8020INFO - Key Persons

Harvey Schachter

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
  • Editor
  • Consultant & Facilitator, 8020Info Inc
Harvey is a consultant, editor and writer, specializing in management and business issues. He writes the weekly Managing and Power Points columns for The Globe and Mail and has contributed to various publications, including Canadian Business, Kingston Life and Canadian Government Executive. He also has worked on a variety of projects for various levels of government. Harvey has spent the bulk of his career in the mass media, giving him a unique understanding of how ideas and images are assimilated by a community, and has blended that with practical management and marketing experience. After obtaining his B. Comm., Harvey edited the McGill News, taking it into the top ten rankings for North American alumni magazines, and then spent four years at the Toronto Star, as an education and feature writer. Harvey worked at The Kingston Whig-Standard for 16 years and held a variety of senior positions, including Planning and Promotions Manager, and Editor, winning an Owl award for his marketing work and two National Newspaper Awards for his writing.

Kathryn A. Wood

Job Titles:
  • Director and Consultant, 8020Info Inc
Kathy Wood (Rob's sister) has more than 25 years experience advising and providing project implementation support to businesses, institutions and not-for-profit organizations. She holds two degrees from Queen's University (a B.A Hons. in Economics - 1977 and a B.Sc. Hons. in Environmental Science - 1996). As well as serving now as President/CEO of her own firm (Pivotal Momentum Inc.), Kathy is a Director of 8020Info. Kathy has a strong background in market and public opinion research including more than 100 research projects of all types (telephone surveys, focus groups, intercept studies, one-on-one interviews, literature reviews, and secondary data analyses). She has also developed communications plans, handled crisis communications for multiple clients, has developed training programs in media relations, and coached clients to success in these interactions. As the name of her firm implies, Kathy is now focused on supporting clients with strategy redevelopment in times of uncertainty and disruptive change, and pairs this with financial/economic modelling that allows clients to understand the implications of their current path as well as test the probable outcomes of scenarios they may be considering. She has translated this expertise into a 31-day self-directed eWorkbook for small business owners seeking a distinctive path to growth and success. Kathy is a project developer, manager and facilitator of transformative projects in agriculture, regional economic development, labour markets, technology, tourism, and a range of public sector services.

Robert A. Wood

Job Titles:
  • CEO / President, 8020Info Inc
His career background includes his role as Managing Partner of Wood & Wood Communications, a marketing strategy, research and communications consulting firm, which was later purchased (in 1999) by Enterprise Canada Research. This company undertook dozens of studies for clients as varied as radio stations, newspapers, hospitals, political parties, community colleges and municipalities. In 1987, Rob's career took him to the Frontenac County Board of Education, as Manager of Administrative Services and Communications. Here he oversaw office administration, marketing and communications for the Board office, and managed the service unit that supported the Board of Trustees. During the 1990s, prior to launching 8020Info Inc., Rob served first as Program Director/ Director of Research and then as General Manager for the CHUM Radio Group where he managed four radio stations in eastern Ontario - two in Kingston and two in Brockville.