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  • 348
Our Business School is part of an elite group of schools worldwide that holds this international benchmark of excellence... We are one of the top modern universities for research quality: 30% of our research was rated as world-leading in REF 2021.....

Relevance: 4.534082
  • 8
  • 1
  • 163
The International Cost Estimating and Analysis Association is a nonprofit organization that strives to promote and to enhance the profession of cost estimating and analysis with the primary goal of fostering the professional growth of our members in..

Relevance: 2.2699692
  • 287
  • 211
  • 291
Allianz Insurance is one of the largest general insurers in the UK, providing insurance through brokers and partners... As one of the largest general insurers in the UK, we operate under a number of brands, including Allianz, Pet Plan, LV= and..

Relevance: 1.0839332
  • 350
  • 260
  • 348
As one of the largest general insurers in the UK, we operate under a number of brands, including Allianz, Pet Plan, LV= and Britania Rescue. We offer commercial insurance and personal insurance including: legal expenses, car, home, musical, pet and..

Relevance: 0.8820145
  • 458
  • 340
  • 453
At Allianz Legal Protection we offer a range of specialist legal expenses insurance through appointed solicitors and business partners. Our expertise covers a wide range of case types for after the event insurance... As one of the largest general..

Relevance: 0.64260226