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Relevance: 9.361891
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The Continuous Monitoring Platform integrates different existing applications, systems and data sources into one platform. The Continuous Monitoring Platform is compatible with virtually all systems, applications and data sources... The Continuous..

Relevance: 8.947286
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  • 49
QuantWare is a collaborative company. We are always looking for new partners to co-develop or co-design technology that advances quantum computing... QuantWare launched in July 2021 with the singular ambition to accelerate the usefulness of the..

Relevance: 5.406362
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  • 53
Graduate Consulting (GC) is a student-run organisation consisting of highly motivated master's students and recent graduates from leading Dutch universities. They bring cutting-edge academic knowledge, innovative approaches and a strong commitment to..

Relevance: 4.4381166
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  • 133
Established in 2012, UNLOQ is a global people development company specialised in supporting leaders and their teams within the humanitarian & development sector and corporate organisations. With 125+ experts on leadership, team, talent and..

Relevance: 3.543462