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Light is a fast, lightweight and cloud-native microservices platform. The main design goal is to achieve the highest throughput, lowest latency, and smallest memory footprint possible... light-oauth2 is for security while light-portal is for service..

Relevance: 2.1144774
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Registration for the 2025 Season is now OPEN for all players!! Registration for the 2025 Season is now OPEN for all players!! Registration for the 2025 Season is now OPEN for all players!! Registration for the 2025 Season is now OPEN for all..

Relevance: 2.0964599
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To be a place where faith and real life intersect. We believe in fostering hearts for God, minds for truth, knees for prayer, mouths for encouragement, hands for caring, and feet for growing... We believe prayer is the cornerstone of our faith and..

Relevance: 2.0869071
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Sun Zapper is a zinc based For The Face Sunscreen Stick providing safe SPF50+ 4 hour broad spectrum physical sunblock against the sun, snow, wind water. Sun Zapper is an ideal mineral sunscreen for sensitive skin, it is the best water sports..

Relevance: 2.0775046
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The Vehicle Tool is used for construction of the vehicle description and for detailed parameter setting... The Circuit Tool is used for the construction of the circuit path and geometry to be used in the lap simulation... The solver is the heart of..

Relevance: 2.067123
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Accessorazzi is a site for the latest fashion accessories. It is a school project for COM 215 and is not intended for commercial use... Accesorazzi is the best place on the internet for all the latest fashion accessories!..

Relevance: 2.0643728
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Integrating the principles of traditional medicine and modern science, Naturol is a pioneer in the Nopal field of scientifically validated herbal healthcare. Our reputation is for clinically studied, pure, and safe herbal healthcare products that are..

Relevance: 2.062241
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Today, ADMEI is recognized as the global voice of the Destination Management industry and is a member of the EIC (Events Industry Council). ADMEI is the premier resource for education, standards, and practices for DMCs from around the globe.....

Relevance: 2.0617752
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The NDS Association is making the NDS.Live specification available to everyone... NDS is for autonomous driving, for ADAS / e-horizon, and for in-vehicle navigation. NDS is for the automotive industry, by the automotive industry. Navigation Data..

Relevance: 2.055995
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The Standard Skip or also known as the builder's skip is the most popular skip we have to offer. The Standard Builders Skip is ideal for small shops, pubs, restaurants and home/commercial construction works. Not only is it used for household and..

Relevance: 2.0505278
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TREPEL is a synonym for high-class workmanship and cost-effective products worldwide; not without reason TREPEL is the world market leader for cargo loaders for many years... An increasing number of new customers has chosen the TREPEL equipment..

Relevance: 2.049442
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The legal name of the institution is 'The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation'. The name we use on a daily basis is 'Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation'. The institution is managed..

Relevance: 2.0471332
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Standard Skip or also known as the builder's skip is the most popular skip we have to offer. The Standard Builders Skip is ideal for small shops, pubs, restaurants and home/commercial construction works. Not only is it used for household and D.I.Y...

Relevance: 2.0464091
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Creation, for me, is a whole world. It is a constant yearning for meaningful work, for connection, for fusion, for making something from nothing. When the subject matter is done for others, it is accompanied by a pleasant feeling of giving, of the..

Relevance: 2.046249
"Ele" is short for electrical, and "ix" is the medical abbreviation for investigations. Hence, the name Eleix. The term electrical investigations includes all electrical phenomenon. It is broader than the forensic investigations that I perform. The..

Relevance: 2.044703
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The great thing about the Southeast is our environment, our natural resources and the coastal area. People rely on these resources not only for recreation but also for their livelihood... BeEnergy | Best WordPress theme for energy companies A good..

Relevance: 2.0415573
  • 6
Reachout.BG is a nongovernmental organization whose main purpose is the structured long-term assistance of children and teenagers deprived of family and parental care. The organization is a member of the National network for children and is licensed..

Relevance: 2.0387852
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CHAMOIS is intended for a cultured and demanding public in quality hotels and restaurants. It is irreplaceable for good gastronomy and the experience of quality wine. It is sought after for its benefits and harmonizing effects for the body...

Relevance: 2.0386007
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The Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy is a specialist osteopathy charity that makes osteopathy an option for all children and families. The Osteopathic Centre for Children is the name of our dedicated Paediatric clinic... The Foundation for..

Relevance: 2.0383077
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Pompous Ink is all about fashion journalism. Born and bred in Detroit, PI has become one for the masses. Pompous Ink is all about fashion journalism. Born and bred in Detroit, PI has become one for the masses. Pompous Ink is all about fashion..

Relevance: 2.0378232
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The Director of Engineering is responsible for the design of all road and bridge construction on the county road system. The Director of Finance and Benefits is responsible for maintaining financial records and preparing reports for projecting..

Relevance: 2.037571
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There is always room for a story There is always room for a story There is always room for a story There is always room for a story There is always room for a story There is always room for a story There is always room for a story There is always..

Relevance: 2.037247
It is nature, it is roots, it is essence at its best. It is culture and respect, for the legacy, for the history and the origin...

Relevance: 2.0355928
This is the web site of the DOI.ONE , a not-for-profit membership organization that is the governance and management body for the DOI.ONE providing Digital Object Identifier (DOI) services and registration, and is the registration authority. The..

Relevance: 2.0351198
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SOLA is a family business that believes in the values and traditions of our community and upbringing... SOLA Creations was founded in 2017 by a brother and sister team. The S is for Sergio, the O is for Oralia, the L is for Laura and the A is for..

Relevance: 2.0342283
ABL Green is focused on bringing Australian innovation and know-how to regenerative food production. Partnering with ABL Green is a healthy wealth investment. Good for you, good for your shareholders, good for the planet. Maximise your returns from..

Relevance: 2.0341337
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School for Friends is a preschool offering full-day educational programs for 12 months to five-year-olds, five days a week. The School is open 8:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. year-round and is closed all federal and winter holidays and one week in August for..

Relevance: 2.0328302
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ConductMe works for equals for individuals. The business is based in Sweden but have users from all different corners of the world. Conductme is the digital platform for Conductive Education. The aim is to share knowledge for a brighter future where..

Relevance: 2.0320241
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Our aim is to continuously strive for excellence for collecting, creating and institutionalizing all the latest development and innovations and carries the potential of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the academy's capability of..

Relevance: 2.0315871
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The Open Space is a space for our community. It is a space for classes, workshops, events and conversation. It is a space for creating, imagining, learning, inspiring, and connecting. It is a space for resting, rejuvenating, laughing and just being...

Relevance: 2.030834