Updated 21 days ago
- Age: 17 years
- ID: 5647136/152
823 Congress Ave Austin, TX 78701 USA
B&I Capital was founded in Zurich in 2007 by its two managing partners and owners, Charles Isaac and Christian Bernasconi. AUM at launch was USD 30m, this has grown by a CAGR in excess of 30% pa...
Our primary goal is to enable investors to replicate the risk-adjusted returns of multi-class Commercial Real Estate ownership via the REIT market. Our investment strategies are long-term and risk control is a key factor. Our concentrated, high active share funds give investors a superior risk-adjusted total return through a combination of high, stable, and growing dividends as well as significant opportunity for capital appreciation...
B&I Capital offers products for qualified, institutional investors that enable investment in real estate, mainly through REITs.
Also known as: B&I Capital AG
Associated domains: bnicapital.ch