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1-19 of 19 results

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Vitamed is an international pharmaceutical trading company located in Ljubljana, Slovenia with the representative office in Kiev, Ukraine... We are a dynamic and growing company offering an extensive range of products to the pharmaceutical industry...

Relevance: 20.450972
  • 3
  • 1
  • 10
SpectraCure is a medical technology company based in Lund, which focuses on the development and commercialisation of a new treatment system for localised prostate cancer. The technology is based on extensive scientific research and clinical..

Relevance: 16.378693
  • 3
  • 2
  • 30
In September 2019, Law Firm Senica marked an important milestone by concluding a collaboration agreement with Andersen Global, which chose Law Firm Senica for exclusive cooperation in Slovenia, after having completed a detailed analysis of the..

Relevance: 9.947685
  • 355
  • 15
  • 305
MSED is developing measurement-based solutions and capabilities to facilitate innovations in materials design, device architecture, and fabrication processes, particularly those relevant to transistor devices, memory, and interconnects. To address..

Relevance: 1.1115023
  • 368
  • 18
  • 323
The Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML) sets the definitive U.S. standards for nearly every kind of measurement in modern life including mass, time, frequency, temperature, electricity, and electromagnetic radiation. As a world leader in the..

Relevance: 1.0209194
  • 368
  • 18
  • 323
To promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life... NIST will be the world's leader in creating critical..

Relevance: 1.007944
  • 417
  • 14
  • 368
The goal of the SMS Test Bed is to extend existing production-focused concepts by designing and architecting a test bed that enables smart manufacturing research and development across the product lifecycle. This process should highlight the..

Relevance: 0.92515385
  • 454
  • 17
  • 396
MSED is developing measurement-based solutions and capabilities to facilitate innovations in materials design, device architecture, and fabrication processes, particularly those relevant to transistor devices, memory, and interconnects. To address..

Relevance: 0.86055505
  • 484
  • 17
  • 423
NCNR is conducting an extensive repair, maintenance, and upgrade project. Return to scientific operations is planned for early 2026. Once that operating schedule has been finalized, NCNR will issue a new call for proposals... A national user..

Relevance: 0.7904365
  • 517
  • 16
  • 437
The Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) Division is the primary federal laboratory conducting research, development, testing, and evaluation for public safety communications technologies. It is housed within the Communications Technology..

Relevance: 0.7730705
  • 559
  • 14
  • 487
IRIS Experts Group IIStarting in June 2016, NIST is convening the Iris Experts Group as a series of colloquia addressing topics of interest to operational deployment of biometrics in the United States government and more broadly... To promote U.S...

Relevance: 0.6899662
  • 561
  • 14
  • 488
MBARK now supports the Biometrics Client Configuration Language, or BiCCL, as described in NIST IR 7531 (PDF, 307 KB). BiCCL is a simple, domain-specific language that can be used for formally describing biometric client configurations and desired..

Relevance: 0.6899662
  • 614
  • 14
  • 536
To promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life... NIST will be the world's leader in creating critical..

Relevance: 0.66079533
  • 645
  • 14
  • 542
The Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) Division is the primary federal laboratory conducting research, development, testing, and evaluation for public safety communications technologies. It is housed within the Communications Technology..

Relevance: 0.66079533
  • 564
  • 14
  • 494
NIST will be the world's leader in creating critical measurement solutions and promoting equitable standards. Our efforts stimulate innovation, foster industrial competitiveness, and improve the quality of life... Face Technology Evaluations -..

Relevance: 0.6548345
  • 612
  • 14
  • 531
NIST is an organization with strong values, reflected both in our history and our current work. NIST leadership and staff will uphold these values to ensure a high-performing environment that is safe and respectful of all... The National Institute..

Relevance: 0.64873666
  • 615
  • 14
  • 536
The Static Analysis Tool Exposition (SATE) is a recurring study designed to advance research in static analysis tools that find security-relevant weaknesses in source code. We provide a set of programs to tool makers, then they run their tools and..

Relevance: 0.64873666
  • 617
  • 15
  • 536
To promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life... NIST will be the world's leader in creating critical..

Relevance: 0.6465249
  • 610
  • 13
  • 530
The collapse of the WTC buildings following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, was one of the worst buildin... To promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways..

Relevance: 0.6465249