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I ™m Matt Ryan Murray! I am Married to the most Amazing Woman! I am the Father to a Curious little Boy! And, I ™m a Son of God! I ™m for, Unique Design, Missions, and Scented Light! I ™m for, Seeing the world! I ™m for, Chasing the sunset! I ™m for,..

Relevance: 6.991232
I had a successful career, family, and upbringing - and I woke up one day and didn't recognize the man in the mirror... I was a stand-out 3-time all-conference NCAA baseball player, an accomplished corporate Vice President, and Nebraska-born..

Relevance: 6.9079485
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In 2013 I faced personal and professional failure. I have known what I am for sixteen years, but it was only when I re-evaluated my life that I realised how badly I had shortchanged that side of myself... So I came back to the scene. I marvelled at..

Relevance: 6.8971863
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I work with some of the most beautiful minds from across the world every day. I work with artists, I work with musicians, I work with athletes, I work with engineers, I work with leaders, I work with parents, I work with children, I work with monks,..

Relevance: 6.8955708
I feel very proud of how I did in French 2, I worked hard and studied and I think it payed off. I could have improved by working harder on my homework assignments because they are good practice and they would have improved how well i knew the..

Relevance: 6.8838515
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I am a person who puts his head in it and gets his hands dirty I don't believe in methods, I trust sensations I like the concreteness I like to do one thing at a time it takes me the right time I'm curious, a lot I observe, a lot I imagine, a lot I..

Relevance: 6.867073
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I am a single mom, and I realized that as soon as I became a single mom, I joined the rat-race and developed stress. Stress to perform, stress to make money, stress to ensure I had made the right choice... The first way I noticed that I had stress..

Relevance: 6.8600106
While I visit a doctor who I really like and trust, I tend to "freeze up" in the office and forget all of the symptoms I had been experiencing. Every time I would leave my doctor's office after a check-up I would remember something I wanted to ask..

Relevance: 6.8597383
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I'm passionate about this because I know the pain of spending day after day in a job that's not a fit... I compared myself to my coworkers, feeling like I was never as good as them. I wasn't analytical enough, not decisive enough, not strategic..

Relevance: 6.8587976
An inspirational quote of mine that I like is "History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it ". I am a hard worker. I strive to do the right thing at all times, but sometimes I get a little foolish. I do pretty well in school. I wouldn't be..

Relevance: 6.857635
Hello I'm Danika Shumate. I live in the mountains of North Carolina. I like to program with my dad and longboard in my spare time. I have awesome parents and a brother who should grow up to be a comedian. I also have amazing friends and sometimes we..

Relevance: 6.852729
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I am Florian Geiger, based and working in Offenbach am Main. For the past 20 years, I did photography, corporate communication, build brands, harvest ideas, did a lot of workshops, built excellence in copywriting and cooking, created and sold many..

Relevance: 6.841523
well i am in the gr. 8( i falled 2) at l.b.p for all u ppl that dont now wat l.b.p is = to LESTER B. PEARSON... i cant wait to finsh hight skewl to becom a dr. becuz i lov kids and i want to help the world! i am a GEMINI !! and proud of it.. i am the..

Relevance: 6.839483
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I'm Valeria, 25 years old Italian girl. I currently live in Paris. I studied at the University of Naples digital communication, where I graduated in 2015. In 2016 I studied photography in Perugia (NID), where I won a scholarship, where I learned to..

Relevance: 6.8303466
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I am a local Pittsburgh wedding photographer; I capture life as it happens and I love to document those moments. I am a creative photographer; I capture love and beauty with style and fashion. I am a passionate photographer; I cry at the tender..

Relevance: 6.828879
I am a cosmic samurai, traveling on the wave of the Universe. I belong to no one, writing my manifesto as I go. I am caught between confusion & clarity, yesterday & tomorrow, and the in & the out. I am someplace between here & there, rational &..

Relevance: 6.8286996
I've been on the healing journey for over 20 years. I'm a survivor of childhood trauma, adverse childhood experience (ACE), narcissistic abuse, emotional neglect, and emotional abuse. I spent decades trying to figure out what was "wrong" with me. I..

Relevance: 6.8240533
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I went to church with my parents when I was young, but felt, as many people do, that my salvation was based on how well I was pleasing God... It was like there was a big set of balance scales in heaven; some days I felt that I was doing good and if..

Relevance: 6.819361
After I turned 16, I was eager to get a job waiting tables. After I moved away to college, I started working at a new restaurant and was of legal age to serve alcohol. Since the new restaurant knew I had experience in the industry, I think they..

Relevance: 6.818002
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The work I do is not work at all. I do it because I must. I make things. I always have, and I always will. If you like the things I make it will make me happy. I like to be happy. There's not enough happy to go around. Make me happy...

Relevance: 6.8112993
After graduating art school, I was afraid of the unknown I faced. I was afraid of failing. I didn't know what the path forward looked like. And with the economy in crisis, I wasn't sure how, when, or where I was going to find another job, especially..

Relevance: 6.8094506
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‘I loved the prompts. I felt free to write. Online felt right for this format and really worked for me. I addressed some reasons why I don't write!'... ‘I liked the informality, the space, the time (although there is never enough), and the..

Relevance: 6.8092175
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I am the curator of my own museum, I collect objects that interest me and I tell myself that I will find a use for them one day. I put them in little jars and containers that I also collected and I place them neatly onto shelves. I look at them and I..

Relevance: 6.8047543
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I remember that I was always drawing when I was a little kid. I knew by the time I was in the 2nd grade that I wanted to be an artist! A funny story from around that time: one day in class, my teacher told us that we could draw anything we wanted...

Relevance: 6.798618
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When I bought my first pool table, I decided to try to improve my playing ability. I quickly realized that although I thought I knew where I should aim the cue ball, I had no way of knowing if the cue ball actually hit where I was aiming. If I missed..

Relevance: 6.796278
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I was born in Brooklyn NY in 1984.. I got my start in art through graffiti and thats when I realized I wanted to do something artistic for the rest of my life.. I bounced around the five boroughs for school and ended going to City Tech for graphic..

Relevance: 6.7931204
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I am a badass. I can do this. I don't need anyone. Really. Especially not Craig Benoit... I escaped my abusive mom when I was fifteen. I survived for two years living on the streets. I am great at taking care of myself. But when I was seventeen, I..

Relevance: 6.792665
I was born in Cipolletti - Argentina, though I was raised in Buenos Aires Province. I got my first computer when I was 8 years old and since then I became passionate about software. My family and I passed through several tragedies throughout my..

Relevance: 6.7905326
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When I first started out, I was unhealthy, weak, and tired. Every time I looked in the mirror, I cringed. I had low self-esteem, and I was unhappy. I needed to make a change... Fully personalised meal plan customised to YOU & YOUR goals. Updated..

Relevance: 6.7901955
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I am a linguist. I am near native in English. I write well both in English and in Polish. I am a huge fan of IT Crowd TV series. I even started learning programming at one point, but I decided I am better off sticking to natural languages...

Relevance: 6.789963