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1-30 of 6,817,681 results

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Denali Universal Services (DUS) is the premier integrated facilities management contractor and full spectrum security services provider for the private and public sectors. DUS operates on a solid business foundation and has a proven track record of..

Relevance: 24.491676
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The Toronto based brand, Hun Dus, has established itself in the fashion industry as a label that set's its own rules with a unique twist on modern lifestyle dressing. Known for its celebration of the exuberant, the embellished, and the chic, Hun Dus..

Relevance: 22.08525
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Our goal is to create products that can reproduce the sound material as authentically as possible and in the way the artist intended it; being faithful to the original is our reference. At DUS we use development and test facilities unequalled in the..

Relevance: 20.563177
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On behalf of VAS "LVRTC", we have developed "eParakstītājs 3.0" software and "eParaksts Java Libraries" software components that provide all major functions for electronic document processing... We have integrated the data base of AS "VIRŠI-A"..

Relevance: 17.698256
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Wij hebben een netwerk met ervaren, zelfstandige ambassadeurs verspreidt over heel Nederland. Er is dus altijd iemand om mee samen te werken!..

Relevance: 17.642822
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DUS is a leading provider of permanent recruitment, contract professionals and talent management solutions worldwide. We help our clients achieve greater organizational performance by assessing, recruiting and developing the best and brightest people..

Relevance: 16.712418
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A Community based philanthropic and development organization emergence/dedicated to sustainable poverty reduction, entrepreneur's promotion and capacity building of the underprivileged directing towards a just society. Interventions, DUS strives to..

Relevance: 16.274319
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DUS was founded in 2004 by its three partners, architects Hans Vermeulen, Martine de Wit and Hedwig Heinsman, out of the desire to re-connect architecture with the public. The experienced office worked on large-scale projects such as the re-design of..

Relevance: 15.444756
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having factory appearance. Dus also wanted to design an air intake that the filter is removable while the DuSpeed air intake does not have to be removed from the vehicle... DUSPEED® OTRCAI are manufactured to specifications with Power, Performance..

Relevance: 15.321242
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We speak your language, we seek out your bu si ness needs, we ad dress your in dus try's dif fe ren ces... We continuously enhance the soft wa re as this very com plex bu si ness evolves and as sys tems chan ge...

Relevance: 15.240643
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  • 55
The Swiss Insurance Association (SIA) presents a solid premium volume for 2024 and a study by Sotomo at its annual media conference... The reinsurer Toa Re Europe has been a member of the Swiss Insurance Association SIA since 1 January 2025... BAK..

Relevance: 14.873627
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We are a suc cess ful in de pen dent au toma tion, en gi neer ing and pro ject man age ment com pany work ing in the process man u fac tur ing and in fra struc ture in dus tries... Learn how to build a good looking website that will support lightbox..

Relevance: 14.59062
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If you need representation for general litigation, business law, collections law, creditor's rights, corporate law, criminal law, misdemeanors, felonies, DUI/OVI, DUS, traffic law, domestic relations, es tate planning, including wills, health care..

Relevance: 14.277894
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In addition, we believe that th e produc ts we use really matter. All th e produc ts we use are natural an d non- toxic , which makes... Commercial office cleaning is essential for efficient operations We can provide superior janitorial services to..

Relevance: 14.248207
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CS4 Logistics is a medium-sized family business, we are independent of external capital investors. This independence combined with flexibility, reliability and proximity to the customer are the "4" key components of CS4 Logistics philosophy. They..

Relevance: 13.955364
  • 44
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High ly ef fi cient state-of-the-art tech nol o gy for all ar eas of in dus tri al tem per a ture con trol tech nol o gy, in no v a tive prod uct and sys tem so lu tions for ther mo dy nam ic ap pli ca tions and a wide range of in te grat ed out..

Relevance: 13.278353
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Tree of Knowledge Digital (DigiTok) is in the business of creating exciting, interactive, tech enabled digital, app based and TV properties across platforms. Promoted by Siddhartha Basu & Anita Kaul Basu, who have been widely acknowledged as India's..

Relevance: 12.694021
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By pro vid ing wires and har ness so lu tions for en ergy and data trans mis sion, GG deals with two of the most pre cious com modi ties in our pre sent and fu ture: En ergy and in for ma tion. GG is the link ing piece that ties the world to gether...

Relevance: 12.601424
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MDO provides debt, equity and loan sale brokerage services to its clients. The Com pany has an array of debt and equity sources through its relationships over the past 25 years in the real estate finance business. MDO has access to the largest..

Relevance: 12.585771
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Kuryentxt is a SAAS (Software as a Service) application which allows Distribution Utilities to offer Prepaid Electricity Services (PES) to its customers. Used in conjunction with a SYMSTREAM-GSM enabled Automated Meter Reading (AMR) solution,..

Relevance: 12.492205
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TLP Realty Advisors is an appraisal and consulting firm that specializes in the appraisal and investment analysis of all types of multifamily and mixed use residential/commercial complexes. Property types include but are not limited to the following:..

Relevance: 12.057005
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The iCON Professional Building is built in 2010 to provide the best office space, furnished office unfurnished office, long term and short term office, conference room..... The iCON Professional Building is located on the most prestigious location,..

Relevance: 11.972683
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By main tain ing close con tacts with as so ci a tions, re search in sti tu tions, and oth er com pa nies of the in dus try such as coaters and soft ware com pa nies, we are able to con tin u ous ly ex pand our range of ser vices. One sin gle con..

Relevance: 11.247097
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We protect and advance the rights of individuals who are seriously injured or suffered loss of a loved one in accidents at work or in their personal lives. We also cover the rights of people going through divorce, dissolution, child custody, support,..

Relevance: 11.180532
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With ye ars of ex pe ri ence in qua li ty ma nage ment and do cu ment ma nage ment soft ware, we know exact ly what is im portant to our cus to mers. Our soft ware is al ways up to date with the la test re gu la ti ons. This me ans that our cus to..

Relevance: 10.938145
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Basis Investment Group ("BIG") is a commercial and multifamily real estate investment manager, headquartered in New York City. As one of the few African American and female owned diversified CRE investment management platforms in the United States,..

Relevance: 10.919251
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Empire Realty Investments was the manager for the Veterans Administration and was responsible for rehabilitating the challenged properties and managing them for the Federal Government. We also managed approximately 80 challenged properties for..

Relevance: 10.91632
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pho tog ra pher bernd vogel works and shoots out of cologne ger many, where he also has his stu dio. his per fec tion is highly re garded by clients - styled through his light ing and tech ni cal pre ci sion, and over 20 years of com mer cial ex per..

Relevance: 10.713603
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As part of the Scheuch Group, Scheuch COM PO NENTS GmbH boasts extensive expertise in the devices and components business for in dus trial plant con struc tion. This ex per tise has been de vel oped about 60 years and passed on from gen er a tion to..

Relevance: 10.627469
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  • 17
Integer Overflow: Harvard CS is growing and so are our course numbers! To avoid reuse of numbers for courses that change over time, 3-digit COMPSCI numbers are changing to 4-digit COMPSCI numbers for Fall 2024 onward. (1-digit and 2-digit COMPSCI..

Relevance: 10.56471