ELEKTRA LIGHTING - History of Changes

2024-12-16 insert office_emails so..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 delete address Ormond House, 26/27 Boswell Street, London, WC1N 3JZ
2024-12-16 insert address CS.403, Clerkenwell Workshops, 31 Clerkenwell Close, London, EC1R 0AT
2024-12-16 insert email el..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email fr..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email ha..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email il..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email ka..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email ma..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email ma..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email so..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email ta..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email ti..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 insert email ya..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-12-16 update person_title Ildiko Jenigar: Office Manager => Office Manager, Accounts
2024-12-16 update primary_contact Ormond House, 26/27 Boswell Street, London, WC1N 3JZ => CS.403, Clerkenwell Workshops, 31 Clerkenwell Close, London EC1R 0AT
2024-11-13 update statutory_documents 31/03/24 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2024-10-14 delete person Kate Griffiths
2024-10-14 insert person Yasmin Imossi
2024-08-11 insert general_emails in..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-08-11 insert address Ormond House, 26/27 Boswell Street, London, WC1N 3JZ
2024-08-11 insert alias Elektra
2024-08-11 insert alias Elektra Lighting
2024-08-11 insert email in..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-08-11 insert index_pages_linkeddomain ambrit.co.uk
2024-08-11 insert industry_tag lighting design
2024-08-11 insert phone +44 (0) 20 7288 0155
2024-08-11 update primary_contact null => Ormond House, 26/27 Boswell Street, London, WC1N 3JZ
2024-06-24 delete general_emails in..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-06-24 delete address Ormond House, 26/27 Boswell Street, London, WC1N 3JZ
2024-06-24 delete alias Elektra
2024-06-24 delete alias Elektra Lighting
2024-06-24 delete email in..@elektralighting.co.uk
2024-06-24 delete index_pages_linkeddomain ambrit.co.uk
2024-06-24 delete industry_tag lighting design
2024-06-24 delete phone +44 (0) 20 7288 0155
2024-06-24 update primary_contact Ormond House, 26/27 Boswell Street, London, WC1N 3JZ => null
2024-04-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2022-03-31 => 2023-03-31
2024-04-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2023-12-31 => 2024-12-31
2024-03-27 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 10/03/24, NO UPDATES
2024-03-12 delete person Poppy Bruten
2024-03-12 insert person Jovana Spence
2024-03-12 insert person Tamanna Verma
2023-12-18 update statutory_documents 31/03/23 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2023-09-12 delete otherexecutives Magdalena Gomez
2023-09-12 delete person Magdalena Gomez
2023-09-12 update person_title Sofia Tsintari: Designer => Senior Lighting Designer
2023-04-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2021-03-31 => 2022-03-31
2023-04-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2022-12-31 => 2023-12-31
2023-03-10 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 10/03/23, NO UPDATES
2022-10-26 update statutory_documents 31/03/22 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2022-03-15 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 10/03/22, NO UPDATES
2021-12-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2020-03-31 => 2021-03-31
2021-12-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2021-12-31 => 2022-12-31
2021-10-05 update statutory_documents 31/03/21 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2021-09-22 insert person Tiago Winer
2021-06-17 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain instagram.com
2021-05-07 delete address TROJAN HOUSE 34 ARCADIA AVENUE LONDON N3 2JU
2021-05-07 update registered_address
2021-04-02 update statutory_documents REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGED ON 02/04/2021 FROM TROJAN HOUSE 34 ARCADIA AVENUE LONDON N3 2JU
2021-04-02 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / NEIL KNOWLES / 01/04/2021
2021-04-02 update statutory_documents SECRETARY'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / ILDIKO JENIGAR / 01/04/2021
2021-04-02 update statutory_documents PSC'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / ILDIKO JENIGAR / 01/04/2021
2021-04-02 update statutory_documents PSC'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / MR NEIL KNOWLES / 01/04/2021
2021-03-15 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 10/03/21, NO UPDATES
2021-02-07 update account_category UNAUDITED ABRIDGED => TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2021-02-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2019-03-31 => 2020-03-31
2021-02-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2021-03-31 => 2021-12-31
2020-12-24 update statutory_documents 31/03/20 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2020-07-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2020-12-31 => 2021-03-31
2020-03-17 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 10/03/20, NO UPDATES
2020-01-07 update account_category TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL => UNAUDITED ABRIDGED
2020-01-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2018-03-31 => 2019-03-31
2020-01-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2019-12-31 => 2020-12-31
2019-12-18 update statutory_documents 31/03/19 UNAUDITED ABRIDGED
2019-12-11 delete career_pages_linkeddomain theguardian.com
2019-11-11 delete source_ip
2019-11-11 insert source_ip
2019-10-12 insert otherexecutives Magdalena Gomez
2019-10-12 delete person Agnieszka Szubert
2019-10-12 insert person Kristiyan Lyubenov
2019-10-12 insert person Poppy Bruten
2019-10-12 update person_title Magdalena Gomez: Associate => Design Director
2019-08-12 delete person Carolina Ibarra
2019-08-12 delete person Laura Cizauskaite
2019-08-12 insert person Nicola Bowling
2019-05-12 insert career_pages_linkeddomain theguardian.com
2019-03-11 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 10/03/19, WITH UPDATES
2019-03-09 delete person Agostina Califano
2019-02-03 delete person Armando Villasenor
2019-02-03 delete person Daniela Cordova
2019-02-03 delete person Laura Suico
2019-02-03 insert person Agnieszka Szubert
2019-02-03 insert person Carolina Ibarra
2018-11-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2017-03-31 => 2018-03-31
2018-11-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2018-12-31 => 2019-12-31
2018-10-17 update statutory_documents 31/03/18 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2018-03-22 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 10/03/18, WITH UPDATES
2018-02-04 delete person Erin Slaviero
2018-02-04 delete person Rachel Tunnicliffe
2018-02-04 insert person Agostina Califano
2017-12-07 update account_category TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL => TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2017-12-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2016-03-31 => 2017-03-31
2017-12-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2017-12-31 => 2018-12-31
2017-11-27 delete about_pages_linkeddomain eepurl.com
2017-11-27 delete address P.O. Box 1638, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA
2017-11-27 delete alias Elektra Lighting Inc.
2017-11-27 delete alias Elektra Lighting Ltd
2017-11-27 delete alias Elektra Lighting USA
2017-11-27 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain eepurl.com
2017-11-27 delete email ra..@elektralighting.com
2017-11-27 delete fax +44 (0) 20 7359 8788
2017-11-27 delete index_pages_linkeddomain eepurl.com
2017-11-27 delete management_pages_linkeddomain eepurl.com
2017-11-27 delete person Matthew Wright
2017-11-27 delete person Zsolt Bodzay
2017-11-27 delete phone +1 470 312 0931
2017-11-27 insert about_pages_linkeddomain ambrit.co.uk
2017-11-27 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain ambrit.co.uk
2017-11-27 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain facebook.com
2017-11-27 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2017-11-27 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2017-11-27 insert index_pages_linkeddomain ambrit.co.uk
2017-11-27 insert management_pages_linkeddomain ambrit.co.uk
2017-11-27 insert person Daniela Cordova
2017-11-27 update founded_year null => 2000
2017-11-17 update statutory_documents 31/03/17 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2017-05-24 delete person Sam Walle
2017-05-24 insert person Laura Cizauskaite
2017-03-15 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 10/03/17, WITH UPDATES
2017-01-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2015-03-31 => 2016-03-31
2017-01-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2016-12-31 => 2017-12-31
2016-12-20 update statutory_documents 31/03/16 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2016-10-23 delete person Alexia Gkika
2016-10-23 insert alias Elektra Lighting Inc.
2016-10-23 insert alias Elektra Lighting Ltd
2016-10-23 insert person Laura Suico
2016-10-23 insert person Sofia Tsintari
2016-08-28 delete person Armando Villlasenor
2016-08-28 delete person Marta Pawlowska
2016-08-28 insert person Armando Villasenor
2016-08-28 insert person Ildiko Jenigar
2016-08-28 insert person Marta Michalski
2016-07-31 insert address P.O. Box 1638, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA
2016-07-31 insert alias Elektra Lighting USA
2016-07-31 insert email ra..@elektralighting.com
2016-07-31 insert phone +1 470 312 0931
2016-05-12 update returns_last_madeup_date 2015-03-10 => 2016-03-10
2016-05-12 update returns_next_due_date 2016-04-07 => 2017-04-07
2016-04-04 update statutory_documents 10/03/16 FULL LIST
2016-03-11 update website_status OK => DomainNotFound
2015-09-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2014-03-31 => 2015-03-31
2015-09-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2015-12-31 => 2016-12-31
2015-08-02 update statutory_documents 31/03/15 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2015-05-07 update returns_last_madeup_date 2014-03-10 => 2015-03-10
2015-05-07 update returns_next_due_date 2015-04-07 => 2016-04-07
2015-04-17 update statutory_documents 10/03/15 FULL LIST
2015-04-17 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / NEIL KNOWLES / 02/03/2015
2015-04-17 update statutory_documents SECRETARY'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / ILDIKO JENIGAR / 02/03/2015
2015-03-12 delete source_ip
2015-03-12 insert source_ip
2015-02-02 delete address 3rd Floor, 6 Dyers Buildings, Holborn, London, EC1N 2JT
2015-02-02 insert address Ormond House, 26/27 Boswell Street, London, WC1N 3JZ
2015-02-02 update primary_contact 3rd Floor, 6 Dyers Buildings, Holborn, London, EC1N 2JT => Ormond House, 26/27 Boswell Street, London, WC1N 3JZ
2014-12-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2013-03-31 => 2014-03-31
2014-12-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2014-12-31 => 2015-12-31
2014-11-06 update statutory_documents 31/03/14 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2014-04-07 update returns_last_madeup_date 2013-03-10 => 2014-03-10
2014-04-07 update returns_next_due_date 2014-04-07 => 2015-04-07
2014-03-30 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2014-03-27 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2014-03-20 update statutory_documents 10/03/14 FULL LIST
2013-11-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2012-03-31 => 2013-03-31
2013-11-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2013-12-31 => 2014-12-31
2013-10-08 update statutory_documents 31/03/13 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2013-06-25 delete sic_code 82990 - Other business support service activities n.e.c.
2013-06-25 insert sic_code 74100 - specialised design activities
2013-06-25 update returns_last_madeup_date 2012-03-10 => 2013-03-10
2013-06-25 update returns_next_due_date 2013-04-07 => 2014-04-07
2013-06-23 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2011-03-31 => 2012-03-31
2013-06-23 update accounts_next_due_date 2012-12-31 => 2013-12-31
2013-03-21 update statutory_documents 10/03/13 FULL LIST
2013-01-18 update website_status FlippedRobotsTxt
2012-10-17 update statutory_documents 31/03/12 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2012-03-19 update statutory_documents 10/03/12 FULL LIST
2011-11-18 update statutory_documents 31/03/11 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2011-10-14 update statutory_documents 06/04/11 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL GBP 3
2011-03-18 update statutory_documents 10/03/11 FULL LIST
2010-08-10 update statutory_documents 31/03/10 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2010-03-18 update statutory_documents 10/03/10 FULL LIST
2009-06-07 update statutory_documents 31/03/09 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2009-03-12 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 10/03/09; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2008-10-28 update statutory_documents 31/03/08 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2008-04-22 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 10/03/08; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2007-10-03 update statutory_documents TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/07
2007-03-19 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 10/03/07; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2006-11-21 update statutory_documents TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/06
2006-03-17 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 10/03/06; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2005-11-14 update statutory_documents REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGED ON 14/11/05 FROM: 39C HIGHBURY PLACE LONDON N5 1QP
2005-09-16 update statutory_documents TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/05
2005-03-23 update statutory_documents SECRETARY'S PARTICULARS CHANGED
2005-03-23 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 10/03/05; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2004-07-01 update statutory_documents TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/04
2004-03-10 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 10/03/04; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2003-08-06 update statutory_documents NEW SECRETARY APPOINTED
2003-08-06 update statutory_documents SECRETARY RESIGNED
2003-07-16 update statutory_documents TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/03
2003-03-09 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 10/03/03; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2002-09-16 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR'S PARTICULARS CHANGED
2002-05-27 update statutory_documents TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/02
2002-03-18 update statutory_documents REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGED ON 18/03/02 FROM: 39 AUBERT PARK LONDON N5 1TR
2002-03-18 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 10/03/02; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2001-08-06 update statutory_documents TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/01
2001-04-20 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 10/03/01; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2000-09-01 update statutory_documents NEW SECRETARY APPOINTED
2000-08-17 update statutory_documents SECRETARY RESIGNED
2000-03-27 update statutory_documents NEW DIRECTOR APPOINTED
2000-03-27 update statutory_documents NEW SECRETARY APPOINTED
2000-03-20 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR RESIGNED
2000-03-20 update statutory_documents SECRETARY RESIGNED