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To create a safe, vibrant and inclusive campus community where Jewish students can thrive. We aspire to ignite students' Jewish curiosity with education, experiences and empowerment; building an enduring love for Israel and the Jewish people... Ohio..

Relevance: 21.86566
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Torah Academy is a community school founded on the teachings of Chabad philosophy. Inspired by the Lubavitcher Rebbe's vision, our students are given the foundation for a lifelong love of Hashem , Torah, Mitzvos, the Jewish people, and Israel. While..

Relevance: 20.349634
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RELIGIOUS COMMITMENT We strive to provide our students with a firm foundation in Torah and Jewish law, a desire for a meaningful relationship with God, and a love for Jewish learning and practice. We cultivate an enduring love for the people of..

Relevance: 20.294096
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If you are looking for a Jewish lifestyle, a place to celebrate Jewish holidays and festivals, new Jewish friends for yourself and/or your children, or a Jewish oasis, B'nai Israel will provide a complete Jewish experience suited to your needs...

Relevance: 19.854008
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We recognize the need for our students to be critical thinkers, creative, adaptable, and information literate to be successful in the future. Charlotte Jewish Day School is committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment that will..

Relevance: 19.746471
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Chabad reaches out and welcomes every Jew, offering material and spiritual assistance to all. With the unconditional love and acceptance for which Chabad is famous, every Jew can find a sympathetic ear and helping hand, and answers to any questions..

Relevance: 19.273472
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San Diego Hebrew Day is a welcoming, diverse learning community that fosters love for knowledge, Torah, Israel, attachment to the Jewish people, models respect for all others, and provides a foundation for living a successful and meaningful Jewish..

Relevance: 19.103846
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FreelanceJudaism is a Jewish organization that provides Torah classes and online Jewish education for Bar Bat Mitzvah students, children, families, and adults... At FreelanceJudaism, we provide high quality Jewish education to students of all ages..

Relevance: 19.088993
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Drexel Hillel recognizes that "the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference" (Ellie Weisel). We believe that Black lives matter, and at this crucial moment in history, we cannot choose to be indifferent to racism or bigotry in any form.....

Relevance: 18.99436
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The Seattle Jewish Theater Company was launched in spring 2011 to bring classic and contemporary Jewish theater to the Seattle area. The cast, and the audience, are drawn from people of every background. To paraphrase the old Levy's rye bread ad,..

Relevance: 18.927372
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Berman Hebrew Academy is the flagship Preschool-12th grade Modern Orthodox Jewish Day School serving the Greater Washington D.C. area. From our inception, we have made an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, religious commitment, and..

Relevance: 18.772865
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Israel Heritage Foundation is a 501c3 seeking to ensure Jewish continuity, provide Israel education and advocacy, memorialize the Holocaust, and heal the world... IHF holds seminars teaching the love of Israel through the nation's good deeds. IHF..

Relevance: 18.39827
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Our vision is to build a synagogue community with a Jewish expression of faith in Yeshua the Messiah. This is inclusive of all people, both Jews and non-Jews, who wish to explore the reality of Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth) as the promised Messiah of..

Relevance: 18.332228
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Nana's Deli is a quality deli caterer specializing in Jewish and Italian gourmet serving Livingston, NJ, and the surrounding areas... At Nana's Deli, we love kids of all ages, and our warm atmosphere reflects the love and care we put into our food...

Relevance: 18.173437
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Our mission is to cultivate a Torah-centered community of responsibility and friendship and, through a framework of academic excellence, instill in each student a love of learning and a deep understanding of her unique role as a Jewish woman... We..

Relevance: 18.142729
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Ramah Darom brings people of all ages together for exceptional experiences in Jewish living and learning on our 185-acre North Georgia mountain campus. Ramah Darom programs - including summer camp, family camps and year-round experiential retreats -..

Relevance: 18.098421
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With multiple student groups, free Shabbat meals every Friday night, free trips to Israel, internship opportunities, and events going on almost every day of the week, UMass Hillel is a vibrant, multi-faceted and exciting community... UMass Hillel is..

Relevance: 18.088224
Help support the mission of Love of Israel to stand with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people...

Relevance: 18.01339
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Mosaic Outdoor Clubs of America is a network of Jewish outdoor clubs dedicated to organizing outdoor and environmental activities for Jewish singles, couples and families. There are 25+ clubs located throughout the United States, Canada, and Israel...

Relevance: 17.931087
Chabad is also a philosophy, a movement, and an organization that is one of the most popular places today for Jews who just want to be Jewish. The reason is because everyone feels welcome, regardless of background, affiliation, and level of..

Relevance: 17.850388
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Our community is a lively and rich tapestry of backgrounds-religious, ethnic, geographic, socioeconomic, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and family structure-and we keep growing every day. We value our differences and embrace the full..

Relevance: 17.820192
Ahavat Israel in Taiwan (AIIT) is a group of people led by Master Lin Zahn, who loves the Jewish people from Israel unconditionally. Decades ago, he was enlightened to know the importance and distinctiveness of the Jewish people. Ever since then, he..

Relevance: 17.758364
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At Berman, we are deeply committed and connected to the Land and State of Israel. One of the core ways we show our appreciation and love for Israel is through our Upper School Mission, which occurs every four years. We are thrilled to announce that..

Relevance: 17.704283
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Beth Tikvah is a community of adults, children and families that is warm, dynamic and engaging. We strive to foster a love and understanding of Judaism, to pass on the rich traditions of the Jewish People while making them meaningful to our lives..

Relevance: 17.700651
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Carmel is committed to teaching students about, and fostering a love for, Jewish values, traditions, history and the Hebrew language. We draw on the best innovations and developments from the wider Jewish world. Our personalized approach, with..

Relevance: 17.552965
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Welcome to Westmount Hebrew, an innovative after-school educational program, in the heart of downtown Westmount... t Westmount Hebrew, we're changing the face of after-school Jewish education. Through innovative, hands-on, interactive dynamic Jewish..

Relevance: 17.543049
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Herzl Camp is a welcoming, independent camp where young people become self-reliant, create lasting Jewish friendships, and develop commitment and love for Judaism and Israel. Herzl creates a vibrant Jewish community of future leaders. Founded by a..

Relevance: 17.415337
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The Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation strives to assure the stability and continuity of Jewish life and to support communal services in the Omaha area. Your gift to the Foundation helps ensure a sound financial future for Omaha's Jewish community..

Relevance: 17.260414
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ShalomLearning is a non-profit organization that meets the evolving educational needs of today's Jewish community in an engaging, relevant, affordable, and accessible way. We instill a love of lifelong learning where students, teachers, parents, and..

Relevance: 17.221142
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Begin Your Creative Journey to Craft the Perfect Jewish Invitations with Our User-Friendly Hebrew/English Online Tools! Explore a Diverse Collection of Jewish English and Hebrew Templates, Select Your Preferred Design, Personalize the Details, and..

Relevance: 17.217783