Updated 40 days ago
700 West E Street, Suite 3504 San Diego, CA 92101
Currently, Beth serves as VP of the Board of Directors for Lambda Alpha International (LAI), an invitation-only, global land economics association. BCI is a member of the Downtown San Diego Partnership. Beth also serves on the Board of Directors for The Lincoln Club of San Diego County. In 2017, she was honored with The Lincoln Club's ABE (Action, Business, Excellence) Award... Beth has been involved with the Hispanic Education Endowment Fund (HEEF) of Orange County since 2015, when BCI commenced its annual sponsorship of the HEEF Gala to raise scholarship funds for college-bound Hispanic students in Orange County. In addition to its corporate sponsorship, BCI has provided pro-bono PR services for the organization and its signature event. Beth can be reached at beth.binger@BCIpr.com... Representing real estate development-related clients from dirt to grand openings, BCI's experience and expertise has assisted numerous projects, from single family homes to a 361-acre master planned..
Also known as: BCI