Updated 13 days ago
Sydney Studio Level 6/72-80 Cooper Street Surry Hills, NSW 2010
BLP is an award-winning multidisciplinary practice in architecture, interior design, master planning and health planning, working globally...
After almost three decades, we are still curious, always learning, about how we can design so that people are healthy, productive and safe. This is what a truly social infrastructure can do for us. Global in its outlook, our team works with clients and partners in health, education, communities and seniors living, science and technology, and workplaces. With them, we shape a healthy future...
healthy world VIEW MORE VIEW MORE BLP expands in Queensland VIEW PROJECT Queensland Cancer Centre: a new era in cancer care VIEW PROJECT For the wellbeing of our kids VIEW MORE The art of distraction A vertical school for a growing community VIEW PROJECT Design to destigmatise mental health VIEW MORE Home Sunday, April 20, 2014 BLP