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Our aim is to support the Scottish Government's commitment to bringing empty homes back into use as affordable housing where possible... Scotland has a housing emergency. Our vision is that privately-owned empty homes do not remain empty for 12..

Relevance: 6.483037
  • 8
  • 192
Our vision is for every child at Ark Alexandra to fulfil their potential and be set up for success when they move on to university... We are proud to offer an exciting variety of extra-curricular activities, helping our pupils to uncover their..

Relevance: 1.6011323
  • 1
  • 519
  • 333
Cerebral palsy is a group of conditions that affect muscle control and movement, and is caused by damage to the developing brain. It is not a hereditary condition, not a disease, nor is it contagious... Cerebral palsy is a medical condition that..

Relevance: 0.82539195