As an infantry soldier, excellent communication, confidence, good understanding of others, perfection, and professionalism are imperative and are demonstrated within the training courses Andy delivers.
In between the Army and the beginning of First Aid at Work Norfolk, which now prides itself to being one of the leading First Aid Training providers within Norfolk, Andy was employed by Norfolk County Council in collaboration with the military to work within West Norfolk schools teaching children with extra educational needs.
Within this role Andy developed his passion for teaching and patience for being able to get the least attentive learners engaged in his instruction by his very practical, exciting and unique delivery style. This was noticed by management who expanded Andy's role within other Norfolk Schools and provided Andy with the necessary qualifications to be able to deliver First Aid to educational settings and employees specifically in West Norfolk.
After 5 years Andy decided to go into self employment and digress from not only providing teachers their courses but to open it up to all areas of business both individuals and companies within the Norfolk area and thus in 2011 First Aid at Work Norfolk was born.
Not only does Andy have close working relationships with many large businesses within Norfolk, he has now become nationally recognised and will often travel throughout the UK to companies where he is invited and asked to provide courses.
"Professional, engaging, fantastic, highly recommended, competent, knowledgeable, passionate, impressive, fun, simply the best" are words quoted which all have a common regular appearance in the many 5 star reviews Andy receives from all his course attendees. This can only highlight the high standard of training Andy provides with a very competitive cost which keeps new clients continuously booking their training with him and previous clients returning year after year for re qualifications.