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151-180 of 6,773,790 results

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The organisational structure of the Centre was updated in 2008, taking into account the progress in the research priorities and development in Slovakia. The research priorities of the Centre are defined in accordance with the State Program for the..

Relevance: 0.9045066
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In 2017, according to the order of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, an expert workgroup which consisted of representatives of the state authorities, the expert community and the public was created to draft the Concept of the National..

Relevance: 0.9045021
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I participate in and direct the planning of the civil part of the conventional coal, gas and biomass firing power plants. I made and direct the civil part of the design of technological development of nuclear power plant, special for operating life..

Relevance: 0.90449756
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On April 3, 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of enterprises (the fourth batch) in line with the standard conditions of the iron and steel industry, the list of enterprises that have withdrawn the standard..

Relevance: 0.90438485
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Thus, we have developed, in addition to our traditional activity like agents of the industrial property, the segments of litigations and integral advising in intellectual law; societal and corporative law; civil commercial, labor, previsional, penal,..

Relevance: 0.9043606
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Male' is the capital city of the Maldives and the seat of the executive, legislature and judicial branches of the government of the Maldives. Male' is also the financial and commercial capital of the country. Accordingly major government offices,..

Relevance: 0.90415573
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The National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM) is the apex trade organisation in Malaysia; and a federation of 5 national trade organisations... The origins of NCCIM is traced to 1962, where by virtue of a decision of the cabinet..

Relevance: 0.90406775
To support and defend the Constitution of the United States; to inculcate loyalty and allegiance to the United States of America; to promote and foster the enforcement of law and order; to improve the individual and collective proficiency of our..

Relevance: 0.9040305
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Rakor Industrial Group was established in 1359 under the name of Rakor Technical Company and with the aim of designing, building and implementing numerous industrial projects, especially structures used in the electricity, telecommunication and..

Relevance: 0.9039062
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To meet the needs of your company to increase the level of competence of the staff, the formation of company's specialists of innovative thinking and creative approach, the creation of lifelong learning in your company, we offer you to take advantage..

Relevance: 0.9038619
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Science and humanities, the dynamic duo shaping the intellectual landscape, weave a tapestry of wonder and discovery that enriches our understanding of the world. In the realm of science, marvel at the intricate dance of atoms, the grandeur of..

Relevance: 0.90383923
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The Bachelor's degree in Production Engineering was created in 1978; at present, the DPS' mission is to generate, disseminate and apply scientific and technological knowledge in the fields of Systems Engineering and Industrial Processes and..

Relevance: 0.903797
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In 2012, the Department of Polymers and Testing and was established. In the field of testing, the Department focuses on assessing the conformity of personal protective equipment as Authorised and Notified Body to it. The Testing department is..

Relevance: 0.9037734
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The Cyprus - Iran Business Association was established and is operating under the auspices of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is actively supported by the Embassy of Iran and the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry of the..

Relevance: 0.90376693
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Arzoglou Furniture Company has a privileged position in the field of furniture and modern interior decoration for 40 years. From the beginning of its journey, the company has deservedly won the trust of the buying public, based on the quality and..

Relevance: 0.9037493
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Kavandeghan Bana Chromite Mining Development Company (public shares) with 13 licenses for chromite exploitation in the Sabzevar ophiolitic potential belt with an area of ​​250 square kilometers is one of the main producers of chromite ore in this..

Relevance: 0.903702
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Monolith Cyprus Ltd is a trading company established in Cyprus which specializes on the import and distribution of selected Eastern European goods and specialties. The company is the official representative of the international group of companies..

Relevance: 0.9036577
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The practice of optometry in the state of Louisiana is declared a professional practice affecting the public health, safety, and welfare, and is subject to regulation and control in the public interest. It is further declared to be a matter of public..

Relevance: 0.90361017
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The Tugan Falconry Club was founded in 2014 to promote the cultural heritage of traditional falconry, as well as for the preservation, rehabilitation and reintroduction of rare and endangered species of birds of prey, which inhabit Uzbekistan, by..

Relevance: 0.90359193
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The aim of the Association is to unite the providers of financial services of the non-banking sector based on financial technologies in order to ensure the representation and implementation of their interests at the national and international level,..

Relevance: 0.90353215
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The Odyssey Group is comprised of a number of academics who are, in various ways, seeking to explore the emerging social potential of new modes of electronically-mediated communication. These new modes, particularly applications of internet..

Relevance: 0.9034022
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Immaculate Conception School was founded in 1860 by Immaculate Conception Church under the name St. Aloysius School for Boys and Girls. It was located at the corner of 7th and Franklin Streets on what is now the parking lot of the church's Columbus..

Relevance: 0.9033808
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TMAXTREE is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the development of biobreeding technology and equipment. In order to improve the competitiveness of China's biological industry, relying on the professional scientific research team of Tsinghua..

Relevance: 0.9033702
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The VISTAR - Group now has all the necessary for the implementation of actions in the Republic of Belarus as a company for the integrated management of activities in the field of construction and design licenses and authorization documents. At first..

Relevance: 0.90333825
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"Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro, his father in law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to... And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the..

Relevance: 0.9033223
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The OSP is dedicated to the promotion of the rule of law and good governance through the effective imposition of justice for abuses of governmental authority; waste, fraud, and abuse of public funds; serious profit-motivated economic crimes and..

Relevance: 0.90331423
The Synthesis of Being (TSOB), is in essence a fantasy - however, it is rooted in the very fundamentals of reality. It straddles, and incorporates elements of, what is recognised as fantasy, magic realism and surrealism, and attempts to evolve its..

Relevance: 0.9032948
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SEEHAFEN KIEL GmbH & Co KG (PORT OF KIEL) is the owner of the public facilities and infrastructure in the commercial port. It is responsible for the development of the port, investments and expansion as well as for the maintenance of the facilities...

Relevance: 0.9032399
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The direct management of the forest resources of New Brunswick is entrusted to the members of the Association of Registered Professional Foresters who are responsible together with their employers for the sustainable and wise use of the forest..

Relevance: 0.90323555
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We are an association that defends the interests of Czech and Slovak steel producers and processors. Our members are also educational and research institutions. We provide professional services, consultancy and advice to the steel industry in the..

Relevance: 0.90316355