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451-480 of 622 results

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株式会社フューチャリティ 水谷雅文・衣笠知子が代表をつとめるデザイン事務所 主に、建築・インテリア・プロダクトのデザイン分野で活動 Futurity Inc. The design office where Masafumi Mizutani, Tomoko Kinugasa serves a representative. It is active mainly in the field of design of architecture, interior, product...

Relevance: 96.19766
Co-Founder, Actively promoting and working in Fintech industry since 2017.ex-Money Partners Group / 2017年からスタートアップインキュベーターを経て、東証一部上場企業にて新規事業の立案を牽引。... We are Fracton, We would like to contribute to growing the Web3 and DAO ecosystem...

Relevance: 96.177864
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eavam is an original brand that is located in Chiangmai, in the northern part of Thailand. We make cosmetics using carefully selected natural materials in a way that respects the local wisdom that has been passed down to us. It's been over 10 years..

Relevance: 96.0153
Web-to-Print、レゾロジックはインターネット上で印刷物の制作 発注するEdition Seriesを提供します...

Relevance: 96.01439
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心を打つ体験をつくる旅を、はじめよう。 雲を動かす風を感じて。海の力を得て。 Kicking off the journey to create amazing experiences as knocking your heart. Feel follow wind with Cloud, Get a power of Ocean wave...

Relevance: 95.86913
誠に恐れ入りますが、現在、Jicoo The Floating Barの「通常営業」は『休業』しております。貸切クルーズのご予約・お問合わせは随時承っております。*Contactページ よりお気軽にお問い合わせください。 We will be temporarily closed for the time being. About a reservation for charter plan, please contact us from *Contact page.....

Relevance: 95.791405
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"MADE IN THE MOLD for LIVIN'" 鋳造型製造技術をベースに「型から生まれるプロダクト」をお届けします...

Relevance: 95.7696
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Founding plant established at 80-1, Motomachi, Fuchu City, Hiroshima. Prefecture, our present location, started production and sales of pig iron and cast iron products. 鋳造工場を広島県府中市元町80-1に新設し、銑鉄鋳物の製造販売を開始。... Incorporated as MANSEI INDUSTRY CO., LTD...

Relevance: 95.49805
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As one of the Fukuhara group Companies established in 1923, Precision Fukuhara Works, Ltd. is responsible for the development and production of circular knitting machines... We manufacture high-quality, high-performance circular knitting machines..

Relevance: 95.47279
彫刻家木戸修の作品についてのサイトです.展覧会情報も随時掲載. Web site of Japanese sculptor Osamu Kido...

Relevance: 95.15741
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中古車両輸送手配のリーディングカンパニー.スピーディーかつコスト効率の高い "door to door" サービスをご提供いたします...

Relevance: 95.05474
所沢市の小手指にある美容室 THE BASE(ザ ベース) です.スタイリストが始めから終わりまで担当させて頂く完全予約制の小さなサロンになります...

Relevance: 94.98663
BTF Consulting runs business in Japan. I think there are persons (a) who are not fluent in Japanese, and (b) who run meetings and/or workshops with Japanese company. I think there are persons who would like to make it better by introducing..

Relevance: 94.93479
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traiteur〔トレトゥール〕 フランス語で仕出屋、惣菜屋の意。 『ル・トレトゥール 024』 は、 田園調布の緑豊かな『KEYAKI GARDEN』に佇む、 フレンチ惣菜&食のセレクトショップです。 産地直送の旬食材を、ヘルシー、ナチュラルに、 彩り豊かなお惣菜へ仕上げます。 からだが喜ぶ "おいしい!" を散りばめて。 traiteur In French, it means "catering" or "takeaway." Nestled in the lush "KEYAKI..

Relevance: 94.74278
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アメリカから欲しい物がすぐ買える.インテリア,雑貨,生活雑貨のオンラインショップーHouse of States,..

Relevance: 94.43949
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Health promotion services for local governments (projects in collaboration with local governments)... Helte provides glocal (globally local) services to connect Japan and the world, mainly through Sail, a global communication application in..

Relevance: 94.423035
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With rich and in-depth global experience, MOA takes up projects of any scale, type, and location. What we can offer is the diversified options in architecture/design... We provide world-class, high end and diversified options through our..

Relevance: 94.18526
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Blue Comoro Ltdは、日本 香港 中国 台湾 韓国 インド タイ ベトナムのアジア地域とアフリカをターゲットにした国際貿易商社です. (Blue Comoro Ltd is based in Hong Kong and,including Japan,China,Taiwan,is the international trad trading company which targeted Africa) 水産物 環境ビジネス 建材関連を扱う商社... ⇒The quality..

Relevance: 94.14644
シーズンに決まったテーマを持たず、デザイナー大嶺の自由な発想からつくり出されるロックテイストを取り入れたポップなブランド、「OVER THE STRiPES」...

Relevance: 94.03017
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入国許可証取得後に来日しない場合の学費返還について【学費(Fee)】のタブに明記しました。The refund policy for students who do not come to Japan after obtaining an entry permit is clearly stated in the [Fee] tab...

Relevance: 93.87479
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A different and disruptive international contemporary art event focused on presenting experimental proposals and site-specific installations. In its seven editions, it has positioned itself as the Spanish springboard par excellence for new artists..

Relevance: 93.71701
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Bureau is Tokyo basis fashion sales and markenting agency. Bureauは東京を拠点としているセールス&マーケティングエージェンシーです...

Relevance: 93.51933
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Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously... This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to..

Relevance: 93.38974
galaxxxyは日本の原宿系ブランドであり、昔の音楽、未来の音楽、アニメ、ストリートウェア、そしてネットカルチャーが散りばめられたバーチャルな世界に影響されている.galaxxxy is a Japanese Harajuku fashion brand, influenced by a by a scattered virtual world of past and future music, anime, streetwear, and net culture...

Relevance: 93.333206
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Hiroshi, a disaffected teenage boy, is struggling at school and one day shuts himself away in his bedroom. For the next two years he refuses to come out or let anyone else in. Hiroshi's parents are so ashamed by what has happened that they attempt to..

Relevance: 93.22144
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「野良」は人に飼われず自分の思うままに生きること。 のらりくらりと踏ん張って頑張るから「のらばる」 "Nora" is to live as you wish without being kept by people. "BARU" (GANBARU) means to do your best. Stray cats do their best He is the name that expresses such words in Japanese...

Relevance: 93.15492
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Meowhaus is a small creative studio for bilingual web & print design, illustration, photography, writing, and more... Meowhaus is a small design studio for bilingual web and graphic design, illustration, and photography...

Relevance: 92.96388
4Dimensions|より良い品質とデザインに拘り ハイクオリティーを追求した 4Dウェットスーツ [ made in JAPAN ] A high-quality designer wetsuit for the "Perfect Surfer"..

Relevance: 92.635445
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It is possible to reduce the energy consumption only by changing the operating method of the present condition system... エネルギー費用や二酸化炭素排出量の削減をお考えの皆様、また効果的なエネルギー管理システムの導入に興味のある方は、是非ともご連絡ください.Please contact us when you need to reduce the energy cost or..

Relevance: 92.531586
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"Blue Top, Inc." is the company that doesn't only embodies the ideas of clients imagine, but also foresaw the possibilities about occurring in the future... Blue Top, Inc. can support coordinations, plans, operations, constructions, shootings, and..

Relevance: 92.48297