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I ™m Matt Ryan Murray! I am Married to the most Amazing Woman! I am the Father to a Curious little Boy! And, I ™m a Son of God! I ™m for, Unique Design, Missions, and Scented Light! I ™m for, Seeing the world! I ™m for, Chasing the sunset! I ™m for,..

Relevance: 7.8995466
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i made your favorite dish. i made you something you've never tried before. i love you. i spent twenty minutes chopping. my grandmother made this for me when i was little. i made this dairy free for you. i love you. i want to eat together. we make a..

Relevance: 7.6379633
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I was born and raised in Michigan. That does not mean anything, I just was. I should have known I would end up in the building industry when I was in kindergarten. One morning while walking to school I stopped to watch the excavation of a very large..

Relevance: 7.496416
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Growing up in a small city in Bulgaria, I have been interested in the arts for as long as I can remember. I have won awards for drawing and I have painted icons for the local church. However, I surprised my family when I decided to study at an..

Relevance: 7.4846783
I was cheap. I didn't want to pay the price for a bracelet I saw online that I loved! I decided to try and make one of my own. In looking for supplies, I found so many items that I thought would make beautiful jewelry. And so I just acted like that..

Relevance: 7.4761243
I am a spiritual empath for a small cross section of the population. That means for most people I am just another person, nothing unusual. For some however, I exhibit strong intuition. These are the people I can help. I can see things they overlook...

Relevance: 7.4399137
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Personally, I am passionate about all aspects of Visual Design and I enjoy working within the cultural sector. I am also an organizoholic, and this stretches everywhere from the holidays I organize for friends, events I do and the way I work...

Relevance: 7.4235606
well i am in the gr. 8( i falled 2) at l.b.p for all u ppl that dont now wat l.b.p is = to LESTER B. PEARSON... i cant wait to finsh hight skewl to becom a dr. becuz i lov kids and i want to help the world! i am a GEMINI !! and proud of it.. i am the..

Relevance: 7.4230394
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I am Patricia Redfern Wright. I have been a Mortgage Loan Officer (MLO) for over 20 years. I help people. I help people find solutions to their mortgage needs. I have helped hundreds of first time home buyers obtain the American dream. I have helped..

Relevance: 7.4171505
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I have been passionate about technology for over 18 years. I wrote my first program in 2004(in QBasic). Since then I have learned a lot of programming languages. I also love to draw and paint... My love for technology and painting are the reasons..

Relevance: 7.415139
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Although I didn't know it at the time, my career really got going whilst I was a nanny in the USA, I started snapping children, and found I had a talent for getting them to laugh and pose naturally. I got some wonderful shots, and created a darkroom..

Relevance: 7.3984866
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Hello there, I am Shichao /shee ciao/ ! I design to solve problems, to empower people, and to make information accessible. I am driven by curiosity, dissatisfaction and obsessive attention to details. I am passionate about turning complex problems..

Relevance: 7.397175
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Skilled in building modern web applications in the cloud, Azure, DigitalOcean, AWS... If I say I can do something, it means I can - I won't make promises based on skills I don't have. I build up trust with my clients and I am with them for the long..

Relevance: 7.3915477
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As I grew older, I began writing as often as I could. I imagined new characters and storylines, and that passion led me to Illinois State University, where I studied Publishing Studies and Creative Writing... After graduation, I worked at a holistic..

Relevance: 7.3914213
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I have been a graphics designer for over 13 years, and a horse enthusiast my entire life. But only became an owner of an equine 9 years ago. I have had the privilege of showing my stallion in Halter, and showing some of his offspring in halter. But..

Relevance: 7.3906574
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I have been doing taxes since 2005. I started with H&R Block Tax course, and I did extremely well in the course. I always had a CPA doing my taxes and I found out he did them wrong. I amended three years of my taxes and received over $7000.00..

Relevance: 7.3868504
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After a work accident, I found myself in total Metabolic Chaos™. When I found myself not wanting to get out of bed, unexplained weight gain and just not feeling myself, I knew I had to search for answers beyond conventional medicine. I desired to get..

Relevance: 7.3849998
Hi, I am Vai Puvan. I am a web developer. I have been working in this field for the past 5 years. I have worked on developing web sites for the last five years. I am an electrical engineer worked in Canada for the past 35 years. I have a passion for..

Relevance: 7.383579
I started my shop in 2015. I didn't know what i want so i just put little things up on Etsy. I liked treasure hunting that's why i started this. So for few years i searched for what i really want until one dya i found hungarian folk. Fortunatelly..

Relevance: 7.3834643
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I've been a Hairstylist for about 13 years and I absolutely LOVE what I do. I get my inspiration from my father, who is the most creative man I know. I love being a hairstylist not only for the artistic aspect of it, but more so for the clients I..

Relevance: 7.3817096
I am starting fresh with this website. I will use it to showcase my freelance work and artistic projects. I will continue to work on robotics when I can but I'm expanding the scope of what I use this site for... For example I will showcase work that..

Relevance: 7.3811502
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I like to simplify complicated things and I have an eye for details. I am also very curious and I love to learn new things, this is why I believe I found myself in Product Design. For last 10 years, I have been working in this area. I have already..

Relevance: 7.3764477
I had lived in a home for 20 years that had the exact same kitchen it came with when I originally bought it. I replaced a few appliances, but that is the extent of the changes I made to it until recently. I longed for a brand-new kitchen with..

Relevance: 7.375615
I am a cosmic samurai, traveling on the wave of the Universe. I belong to no one, writing my manifesto as I go. I am caught between confusion & clarity, yesterday & tomorrow, and the in & the out. I am someplace between here & there, rational &..

Relevance: 7.37344
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My names is Sara Solomon, and I am the owner of The Blonde Balloon & The Fashioned Fete. I was born and raised in South Florida, and although I left a few times, I have always found my way back home. I was born to be a creative - your theatre kid in..

Relevance: 7.3591743
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Ever since I was a little girl, I lost track of time when I was drawing or painting. Practicing painting is like practicing to see; paying attention to what is in front of me, the world, and my inner landscape. It is a joyful meditation... For a..

Relevance: 7.3582354
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I have been in the guttering business now for 30 years. For most of the time, I work on my own. Therefore, I am responsible for every job I do and can make sure the job is completed to the highest standard. I fit, replace & repair all types of..

Relevance: 7.3491387
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I started blogging way back in 2004 when Yahoo 360 was still around. I started writing fashion blog in 2014 when I was a mother of 2, but my blog was mostly for a circle of friends... When I was 12, my family entered the fashion industry. Growing up..

Relevance: 7.3460217
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I'm passionate about this because I know the pain of spending day after day in a job that's not a fit... I compared myself to my coworkers, feeling like I was never as good as them. I wasn't analytical enough, not decisive enough, not strategic..

Relevance: 7.34474
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I have loved and owned dogs all my life.When my daughter was little I needed to find something that I could make her proud of me. With a lot of thought one of my best friends told me she heard of a opening for learning how to groom dogs. I signed up..

Relevance: 7.3360233