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Studio "3DGrapchic-Art" - young, dynamically - developed company. The purpose of creation of the company was association of experts in area of 3D visualization, schedules, animations, design, cinema and video of manufacture for granting to the..

Relevance: 0.45556584
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Criminal Law Professional Legal Defense for the accused in all State of Florida Crimes except death penalty cases. DUI, Driving While License Suspended, Burglary, Possession of Cannabis, Possession of Cocaine, Possession of Heroin, Possession of drug..

Relevance: 0.45551372
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Our company originated from the scientific base of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka. Gistel is an example of connecting science and business. Through the realization of projects Gistel engaged a..

Relevance: 0.45551372
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In summary, during two last decades, Novin Ertefa Lift Company with successful implementation of more than one thousand sets of different elevators, it could provide the following activities in the field of elevator industry: 1- Types of residential..

Relevance: 0.45551372
Sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. Front matter, or preliminaries, is the first section of a book, and is usually the smallest section in terms of the number of pages. Incorporating the content,style,format,design,..

Relevance: 0.45546767
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NANOTECHCENTER is a spin-off company of the Institute of Problems of Materials Science of the National Academy of Science Ukraine. The company was established in October 2014. The founders of the company reviewed the submitted business plan for the..

Relevance: 0.45546767
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The School of Education Science of Hunan Normal University is located near the beautiful peach lake, which is known as "the gateway of Hunan Normal University". The predecessor of the School, the education department of National Normal College, was..

Relevance: 0.45546767
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Our physical model of biorhythms is based on the assumption that the organism is a set of metabolic oscillators - biocomplexes of all kinds, carrying out regular conversions from sol to gel and back with a certain frequency ("Synchronization of..

Relevance: 0.4554065
The Vanguard of the Black Flame (VBF) is an initiative of a group of Initiates of the Esoteric Order of Beelzebub, an Order within the Temple of Set...

Relevance: 0.4553973
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In the days when the integrity and authority of the Word of God was being questioned and denied, the Voice of Calvary affirmed the inerrancy and infallibility of the Word of God. The message of the Voice of Calvary was bulwarked and built on the..

Relevance: 0.45537636
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Since 1970, he has held many positions at the Institut Pasteur where he was head of the Antibacterial Agents Unit (1983-2015) and director of the National Reference Center for Resistance to Antibiotics (1983-2011) and served as Chairman of the..

Relevance: 0.45529744
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Our organization works to improve the welfare and living standards of the population of Odessa, socio-economic growth of the city, high quality sustainable rates of economic growth of the city, strengthening the competitive position of Odessa in..

Relevance: 0.4552496
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Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (B.Vet.Med.) 1965 Member of The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (M.R.C.V.S.) 1966 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 1980 Associate Member of the Guild of Agricultural Journalists 1984-2010 Delivered the Central..

Relevance: 0.45524606
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Established in 1983 the firm is counselling companies mainly in commercial and corporate law; it is a founding member of the Association of Independent European Lawyers' ("AIEL"), a network of independent law firms through Europe, specialized in..

Relevance: 0.4551921
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To meet the needs of your company to increase the level of competence of the staff, the formation of company's specialists of innovative thinking and creative approach, the creation of lifelong learning in your company, we offer you to take advantage..

Relevance: 0.45506054
The Evolution of Reason: Spirituality and The Importance of Self in Poetic Literature, The essence of awareness, born true to the purest most inner soul of life is the realization of self as a focal point of the sensations of certainty, And the..

Relevance: 0.45506054
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Company for audit, PRIVREDNI SAVETNIK - REVIZIJA, was established on 30th July 1998 and is one of the leading domestic companies for audit, financial, accounting and tax consulting in Serbia. One of its founders is reputable domestic publishing..

Relevance: 0.45506054
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Published since 2012 (Certificate of state registration of printed mass media КВ no. 18914-7704PR of 06.05.2012) and re-registered in 2018 with regard to the change of co-owners (Certificate of state registration of printed mass media КВ no...

Relevance: 0.45501634
Sons Of Hell Motorcycle Club ,sons of hell has many charters thoughout riverside county california. sons of hell has charters all over californina sons of hell has charters in nor cal , sons of hell also has a charter in ventura california. sons of..

Relevance: 0.4550065
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Scientific activities in pharmacology, toxicology, neurophysiology, electrophysiology of excitable cells, including skin receptive fields, vegetative regulation of receptive skin fields, mechanisms of receptivity... Scientific work: Beginning of..

Relevance: 0.4548853
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Atrium Real Estate Services is an approved appraiser for an extensive list of lending institutions, private entities and government agencies, such as the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Teachers Retirement System of Texas, the General Land..

Relevance: 0.45481175
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Sebastian Guerrini is a Designer in Visual Communication (Argentina), a graduate in Communication Technologies (Netherlands) and Doctor of Philosophy in Communication and Image Studies at the University of Kent (England)... Author of the graphical..

Relevance: 0.45478943
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Two conferences take place at the Embassy on the occasion of 60th anniversary of independence of Algeria... Programme of activities to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Independence of Algeria..

Relevance: 0.45476782
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Stretching the boundaries of fashion Stretching the boundaries of fashion Stretching the boundaries of fashion Stretching the boundaries of fashion Stretching the boundaries of fashion Stretching the boundaries of fashion Stretching the boundaries of..

Relevance: 0.45470992
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Stand Firm World Ministries - Keith and Janet Miller Anointed for Impact. Moving in the prophetic, miracles, signs, wonders, and healing. Flowing in fresh revelation and anointing, releasing the presence of the Holy Spirit and revival fire... Do you..

Relevance: 0.4547029
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The Industry Committee of outdoor advertising (ICOA) is a professional Association of leading OOH operators and media agencies, which guides the development of outdoor advertising market in Ukraine... The key objectives of the ICOA are creation of a..

Relevance: 0.4546571
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Responsible for the operation and personell of the ‘Jewish Museum of Hohenems' is the "Jewish Museum of Hohenems Association," which was established in 2002. Its members represent the municipality of Hohenems, the State of Vorarlberg, and the..

Relevance: 0.4546571
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Management and administration of real estate, processing of all of related agendas... Administration of tenants / contractors, processing all of related contracts and economic agenda... (Analysis of the external and internal environment of company,..

Relevance: 0.4546571
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The specialized company "Tecnoecoprom Ltda." created several years ago is a part of group of the Russian companies of Holding "Pure world "... These technologies which are based application of new Russian scientific and technical achievements, allow..

Relevance: 0.45458722
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The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, in recognition of the role of Non-Governmental Organizations in development of Tanzania society, formulated the National Non Governmental Organizations Policy of 2001 with the aim of creating an..

Relevance: 0.45458722