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A few years ago, I decided to try something different. It all began when my husband and I went to buy new pictures to hang on our walls. I knew what I liked and what I wanted, but couldn't find what I was envisioning. There were beautiful pictures..

Relevance: 17.224255
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The first 12 years of my career was spent in Corporates, where I worked my way up the ladder through pretty much every department, learning what I enjoyed - and what I was good at! - this became a great foundation for the work I do today...

Relevance: 16.896336
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I enjoyed Art as a child but also enjoyed exploring nature and so many other things... It was when I was in high school in Texas, when I took some painting classes from a most amazing art teacher, that something happened. She taught us to focus..

Relevance: 16.757847
The Unbreakable Man Experience helps you reconnect to what truly matters in life... YOU... I found myself asking, "Is this it? Is this what I've worked so hard for?" I knew I deep down something was missing -and it wasn't success that was missing,..

Relevance: 16.736109
About a year ago, I started thinking about what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I began focusing on different career options and working on a plan, and within a few short months I was able to gain acceptance to a university that worked well..

Relevance: 16.657017
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Like most children, I was always very curious to discover new things and also very passionate about what I did. Life always felt complete. But the older I became, the more I felt that there was something missing, but I was unable to figure out what..

Relevance: 16.60198
2. Volo ergo sum. I do things because I want to do them, and I assume the same for others... 3. I'm simultaneously lazy and competitive. (Competitive with the awareness of what is a game and what is more important, like people's feelings)... I was..

Relevance: 16.580168
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When I was in high school trying to figure out what to do with my life, my father advised, "think about what you love doing and find a way to make money doing it." I thought this was odd advice coming from an accountant. How could anyone love..

Relevance: 16.51824
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A pivotal moment in my career came when I was introduced to professional supervision while interpreting on a Diploma in Counselling. It was then that I realized a framework existed to support my work as an interpreter, and I immediately sought my own..

Relevance: 16.407068
Once upon a time I was a well intended urbanite in pursuit of happiness and the American dream. Everything seemed to be moving along quite well when suddenly at the age of 39 I found out I was going to be a father. It was as if someone let the air..

Relevance: 16.4055
This is not an easy question to answer, I invite you to consider it and reflect on how you feel about it. Every personal story is based on genuine and honest experiences and emotions. The deeper we go initially, the higher we reach later. Only three..

Relevance: 16.392162
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This project was born because one day I felt the need to do something to remember my grandfather. A website seemed fine to start. Then I asked my father for some photos and memories that he had saved. He gave me a box and told me it was pretty much..

Relevance: 16.365324
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I had never seen myself as jewelry lover. I knew what I liked and that was pretty much that. One day, while scrolling through social media I ran across my friend's livestream. I really liked the piece and purchased it. I became a member of the group..

Relevance: 16.320261
I first knew I wanted to be an editor when I entered the ACE Student Editing Competition and was given my footage from Gunsmoke and assigned a Steenbeck in the basement of Annenberg Hall at Temple University. When I looked up and saw that it was 3..

Relevance: 16.279438
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I always had a problem when buying phone accessories online, i never knew what the quality was from the brand that i was buying from. i bought a new tech accessory and after a month it was broken already. This is why i started Joule. I want to..

Relevance: 16.259275
About a year ago, I started thinking seriously about getting rid of my existing car and investing in a new one. Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of time or money, so I decided to do what I could to make my own car exactly what I wanted it to be. I..

Relevance: 16.236532
Hi! Welcome to my blog. My name is Sarah and this is my new towing blog. Last year, I was driving across the country with my young family when my car suffered a breakdown. Thankfully, my insurance policy covers me for this eventuality. However, it..

Relevance: 16.120169
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came to me in 1996 as a way to cope with debilitating stomach problems that later developd into chronic fatigue syndrome... My desire was to create art that would be uplifting to my spirit. In order to paint this kind of art, I first had to examine..

Relevance: 16.11301
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LIC4you is insurance agency in India, Mumbai. Before choosing an insurance agent, it is vital to hire an agency that is reliable and trustworthy. I have done B.Sc with the very reputed CHM College passed through Mumbai University in 1986. After that..

Relevance: 16.03115
When I finally got a great job doing what I loved, I wanted to purchase a car that reflected my choices. I worked hard to find a great vehicle that had what I wanted, and I was able to narrow down a few gorgeous pieces of machinery that fit my new..

Relevance: 16.0178
Recently, while I was enjoy the holidays, I sat down and seriously started to think about what I wanted to accomplish this year. I knew going into this that I already had a couple.....

Relevance: 16.016281
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I didn't always want to be an actor. When I was really young, you could invariably find me sitting in a quiet corner, pen or pencil in hand, drawing. When adults asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I told them I already knew what I was: an..

Relevance: 15.984409
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Born and raised on The Central Coast, NSW, Australia, I was lucky enough to get my first camera at age 15 to take pictures of my mates surfing. It was from that moment I knew I wanted to be a photographer of some sort. As time went on I gradually..

Relevance: 15.974116
Building things became my career, but really it's just fooling around that got out of hand. When I was young I lacked the discipline to buckle down and work, instead I just did what was fun, which was building things. Later, when I looked for my..

Relevance: 15.969105
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I come from a variety of creative backgrounds and the more new things I learn, the more I see how everything is connected. I've been a musician since jr. high. I mostly learned by ear and figured things out by feeling. It wasn't the best method, but..

Relevance: 15.96432
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Smart Business Designs, Create a free website or blog at Not Sell or Share My Personal Information... I am Marjorie - this is, who I am, what I do, and what I can do for you. My journey started 25..

Relevance: 15.9621
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When I began my journey of conscious self-awareness and actualisation in 1982 few people in my orbit knew anything about this extraordinary way of viewing the world... I was excited and scared in equal measure about diving deeply into the paradigm..

Relevance: 15.958293
When I started a new job a few years ago, I wasn't sure how long I was going to have to learn new things. I was really frustrated about what it would mean to become more familiar with a system, but I was up for the challenge. As I started working..

Relevance: 15.9532585
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This is just one of the "hounds" that we are named after - they never cease to inspire me !!! Living for the moment and finding joy and happiness is all that they do!!... For many years, I have been in the workforce (both military and civilian) - I..

Relevance: 15.9267
As at the time of writing this I was 25 425 days young. I do not know what my sell by date is and my expiry date has yet to be confirmed... About Me is a tongue in cheek description of what my blog is all about. I will be adding information on my..

Relevance: 15.920259