloon.org
2018-10-02 delete personal_emails lo..@briloon.org
2018-10-02 insert cfo Lori Davis
2018-10-02 insert otherexecutives John L. Koprowski
2018-10-02 insert otherexecutives Lisa Smith
2018-10-02 insert personal_emails da..@njaudubon.org
2018-10-02 insert personal_emails lo..@briloon.org
2018-10-02 insert personal_emails mi..@noaa.gov
2018-10-02 insert personal_emails sh..@briloon.org
2018-10-02 insert personal_emails wi..@med.navy.mil
2018-10-02 delete email bi..@noaa.gov
2018-10-02 delete email ca..@briloon.org
2018-10-02 delete email ch..@usbr.gov
2018-10-02 delete email cy..@fws.gov
2018-10-02 delete email fr..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 delete email jo..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 delete email kr..@usgs.gov
2018-10-02 delete email li..@uw.edu
2018-10-02 delete email lo..@briloon.org
2018-10-02 delete email mi..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 delete email ro..@us.army.mil
2018-10-02 delete email ru..@noaa.gov
2018-10-02 delete email ry..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 delete email sh..@us.army.mil
2018-10-02 delete email sk..@wdc.usda.gov
2018-10-02 delete email wa..@fws.gov
2018-10-02 delete email wi..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain dodnaturalresources.net
2018-10-02 delete person Bill Karp
2018-10-02 delete person Carrie Gray
2018-10-02 delete person Charles Hennig
2018-10-02 delete person Cynthia Jacobson
2018-10-02 delete person Frank Lands
2018-10-02 delete person John Haddix
2018-10-02 delete person Kenneth Rice
2018-10-02 delete person Lori Hallett
2018-10-02 delete person Michelle Mansker
2018-10-02 delete person Rachel Carson
2018-10-02 delete person Russell Brown
2018-10-02 delete person Ryan B. Orndorff
2018-10-02 delete person Sheridan Stone
2018-10-02 delete person William A. Vagt
2018-10-02 delete phone (202) 720-9222
2018-10-02 delete phone (303) 445-2134
2018-10-02 delete phone (352) 264-3544
2018-10-02 delete phone (520) 621-8574
2018-10-02 delete phone (571) 372-6833
2018-10-02 insert email 5q..@email.arizona.edu
2018-10-02 insert email da..@njaudubon.org
2018-10-02 insert email ga..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 insert email hi..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 insert email ja..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 insert email je..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 insert email jo..@noaa.gov
2018-10-02 insert email ka..@fws.gov
2018-10-02 insert email lo..@briloon.org
2018-10-02 insert email ls..@naturalareas.org
2018-10-02 insert email mi..@noaa.gov
2018-10-02 insert email ns..@brynmawr.edu
2018-10-02 insert email pw..@usgs.gov
2018-10-02 insert email ro..@mail.mil
2018-10-02 insert email sh..@briloon.org
2018-10-02 insert email sq..@ag.arizona.edu
2018-10-02 insert email tm..@brynmawr.edu
2018-10-02 insert email wi..@med.navy.mil
2018-10-02 insert fax (520) 621-8801
2018-10-02 insert person David Mizrahi
2018-10-02 insert person Gary Larsen
2018-10-02 insert person James Parker
2018-10-02 insert person Jeffrey Foster
2018-10-02 insert person John L. Koprowski
2018-10-02 insert person Jon Hare
2018-10-02 insert person Kapua Kawelo
2018-10-02 insert person Karen A. Murphy
2018-10-02 insert person Lisa Smith
2018-10-02 insert person Lori Davis
2018-10-02 insert person Michael Liddel
2018-10-02 insert person Nona Smith
2018-10-02 insert person Paul Wagner
2018-10-02 insert person Sharon Oehmig
2018-10-02 insert person Thomas Mozdzer
2018-10-02 insert person William Hunt
2018-10-02 insert phone (301) 427-8139
2018-10-02 insert phone (520) 626-5895
2018-10-02 insert phone (601) 634-2990
2018-10-02 insert phone (703) 648-4034
2018-10-02 update person_title Alison A. Dalsimer: Department of Defense; Program Director; Program Manager, DoD Natural Resources Program; Director, DoD Natural Resources Program => Program Manager; Department of Defense; Program Manager, DoD Natural Resources
2018-10-02 update person_title Katherine Bickert: Coordinator; Director; Program Coordinator / University of Nebraska => Program Coordinator / University of Nebraska
2018-10-02 update person_title Sherry Whitaker: Program Manager; Grants Officer => Program Manager; Program Manager / Engineer Research and Development Center; Grants Officer
2018-07-17 delete otherexecutives Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh
2018-07-17 delete otherexecutives Jill Findeis
2018-07-17 delete otherexecutives Katie Kline
2018-07-17 insert coo Kamilla Hoban
2018-07-17 insert otherexecutives Michael Kilgore
2018-07-17 insert otherexecutives Rhonda Schwinabart
2018-07-17 delete address 1201 Eye Street NW, 8th Floor Washington, DC 20005
2018-07-17 delete email fi..@missouri.edu
2018-07-17 delete email kk..@umces.edu
2018-07-17 delete person Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh
2018-07-17 delete person Jill Findeis
2018-07-17 delete person Katie Kline
2018-07-17 insert address 1849 C Street NW, Room 2649 Washington, DC 20240
2018-07-17 insert email ka..@archaeologysouthwest.org
2018-07-17 insert email rs..@umces.edu
2018-07-17 insert person Kamilla Hoban
2018-07-17 insert person Rhonda Schwinabart
2018-07-17 insert phone (202) 354-1825
2018-07-17 update person_title Ashley Stewart: Administrative Associate / School of Natural Resources; Program Coordinator / the University of Arizona; Director => Administrative Associate / School of Natural Resources; Program Coordinator / the University of Arizona; Coordinator; Director
2018-07-17 update person_title Carly Surratt: Director => Coordinator; Director
2018-07-17 update person_title Katherine Bickert: Program Coordinator / University of Nebraska; Director => Coordinator; Director; Program Coordinator / University of Nebraska
2018-07-17 update person_title Laurie Thom: Program Coordinator, CPCESU / Northern Arizona University; Director => Program Coordinator, CPCESU / Northern Arizona University; Coordinator; Director
2018-07-17 update person_title Merril Flanary: Director; GLNF CESU Coordinator => Coordinator; Director; GLNF CESU Coordinator
2018-07-17 update person_title Michael Kilgore: Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food => Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Co - Director; Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Director
2018-07-17 update person_title Nicole Athearn: National Park Service; Research Coordinator; Director => National Park Service; Co - Director; Research Coordinator; Director
2018-07-17 update person_title Shibu Jose: DIRECTOR; Professor and Director / the School of Natural Resources => DIRECTOR; Co - Director; Professor and Director / the School of Natural Resources
2018-06-03 delete email de..@uw.edu
2018-06-03 delete email dp..@usgs.gov
2018-06-03 delete email u...@uw.edu
2018-06-03 insert email ad..@georgiaaquarium.org
2018-06-03 insert email da..@uw.edu
2018-06-03 insert email gh..@usgs.gov
2018-06-03 insert email hr..@galandtrust.org
2018-06-03 insert email lo..@jonesctr.org
2018-06-03 insert email mm..@cnlm.org
2018-06-03 insert person Alistair Dove
2018-06-03 insert person Georgia-Alabama Land
2018-06-03 insert person Hal S. Robinson
2018-06-03 insert person Joseph W. Jones
2018-06-03 insert person Lora L. Smith
2018-06-03 insert person Mason McKinley
2018-06-03 update person_title Alison A. Dalsimer: Department of Defense; Program Director; Director, DoD Natural Resources Program => Department of Defense; Program Director; Program Manager, DoD Natural Resources Program; Director, DoD Natural Resources Program
2018-06-03 update person_title Tom DeLuca: Director, School of Forest Resources; Director => Director
2018-04-12 insert otherexecutives Anderson Hall
2018-04-12 insert otherexecutives Dan Brown
2018-04-12 delete address Box 3521000 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-2100
2018-04-12 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain cfr.washington.edu
2018-04-12 delete email li..@u.washington.edu
2018-04-12 delete phone (206) 543-6286
2018-04-12 insert address Anderson Hall 015 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-2100
2018-04-12 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain depts.washington.edu
2018-04-12 insert email u...@uw.edu
2018-04-12 insert person Anderson Hall
2018-04-12 insert person Dan Brown
2018-04-12 insert phone (206) 685-1928
2018-04-12 update person_title Chris Lauver: National Park Service; Co - Director; Coordinator; Director => National Park Service; PNW CESU Co - Leader and NPS Senior Science Advisor; CO - DIRECTOR; Coordinator; Director
2018-04-12 update person_title Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh: Interim Director, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences / University of Washington; Interim Co - Director; Director => Interim Co - Director; Director
2018-04-12 update person_title Teresa Bresee: Program Coordinator / University of Washington; Coordinator; Director => Coordinator; Director; Program Coordinator
2018-03-02 insert cfo Chera Willett
2018-03-02 insert otherexecutives Jerry L. Cook
2018-03-02 insert otherexecutives Kenda Lovecchio
2018-03-02 insert personal_emails ca..@boem.gov
2018-03-02 insert personal_emails ly..@indstate.edu
2018-03-02 insert personal_emails mi..@tamusa.edu
2018-03-02 insert president Steve Duncan
2018-03-02 delete address 1919 Oakwell Farms Parkway, Suite 100 San Antonio, Texas 78218
2018-03-02 delete email bo..@blm.gov
2018-03-02 delete email bp..@sfasu.edu
2018-03-02 delete email bu..@sfasu.edu
2018-03-02 delete email fc..@gcbo.org
2018-03-02 delete email jb..@ncasi.org
2018-03-02 delete email jh..@tnc.org
2018-03-02 delete email lm..@batcon.org
2018-03-02 delete email mc..@cmich.edu
2018-03-02 delete email mi..@gmail.org
2018-03-02 delete email rj..@northland.edu
2018-03-02 delete email ro..@nps.gov
2018-03-02 delete email ry..@ncasi.org
2018-03-02 delete email ss..@wlf.la
2018-03-02 delete email wl..@usgs.gov
2018-03-02 delete fax (202) 371-2131
2018-03-02 delete fax (703) 648-4039
2018-03-02 delete person Baker Pattillo
2018-03-02 delete person Bill Lellis
2018-03-02 delete person Bill Overbaugh
2018-03-02 delete person Felipe Chavez-Ramirez
2018-03-02 delete person John Beebe
2018-03-02 delete person John McGrath
2018-03-02 delete person Linda Moore
2018-03-02 delete person Mike Prouty
2018-03-02 delete person Robert A. Winfree
2018-03-02 delete person Robert Jackson
2018-03-02 delete person Ronald Yeske
2018-03-02 delete person Steve Smith
2018-03-02 delete person Steven Bullard
2018-03-02 delete phone (202) 513-7208
2018-03-02 delete phone (210) 277-0292 ext. 108
2018-03-02 delete phone (703) 648-4060
2018-03-02 insert address AgriLife Research College Station, TX 77843
2018-03-02 insert email as..@cmich.edu
2018-03-02 insert email ba..@winona.edu
2018-03-02 insert email br..@stedwards.edu
2018-03-02 insert email ca..@boem.gov
2018-03-02 insert email cw..@trrcd.com
2018-03-02 insert email dh..@wlf.la.gov
2018-03-02 insert email dj..@ducks.org
2018-03-02 insert email do..@uwgb.edu
2018-03-02 insert email du..@gmail.com
2018-03-02 insert email er..@nps.gov
2018-03-02 insert email gc..@tamu.edu
2018-03-02 insert email gl..@stedwards.edu
2018-03-02 insert email ha..@sfasu.edu
2018-03-02 insert email jc..@shsu.edu
2018-03-02 insert email kl..@batcon.org
2018-03-02 insert email kr..@usgs.gov
2018-03-02 insert email la..@tamu.edu
2018-03-02 insert email la..@sfasu.edu
2018-03-02 insert email la..@mtu.edu
2018-03-02 insert email ly..@indstate.edu
2018-03-02 insert email mi..@tamusa.edu
2018-03-02 insert email no..@uwgb.edu
2018-03-02 insert email rg..@blm.gov
2018-03-02 insert email sb..@tnc.org
2018-03-02 insert email sh..@gcbo.org
2018-03-02 insert email wb..@shsu.edu
2018-03-02 insert person Brenda Vallance
2018-03-02 insert person Brett Ayers
2018-03-02 insert person Cathy Coon
2018-03-02 insert person Chera Willett
2018-03-02 insert person Dale James
2018-03-02 insert person David Hayden
2018-03-02 insert person Debborah Danford
2018-03-02 insert person Dimitris Lagoudas
2018-03-02 insert person Dr. Shelby Laird
2018-03-02 insert person Erica Cordeiro
2018-03-02 insert person Gloria White
2018-03-02 insert person Jennifer Hanlon
2018-03-02 insert person Jerry L. Cook
2018-03-02 insert person Kenda Lovecchio
2018-03-02 insert person Kenneth Rice
2018-03-02 insert person Lidia Nonn
2018-03-02 insert person Lisa Jukkala
2018-03-02 insert person Lynn Maurer
2018-03-02 insert person Mathew Dornbush
2018-03-02 insert person Michael O'Brien
2018-03-02 insert person Randy Goodwin
2018-03-02 insert person Seth Blitch
2018-03-02 insert person Steve Duncan
2018-03-02 insert person Susan Heath
2018-03-02 insert person William Godwin
2018-03-02 insert phone (202) 354-1823
2018-03-02 insert phone (352) 264-3544
2018-03-02 insert phone (612) 624-7286
2018-03-02 insert phone (979) 229-7734
2018-03-02 update person_description Melissa Lenczewski => Melissa Lenczewski
2018-03-02 update person_title Erin Williams: National Park Service; Research Coordinator => Co - Director, Great Lakes - Northern Forest; National Park Service; Research Coordinator
2018-03-02 update person_title Kevin Erb: Director, Conservation Professional Training Program => Director, Conservation Professional Training Program / UWEX Environmental Resources Center; Director, Conservation Professional Training Program
2018-03-02 update person_title Lisa S. Williamson: Director of Competitive Award Development and Administration Office of Institutional Advancement => Director of Sponsored Programs
2018-03-02 update person_title Lois Dalle-Molle: National Park Service; Coordinator => National Park Service; Research Coordinator
2018-03-02 update person_title Melissa Lenczewski: Associate Professor, Geology & Environmental Geosciences => Director, Institute for the Study of the Environment, Sustainability, and Energy
2018-03-02 update person_title Michael Kilgore: Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food => Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food; Professor and Interim Head, Department of Forest Resources / College of Food
2018-03-02 update person_title Randy Lehr: Bro Professor of Sustainable Regional Development, Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute => Co - Director, Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation
2017-12-16 insert otherexecutives Shibu Jose
2017-12-16 delete address 215 Genry Hall University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211
2017-12-16 delete phone (573) 882-7740
2017-12-16 insert address 103 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211
2017-12-16 insert email jo..@missouri.edu
2017-12-16 insert email jw..@siue.edu
2017-12-16 insert email sm..@siue.edu
2017-12-16 insert person Jerry Weinberg
2017-12-16 insert person Shibu Jose
2017-12-16 insert person Susan Morgan
2017-12-16 insert phone (573) 884-2636
2017-10-09 delete email ka..@fws.gov
2017-10-09 delete person Kate Freund
2017-10-09 delete phone ( 70) 358-2601
2017-10-09 insert email ry..@mail.mil
2017-10-09 insert person Ryan B. Orndorff
2017-10-09 insert phone (571) 372-6833
2017-08-26 insert personal_emails jo..@uwex.edu
2017-08-26 insert personal_emails ke..@ces.uwex.edu
2017-08-26 insert email de..@wafwa.org
2017-08-26 insert email jo..@uwex.edu
2017-08-26 insert email ke..@ces.uwex.edu
2017-08-26 insert email mr..@email.arizona.edu
2017-08-26 insert email st..@utsa.edu
2017-08-26 insert person Jordon Ott
2017-08-26 insert person Kevin Erb
2017-08-26 insert person Melissa Kramer
2017-08-26 insert person Stacy Williams
2017-07-01 delete otherexecutives Jeri Mcguffie
2017-07-01 insert otherexecutives Lori Artis
2017-07-01 insert personal_emails ma..@drake.edu
2017-07-01 insert personal_emails wi..@wisc.edu
2017-07-01 delete email cd..@rsmas.miami.edu
2017-07-01 delete email ce..@nps.gov
2017-07-01 delete email gc..@uillinois.edu
2017-07-01 delete email ja..@missouristate.edu
2017-07-01 delete email je..@usace.army.mil
2017-07-01 delete email li..@wisc.edu
2017-07-01 delete email lm..@ku.edu
2017-07-01 delete email te..@iu.edu
2017-07-01 delete person Celinda Hicks
2017-07-01 delete person Janene Proctor
2017-07-01 delete person Jeri Mcguffie
2017-07-01 delete person Kevin Koskey
2017-07-01 delete person Richard Lindroth
2017-07-01 insert email bm..@smumn.edu
2017-07-01 insert email cd..@miami.edu
2017-07-01 insert email cs..@lincoln.edu
2017-07-01 insert email da..@illinois.edu
2017-07-01 insert email dh..@ku.edu
2017-07-01 insert email em..@nps.gov
2017-07-01 insert email er..@missouristate.edu
2017-07-01 insert email gr..@fws.gov
2017-07-01 insert email ja..@iu.edu
2017-07-01 insert email lc..@lc.edu
2017-07-01 insert email ma..@ku.edu
2017-07-01 insert email ma..@drake.edu
2017-07-01 insert email mk..@umn.edu
2017-07-01 insert email os..@illinois.edu
2017-07-01 insert email pv..@semo.edu
2017-07-01 insert email rj..@iastate.edu
2017-07-01 insert email we..@uiowa.edu
2017-07-01 insert email wg..@siu.edu
2017-07-01 insert email wi..@wisc.edu
2017-07-01 insert person Becky Musselman
2017-07-01 insert person Benjamin Murray
2017-07-01 insert person Bill Barker
2017-07-01 insert person David Richardson
2017-07-01 insert person Emmett "Collin" Johnson
2017-07-01 insert person Erin Parrish
2017-07-01 insert person Grayson Rentz
2017-07-01 insert person Linda T. Chapman
2017-07-01 insert person Mary Wohlford
2017-07-01 insert person Michael Kilgore
2017-07-01 insert person Pam Vargas
2017-07-01 insert person Wayne Glass
2017-07-01 insert person Wendy Beaver
2017-07-01 update person_description John D. Aber => John D. Aber
2017-07-01 update person_title Alicia Mathis: Head of Biology Department => Professor and Department Head, Department of Biology
2017-07-01 update person_title Brian Waldron: Associate Professor, Civil Engineering => Associate Professor, Civil Engineering and Director, Center for Applied Earth Science and Engineering Research ( CAESER ) Bwaldron@Memphis.Edu
2017-07-01 update person_title Daniel D. Lovdahl: Contract Specialist / Construction and Acquisition Division => Grants Management Specialist
2017-07-01 update person_title Deborah Hernandez: Director, Research Development => Director, Research Development / Division of Research and Sponsored Programs
2017-07-01 update person_title Grant Hilderbrand: Chief of Our Marine Ecology Office => Chief, Marine Ecology Office
2017-07-01 update person_title James Garvey: null => Professor, Department of Zoology and Interim Vice Chancellor for Research
2017-07-01 update person_title Jeffrey Brawn: Professor and Head / Dept of NRES => Professor and Head, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
2017-07-01 update person_title Kevin McKoskey: Senior Associate; Director => Senior Associate; Director, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration; Director
2017-07-01 update person_title Lori Artis: Associate Vice President / Media and Foundations Relations => Vice President, Administration
2017-07-01 update person_title Lucille Marino: null => Associate Director, Office of Research
2017-07-01 update person_title Peter Fix: DIRECTOR; Campus Coordinator => DIRECTOR; Associate Professor of Outdoor Recreation Management; Chairman, Department of Natural Resources Management
2017-07-01 update person_title Stephen A. Wolter: null => Executive Director, Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands
2017-07-01 update person_title Teresa Miller: null => Grants Manager
2017-07-01 update person_title Thomas R. Omara-Alwala: null => Professor, Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
2017-05-16 insert personal_emails gi..@enmu.edu
2017-05-16 insert personal_emails ka..@enmu.edu
2017-05-16 insert personal_emails ke..@health.utah.edu
2017-05-16 insert personal_emails lu..@birdconservancy.org
2017-05-16 insert personal_emails na..@erau.edu
2017-05-16 delete email ch..@fortlewis.edu
2017-05-16 delete email da..@fws.gov
2017-05-16 delete email je..@asu.edu
2017-05-16 delete email rb..@blm.gov
2017-05-16 delete person Dana Roth
2017-05-16 delete person Jennifer Carter
2017-05-16 delete person Ron Bolander
2017-05-16 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain sfc-cesu.com
2017-05-16 insert email ap..@blm.gov
2017-05-16 insert email da..@erau.edu
2017-05-16 insert email di..@flagler.edu
2017-05-16 insert email gi..@enmu.edu
2017-05-16 insert email gr..@barry.edu
2017-05-16 insert email ja..@fws.gov
2017-05-16 insert email jd..@nmt.edu
2017-05-16 insert email ka..@enmu.edu
2017-05-16 insert email ke..@health.utah.edu
2017-05-16 insert email ki..@asu.edu
2017-05-16 insert email ky..@blm.gov
2017-05-16 insert email le..@baylor.edu
2017-05-16 insert email li..@baylor.edu
2017-05-16 insert email lu..@birdconservancy.org
2017-05-16 insert email na..@erau.edu
2017-05-16 insert email tf..@hawksaloft.org
2017-05-16 insert person Adrienne Pilmaris
2017-05-16 insert person Gillian Gordon
2017-05-16 insert person James Broska
2017-05-16 insert person Jesus D. Gomez-Velez
2017-05-16 insert person Karlee Yurek
2017-05-16 insert person Kathy Durand
2017-05-16 insert person Kelly Bricker
2017-05-16 insert person Kimberly Grout
2017-05-16 insert person Lee Nordt
2017-05-16 insert person Lisa McKethan
2017-05-16 insert person Mary Jane Dillon
2017-05-16 insert person Nanette Guzman
2017-05-16 insert person Sandra Mancuso
2017-05-16 insert person Steven Daniel
2017-05-16 insert person T. Luke George
2017-05-16 insert person Trevor Fetz
2017-05-16 update person_title Annessa Culbreth: Executive Assistant / Science => Executive Assistant / Associate Regional Director, Science Applications
2017-05-16 update person_title Bonnie Ponwith: null => Director, Southeast Fisheries Science Center
2017-05-16 update person_title Stuart E. Marsh: DIRECTOR; Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment / Professor and Chair; Interim Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment / Professor and Chair; Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment / the University of Arizona => DIRECTOR; Interim Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment / Professor and Chair; Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment / the University of Arizona
2017-03-14 delete otherexecutives Rachel Franklin-Weekly
2017-03-14 delete otherexecutives Wayne Freimund
2017-03-14 delete personal_emails ev..@ars.usda.gov
2017-03-14 delete personal_emails ri..@nasa.gov
2017-03-14 delete personal_emails ri..@noaa.gov
2017-03-14 delete personal_emails ro..@noaa.gov
2017-03-14 insert otherexecutives Alison A. Dalsimer
2017-03-14 insert otherexecutives E. Maria Kies
2017-03-14 insert otherexecutives Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh
2017-03-14 insert otherexecutives Nicole Athearn
2017-03-14 insert personal_emails ri..@ars.usda.gov
2017-03-14 insert personal_emails to..@mso.umt.edu
2017-03-14 delete email ca..@nps.gov
2017-03-14 delete email de..@uw.edu
2017-03-14 delete email eb..@blm.gov
2017-03-14 delete email ev..@ars.usda.gov
2017-03-14 delete email hh..@blm.gov
2017-03-14 delete email l...@mail.mil
2017-03-14 delete email ma..@bia.gov
2017-03-14 delete email mp..@blm.gov
2017-03-14 delete email pa..@nps.gov
2017-03-14 delete email ra..@nps.gov
2017-03-14 delete email ri..@nasa.gov
2017-03-14 delete email ri..@noaa.gov
2017-03-14 delete email ro..@noaa.gov
2017-03-14 delete email ru..@berkeley.edu
2017-03-14 delete email se..@bia.gov
2017-03-14 delete email wa..@umontana.edu
2017-03-14 delete fax (301) 504-6231
2017-03-14 delete fax (301) 713-3110
2017-03-14 delete person Carmen Chapin
2017-03-14 delete person Eddie Bell
2017-03-14 delete person Evert K. Byington
2017-03-14 delete person Heidi Hadley
2017-03-14 delete person L. Peter Boice
2017-03-14 delete person Lester Crenveige
2017-03-14 delete person Mark Broughton
2017-03-14 delete person Matthew Preston
2017-03-14 delete person Pat O' Brien
2017-03-14 delete person Rachel Franklin-Weekly
2017-03-14 delete person Richard Danks
2017-03-14 delete person Richard Merrick
2017-03-14 delete person Sean J. Hart
2017-03-14 delete person Wayne Freimund
2017-03-14 delete phone (202) 513-0337
2017-03-14 delete phone (202) 912-7175
2017-03-14 delete phone (202) 912-7207
2017-03-14 delete phone (301) 504-4625
2017-03-14 delete phone (301) 563-1144
2017-03-14 delete phone (571) 372-6905
2017-03-14 delete phone (941) 487-4649
2017-03-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain cesu.utk.edu
2017-03-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2017-03-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain psaccesu.uga.edu
2017-03-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain twin-cities.umn.edu
2017-03-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain usmd.edu
2017-03-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain welcome.miami.edu
2017-03-14 insert email bi..@nps.gov
2017-03-14 insert email br..@blm.gov
2017-03-14 insert email ch..@usace.army.mil
2017-03-14 insert email ci..@noaa.gov
2017-03-14 insert email do..@nasa.gov
2017-03-14 insert email em..@berkeley.edu
2017-03-14 insert email jo..@bia.gov
2017-03-14 insert email ke..@ars.usda.gov
2017-03-14 insert email ke..@nps.gov
2017-03-14 insert email li..@uw.edu
2017-03-14 insert email ma..@blm.gov
2017-03-14 insert email me..@mail.mil
2017-03-14 insert email me..@grc.nasa.gov
2017-03-14 insert email ni..@nps.gov
2017-03-14 insert email ri..@ars.usda.gov
2017-03-14 insert email to..@mso.umt.edu
2017-03-14 insert fax (510) 559-6023
2017-03-14 insert fax (775) 784-1712
2017-03-14 insert person Bill Thompson
2017-03-14 insert person Brandon Riley
2017-03-14 insert person Chelsea Whitten
2017-03-14 insert person Donald Easterling
2017-03-14 insert person E. Maria Kies
2017-03-14 insert person Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh
2017-03-14 insert person Jo Ann Metcalfe
2017-03-14 insert person John H. Glenn
2017-03-14 insert person Keith Zotti
2017-03-14 insert person Lester Crenwelge
2017-03-14 insert person Mara Alexander
2017-03-14 insert person Melissa Merrill
2017-03-14 insert person Nicole Athearn
2017-03-14 insert person Richard Kimball
2017-03-14 insert phone (202) 912-7096
2017-03-14 insert phone (510) 559-6019
2017-03-14 insert phone (571) 372-6893
2017-03-14 insert phone (775) 784-6057 ext 245
2017-03-14 update person_title Alison A. Dalsimer: Director, DoD Natural Resources Program => Program Director; Director, DoD Natural Resources Program
2017-03-14 update person_title Craig Czarnecki: null => Science Applications Assistant Regional Director
2017-03-14 update person_title Jennifer Lechuga: null => Environmental Compliance Coordinator / CESU Program Manager
2017-03-14 update person_title Joyce Gorgas: Lead Grants and Agreements Specialist => Lead Grants and Agreements Specialist / Southern Research
2017-03-14 update person_title Lisa Gerloff: Co - Director; Director => Executive; Coordinator; Director
2017-03-14 update person_title Michael Mengak: Associate Dean of Outreach and Professor - Wildlife; Director => Associate Dean - Outreach Professor - Wildlife / Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources; Director
2017-03-14 update person_title Sherry Whitaker: Grants Officer => Program Manager; Grants Officer
2017-03-14 update person_title Thomas Doyle: null => Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
2017-03-14 update person_title Tim Watkins: Science and Education Coordinator => Science Access and Engagement Coordinator
2017-03-14 update person_title Tom DeLuca: Co - Director; Director => Director
2016-12-23 insert otherexecutives Sherry Whitaker
2016-12-23 delete email aa..@usgs.gov
2016-12-23 delete person Allison A. Shipp
2016-12-23 insert email sm..@usgs.gov
2016-12-23 insert person Scott Morlock
2016-12-23 update person_title Sherry Whitaker: null => Grants Officer
2016-10-30 delete otherexecutives L. Peter Boice
2016-10-30 delete personal_emails ja..@usace.army.mil
2016-10-30 delete email ja..@usace.army.mil
2016-10-30 delete email lt..@blm.gov
2016-10-30 delete person Jack Mobley
2016-10-30 delete person Lisa Clayton
2016-10-30 insert email do..@usgs.gov
2016-10-30 insert person Thomas Doyle
2016-10-30 update person_title L. Peter Boice: Director, Office of the Deputy under Secretary of Defense ( Installations and Environment ); Deputy Director, Natural Resources; Director; Department of Defense => Deputy Director, Natural Resources
2016-09-03 delete otherexecutives Kristin Kehrwald
2016-09-03 delete president William T. Abare
2016-09-03 insert otherexecutives Katie Kline
2016-09-03 delete address 1251 Memorial Drive, McArthur Engineering Building, Room 252 Coral Gables, FL 33146
2016-09-03 delete email di..@flagler.edu
2016-09-03 delete email kk..@umces.edu
2016-09-03 delete email rn..@fau.edu
2016-09-03 delete email sh..@grants.rutgers.edu
2016-09-03 delete email wu..@blm.gov
2016-09-03 delete person Kristin Kehrwald
2016-09-03 delete person Ramaswamy Narayanan
2016-09-03 delete person Sheryl Goldberg
2016-09-03 delete person Walter "Bert" Ullrey
2016-09-03 delete person William T. Abare
2016-09-03 insert address McArthur Engineering Building, Room 252 University of Miami 1251 Memorial Drive Coral Gables, FL 33146
2016-09-03 insert email ca..@grants.rutgers.edu
2016-09-03 insert email de..@uprm.edu
2016-09-03 insert email di..@uprm.edu
2016-09-03 insert email eb..@blm.gov
2016-09-03 insert email jb..@fau.edu
2016-09-03 insert email ka..@usace.army.mil
2016-09-03 insert email kk..@umces.edu
2016-09-03 insert email mv..@grants.rutgers.edu
2016-09-03 insert person Casandra Burrows
2016-09-03 insert person Eddie Bell
2016-09-03 insert person John Baldwin
2016-09-03 insert person Katie Kline
2016-09-03 insert person Marisol Vera-Colon
2016-09-03 insert person Melissa Vinch
2016-09-03 update person_title Alison A. Dalsimer: Department of Defense => Director, DoD Natural Resources Program; Department of Defense
2016-09-03 update person_title Helena Solo-Gabriele: Director; Professor and Associate Dean for Research / University of Miami => Professor and Associate Dean for Research / Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering / College of Engineering; Professor and Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering; Director
2016-09-03 update person_title Ivan J. Fernandez: Professor of Soil Science School of Forest Resources => Distinguished Maine Professor
2016-09-03 update person_title Manuel Valdés Pizzini: Interim Dean College of Arts and Science / University of Puerto Rico => Dean, College of Arts and Science
2016-09-03 update person_title Richard E. Dodge: Professor and Dean, NSU Halmos College of Natural Sciences => Professor and Dean / Executive Director, National Coral Reef Institute
2016-07-09 insert personal_emails br..@myfwc.com
2016-07-09 insert personal_emails ch..@usace.army.mil
2016-07-09 insert personal_emails ma..@usm.edu
2016-07-09 insert personal_emails re..@myfwc.com
2016-07-09 insert personal_emails to..@whitebuffaloinc.org
2016-07-09 delete email js..@warnell.uga.edu
2016-07-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2016-07-09 insert email al..@mail.mil
2016-07-09 insert email br..@myfwc.com
2016-07-09 insert email ch..@usace.army.mil
2016-07-09 insert email ka..@usace.army.mil
2016-07-09 insert email lr..@ncf.edu
2016-07-09 insert email ma..@usm.edu
2016-07-09 insert email re..@myfwc.com
2016-07-09 insert email to..@whitebuffaloinc.org
2016-07-09 insert person Alison A. Dalsimer
2016-07-09 insert person Brian Branciforte
2016-07-09 insert person Charles McGregor
2016-07-09 insert person Kathy Mitchell
2016-07-09 insert person Lee Ann Rodriguez
2016-07-09 insert person Marcia Landen
2016-07-09 insert person René Baumstark
2016-07-09 insert phone (941) 487-4649
2016-07-09 update person_title Michael T. Mengak: Director => Associate Dean of Outreach and Professor - Wildlife; Director
2016-04-11 delete coo Patricia Castillo Trenn
2016-04-11 delete otherexecutives Debbie Danford
2016-04-11 insert otherexecutives Jeremiah Leibowitz
2016-04-11 insert personal_emails ca..@boem.gov
2016-04-11 insert personal_emails je..@ag.tamu.edu
2016-04-11 insert personal_emails sh..@usace.army.mil
2016-04-11 delete address 601 Riverfront Drive Omaha, NE 68102-4226
2016-04-11 delete address AgriLife Research College Station, TX 77843-2260
2016-04-11 delete email ca..@regionalconservation.org
2016-04-11 delete email ch..@nps.gov
2016-04-11 delete email jm..@fairchildgarden.org
2016-04-11 delete email ma..@boem.gov
2016-04-11 delete email rc..@usf.edu
2016-04-11 delete email sa..@nps.gov
2016-04-11 delete person Cheri Yost
2016-04-11 delete person Joyce Maschinski
2016-04-11 delete person Mary Elaine
2016-04-11 delete person Patricia Castillo Trenn
2016-04-11 delete person Ralph Wilcox
2016-04-11 delete person Sandra Newton
2016-04-11 delete phone (202) 513-7194
2016-04-11 delete phone (402) 661-1928
2016-04-11 delete phone (979) 862.7205
2016-04-11 insert address 1919 Oakwell Farms Parkway, Suite 100 San Antonio, Texas 78218
2016-04-11 insert email ab..@regionalconservation.org
2016-04-11 insert email ca..@boem.gov
2016-04-11 insert email ce..@nps.gov
2016-04-11 insert email je..@ag.tamu.edu
2016-04-11 insert email jl..@fairchildgarden.org
2016-04-11 insert email jp..@fairchildgarden.org
2016-04-11 insert email kf..@unmc.edu
2016-04-11 insert email ma..@bia.gov
2016-04-11 insert email sh..@usace.army.mil
2016-04-11 insert email wu..@blm.gov
2016-04-11 insert index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2016-04-11 insert person Cara Abbott
2016-04-11 insert person Cathie Dunkel
2016-04-11 insert person Celinda Hicks
2016-04-11 insert person James Joseph Lange
2016-04-11 insert person Jennifer Possley
2016-04-11 insert person Jeremiah Leibowitz
2016-04-11 insert person Keith Hansen
2016-04-11 insert person Mark Broughton
2016-04-11 insert person Sherry Whitaker
2016-04-11 insert person Walter "Bert" Ullrey
2016-04-11 insert phone (202) 219-1652
2016-04-11 insert phone (210) 277-0292 ext. 108
2016-04-11 update person_title Debbie Danford: DIRECTOR; Program Manager, Pre - Award, Business Administration / Texas a & M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources / Texas a & M University => null
2016-04-11 update person_title Rachael M. Novak: BIA Climate Science Coordinator => Climate Science Coordinator / Bureau of Indian Affairs; BIA Climate Science Coordinator; No Alternate Council Member / TBD
2016-04-11 update person_title Rachel Franklin-Weekly: National Park Service; Acting Research Coordinator; Director => Director
2016-02-24 delete otherexecutives Craig van der Heiden
2016-02-24 delete otherexecutives Jerry Lorenz
2016-02-24 delete personal_emails ma..@ars.usda.gov
2016-02-24 insert ceo Craig van der Heiden
2016-02-24 insert coo Patricia Castillo Trenn
2016-02-24 insert personal_emails be..@ars.usda.gov
2016-02-24 insert personal_emails ma..@upr.edu
2016-02-24 insert personal_emails ra..@bia.gov
2016-02-24 insert president Frank Marshall
2016-02-24 insert president William T. Abare
2016-02-24 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain greatplainscesu.com
2016-02-24 delete email cr..@gso.uri.edu
2016-02-24 delete email ds..@fgcu.edu
2016-02-24 delete email js..@fdltcc.edu
2016-02-24 delete email ju..@upr.edu
2016-02-24 delete email ke..@nasa.gov
2016-02-24 delete email ma..@ars.usda.gov
2016-02-24 delete email sd..@cornell.edu
2016-02-24 delete email sg..@uvi.edu
2016-02-24 delete email sh..@nps.gov
2016-02-24 delete person Aswani K. Volety
2016-02-24 delete person Charles Roman
2016-02-24 delete person Donna Stremke
2016-02-24 delete person Jay Sandal
2016-02-24 delete person Juan Lopez-Garriga
2016-02-24 delete person Kenneth Kumor
2016-02-24 delete person Mark Weltz
2016-02-24 delete person Sherri L. Fields
2016-02-24 delete person Stephen D. DeGloria
2016-02-24 delete person Steve Good
2016-02-24 delete phone (202) 358-1112
2016-02-24 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain gpcesu.unl.edu
2016-02-24 insert email be..@ars.usda.gov
2016-02-24 insert email ca..@nps.gov
2016-02-24 insert email ca..@nps.gov
2016-02-24 insert email ca..@regionalconservation.org
2016-02-24 insert email ch..@nova.edu
2016-02-24 insert email cl..@fit.edu
2016-02-24 insert email co..@fdltcc.edu
2016-02-24 insert email di..@flagler.edu
2016-02-24 insert email ke..@ars.usda.gov
2016-02-24 insert email ke..@flagler.edu
2016-02-24 insert email ma..@upr.edu
2016-02-24 insert email ml..@cornell.edu
2016-02-24 insert email ra..@bia.gov
2016-02-24 insert email rn..@fau.edu
2016-02-24 insert email rn..@uvi.edu
2016-02-24 insert email sa..@nps.gov
2016-02-24 insert person BIA Climate
2016-02-24 insert person Beth Newingham
2016-02-24 insert person Carmen Chapin
2016-02-24 insert person Carolyn R. Lockyer
2016-02-24 insert person Catherine M. Harlan
2016-02-24 insert person Courtney Kowalczak
2016-02-24 insert person Darren Rumbold
2016-02-24 insert person Kelly Enright
2016-02-24 insert person Magdeline Laba
2016-02-24 insert person Manuel Valdés Pizzini
2016-02-24 insert person Patricia Castillo Trenn
2016-02-24 insert person Rachael Novak
2016-02-24 insert person Ramaswamy Narayanan
2016-02-24 insert person Richard S. Nemeth
2016-02-24 insert person Sandra Newton
2016-02-24 insert person William T. Abare
2016-02-24 update person_title Carol Daniels: National Park Service; Coordinator => National Park Service; Senior Scientist
2016-02-24 update person_title Craig van der Heiden: Assistant Director => CEO
2016-02-24 update person_title Frank Marshall: null => President
2016-02-24 update person_title Gary A. Zarillo: Professor, Marine and Environmental Systems => Professor of Oceanography / Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
2016-02-24 update person_title Jeremy Montague: Professor => Professor, Marine Biology
2016-02-24 update person_title Jerry Lorenz: Director => State Science Director
2016-02-24 update person_title Kenneth G. Rice: null => Center Director / Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
2016-02-24 update person_title Michael Andrejko: Department of Defense => Natural Resources Project Manager; Department of Defense
2016-02-24 update person_title Richard E. Dodge: Dean => Professor and Dean, NSU Halmos College of Natural Sciences
2016-01-27 delete otherexecutives Bob Tichac
2016-01-27 delete otherexecutives Jim Burchfield
2016-01-27 delete otherexecutives Peter K. Swart
2016-01-27 delete personal_emails ja..@umontana.edu
2016-01-27 delete personal_emails pe..@utb.edu
2016-01-27 delete personal_emails ri..@utb.edu
2016-01-27 insert otherexecutives Charlotte "Carly" Surratt
2016-01-27 insert otherexecutives Kristin Kehrwald
2016-01-27 insert otherexecutives Wayne Freimund
2016-01-27 insert personal_emails ch..@ftw.usda.gov
2016-01-27 delete address 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway University of Miami Miami, FL, 33149
2016-01-27 delete email ja..@umontana.edu
2016-01-27 delete email kf..@unmc.edu
2016-01-27 delete email ml..@ufl.edu
2016-01-27 delete email pe..@utb.edu
2016-01-27 delete email ps..@rsmas.miami.edu
2016-01-27 delete email re..@utpa.edu
2016-01-27 delete email ri..@utb.edu
2016-01-27 delete email rt..@blm.gov
2016-01-27 delete email se..@osd.mil
2016-01-27 delete email sp..@utpa.edu
2016-01-27 delete person Bob Tichac
2016-01-27 delete person Durelle Smith
2016-01-27 delete person Jim Burchfield
2016-01-27 delete person Keith Hansen
2016-01-27 delete person Peter K. Swart
2016-01-27 delete person Richard Kline
2016-01-27 delete person Robert Edwards
2016-01-27 delete person Sayed Sadiq Shah
2016-01-27 delete person Sean Rutherford
2016-01-27 delete phone (305) 361-4000
2016-01-27 delete phone (573) 882-7023
2016-01-27 insert email bm..@utsystem.edu
2016-01-27 insert email cd..@utsystem.edu
2016-01-27 insert email ch..@ftw.usda.gov
2016-01-27 insert email cs..@uga.edu
2016-01-27 insert email er..@nps.gov
2016-01-27 insert email kk..@umces.edu
2016-01-27 insert email lm..@fs.fed.us
2016-01-27 insert email mb..@blm.gov
2016-01-27 insert email se..@umces.edu
2016-01-27 insert email sg..@virginiaaquarium.com
2016-01-27 insert email sl..@ufl.edu
2016-01-27 insert email wa..@umontana.edu
2016-01-27 insert partner Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, Inc.
2016-01-27 insert person Cathy Dineen
2016-01-27 insert person Charlotte "Carly" Surratt
2016-01-27 insert person Christopher Watkins
2016-01-27 insert person David Secor
2016-01-27 insert person Erin Williams
2016-01-27 insert person Grant Hilderbrand
2016-01-27 insert person Kristin Kehrwald
2016-01-27 insert person Linda Marsh
2016-01-27 insert person Matt Burns
2016-01-27 insert person Sherry Larkin
2016-01-27 insert person Susan G. Barco
2016-01-27 insert person Wayne Freimund
2016-01-27 update person_title Charla S. Miertschin: Interim Dean, College of Science and Engineering => Dean, College of Science and Engineering
2016-01-27 update person_title Debbie Danford: DIRECTOR => DIRECTOR; Program Manager, Pre - Award, Business Administration / Texas a & M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources / Texas a & M University
2016-01-27 update person_title Duane B. Pool: Science => Science Director
2016-01-27 update person_title Jill Findeis: Co - Director; Director => DIRECTOR
2016-01-27 update person_title Kent Reid: Interim Director / New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute => Director / New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute
2016-01-27 update person_title Lisa Kunza: Assistant Professor => Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences; Assistant Professor
2016-01-27 update person_title Nels Troelstrup: null => Professor, Assistant Department Head, and Field Station Director
2016-01-27 update person_title Paulette Ford: Rocky Mountain Research; Forest Service => Research Ecologist / Rocky Mountain Research; Forest Service
2016-01-27 update person_title Rachel Franklin-Weekley: Midwest Regional Office / National Park Service => Acting Research Coordinator / Midwest Regional Office / National Park Service; ACTING RESEARCH COORDINATOR
2016-01-27 update person_title Rodney Lym: Department of Plant Sciences => Associate Department Head and Professor / Department of Plant Sciences
2016-01-27 update person_title Sean MacDougall: Planning and Environmental Coordinator - Detail => Biological Sciences Program Lead
2015-10-25 delete evp Stanley H. Boynton
2015-10-25 delete personal_emails da..@rmbo.org
2015-10-25 insert otherexecutives Linda LaGrange
2015-10-25 insert otherexecutives Tim Wagoner
2015-10-25 insert personal_emails ch..@bhsu.edu
2015-10-25 insert personal_emails ol..@uvi.edu
2015-10-25 delete email br..@hawaii.edu
2015-10-25 delete email da..@rmbo.org
2015-10-25 delete email ho..@bhsu.edu
2015-10-25 delete email hp..@fau.edu
2015-10-25 delete email jm..@usbr.gov
2015-10-25 delete email kr..@nmhu.edu
2015-10-25 delete email ks..@mna.mus.az.us
2015-10-25 delete email kw..@columbia.edu
2015-10-25 delete email mr..@usbr.gov
2015-10-25 delete email pv..@sdsmt.edu
2015-10-25 delete email sb..@evergladesfoundation.org
2015-10-25 delete email sp..@sdsmt.edu
2015-10-25 delete person David Hanni
2015-10-25 delete person Domingo Sanchez, III
2015-10-25 delete person Holly Downing
2015-10-25 delete person Howard B. Hanson
2015-10-25 delete person Janice Richardson
2015-10-25 delete person Kate Bryant-Greenwood
2015-10-25 delete person Katherine McFadden
2015-10-25 delete person Melynda Roberts
2015-10-25 delete person Ronald J. White
2015-10-25 delete person Stanley H. Boynton
2015-10-25 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain hilo.hawaii.edu
2015-10-25 insert email cc..@fau.edu
2015-10-25 insert email ch..@bhsu.edu
2015-10-25 insert email ch..@noaa.gov
2015-10-25 insert email du..@birdconservancy.org
2015-10-25 insert email ja..@sdsmt.edu
2015-10-25 insert email ks..@musnaz.org
2015-10-25 insert email la..@nmhu.edu
2015-10-25 insert email ne..@sdstate.edu
2015-10-25 insert email ol..@uvi.edu
2015-10-25 insert email rk..@nmhu.edu
2015-10-25 insert email rt..@unmc.edu
2015-10-25 insert email tp..@usbr.gov
2015-10-25 insert person Camille Coley
2015-10-25 insert person Charles Lamb
2015-10-25 insert person Christopher Strager
2015-10-25 insert person Duane B. Pool
2015-10-25 insert person Jan Puszynski
2015-10-25 insert person Jen Lechuga
2015-10-25 insert person Linda LaGrange
2015-10-25 insert person Nels Troelstrup
2015-10-25 insert person Olusola Ewulo
2015-10-25 insert person Rob Hansen
2015-10-25 insert person Tim Wagoner
2015-10-25 update person_title Tom Van Lent: Senior Scientist => Director of Science and Policy
2015-08-30 delete otherexecutives Kathleen Harris
2015-08-30 delete otherexecutives Laura Jenski
2015-08-30 delete personal_emails ke..@wwwfus.org
2015-08-30 insert managingdirector Amy Cook
2015-08-30 insert personal_emails am..@ttu.edu
2015-08-30 insert personal_emails ke..@wwfus.org
2015-08-30 insert personal_emails ma..@usd.edu
2015-08-30 delete email ca..@nps.gov
2015-08-30 delete email de..@usbr.gov
2015-08-30 delete email ka..@ttu.edu
2015-08-30 delete email ke..@wwwfus.org
2015-08-30 delete email lj..@usd.edu
2015-08-30 delete person Catherine Schroeder
2015-08-30 delete person Doug Epperly
2015-08-30 delete person Kathleen Harris
2015-08-30 delete person Laura Jenski
2015-08-30 insert email am..@ttu.edu
2015-08-30 insert email jb..@usbr.gov
2015-08-30 insert email kb..@unl.edu
2015-08-30 insert email ke..@wwfus.org
2015-08-30 insert email ma..@usd.edu
2015-08-30 insert email no..@nps.gov
2015-08-30 insert person Amy Cook
2015-08-30 insert person Jennifer Beardsley
2015-08-30 insert person Katherine Bickert
2015-08-30 insert person Mary Berry
2015-08-30 insert person Noël Ann Miller
2015-08-30 update person_title Tanya Shenk: National Park Service; Acting CESU Coordinator; Coordinator => National Park Service; Research Coordinator
2015-08-02 delete email ca..@nps.gov
2015-08-02 delete email pw..@bates.edu
2015-08-02 delete person Carmen Chapin
2015-08-02 delete person Philip Walsh
2015-08-02 insert email jt..@bates.edu
2015-08-02 insert person Joseph Tomaras
2015-08-02 update person_title Tanya Shenk: National Park Service; Coordinator => National Park Service; Acting CESU Coordinator; Coordinator
2015-06-27 delete otherexecutives Deannda Sontag
2015-06-27 insert otherexecutives Carolyn Gulley
2015-06-27 insert personal_emails ad..@lmunet.edu
2015-06-27 insert personal_emails al..@uc.edu
2015-06-27 insert personal_emails ca..@lmunet.edu
2015-06-27 delete email de..@usace.army.mil
2015-06-27 delete email jc..@ntbg.org
2015-06-27 delete email rc..@lmunet.edu
2015-06-27 delete person Deannda Sontag
2015-06-27 delete person John R. Clark
2015-06-27 delete person Ron Caldwell
2015-06-27 insert email ad..@lmunet.edu
2015-06-27 insert email al..@uc.edu
2015-06-27 insert email ca..@lmunet.edu
2015-06-27 insert email jr..@brockport.edu
2015-06-27 insert email lm..@brockport.edu
2015-06-27 insert email lo..@ntbg.org
2015-06-27 insert person Adam W. Rollins
2015-06-27 insert person Alan P. Sullivan
2015-06-27 insert person Carolyn Gulley
2015-06-27 insert person David H. Lorence
2015-06-27 insert person Jacques Rinchard
2015-06-27 insert person Laura Merkl
2015-05-30 delete otherexecutives Bill Dennison
2015-05-30 delete otherexecutives Della Streaty-Wilhoit
2015-05-30 delete otherexecutives Gordon Bradley
2015-05-30 delete otherexecutives Todd Snelgrove
2015-05-30 delete personal_emails ca..@briloon.org
2015-05-30 insert otherexecutives Andrew Robertson
2015-05-30 insert otherexecutives Eric Davidson
2015-05-30 insert otherexecutives Helena Solo-Gabriele
2015-05-30 insert otherexecutives Jeri Mcguffie
2015-05-30 insert otherexecutives Teresa Bresee
2015-05-30 insert otherexecutives Thomas DeLuca
2015-05-30 insert personal_emails ca..@briloon.org
2015-05-30 delete address 1849 C Street NW, Room #2737 Washington, DC 20240
2015-05-30 delete email bd..@smumn.edu
2015-05-30 delete email br..@uw.edu
2015-05-30 delete email ca..@briloon.org
2015-05-30 delete email de..@nps.gov
2015-05-30 delete email de..@umces.edu
2015-05-30 delete email ts..@tamu.edu
2015-05-30 delete person Barry Drazkowski
2015-05-30 delete person Bill Dennison
2015-05-30 delete person Catherine Flegel
2015-05-30 delete person Della Streaty-Wilhoit
2015-05-30 delete person Gordon Bradley
2015-05-30 delete person Todd Snelgrove
2015-05-30 delete phone (202) 208-5972
2015-05-30 insert address 1201 Eye Street NW, 8th Floor Washington, DC 20005
2015-05-30 insert address 1251 Memorial Drive, McArthur Engineering Building, Room 252 Coral Gables, FL 33146
2015-05-30 insert email ar..@smumn.edu
2015-05-30 insert email ca..@briloon.org
2015-05-30 insert email de..@uw.edu
2015-05-30 insert email ed..@al.umces.edu
2015-05-30 insert email hm..@miami.edu
2015-05-30 insert email je..@usace.army.mil
2015-05-30 insert email pn..@u.washington.edu
2015-05-30 insert person Andrew Robertson
2015-05-30 insert person Carrie Gray
2015-05-30 insert person Eric Davidson
2015-05-30 insert person Helena Solo-Gabriele
2015-05-30 insert person Jeri Mcguffie
2015-05-30 insert person Teresa Bresee
2015-05-30 insert person Thomas DeLuca
2015-05-30 insert phone (202) 302-9482
2015-05-30 insert phone 305-284-2908
2015-05-02 delete email do..@fws.gov
2015-05-02 delete person Donald H. Calder
2015-05-02 insert email ea..@suu.edu
2015-05-02 insert email st..@fws.gov
2015-05-02 insert person Briget Eastep
2015-05-02 insert person Steve Sponaugle
2015-04-04 delete personal_emails lu..@utb.edu
2015-04-04 insert personal_emails ri..@utb.edu
2015-04-04 delete address 213 Gentry Hall Columbia, MO 65211
2015-04-04 delete email da..@nps.gov
2015-04-04 delete email fo..@auburn.edu
2015-04-04 delete email gw..@southalabama.edu
2015-04-04 delete email jc..@nmu.edu
2015-04-04 delete email lu..@utb.edu
2015-04-04 delete email pt..@usgs.gov
2015-04-04 delete email qi..@missouri.edu
2015-04-04 delete email sf..@aces.edu
2015-04-04 delete email wc..@sfas.edu
2015-04-04 delete person Dawn Bringelson
2015-04-04 delete person Gregory A. Waselkov
2015-04-04 delete person Jim Cantrill
2015-04-04 delete person Lindsey Naft
2015-04-04 delete person Phil Turnipseed
2015-04-04 delete person Samuel R. Fowler
2015-04-04 delete person Warren Conway
2015-04-04 delete phone (573) 882-1640
2015-04-04 insert address 601 Riverfront Drive Omaha, NE 68102-4226
2015-04-04 insert email jo..@gmail.com
2015-04-04 insert email kp..@southalabama.edu
2015-04-04 insert email lo..@auburn.edu
2015-04-04 insert email ri..@utb.edu
2015-04-04 insert email st..@sfasu.edu
2015-04-04 insert email su..@nmu.edu
2015-04-04 insert person B. Graeme Lockaby
2015-04-04 insert person Clinton McClure
2015-04-04 insert person Jodi Hilty
2015-04-04 insert person Kimberly Littlefield
2015-04-04 insert person Pat Stephens-Williams
2015-04-04 insert person Richard Kline
2015-04-04 insert person Susy Ziegler
2015-04-04 insert phone (402) 661-1928
2015-04-04 insert phone (573) 882-7023
2015-04-04 update person_title Chuck Riggs: Associate Professor; Department of Anthropology / Center of Southwest Studies => Professor; Department of Anthropology / Center of Southwest Studies
2015-03-07 delete personal_emails sc..@engr.und.edu
2015-03-07 insert cfo Lori Hallett
2015-03-07 insert personal_emails br..@und.edu
2015-03-07 insert personal_emails ch..@utoledo.edu
2015-03-07 insert personal_emails lo..@briloon.org
2015-03-07 delete email cg..@ag.tamu.edu
2015-03-07 delete email ji..@utoledo.edu
2015-03-07 delete email sc..@engr.und.edu
2015-03-07 delete email sl..@nmsu.edu
2015-03-07 delete person Carol Gaas
2015-03-07 delete person Jiquan Chen
2015-03-07 delete person Scott Korom
2015-03-07 delete person Steven J Loring
2015-03-07 delete phone (979) 845-1851
2015-03-07 insert address 213 Gentry Hall Columbia, MO 65211
2015-03-07 insert email br..@und.edu
2015-03-07 insert email ch..@utoledo.edu
2015-03-07 insert email gl..@umn.edu
2015-03-07 insert email ks..@nmsu.edu
2015-03-07 insert email lo..@briloon.org
2015-03-07 insert email qi..@missouri.edu
2015-03-07 insert email ra..@nps.gov
2015-03-07 insert email re..@utoledo.edu
2015-03-07 insert person Brenda McKinley
2015-03-07 insert person Brian Darby
2015-03-07 insert person Christine Mayer
2015-03-07 insert person Kathryn Stoner
2015-03-07 insert person Lori Hallett
2015-03-07 insert person Merril Flanary
2015-03-07 insert person Rachel Franklin-Weekly
2015-03-07 insert phone (573) 882-1640
2015-03-07 insert phone (979) 862.7205
2015-02-07 delete personal_emails br..@sdstate.edu
2015-02-07 insert otherexecutives Carla Reichard
2015-02-07 insert personal_emails ci..@sdstate.edu
2015-02-07 delete email ap..@blm.gov
2015-02-07 delete email br..@sdstate.edu
2015-02-07 delete email lb..@unmc.edu
2015-02-07 delete email ta..@nps.gov
2015-02-07 delete email tt..@unmc.edu
2015-02-07 delete person Brenda Hayne
2015-02-07 delete person Laura Bashus
2015-02-07 delete person Tanya Shank
2015-02-07 insert email bb..@uttyler.edu
2015-02-07 insert email ca..@nps.gov
2015-02-07 insert email ci..@sdstate.edu
2015-02-07 insert email cr..@uttyler.edu
2015-02-07 insert email kf..@unmc.edu
2015-02-07 insert email se..@bia.gov
2015-02-07 insert email ta..@nps.gov
2015-02-07 insert email ts..@blm.gov
2015-02-07 insert person Blake Bextine
2015-02-07 insert person Carla Reichard
2015-02-07 insert person Carmen Chapin
2015-02-07 insert person Cindy Steen
2015-02-07 insert person Keith Hansen
2015-02-07 insert person Sean J. Hart
2015-02-07 insert person Tanya Shenk
2015-02-07 insert person Tanya Skurski
2015-02-07 insert phone (202) 513-0337
2014-12-25 delete personal_emails je..@boem.gov
2014-12-25 delete address 226C Mumford Hall University of Missouri Columbia, MO, 65211
2014-12-25 delete email bi..@fws.gov
2014-12-25 delete email ja..@nmu.edu
2014-12-25 delete email jb..@tnc.org
2014-12-25 delete email je..@boem.gov
2014-12-25 delete email je..@nps.gov
2014-12-25 delete email ne..@sdstate.edu
2014-12-25 delete email st..@missouri.edu
2014-12-25 delete email ts..@nmu.edu
2014-12-25 delete person James Bergan
2014-12-25 delete person Jennifer Ewald
2014-12-25 delete person Jerrilyn L. Thompson
2014-12-25 delete person John Anderton
2014-12-25 delete person Nels Troelstrup
2014-12-25 delete person Terrance Seethof
2014-12-25 delete person William (Bill) Uihlein
2014-12-25 delete phone (573) 882-7023
2014-12-25 insert email de..@ag.tamu.edu
2014-12-25 insert email jc..@nmu.edu
2014-12-25 insert email jh..@tnc.org
2014-12-25 insert email la..@fws.gov
2014-12-25 insert email li..@sdsmt.edu
2014-12-25 insert email mb..@nmu.edu
2014-12-25 insert email re..@olemiss.edu
2014-12-25 insert email ta..@nps.gov
2014-12-25 insert person Debbie Danford
2014-12-25 insert person Jim Cantrill
2014-12-25 insert person Laura Brandt
2014-12-25 insert person Lisa Kunza
2014-12-25 insert person Michael Broadway
2014-12-25 insert person Mickey McLaurin
2014-12-25 insert person Tanya Shank
2014-12-25 update person_title Della Streaty-Wilhoit: National Park Service; Co - Director; Coordinator; Director => Co - Director; Director
2014-12-25 update person_title Ivan J. Fernandez: Professor of Soil Science => Professor of Soil Science School of Forest Resources
2014-11-21 delete otherexecutives Michael Clutter
2014-11-21 insert personal_emails ka..@boem.gov
2014-11-21 insert personal_emails ro..@boem.gov
2014-11-21 delete address 202 Ross Hall/MS 436 University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV, 89557
2014-11-21 delete email ef..@blm.gov
2014-11-21 delete email mc..@warnell.uga.edu
2014-11-21 delete fax (703) 787-1053
2014-11-21 delete person Elena Fink
2014-11-21 delete person Michael Clutter
2014-11-21 delete phone (202) 208-6641
2014-11-21 insert email ka..@boem.gov
2014-11-21 insert email mj..@tulane.edu
2014-11-21 insert email ro..@boem.gov
2014-11-21 insert email sm..@blm.gov
2014-11-21 insert person Rodney E. Cluck
2014-11-21 insert person Sean MacDougall
2014-11-21 insert phone (703) 787-1087
2014-11-21 insert phone (703) 787-1707
2014-10-17 delete email do..@cnu.edu
2014-10-17 delete email do..@pcs.cnu.edu
2014-10-17 delete email ge..@udel.edu
2014-10-17 delete email jn..@virginia.edu
2014-10-17 delete person David Doughty
2014-10-17 delete person Geraldine Hobbs
2014-10-17 delete person James Galloway
2014-10-17 insert email km..@udel.edu
2014-10-17 insert email ng..@cnu.edu
2014-10-17 insert email tm..@cms.mail.virginia.edu
2014-10-17 insert person Kathy Lyons
2014-10-17 insert person Nicole Guajardo
2014-10-17 insert person Todd M. Scanlon
2014-09-09 delete personal_emails pe..@cfc.umt.edu
2014-09-09 delete email pe..@cfc.umt.edu
2014-09-09 delete email sl..@gmu.edu
2014-09-09 delete email tm..@virginia.edu
2014-09-09 delete email wh..@udc.edu
2014-09-09 delete person Diane Breeding
2014-09-09 delete person Pei-Lin Yu
2014-09-09 delete person Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach
2014-09-09 delete person Todd Scanlon
2014-09-09 delete person William W. Hare
2014-09-09 insert email al..@jmu.edu
2014-09-09 insert email br..@nps.gov
2014-09-09 insert email ch..@ce.udel.edu
2014-09-09 insert email eg..@gmu.edu
2014-09-09 insert email ek..@umces.edu
2014-09-09 insert email gc..@uillinois.edu
2014-09-09 insert email ge..@udel.edu
2014-09-09 insert email gi..@nps.gov
2014-09-09 insert email ja..@missouristate.edu
2014-09-09 insert email jf..@udc.edu
2014-09-09 insert email jh..@frostburg.edu
2014-09-09 insert email jn..@virginia.edu
2014-09-09 insert email km..@semo.edu
2014-09-09 insert email lm..@ku.edu
2014-09-09 insert email mf..@vims.edu
2014-09-09 insert email or..@nau.edu
2014-09-09 insert email ph..@gmu.edu
2014-09-09 insert email rh..@umces.edu
2014-09-09 insert email rt..@umces.edu
2014-09-09 insert email sc..@gwu.edu
2014-09-09 insert person Brendan Moynahan
2014-09-09 insert person Daniel Cha
2014-09-09 insert person Eileen Gallagher
2014-09-09 insert person Erica Kropp
2014-09-09 insert person Geraldine Hobbs
2014-09-09 insert person Giselle Mora-Bourgeois
2014-09-09 insert person James Galloway
2014-09-09 insert person Janene Proctor
2014-09-09 insert person Jo Anne Favors
2014-09-09 insert person Joseph Hoffman
2014-09-09 insert person Kathy Mangels
2014-09-09 insert person Lucille Marino
2014-09-09 insert person Margaret J. Fonner
2014-09-09 insert person Melissa A Altman
2014-09-09 insert person Paul Houser
2014-09-09 insert person Phyllis Rhoades
2014-09-09 insert person Ruth Tallman
2014-09-09 update person_title Todd Chaudhry: National Park Service; Acting CESU Research Coordinator => National Park Service; Research Coordinator
2014-08-01 delete ceo Michael Soukup
2014-08-01 delete otherexecutives Dennis Teranishi
2014-08-01 delete personal_emails sa..@noaa.gov
2014-08-01 delete president Michael Soukup
2014-08-01 insert ceo Mark Berry
2014-08-01 insert otherexecutives Carl A. Pinkert
2014-08-01 insert otherexecutives Eric Jones
2014-08-01 insert otherexecutives W. Stuart Watson
2014-08-01 insert personal_emails an..@uconn.edu
2014-08-01 insert personal_emails ca..@briloon.org
2014-08-01 insert personal_emails do..@manhattan.edu
2014-08-01 insert personal_emails gr..@nd.edu
2014-08-01 insert personal_emails la..@nau.edu
2014-08-01 insert personal_emails mi..@noaa.gov
2014-08-01 insert personal_emails wi..@nau.edu
2014-08-01 insert president Mark Berry
2014-08-01 delete address 3190 Maile Way, St. John Hall #101 Honolulu, HI 96822-2279
2014-08-01 delete email ch..@g-fws.doi.gov
2014-08-01 delete email ct..@usgs.gov
2014-08-01 delete email dd..@hawaii.edu
2014-08-01 delete email ea..@fws.gov
2014-08-01 delete email jo..@institute.redlands.edu
2014-08-01 delete email md..@uri.edu
2014-08-01 delete email mi..@sercinstitute.org
2014-08-01 delete email on..@suu.edu
2014-08-01 delete email qu..@ucalgary.ca
2014-08-01 delete email sa..@noaa.gov
2014-08-01 delete email tm..@coloradomesa.edu
2014-08-01 delete person Bill O'Neill
2014-08-01 delete person Christian Torgerson
2014-08-01 delete person Christine Guimond
2014-08-01 delete person Dennis Teranishi
2014-08-01 delete person Earl Campbell
2014-08-01 delete person Jordan Henk
2014-08-01 delete person Lindsey Nafts
2014-08-01 delete person Mary Kate DeMarco
2014-08-01 delete person Michael S. Quinn
2014-08-01 delete person Michael Soukup
2014-08-01 delete person Ric Lopez
2014-08-01 delete person Samuel G. Pooley
2014-08-01 delete person Tamera Minnick
2014-08-01 delete phone (808) 956-8218
2014-08-01 insert address Northern Arizona University PO Box 15018 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5018
2014-08-01 insert email ab..@ucalgary.ca
2014-08-01 insert email al..@ei.columbia.edu
2014-08-01 insert email an..@uconn.edu
2014-08-01 insert email an..@fws.gov
2014-08-01 insert email bo..@spatial.redlands.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ca..@ua.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ca..@usgs.gov
2014-08-01 insert email ca..@briloon.org
2014-08-01 insert email ce..@ua.edu
2014-08-01 insert email de..@usbr.gov
2014-08-01 insert email dk..@coloradomesa.edu
2014-08-01 insert email dk..@dinecollege.edu
2014-08-01 insert email do..@manhattan.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ds..@uiowa.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ed..@uguam.uog.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ef..@georgewright.org
2014-08-01 insert email em..@gso.uri.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ep..@neu.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ga..@fws.gov
2014-08-01 insert email gr..@nd.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ju..@suu.edu
2014-08-01 insert email la..@nau.edu
2014-08-01 insert email mb..@schoodicinstitute.org
2014-08-01 insert email mi..@noaa.gov
2014-08-01 insert email mi..@fws.gov
2014-08-01 insert email mi..@unr.edu
2014-08-01 insert email nj..@weber.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ph..@sercinstitute.org
2014-08-01 insert email rj..@mdcoastalbays.org
2014-08-01 insert email ss..@wlf.la
2014-08-01 insert email st..@fws.gov
2014-08-01 insert email st..@redlands.edu
2014-08-01 insert email te..@iu.edu
2014-08-01 insert email wi..@nau.edu
2014-08-01 insert email ws..@upenn.edu
2014-08-01 insert person Alison Miller
2014-08-01 insert person Andre Buret
2014-08-01 insert person Andrea Kelly
2014-08-01 insert person Annessa Culbreth
2014-08-01 insert person Bob Baird
2014-08-01 insert person Carl A. Pinkert
2014-08-01 insert person Carrie Phillips
2014-08-01 insert person Catherine Flegel
2014-08-01 insert person Cheryl Leonard
2014-08-01 insert person Deborah Kennard
2014-08-01 insert person Dominic Esposito
2014-08-01 insert person Donald K. Robinson
2014-08-01 insert person Doug Epperly
2014-08-01 insert person Edwin Reyes
2014-08-01 insert person Ellen Mcvey
2014-08-01 insert person Emily Dekker-Fiala
2014-08-01 insert person Eric Jones
2014-08-01 insert person Gary Dupuis
2014-08-01 insert person George Wright Society
2014-08-01 insert person Greg Luttrell
2014-08-01 insert person Julia Anderson
2014-08-01 insert person Laurie Thom
2014-08-01 insert person Mark Berry
2014-08-01 insert person Maureen I. McCarthy
2014-08-01 insert person Michael P. Seki
2014-08-01 insert person Michael Slattery
2014-08-01 insert person Nancy M. Jarvis
2014-08-01 insert person Phyllis Morris
2014-08-01 insert person Ricardo Lopez
2014-08-01 insert person Steve Smith
2014-08-01 insert person Steven D. Moore
2014-08-01 insert person Teresa Miller
2014-08-01 insert person W. Stuart Watson
2014-08-01 insert person Wilma G. (Winnie) Ennenga
2014-08-01 insert phone (928) 523-5549
2014-08-01 update person_title Erin O'Brien: null => Department of Biological Sciences
2014-08-01 update person_title Lisa Floyd-Hanna: null => Professor
2014-08-01 update person_title Michelle Mansker: null => Chief, Natural Resource Section
2014-06-30 delete otherexecutives Robin Jones
2014-06-30 delete personal_emails se..@navy.mil
2014-06-30 insert otherexecutives Jake Barrow
2014-06-30 insert otherexecutives Linda Pierce
2014-06-30 insert personal_emails mi..@us.af.mil
2014-06-30 delete email b...@virginia.edu
2014-06-30 delete email dw..@fws.gov
2014-06-30 delete email ga..@fws.gov
2014-06-30 delete email jl..@blm.gov
2014-06-30 delete email jv..@guayacan.uson.mx
2014-06-30 delete email mr..@blm.gov
2014-06-30 delete email rj..@cstones.org
2014-06-30 delete email se..@navy.mil
2014-06-30 delete email su..@mail.mil
2014-06-30 delete email sy..@lsu.edu
2014-06-30 delete fax (202) 208-6817
2014-06-30 delete person Bernard J. Cosby
2014-06-30 delete person Darya Courville
2014-06-30 delete person Dwight Luginbill
2014-06-30 delete person Gabriela Chavarria
2014-06-30 delete person John Lyon
2014-06-30 delete person Jose Eduardo Valdez Holguin
2014-06-30 delete person Michael Reiland
2014-06-30 delete person Robin Jones
2014-06-30 delete person Sean Heaney
2014-06-30 delete person Shirley Young
2014-06-30 delete person Susan Gibson
2014-06-30 delete phone (202) 208-7165
2014-06-30 insert email cc..@lsu.edu
2014-06-30 insert email da..@navy.mil
2014-06-30 insert email ef..@blm.gov
2014-06-30 insert email hb..@csustan.edu
2014-06-30 insert email jb..@cstones.org
2014-06-30 insert email je..@fws.gov
2014-06-30 insert email jm..@usbr.gov
2014-06-30 insert email jo..@guayacan.uson.mx
2014-06-30 insert email ka..@fws.gov
2014-06-30 insert email lm..@fs.fed.us
2014-06-30 insert email lp..@archaeologysouthwest.org
2014-06-30 insert email mi..@us.af.mil
2014-06-30 insert email se..@skyislandalliance.org
2014-06-30 insert email tm..@virginia.edu
2014-06-30 insert person David James
2014-06-30 insert person Elena Fink
2014-06-30 insert person Heidi Britt
2014-06-30 insert person Jake Barrow
2014-06-30 insert person Janice Richardson
2014-06-30 insert person Jean Lee
2014-06-30 insert person Kate Freund
2014-06-30 insert person Linda Marsh
2014-06-30 insert person Linda Pierce
2014-06-30 insert person Michael Andrejko
2014-06-30 insert person Profesor Investigador de Tiempo Completo
2014-06-30 insert person Sergio Avila
2014-06-30 insert person Todd Scanlon
2014-06-30 insert person Winona Ward
2014-06-30 insert phone ( 70) 358-2601
2014-06-30 update person_title Patrick A. Kelly: Professor of Zoology and Coordinator, Endangered Species Recovery Program ( ESRP ) => Professor of Zoology and Coordinator, Endangered Species Recovery Program
2014-05-25 delete otherexecutives Susan Erickson
2014-05-25 delete personal_emails ma..@briloon.org
2014-05-25 delete personal_emails st..@wnpa.org
2014-05-25 delete personal_emails su..@ttu.edu
2014-05-25 insert otherexecutives Eric Johnson
2014-05-25 insert personal_emails da..@ttu.edu
2014-05-25 insert personal_emails ja..@wnpa.org
2014-05-25 delete email d-..@tamus.edu
2014-05-25 delete email ju..@nps.gov
2014-05-25 delete email lh..@ag.tamu.edu
2014-05-25 delete email ma..@briloon.org
2014-05-25 delete email mu..@tei.umass.edu
2014-05-25 delete email sa..@nps.gov
2014-05-25 delete email se..@blm.gov
2014-05-25 delete email st..@wnpa.org
2014-05-25 delete email su..@ttu.edu
2014-05-25 delete email td..@usgs.gov
2014-05-25 delete person Diane Gilliland
2014-05-25 delete person Judy Bischoff
2014-05-25 delete person Louise Hose
2014-05-25 delete person Madeline Turnquist
2014-05-25 delete person Mitchell T. Mulholland
2014-05-25 delete person Roman Jensen
2014-05-25 delete person Sally Heijl
2014-05-25 delete person Stephanie Hester
2014-05-25 delete person Sukant Misra
2014-05-25 delete person Susan Erickson
2014-05-25 delete person Tony DeGange
2014-05-25 delete phone (808) 933-0705
2014-05-25 insert email bl..@blm.gov
2014-05-25 insert email da..@ttu.edu
2014-05-25 insert email dp..@usgs.gov
2014-05-25 insert email er..@anthro.umass.edu
2014-05-25 insert email ja..@wnpa.org
2014-05-25 insert email np..@ag.tamu.edu
2014-05-25 insert email pf..@my.lamar.edu
2014-05-25 insert email pk..@lamar.edu
2014-05-25 insert email pm..@tamu.edu
2014-05-25 insert email sa..@nps.gov
2014-05-25 insert email to..@nps.gov
2014-05-25 insert person Betty Lockard
2014-05-25 insert person David C. Weindorf
2014-05-25 insert person Diane Breeding
2014-05-25 insert person Durelle Smith
2014-05-25 insert person Eric Johnson
2014-05-25 insert person Jamey Aiken
2014-05-25 insert person Paul Nicoletto
2014-05-25 insert person Paula Mathers
2014-05-25 insert person Peter J. Kelleher
2014-05-25 insert person Roman Jesien
2014-05-25 insert person Sallie Heijl
2014-05-25 insert person Todd Chaudhry
2014-05-25 insert phone (808) 933-0759
2014-05-25 update person_title Joseph Pitula: null => Department of Natural Sciences
2014-05-25 update person_title Pei-Lin Yu: National Park Service; Acting Research Coordinator => National Park Service; Acting Research Coordinator ( until June 30 )
2014-04-27 delete otherexecutives Bert Frost
2014-04-27 insert otherexecutives Lisa Busch
2014-04-27 insert personal_emails gl..@uconn.edu
2014-04-27 insert personal_emails jo..@uconn.edu
2014-04-27 insert personal_emails mi..@uconn.edu
2014-04-27 delete email be..@nps.gov
2014-04-27 delete email rb..@austin.utexas.edu
2014-04-27 delete fax (202) 273-4431
2014-04-27 delete person Bert Frost
2014-04-27 delete person Robert Brown
2014-04-27 delete phone (202) 208-3884
2014-04-27 delete phone (406) 243-5346
2014-04-27 insert address 1376 Storrs Road Unit 4087 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269-4087
2014-04-27 insert address The University of Connecticut U-87, 1376 Storrs Road Storrs, CT 06269-4087
2014-04-27 insert address University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269-5210
2014-04-27 insert email gl..@uconn.edu
2014-04-27 insert email jo..@uconn.edu
2014-04-27 insert email lb..@sitkascience.org
2014-04-27 insert email mi..@uconn.edu
2014-04-27 insert email os..@austin.utexas.edu
2014-04-27 insert email ra..@nps.gov
2014-04-27 insert person Glenn Warner
2014-04-27 insert person John Volin
2014-04-27 insert person Lisa Busch
2014-04-27 insert person Michael R. Willig
2014-04-27 insert person Raymond Sauvajot
2014-04-27 insert phone (202) 513-7208
2014-04-27 insert phone (406) 243-6936
2014-04-27 insert phone (860) 486-0140
2014-04-27 insert phone (860) 486-1455
2014-04-27 insert phone (860) 486-2840
2014-03-30 delete otherexecutives Bob Dobson
2014-03-30 delete personal_emails ka..@cfc.umt.edu
2014-03-30 delete personal_emails me..@navy.mil
2014-03-30 insert otherexecutives Andrew Lubner
2014-03-30 insert otherexecutives Michael T Mengak
2014-03-30 insert personal_emails se..@navy.mil
2014-03-30 insert personal_emails st..@wnpa.org
2014-03-30 delete address Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Athens, GA, 30602-2152
2014-03-30 delete email bo..@nps.gov
2014-03-30 delete email ka..@cfc.umt.edu
2014-03-30 delete email me..@navy.mil
2014-03-30 delete email to..@wnpa.org
2014-03-30 delete person Bob Dobson
2014-03-30 delete person Kathy Tonnessen
2014-03-30 delete person Melanie Frisch
2014-03-30 delete person Todd Berger
2014-03-30 delete phone (706) 542-4741
2014-03-30 insert address 180 Green Street University of Georgia Athens, GA 30677
2014-03-30 insert address 3190 Maile Way, St. John Hall #101 Honolulu, HI 96822-2279
2014-03-30 insert email ah..@wcs.org
2014-03-30 insert email an..@nps.gov
2014-03-30 insert email bf..@uwaterloo.ca
2014-03-30 insert email dd..@hawaii.edu
2014-03-30 insert email hs..@uwaterloo.ca
2014-03-30 insert email lo..@bfcc.edu
2014-03-30 insert email mc..@cdkc.edu
2014-03-30 insert email mm..@uga.edu
2014-03-30 insert email sa..@nps.gov
2014-03-30 insert email se..@navy.mil
2014-03-30 insert email sr..@wcs.org
2014-03-30 insert email st..@wnpa.org
2014-03-30 insert person Amanda Hardy
2014-03-30 insert person Andrew Lubner
2014-03-30 insert person Brad Fedy
2014-03-30 insert person Heidi Swanson
2014-03-30 insert person Lola Wippert
2014-03-30 insert person Michael T Mengak
2014-03-30 insert person Michelle Curlee
2014-03-30 insert person Sally Heijl
2014-03-30 insert person Sean Heaney
2014-03-30 insert person Shannon Roberts
2014-03-30 insert person Stephanie Hester
2014-03-30 insert phone (706) 583-8096
2014-03-30 insert phone (808)-956-8218
2014-03-30 update person_title Pat O' Brien: National Park Service; Interim CESU Research Coordinator => Research Coordinator
2014-03-30 update person_title Pei-Lin Yu: Cultural Resource Specialist => National Park Service; Acting Research Coordinator
2014-03-02 delete personal_emails am..@csuci.edu
2014-03-02 delete personal_emails da..@sdstate.edu
2014-03-02 delete personal_emails ja..@utoledo.edu
2014-03-02 delete personal_emails me..@asu.edu
2014-03-02 insert ceo Chipper Wichman
2014-03-02 insert ceo William H. Doelle
2014-03-02 insert cfo Janet Mayfield
2014-03-02 insert coo Janet Mayfield
2014-03-02 insert general_emails in..@csp-inc.org
2014-03-02 insert personal_emails da..@dri.edu
2014-03-02 insert president Brett G. Dickson
2014-03-02 delete email am..@csuci.edu
2014-03-02 delete email bi..@desert.com
2014-03-02 delete email da..@sdstate.edu
2014-03-02 delete email db..@ntbg.org
2014-03-02 delete email do..@nasa.gov
2014-03-02 delete email eh..@weber.edu
2014-03-02 delete email ga..@nps.gov
2014-03-02 delete email ja..@utoledo.edu
2014-03-02 delete email jc..@nndfw.org
2014-03-02 delete email jm..@haskell.edu
2014-03-02 delete email lb..@usbr.gov
2014-03-02 delete email me..@asu.edu
2014-03-02 delete email mk..@dinecollege.edu
2014-03-02 delete email mp..@fs.fed.us
2014-03-02 delete email ne..@nau.edu
2014-03-02 delete email pm..@fs.fed.us
2014-03-02 delete email st..@pn.usbr.gov
2014-03-02 delete email sz..@uncw.edu
2014-03-02 delete email tn..@mna.mus.az.us
2014-03-02 delete email to..@nps.gov
2014-03-02 delete email ts..@usgs.gov
2014-03-02 delete person Alina M. Szmant
2014-03-02 delete person Amanda Quintero
2014-03-02 delete person David Burney
2014-03-02 delete person David Willis
2014-03-02 delete person Don Chuck
2014-03-02 delete person Eddie Hoyle
2014-03-02 delete person Gayle Hazelwood
2014-03-02 delete person James Trempe
2014-03-02 delete person Jeff Cole
2014-03-02 delete person Joni L. Murphy
2014-03-02 delete person Levi Brekke
2014-03-02 delete person Marcia Patton-Mallory
2014-03-02 delete person Marnie Carroll
2014-03-02 delete person Meredith Simpson
2014-03-02 delete person Mona Charles
2014-03-02 delete person Neomie Tsosie
2014-03-02 delete person Pat Manley
2014-03-02 delete person Sue Tholen
2014-03-02 delete person Ted Neff
2014-03-02 delete person Tom Suchanek
2014-03-02 delete person Tonya Bradley
2014-03-02 delete source_ip
2014-03-02 insert email au..@fortlewis.edu
2014-03-02 insert email bm..@mail.arc.nasa.gov
2014-03-02 insert email bw..@memphis.edu
2014-03-02 insert email ca..@colostate.edu
2014-03-02 insert email ca..@nps.gov
2014-03-02 insert email da..@dri.edu
2014-03-02 insert email db..@pdx.edu
2014-03-02 insert email dr..@usbr.gov
2014-03-02 insert email du..@uncw.edu
2014-03-02 insert email in..@csp-inc.org
2014-03-02 insert email jc..@ntbg.org
2014-03-02 insert email je..@asu.edu
2014-03-02 insert email je..@pdx.edu
2014-03-02 insert email jh..@usbr.gov
2014-03-02 insert email jm..@fairchildgarden.org
2014-03-02 insert email jm..@ntbg.org
2014-03-02 insert email ju..@nps.gov
2014-03-02 insert email ks..@mna.mus.az.us
2014-03-02 insert email lp..@blm.gov
2014-03-02 insert email ls..@usbr.gov
2014-03-02 insert email mi..@wsu.edu
2014-03-02 insert email mt..@usgs.gov
2014-03-02 insert email ne..@sdstate.edu
2014-03-02 insert email rd..@fs.fed.us
2014-03-02 insert email ri..@fortlewis.edu
2014-03-02 insert email sh..@nps.gov
2014-03-02 insert email sm..@fs.fed.us
2014-03-02 insert email ti..@csuci.edu
2014-03-02 insert email vi..@fs.fed.us
2014-03-02 insert email wd..@archaeologysouthwest.org
2014-03-02 insert person Beatrice Morales
2014-03-02 insert person Brett G. Dickson
2014-03-02 insert person Brian Waldron
2014-03-02 insert person Catherine Schroeder
2014-03-02 insert person Chuck Riggs
2014-03-02 insert person Darlene Rae Miller
2014-03-02 insert person Dave Rhode
2014-03-02 insert person David Raff
2014-03-02 insert person Dawn Boatman
2014-03-02 insert person Hugo Hoffman
2014-03-02 insert person Janet Mayfield
2014-03-02 insert person Jay Hovde
2014-03-02 insert person Jennifer Carter
2014-03-02 insert person Jennifer Ward
2014-03-02 insert person John R. Clark
2014-03-02 insert person Joyce Maschinski
2014-03-02 insert person Julie Hendricks
2014-03-02 insert person Kim Spurr
2014-03-02 insert person Leona Parker
2014-03-02 insert person Lisa Strong
2014-03-02 insert person Mara Tongue
2014-03-02 insert person Michael Durako
2014-03-02 insert person Nels Troelstrup
2014-03-02 insert person Rebecca Austin
2014-03-02 insert person Ric Lopez
2014-03-02 insert person Sherri L. Fields
2014-03-02 insert person Simon Kihia
2014-03-02 insert person Tina Knight
2014-03-02 insert phone (202) 513-0516
2014-03-02 insert source_ip
2014-03-02 update person_description Bradley Smith => Bradley Smith
2014-03-02 update person_title Carmen Morales: null => Senior Research Administrator
2014-03-02 update person_title Charles Hennig: Reclamation Research Coordinator => Reclamation Research Coordinator / Denver Federal Center
2014-03-02 update person_title Chipper Wichman: Acting Director => CEO; Director
2014-03-02 update person_title William H. Doelle: President => CEO; President
2014-01-27 delete otherexecutives Beatrice Morales
2014-01-27 delete otherexecutives David Duffy
2014-01-27 delete personal_emails li..@wdc.usda.gov
2014-01-27 delete personal_emails sh..@wdc.usda.gov
2014-01-27 insert otherexecutives Michael Clutter
2014-01-27 insert otherexecutives Sharon Ziegler Chong
2014-01-27 delete address 3190 Maile Way St John Hall, Rm 409 Honolulu, HI, 96822
2014-01-27 delete email bm..@mail.arc.nasa.gov
2014-01-27 delete email dd..@hawaii.edu
2014-01-27 delete email ds..@usbr.gov
2014-01-27 delete email jp..@ucla.edu
2014-01-27 delete email li..@wdc.usda.gov
2014-01-27 delete email rb..@ucmerced.edu
2014-01-27 delete email sg..@usgs.gov
2014-01-27 delete email sh..@wdc.usda.gov
2014-01-27 delete email st..@usgs.gov
2014-01-27 delete email vp..@okstate.edu
2014-01-27 delete person Beatrice Morales
2014-01-27 delete person David Duffy
2014-01-27 delete person Dion Steele
2014-01-27 delete person Jeffrey Stoner
2014-01-27 delete person John Pollinger
2014-01-27 delete person Lillian V. Woods
2014-01-27 delete person Roger Bales
2014-01-27 delete person Sarah Gerould
2014-01-27 delete phone (202) 720-1870
2014-01-27 delete phone (703) 235-8093
2014-01-27 delete phone (703) 648-6895
2014-01-27 delete phone (706) 542-2866
2014-01-27 delete phone (808) 956-8218
2014-01-27 insert address 200 W. Kāwili Street Hilo, HI 96720
2014-01-27 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain naccesu.org
2014-01-27 insert email bd..@usbr.gov
2014-01-27 insert email da..@usace.army.mil
2014-01-27 insert email de..@usace.army.mil
2014-01-27 insert email hu..@nasa.gov
2014-01-27 insert email jb..@usgs.gov
2014-01-27 insert email kc..@sdnhm.org
2014-01-27 insert email ks..@sbcm.sbcounty.gov
2014-01-27 insert email mc..@warnell.uga.edu
2014-01-27 insert email no..@wdc.usda.gov
2014-01-27 insert email pq..@ucla.edu
2014-01-27 insert email rm..@sbcm.sbcounty.gov
2014-01-27 insert email rs..@usgs.gov
2014-01-27 insert email zi..@hawaii.edu
2014-01-27 insert fax (808) 933-0704
2014-01-27 insert person Brenda Davis
2014-01-27 insert person Davita Baloue
2014-01-27 insert person Joseph Bunnell
2014-01-27 insert person Kathleen Springer
2014-01-27 insert person Kevin Clark
2014-01-27 insert person Michael Clutter
2014-01-27 insert person Noller Herbert
2014-01-27 insert person Phillip Q. Spinks
2014-01-27 insert person Robert McKernan
2014-01-27 insert person Robert Swanson
2014-01-27 insert person Sharon Ziegler Chong
2014-01-27 insert phone (202) 720-2520
2014-01-27 insert phone (703) 648-6497
2014-01-27 insert phone (706) 542-4741
2014-01-27 insert phone (808) 933-0705
2013-12-29 delete otherexecutives Scott Davis
2013-12-29 insert otherexecutives Bob Tichac
2013-12-29 insert otherexecutives James Allen
2013-12-29 insert otherexecutives Kathleen Harris
2013-12-29 insert personal_emails ja..@nau.edu
2013-12-29 insert personal_emails ke..@wwwfus.org
2013-12-29 insert personal_emails su..@ttu.edu
2013-12-29 insert personal_emails to..@okstate.edu
2013-12-29 delete address PO Box 5765 Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ, 86011-5765
2013-12-29 delete email dg..@tamu.edu
2013-12-29 delete email s2..@blm.gov
2013-12-29 delete person Stephen McKeever
2013-12-29 delete phone (928) 523-0877
2013-12-29 insert address PO Box: 15018 Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ, 86011-5765
2013-12-29 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain greatplainscesu.com
2013-12-29 insert email d-..@tamus.edu
2013-12-29 insert email ja..@nau.edu
2013-12-29 insert email ka..@ttu.edu
2013-12-29 insert email ke..@wwwfus.org
2013-12-29 insert email rt..@blm.gov
2013-12-29 insert email su..@ttu.edu
2013-12-29 insert email to..@okstate.edu
2013-12-29 insert person Bob Tichac
2013-12-29 insert person James Allen
2013-12-29 insert person Kathleen Harris
2013-12-29 insert person Kevin Ellison
2013-12-29 insert person Sukant Misra
2013-12-29 insert person Toni Shaklee
2013-12-29 insert phone (928) 523-5894
2013-12-29 update person_title Scott Davis: Central Regional Science Coordinator, National Science and Technology Center; Grants Officer => Central Regional Science Coordinator, National Science and Technology Center
2013-12-01 delete otherexecutives Suzanne Case
2013-12-01 insert personal_emails ri..@noaa.gov
2013-12-01 insert personal_emails sh..@wdc.usda.gov
2013-12-01 delete email pa..@noaa.gov
2013-12-01 delete email sc..@tnc.org
2013-12-01 delete fax (301) 713-0585
2013-12-01 delete person Pat Montanio
2013-12-01 delete person Suzanne Case
2013-12-01 delete phone (301) 713-1632
2013-12-01 insert email ri..@noaa.gov
2013-12-01 insert email sh..@wdc.usda.gov
2013-12-01 insert person Richard Merrick
2013-12-01 insert phone (202) 720-1870
2013-12-01 insert phone (301) 427-8000
2013-11-02 delete address 1 Greenhouse Rd University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI, 2881
2013-11-02 delete email kb..@exchange.calstatela.edu
2013-11-02 delete person Karin Elliot-Brown
2013-11-02 delete phone (401) 874-4739
2013-11-02 insert address 124 Coastal Institute URI Bay Campus Narragansett, RI 02882
2013-11-02 insert email aa..@calstatela.edu
2013-11-02 insert fax 401-874-6869
2013-11-02 insert person Andres Aguilar
2013-11-02 insert phone 401-874-6513
2013-10-05 delete personal_emails pe..@osd.mil
2013-10-05 delete personal_emails ru..@uvm.edu
2013-10-05 delete personal_emails st..@noaa.gov
2013-10-05 insert personal_emails al..@islandconservation.org
2013-10-05 insert personal_emails bi..@noaa.gov
2013-10-05 insert personal_emails je..@uvm.edu
2013-10-05 delete email ch..@g-fws.doi.gov
2013-10-05 delete email dl..@usbr.gov
2013-10-05 delete email pe..@osd.mil
2013-10-05 delete email ri..@noaa.gov
2013-10-05 delete email ru..@uvm.edu
2013-10-05 delete email st..@noaa.gov
2013-10-05 delete person Christal Cutler
2013-10-05 delete person Dan Levish
2013-10-05 delete person Rich Langton
2013-10-05 delete person Ruth Farrell
2013-10-05 delete person Steve Miller
2013-10-05 insert email al..@islandconservation.org
2013-10-05 insert email bi..@noaa.gov
2013-10-05 insert email cm..@westga.edu
2013-10-05 insert email dh..@gmail.com
2013-10-05 insert email je..@uvm.edu
2013-10-05 insert email lb..@usbr.gov
2013-10-05 insert person Alex Wegmann
2013-10-05 insert person Bill Karp
2013-10-05 insert person Charles Maris
2013-10-05 insert person Doug Harris
2013-10-05 insert person Jennifer Gagnon
2013-10-05 insert person Levi Brekke
2013-10-05 update person_title Francisco Werner: Director / Southwest Fisheries Science Center / Cisco => Science and Research Director / Southwest Fisheries Science Center / Cisco
2013-10-05 update person_title Russell Brown: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Deputy Science and Research Director / Northern Fisheries Science Center => Deputy Science and Research Director / Northeast Fisheries Science Center; Deputy Science and Research Director / Northern Fisheries Science Center
2013-09-07 delete otherexecutives Frank Powell
2013-09-07 delete personal_emails an..@geog.utah.edu
2013-09-07 delete address 101 Giannini Hall MC # 3100 Berkeley, CA 94720-3100
2013-09-07 delete email an..@geog.utah.edu
2013-09-07 delete email ba..@isu.edu
2013-09-07 delete email fp..@ucsd.edu
2013-09-07 delete email ho..@isu.edu
2013-09-07 delete email ja..@research.umass.edu
2013-09-07 delete email ke..@nrc.umass.edu
2013-09-07 delete person Andrea Brunelle
2013-09-07 delete person Bob Buchanan
2013-09-07 delete person Colden Baxter
2013-09-07 delete person Dianne Horrocks
2013-09-07 delete person Frank Powell
2013-09-07 delete person Jennifer Donias
2013-09-07 delete person Matthew Kelty
2013-09-07 delete phone 510-642-4612
2013-09-07 insert address 101 Giannini Hall MC#3100 Berkeley, CA 94704-3100
2013-09-07 insert email ha..@isu.edu
2013-09-07 insert email ic..@berkeley.edu
2013-09-07 insert email re..@isu.edu
2013-09-07 insert person Dave B. Harris
2013-09-07 insert person Keith Reinhardt
2013-09-07 insert person Steve Lindow
2013-09-07 insert phone (510) 642-7171
2013-08-09 delete otherexecutives Jennifer Donias
2013-08-09 delete personal_emails an..@nasa.gov
2013-08-09 delete personal_emails bi..@noaa.gov
2013-08-09 insert coo Elizabeth Lee
2013-08-09 insert personal_emails da..@csus.edu
2013-08-09 insert personal_emails el..@cyark.org
2013-08-09 insert personal_emails ke..@manhattan.edu
2013-08-09 delete address 1955 E. Sixth Street Tucson, Arizona 85721
2013-08-09 delete email an..@nasa.gov
2013-08-09 delete email bi..@noaa.gov
2013-08-09 delete email ca..@fws.gov
2013-08-09 delete email cr..@calstatela.edu
2013-08-09 delete email dj..@alaska.edu
2013-08-09 delete email ek..@csuchico.edu
2013-08-09 delete email ff..@uaf.edu
2013-08-09 delete email ff..@uaf.edu
2013-08-09 delete email ke..@fws.gov
2013-08-09 delete email mb..@coastalstudied.org
2013-08-09 delete email ps..@blm.gov
2013-08-09 delete email rl..@sciences.sdsu.edu
2013-08-09 delete person Ann Clarke
2013-08-09 delete person Bill Karp
2013-08-09 delete person Carlos Robles
2013-08-09 delete person Carol Lewis
2013-08-09 delete person Cathy Vanatta
2013-08-09 delete person Daniel Julius
2013-08-09 delete person Keith Taniguchi
2013-08-09 delete person Paul Stout
2013-08-09 insert address 1311 E. 4th Street Tucson, Arizona 85721
2013-08-09 insert email am..@chicagobotanic.org
2013-08-09 insert email bi..@fws.gov
2013-08-09 insert email ce..@fws.gov
2013-08-09 insert email da..@csus.edu
2013-08-09 insert email dl..@niu.edu
2013-08-09 insert email do..@nasa.gov
2013-08-09 insert email ek..@csuchico.edu
2013-08-09 insert email el..@cyark.org
2013-08-09 insert email fa..@oeb.harvard.edu
2013-08-09 insert email gm..@chicagobotanic.org
2013-08-09 insert email kb..@exchange.calstatela.edu
2013-08-09 insert email ke..@manhattan.edu
2013-08-09 insert email ki..@manhattan.edu
2013-08-09 insert email l...@mail.mil
2013-08-09 insert email le..@niu.edu
2013-08-09 insert email lw..@northland.edu
2013-08-09 insert email mb..@coastalstudies.org
2013-08-09 insert email ob..@dixie.edu
2013-08-09 insert email og..@research.umass.edu
2013-08-09 insert email rj..@northland.edu
2013-08-09 insert email rl..@northland.edu
2013-08-09 insert email rl..@mail.sdsu.edu
2013-08-09 insert email ru..@noaa.gov
2013-08-09 insert email sc..@csus.edu
2013-08-09 insert email to..@wnpa.org
2013-08-09 insert person Anya Maziak
2013-08-09 insert person Brian Farrell
2013-08-09 insert person Cesar Cadena Blanco
2013-08-09 insert person Dara C. Little
2013-08-09 insert person David P. Earwicker
2013-08-09 insert person Don Chuck
2013-08-09 insert person Elizabeth Lee
2013-08-09 insert person Erin O'Brien
2013-08-09 insert person Gregory M. Mueller
2013-08-09 insert person Karin Elliot-Brown
2013-08-09 insert person Kerryanne Donohue
2013-08-09 insert person Kirk Barrett
2013-08-09 insert person Lindsey Nafts
2013-08-09 insert person Lisa S. Williamson
2013-08-09 insert person Melissa Lenczewski
2013-08-09 insert person Randy Lehr
2013-08-09 insert person Robert Jackson
2013-08-09 insert person Russell Brown
2013-08-09 insert person Susan Crawford
2013-08-09 insert person Todd Berger
2013-08-09 insert person William (Bill) Uihlein
2013-08-09 update person_title Jennifer Donias: Associate Director => null
2013-08-09 update person_title Rebecca Lewsion: Assistant Professor, Biology Department => Associate Professor, Biology Department
2013-08-09 update person_title Rich Langton: Acting Deputy Science and Research Director / Northeast Fisheries Science Center; Acting Deputy Science and Research Director, Northern Fisheries Science Center => Acting Deputy Science and Research Director, Northern Fisheries Science Center
2013-06-21 delete ceo Charles Money
2013-06-21 delete ceo Nicole Pearce
2013-06-21 delete personal_emails da..@citadel.edu
2013-06-21 delete personal_emails gr..@wdc.usda.gov
2013-06-21 insert ceo Michael Soukup
2013-06-21 insert chairman Donald Rodriguez
2013-06-21 insert otherexecutives Doug Johnson
2013-06-21 insert personal_emails da..@briloon.org
2013-06-21 insert personal_emails do..@csuci.edu
2013-06-21 insert personal_emails pa..@csun.edu
2013-06-21 insert president Michael Soukup
2013-06-21 delete email cm..@alaskageographic.org
2013-06-21 delete email da..@ncsu.edu
2013-06-21 delete email da..@citadel.edu
2013-06-21 delete email dm..@audubon.org
2013-06-21 delete email ek..@cslanet.calstatela.edu
2013-06-21 delete email gr..@wdc.usda.gov
2013-06-21 delete email he..@pdx.edu
2013-06-21 delete email jf..@memphis.edu
2013-06-21 delete email jp..@blm.gov
2013-06-21 delete email mi..@alaska.edu
2013-06-21 delete email np..@alaskabird.org
2013-06-21 delete email ro..@uncw.edu
2013-06-21 delete email sg..@notes.cc.sunysb.edu
2013-06-21 delete email ve..@ansp.org
2013-06-21 delete email wr..@ncat.edu
2013-06-21 delete person Bill Helsley
2013-06-21 delete person Charles Money
2013-06-21 delete person Dan McGuiness
2013-06-21 delete person Daniel J. Robinson
2013-06-21 delete person Danny Gustafson
2013-06-21 delete person Erik Kachmarsky
2013-06-21 delete person Gregorio Cruz
2013-06-21 delete person Jolie Pollet
2013-06-21 delete person Judson Finley
2013-06-21 delete person Nicole Pearce
2013-06-21 delete person Richard Best
2013-06-21 delete person Robert Roer
2013-06-21 delete person Susan Gasparo
2013-06-21 delete person William Randle
2013-06-21 insert address Humboldt State University 1 Harpst Street Arcata, CA 95521-8299
2013-06-21 insert email an..@stonybrook.edu
2013-06-21 insert email bb..@alaskageographic.org
2013-06-21 insert email bo..@blm.gov
2013-06-21 insert email cl..@csumb.edu
2013-06-21 insert email da..@briloon.org
2013-06-21 insert email dc..@lc.edu
2013-06-21 insert email dh..@memphis.edu
2013-06-21 insert email dj..@drexel.edu
2013-06-21 insert email do..@csuci.edu
2013-06-21 insert email do..@noaa.gov
2013-06-21 insert email dw..@cal-ipc.org
2013-06-21 insert email jj..@ncsu.edu
2013-06-21 insert email ll..@citadel.edu
2013-06-21 insert email ma..@audubon.org
2013-06-21 insert email mi..@sercinstitute.org
2013-06-21 insert email mm..@csumb.edu
2013-06-21 insert email pa..@csun.edu
2013-06-21 insert email ph..@audubon.org
2013-06-21 insert email po..@oxy.edu
2013-06-21 insert email rs..@sandiegozoo.org
2013-06-21 insert email sb..@manomet.org
2013-06-21 insert email sc..@csun.edu
2013-06-21 insert email sd..@alaska.edu
2013-06-21 insert email ve..@uncw.edu
2013-06-21 insert fax (707) 826-4783
2013-06-21 insert person Anne DePietri
2013-06-21 insert person Barbara Elfman Bell
2013-06-21 insert person Bill Overbaugh
2013-06-21 insert person Cindy Lopez
2013-06-21 insert person Dale Chapman
2013-06-21 insert person Daniel J. Pondella, II
2013-06-21 insert person David Evers
2013-06-21 insert person Deborah Hernandez
2013-06-21 insert person Donald Rodriguez
2013-06-21 insert person Doug Johnson
2013-06-21 insert person Douglas DeMaster
2013-06-21 insert person Joel J. Pawlak
2013-06-21 insert person Lok C. Lew Yan Voon
2013-06-21 insert person Marsha Moroh
2013-06-21 insert person Marti Van Scott
2013-06-21 insert person Matthew Anderson
2013-06-21 insert person Michael Soukup
2013-06-21 insert person Patricia Hagen
2013-06-21 insert person Rhea L. Williamson
2013-06-21 insert person Ron Vetter
2013-06-21 insert person Ronald R. Swaisgood
2013-06-21 insert person Stephen Brown
2013-06-21 insert person Stephen Sparrow
2013-06-21 insert phone (707) 826-4189
2013-05-21 delete personal_emails al..@erdc.usace.army.mil
2013-05-21 delete personal_emails ed..@navy.mil
2013-05-21 delete personal_emails jo..@us.army.mil
2013-05-21 delete secretary L. Peter Boice
2013-05-21 insert personal_emails na..@wwu.edu
2013-05-21 delete email ak..@iup.edu
2013-05-21 delete email al..@erdc.usace.army.mil
2013-05-21 delete email di..@usmc.mil
2013-05-21 delete email dv..@lunet.edu
2013-05-21 delete email ed..@navy.mil
2013-05-21 delete email fw..@fws.gov
2013-05-21 delete email hi..@uw.edu
2013-05-21 delete email jo..@us.army.mil
2013-05-21 delete email ki..@pdx.edu
2013-05-21 delete fax (703) 607-3124
2013-05-21 delete person Andrea Kimmel
2013-05-21 delete person Diane Drigot
2013-05-21 delete person Eddie DuRant
2013-05-21 delete person Martha Kierstead
2013-05-21 delete person Thomas Hinckley
2013-05-21 delete phone (703) 604-0524
2013-05-21 insert email de..@uw.edu
2013-05-21 insert email dv..@langston.edu
2013-05-21 insert email fr..@mail.mil
2013-05-21 insert email he..@pdx.edu
2013-05-21 insert email jo..@mail.mil
2013-05-21 insert email mi..@mail.mil
2013-05-21 insert email na..@wwu.edu
2013-05-21 insert email ra..@mail.mil
2013-05-21 insert email s...@iup.edu
2013-05-21 insert email su..@mail.mil
2013-05-21 insert person Bill Helsley
2013-05-21 insert person Frank Lands
2013-05-21 insert person Michelle Mansker
2013-05-21 insert person Ray Rainbolt
2013-05-21 insert person Sadie L. Hauck
2013-05-21 insert person Susan Gibson
2013-05-21 insert person Tom DeLuca
2013-05-21 insert phone (571) 372-6905
2013-05-21 update person_description L. Peter Boice => L. Peter Boice
2013-05-21 update person_title Julie Guggino: Director, Research and Sponsored Programs => Associate Director, Research and Sponsored Programs
2013-05-21 update person_title L. Peter Boice: Secretary; Director, Office of the Deputy under Secretary of Defense ( Installations and Environment ); Director - Conservation; Director; Department of Defense => Director, Office of the Deputy under Secretary of Defense ( Installations and Environment ); Deputy Director, Natural Resources; Director; Department of Defense
2013-05-21 update person_title Louisa Evers: null => Research Liaison / Climate Change Coordinator
2013-04-29 delete otherexecutives L. Eric James II
2013-04-29 delete personal_emails bu..@briloon.org
2013-04-29 delete personal_emails da..@briloon.org
2013-04-29 delete personal_emails er..@sdsmt.edu
2013-04-29 delete personal_emails la..@usd.edu
2013-04-29 insert personal_emails br..@unmc.edu
2013-04-29 delete email bu..@briloon.org
2013-04-29 delete email co..@usgs.gov
2013-04-29 delete email da..@briloon.org
2013-04-29 delete email er..@sdsmt.edu
2013-04-29 delete email fo..@cwu.edu
2013-04-29 delete email gb..@emporia.edu
2013-04-29 delete email jf..@udc.edu
2013-04-29 delete email la..@usd.edu
2013-04-29 delete email ln..@ag.arizona.edu
2013-04-29 delete person Butch Sullins
2013-04-29 delete person Colleen Charles
2013-04-29 delete person David Evers
2013-04-29 delete person Gary Bleeker
2013-04-29 delete person Jo Anne Favors
2013-04-29 delete person Keith Blanter
2013-04-29 delete person L. Eric James II
2013-04-29 delete person Larry L. Norris
2013-04-29 delete person Laura Murphy
2013-04-29 delete person Roger Fouts
2013-04-29 delete phone (703) 648-4110
2013-04-29 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain cpcesu.nau.edu
2013-04-29 insert email bc..@une.edu
2013-04-29 insert email br..@unmc.edu
2013-04-29 insert email dk..@emporia.edu
2013-04-29 insert email dv..@richmond.edu
2013-04-29 insert email fc..@gcbo.org
2013-04-29 insert email fw..@fws.gov
2013-04-29 insert email jo..@cwu.edu
2013-04-29 insert email jr..@agcenter.lsu.edu
2013-04-29 insert email jt..@mbl.edu
2013-04-29 insert email lu..@vims.edu
2013-04-29 insert email ri..@fws.gov
2013-04-29 insert email rl..@mbl.edu
2013-04-29 insert email sg..@usgs.gov
2013-04-29 insert email sp..@sdsmt.edu
2013-04-29 insert email tl..@richmond.edu
2013-04-29 insert email wb..@agcenter.lsu.edu
2013-04-29 insert email wh..@udc.edu
2013-04-29 insert person Anne Johansen
2013-04-29 insert person Barry A. Costa-Pierce
2013-04-29 insert person Bruce Grogan
2013-04-29 insert person Diana Kuhlmann
2013-04-29 insert person Diana Thompson Vincelli
2013-04-29 insert person Felipe Chavez-Ramirez
2013-04-29 insert person Jim Tang
2013-04-29 insert person Mark Luckenbach
2013-04-29 insert person Rebecca Lynn
2013-04-29 insert person Rich Primmer
2013-04-29 insert person Ronald J. White
2013-04-29 insert person Sarah Gerould
2013-04-29 insert person Wade Baumgartner
2013-04-29 insert person William W. Hare
2013-04-29 insert phone (703) 648-6895
2013-04-29 update person_description Steve Bollens => Stephen Bollens
2013-04-29 update person_title Julie Guggino: Associate Director, Research and Sponsored Programs => Director, Research and Sponsored Programs
2013-04-29 update person_title Pat O' Brien: Cultural Resources Specialist => National Park Service; Interim CESU Research Coordinator
2013-04-29 update person_title Stephen Bollens: Director, School of the Environment => Director and Professor / School of the Environment; Director, School of the Environment
2013-04-04 insert personal_emails ri..@wdc.usda.gov
2013-04-04 insert personal_emails wi..@us.army.mil
2013-04-04 delete email da..@fws.gov
2013-04-04 delete email gr..@fs.fed.us
2013-04-04 delete email le..@fws.gov
2013-04-04 delete email li..@fws.gov
2013-04-04 delete email nb..@unl.edu
2013-04-04 delete email pe..@fs.fed.us
2013-04-04 delete email st..@fws.gov
2013-04-04 delete person Danielle Jerry
2013-04-04 delete person Dave Peterson
2013-04-04 delete person Greg Ruark
2013-04-04 delete person Linda Mcquay
2013-04-04 delete person Nancy Becker
2013-04-04 delete person Stephen Zylstra
2013-04-04 insert email cy..@fws.gov
2013-04-04 insert email lb..@unmc.edu
2013-04-04 insert email mp..@fs.fed.us
2013-04-04 insert email ms..@fs.fed.us
2013-04-04 insert email pa..@fws.gov
2013-04-04 insert email pj..@alaska.edu
2013-04-04 insert email ri..@wdc.usda.gov
2013-04-04 insert email sk..@wdc.usda.gov
2013-04-04 insert email su..@fws.gov
2013-04-04 insert email tt..@unmc.edu
2013-04-04 insert email wi..@us.army.mil
2013-04-04 insert person Cynthia Jacobson
2013-04-04 insert person Laura Bashus
2013-04-04 insert person Marcia Patton-Mallory
2013-04-04 insert person Monica J. Schwalbach
2013-04-04 insert person Paul Heimowitz
2013-04-04 insert person Rich Iovanna
2013-04-04 insert person Sue Lackey
2013-04-04 insert person William A. Vagt
2013-04-04 insert phone (202) 720-5291
2013-04-04 insert phone (202) 720-9222
2013-04-04 update person_title Alice Garrett
2013-04-04 update person_title Dwight Luginbill
2013-04-04 update person_title James Doolittle
2013-02-24 delete personal_emails va..@ndsu.nodak.edu
2013-02-24 insert personal_emails va..@ndsu.edu
2013-02-24 insert personal_emails wa..@research.und.edu
2013-02-24 delete email er..@mail.und.nodak.edu
2013-02-24 delete email ga..@nps.gov
2013-02-24 delete email sw..@fs.fed.us
2013-02-24 delete email va..@ndsu.nodak.edu
2013-02-24 delete fax (202) 720-4839
2013-02-24 delete person Eric Shanenko
2013-02-24 delete person Gary Wilson
2013-02-24 delete person Steven D. Warren
2013-02-24 delete phone (202) 690-2010
2013-02-24 insert email da..@nps.gov
2013-02-24 insert email ho..@uvu.edu
2013-02-24 insert email pl..@fs.fed.us
2013-02-24 insert email st..@usgs.gov
2013-02-24 insert email va..@ndsu.edu
2013-02-24 insert email wa..@research.und.edu
2013-02-24 insert person Daniel Horns
2013-02-24 insert person Dawn Bringelson
2013-02-24 insert person Jeffrey Stoner
2013-02-24 insert person Paulette Ford
2013-02-24 insert person Wayde Anderson
2013-02-24 insert phone (703) 235-8093