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We collaborate with mission-driven organizations to help solve the world's challenges through research and education. MIx deploys a variety of mission innovation programs to support these aims, including grants and partnerships, fellowships,..

Relevance: 19.940868
  • 43
  • 5
  • 40
The MIT Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRC) is an interdisciplinary research center that focuses on the study of high-impact, complex, sociotechnical systems that shape our world. SSRC brings together faculty, researchers, students and..

Relevance: 8.047767
  • 64
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  • 125
The Office of the Vice President for Research is responsible for the stewardship of MIT's research enterprise. Our mission is to..

Relevance: 3.1319427
  • 125
  • 10
  • 135
Our vision is to create an aerospace field that is a diverse and inclusive community, pushing the boundaries of the possible to ensure lasting positive impact on our society, economy, and the environment... In the MIT Department of Aeronautics and..

Relevance: 2.831734
  • 145
  • 1
  • 279
IDSS greatly values diversity in and inclusion of our students, faculty, and staff. The range of cultures, backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences of the individuals within IDSS all contribute to our ability to live out our mission of tackling..

Relevance: 1.3591852