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1-30 of 141 results

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In today's global business environment, enlightened CEO's recognise the need to transform their organizations to adapt to the demands of a rapidly changing world.Feng Shui can help build a solid foundation for stability,... Feng Shui can help build..

Relevance: 62.663826
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If you would like an opportunity to chat with Will LeStrange about your project, please feel free to call for a Free 20-minute discovery session. It's the best way to quickly discover if Will's Feng Shui services can help transform your particular..

Relevance: 61.504143
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Anna Maria Prezio, Ph.D., author of Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster is a professional Feng Shui Consultant. She has audited hundreds of Feng Shui sites. Her clients include: Hollywood producers, directors, actors, doctors, architects, and..

Relevance: 54.52906
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How you live in your home is a barometer to what you attract into your life and what you are responding to energetically. This can be monitored and captured with the art of Feng Shui... Tune in to who you are and create positive energized spaces..

Relevance: 53.747604
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Just as an acupuncturist's needles are used to stimulate and balance the body's energy force (known as chi), Feng Shui helps to regulate the flow of life energy in and around a particular site. Its practice can be used to improve physical space and..

Relevance: 52.730488
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Kundalini Yoga combines repetitive dynamic movements, powerful breathwork, meditations, and mantras to arouse the dormant energy at the base of the spine, helping it rise the central channel of the spine and through the chakras. It is an intense..

Relevance: 50.620888
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The term Feng Shui means "wind and water." It is an ancient art of placement that brings balance to your life. Geomancy is divining earth's energy and the infinite flow of Heaven's Chi, the vital energy that surrounds us. The geomancer, the earliest..

Relevance: 49.541344
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I am Dr Michael Oon - The Feng Shui Consultant. I have been practising Traditional Feng Shui for 20 years, over a thousand projects in many parts of the world... We are all team members, with different members having their own specialisations. It is..

Relevance: 49.311203
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GOOD FENG SHUI offers traditional, authentic Feng Shui consultation through international awards-winning GFS Converge Water Technique for business, domestic home, ancestral graveyard (Yin-house Feng Shui) as well as products and articles design, and..

Relevance: 48.008804
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Would you like to double your sales force overnight? What if your sales team had dozens of people, from a wide variety of professionals, who help you connect your business to interested customers? What if you, and dozens of others, helped others to..

Relevance: 46.499542
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Amy Theisen's programs provide ancient wisdom and transformational guidance to leaders and seekers in our modern time. Our approach is insightful, inclusive, and engaging. The Metaphysics Mastery community empowers us to feel uplifted, aligned, and..

Relevance: 43.75247
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Established in the mid-1990's, the IFSG was founded by a diverse group of Feng Shui experts with the primary tenet of uniting the Feng Shui community. Since that time, we have grown to one of the largest and most diverse Feng Shui business..

Relevance: 42.369015
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Feng Shui byvocation takes on its full meaning today, in a new era, where more than ever we have a strong need to feel uplifted and serene at home and where I know I can help!..

Relevance: 34.15532
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Dougles Chan Qimen Academy International is a company that provides training in Qi Men Dun Jia, a Chinese metaphysical system used for divination and decision-making. The company is led by Dougles Chan, the Grand Master of Qi Men Dun Jia. His follows..

Relevance: 34.121147
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We focused especially on new restaurant startups, operators, developers and investors, Restaurant Consultant Malaysia provide innovative, efficient and practical solutions to brands in every segment of the F&B industry so that they can become..

Relevance: 33.849937
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Feng Shui Research Centre - UAE, founded in 2009, offers high calibre Feng Shui Audits to assist clients to achieve improved personal and business outcomes, including enhancing individual and business relationships and performance. We have a passion..

Relevance: 33.120544
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One World Feng Shui offers its services in English, French, and Spanish. Courty-Dan's deep understanding of the mysteries of Classical Feng Shui will generate vitality and equanimity to enhance your life in our sometimes complex and challenging..

Relevance: 31.373285
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Feng Shui is the study of how invisible life force energy or Qi (chee), of the land and buildings affects our lives. It gives specific information on how to harness beneficial Earth energies in buildings, to benefit the people who live and work in..

Relevance: 30.997997
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Feng Shui is an ancient mathematical system that creates the most favorable direction for your living and working environment. Feng Shui is the art and science of balancing the elements in your home or office, thus creating a harmonized environment..

Relevance: 30.25121
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Ms. Feng Shui can provide personalized Feng Shui consulting anywhere in the world either in-person or through video chat on a mobile device... My name is Jessie Kim and I am a 3rd generation professional Feng Shui expert. I help others create..

Relevance: 30.128681
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Fort Lauderdale Interior Design and Feng Shui Services RATED 5 STAR on YELP We offer Interior Design Consulting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Feng Shui Services Worldwide. Consulting packages are offered for Feng Shui and Interior Design onsite in..

Relevance: 30.001669
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and Form School Feng Shui, through extensive travels and studies throughout the U.S... Map Dowsing and detecting Ley Lines. Traveled throughout Europe for studies and visiting ancient sites... Mary McGrane, of Natural Living, Feng Shui Reiki, helps..

Relevance: 29.558788
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I'm a husband to Ruth, an amazing woman who is kind, compassionate and as sharp as a tack... I'm a dad to two feisty teenagers, both kind, compassionate and sharp as tacks (wonder where they get that The near-death experience opened..

Relevance: 29.558788
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Moongate Feng Shui is a dynamic consulting firm based in San Francisco (Marin County) providing classical Chinese Feng Shui Design, professional organizing, reiki and spiritual healing to activate your life and bring about joy, happiness and..

Relevance: 29.48851
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Located 3 km from the TEM highway, 7 km from the D-100 state road, and 12 km from Sabiha Gökçen Airport, Workinn Hotel is situated in the heart of the Gebze Organized Industrial Zone. Workinn Hotel offers a home-like atmosphere amidst the hectic..

Relevance: 29.48851
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Feng Shui is based on the ancient Chinese wisdom which understood the dynamic and complex flow of energies throughout the Universe... The literal meaning of Feng Shui is - Wind and Water which can be considered as harmony and balance bringing..

Relevance: 29.408035
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I've worked with a wide variety of people including families, couples and individuals, artists, entrepreneurs, designers, CEOs, psychotherapists - the list goes on. Feng Shui isn't cookie-cutter, every client is unique and we work together in finding..

Relevance: 29.394356
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We are a team of professionals with an extensive experience and knowledge in using the space for work or Leisure, entertainment or worship, healing or learning... We at Mobius create the most modern interior designs for all sorts of environments..

Relevance: 29.394356
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"At first I was not sure how negative Fengshui affects me and my house. After his explanation & recommendations, I felt it is basically practical. I felt my headaches had gradually recovered & It was beyond my belief. That's incredible... Be..

Relevance: 29.394356
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Purple to White is a passionate team with a focus on helping you to achieve positive outcomes in your business, career, investment and relationship. We help build awareness that enables better decision-making. This is geared to achieve the life that..

Relevance: 29.394356