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The only specialized scientific center dealing with the problems of chemistry, physics and technology of polymers, including in the field of nanoscience. Year of establishment - ​​In 1979, the Department of Polymer Chemistry of the Academy of..

Relevance: 0.47071832
Some history of the lodge Some history of the lodge Some history of the lodge Some history of the lodge Some history of the lodge Some history of the lodge Some history of the lodge Some history of the lodge Some history of the lodge Some history of..

Relevance: 0.4706905
A Association of Commerce and Services of the Algarve Region - ACRAL, established as a result of the merger of the Association of Retail Merchants of Faro and São Brás de Alportel, Association of Merchants of the Municipalities of Tavira, Vila Real..

Relevance: 0.46842623
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One of the most prestigious Premier Cru in Pommard and one of the most famous Climats of Burgundy... The closed Commaraine's monopoly of the terroir of Pommard One of the most prestigious first wines of Pommard and one of the most famous Climates of..

Relevance: 0.4681035
MORFO HOLDINGS LIMITED is a group of companies which belongs mainly to the family Sofroniou, citizens of Cyprus, and deals with international trade, industry and land development. The group of companies MORFO acts as representative and consultant of..

Relevance: 0.46755174
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Government approved valuers. We are a Valuation Company who undertakes Valuation of Land, Valuation of Buildings, Valuation of Plant and Machinery, Valuation of Factories, Valuation of Intangibles, Valuation of Brands, Valuation of Goodwill,..

Relevance: 0.46752447
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NANOCOM offers services in industrial audit and an assessment of economic profitability and financial activity of the enterprises; to identification of ways of optimization of processes of the company, and also an assessment of energy efficiency of..

Relevance: 0.46659136
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Ours is one of the oldest firms of Chartered Accountants in this sub-continent being established in 1924... CA. G. Basu, the founder of the firm was the 2nd President of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the 4th President of The..

Relevance: 0.46632633
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UNIVERSITY OF THE FUTURE Peter Huebner - Developer of the University - Faculty of Music and Musicology, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Pythagoras, Faculty of Consciousness, Faculty of Humanities,..

Relevance: 0.46594402
  • захист-бізнесу.укр
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The law society «THE PROTECTION OF BUSINESS» has summoned a collective of professed lawyers, of tax practitioners, of auditors, of insolvency officials and of the other specialists with the high standard of knowledge and of experience in the sphere..

Relevance: 0.46435732
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The idea of creation Infotec Ltd appeared in distant 1989 and united the group of very talented professional programmers, having by that time pick-a-back enormous experience of development and implementation a lot of complex programms and systems in..

Relevance: 0.4641768
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Deputy Director of the Institute of Metals and Alloys (Kyiv) VM Pulkovsky, Head of the Hydrogen Energy Division of the Association of Investors of Ukraine, answers the questions of the correspondent of the Association of Investors of Ukraine...

Relevance: 0.46394607
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Taste the power of purple Taste the power of purple Taste the power of purple Taste the power of purple Taste the power of purple Taste the power of purple Taste the power of purple Taste the power of purple Taste the power of purple Taste the power..

Relevance: 0.4626671
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According to Order of Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2015 # 142 On Approval of the List of Stock Exchange Goods and Minimal Size of Presented Lots Sold Through Stock Exchanges and changes thereto by..

Relevance: 0.4625486
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The main goal of the URAN network is to provide institutions, organizations and establishments of science, education and culture with information and networking services enabling network users to realize their professional needs and contributing to..

Relevance: 0.46210217
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Meiosis lab is a part of the Laboratory of Recombination and Segregation Analysis of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS... . Meiosis Lab - The laboratory of recombination and segregation analysis Recombination and segregation of..

Relevance: 0.46204057
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Bob has served in numerous capacities for a number of professional, religious and fraternal organizations. He is a past Master of the Richard Vaux Brotherhood Lodge of Pennsylvania Freemasons #126, a past President of the Eastern Montgomery County..

Relevance: 0.46202436
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IAI is a statutory body established under The Actuaries Act 2006 (35 of 2006) for regulation of profession of Actuaries in India. The provisions of the said Act have come into force from 10th day of November 2006, in terms of the notification dated..

Relevance: 0.46168372
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In 2017, according to the order of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, an expert workgroup which consisted of representatives of the state authorities, the expert community and the public was created to draft the Concept of the National..

Relevance: 0.46158135
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The Diplomatic Business Club (DBC) was established on July 2, 2015 at the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the support of the "Atameken" National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan...

Relevance: 0.4615452
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The National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus was established in accordance with Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 16, 2002 No. 609 "On the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus and on..

Relevance: 0.46139842
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2015 - present Member of Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society 2009 - present Member of American College of Radiology 2007 - present Member of Radiological Society of North America 2006 - 2008 Member of PACS Administrator Registry and..

Relevance: 0.46119943
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We are a team of professionals who measure their professionalism with the success of their clients... According to the decision of the Presidium of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine dated 30.10.2024 (Minutes No. 17), our audit..

Relevance: 0.46104985
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The Irkutsk Scientific Center was founded by Order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1138-r of 01.02.1949 and by resolution of Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences of 24.02.1949 as the East-Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of..

Relevance: 0.460885
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We do not work by a principle of "black box", our clients are initially informed on the plan of solving of their problem... Collection services in the territory of EU and CIS. Collecting of overdue accounts receivable, gathering of information on..

Relevance: 0.46067333
INNOLABS is able to support own partners in the organisation and realisation of actions of promotion and animation in Italy, Europe, Africa, Middle-East and Latin America for own partners' strategic placement and activation of collaboration with..

Relevance: 0.46039295
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Our company was created for sale of aircraft equipment to the markets of the countries of CIS and far abroad... We are partner of leading factories of Russia, the largest domestic manufacturers of landing gears, control units for the domestic..

Relevance: 0.46026927
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At the present time "Polstar" is one of the largest factories of light industry in Ukraine. Due to installation of new automatic and semi-automatic product lines, high qualification of the personnel we managed to raise considerably quality of..

Relevance: 0.4602039
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QFS Final Mile Delivery is one of the best long Island (New York) in North America's safeties delivered companies. We deliver newspaper, mail, stuff to homes, businesses and retail locations across the Long Island - Town of Hempstead, Town of North..

Relevance: 0.46018824
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Member of the working group for the evaluation of design and survey projects under the Interdepartmental Commission of Technological Development of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Modernization and..

Relevance: 0.46018824