Updated 171 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 01738476 (CH)
- Age: 41 years
- ID: 4943702/154
Wedgwood Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 4SX
• 26200 - Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
Nemco are one of the UK leading contract manufacturing companies. Our business is focussed on low and medium volume manufacturing in the contract electronics manufacturing (CEM) arena...
Nemco is a leading Contract Electronics Manufacturer providing a complete product manufacturing, logistics and repair service to our customers...
Nemco has developed through a process of continual improvement, which sees it today at the forefront of its chosen market of electronics manufacturing services. One of the outstanding keys to this success has been our ability to become an extension of our customers business and a partner in their product development, leaving them to concentrate on their own core skills in the knowledge that their product's life-cycle is in safe hands. The business recognises the necessity for a high level of quality hence our continued drive forward which means we can now offer our customers EN 9100:2018 (AS9100) Rev D.
Also known as: N.E.M. CO. LIMITED, Nemco Ltd
Registration numbers: 01738476 (CH), 1738476 (W)