Updated 45 days ago
1B Links rd Hopwood Rochdale OL102BG
I will always aim to repair your system as this is normally the most cost effective way of getting your home secure again.Repairing a faulty alarm is my personal preference, Repairing a faulty burglar alarm requires skill, Installing a new Burglar alarm requires hard work !. A lot of intruder alarm Companys in Rochdale just condemn faulty systems as they often do not have the skilled staff to correctly diagnose a faulty alarm system. Condeming an alarm system to install a new one can cost you a lot of money, there is also a high probability that they will remove a professionally installed intruder system to then have a bodge job fitted!. Rochdale Alarms receive many enquires from customers with alarm panels or CCTV systems that are already installed, these customers may have faults or just in need of a maintenance visit but are having difficulty finding a company able or willing to provide this service... I specialise in burglar and intruder alarm system repairs and upgrades. I will..