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91-120 of 231 results

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Relevance: 29.380596
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First Baptist Church is proud of its history as being one of the earliest Baptist churches in the country to openly declare itself, by an overwhelming congregational vote in 1994, welcoming and affirming of all persons without regard to sexual or..

Relevance: 29.193012
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We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and that He is true God and true man and is the only and sufficient Mediator between God and man... We believe that baptism is immersion of a believer in..

Relevance: 29.193012
At First Baptist Church, we are devoted to worshiping and serving the Lord Jesus Christ and meeting the spiritual needs of our church family at every level of spiritual development. In order to accomplish this, we have a variety of ministries... "To..

Relevance: 29.193012
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A contemporary Southern Baptist church in Longwood, FL..

Relevance: 29.193012
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We here at First Baptist believe our mission, first and foremost, is to reach our community for Jesus Christ. We attempt to guide others to the meaning of Jesus statement in John 3, "You must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven."... Our..

Relevance: 29.193012
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At FBC Sumter you will discover a group of people doing life together as we follow our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ... Authentic Worship: All of life is worship. We are always either worshipping creation or the Creator. We believe that worship..

Relevance: 29.193012
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2022 FBC UPWARD PROGRAMS Sermon on YouTube Click to Access WWGP 2022 VBS PHOTO "Every Member A Minister" Grow With Us Upcoming Events Outreach Photo Archives Upward Basketball "Listen live to the 11:00 Service on WWGP 1050 AM/ WFJA 95.1 FM" Watch..

Relevance: 29.193012
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The mission of the First Baptist Church of Leominster, Massachusetts, USA is to glorify the God of the scriptures 1 in promoting His worship, 2 evangelizing sinners, 3 instructing and edifying the saints, 4 planting and strengthening the churches, 5..

Relevance: 29.193012
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We believe each member of First Baptist Alcoa is sent on mission to gather, grow, and go... Our aim is to cultivate a culture of evangelism among our people. Whether we are "goers" or "senders," we believe reaching our communities and the world with..

Relevance: 29.193012
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Our worship service is full of dynamic worship and practical, Biblical teaching geared toward helping you grow as a disciple of Jesus. We desire to serve our community with excellence so that all those we encounter will come to have a personal..

Relevance: 29.185226
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Relevance: 29.185226
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At Cheerful Cherubs Preschool, we believe in play. While we do spend developmentally appropriate time on structured learning, we are a play-based preschool...

Relevance: 29.185226
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We have a strong emphasis concerning young people. There is a Sunday School class for all ages, nursery through high school. The church has three youth chapels that meet during the 10:15 am worship time. Children can attend worship services geared to..

Relevance: 29.185226
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Worship can be defined as our response to the reality of God. While it involves our weekly worship service, we strive for worship to be a lifestyle. The old English word was "worthship," which reminds us that our worship is about declaring the worth..

Relevance: 29.185226
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At First Baptist Church, our mission is to bring people to a rich and meaningful relationship with God through Jesus Christ and be an extension of His love in ministry to others. It is our desire to see all people experience God in a loving and..

Relevance: 29.185226
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Aberdeen First Baptist Church is located in Moore County, North Carolina. The church was founded in 1894 and has remained a vibrant community of believers ever since. Our congregation is Christian in its faith, Baptist in its convictions and polity..

Relevance: 29.185226
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First Baptist Church is a mid-size church located in the town of Harlan, Iowa. We are a theologically conservative, non-denominational church with a strong history of youth ministry and supporting missions. Unique qualities of our church include..

Relevance: 29.185226
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Here at First Baptist Bushnell, we strive to offer a place for you to learn and grow in your relationship with Christ and serve your community... We'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to ask us any questions you have about becoming a..

Relevance: 29.185226
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One of the core values of First Bible Baptist Church is that we are a "Church of the Word". We believe that a person's beliefs affect their behavior, that their doctrine affects their decisions. As a result, we emphasize the importance of the truths..

Relevance: 25.761637
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First Baptist Christian Academy exists to glorify God, the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Towards this end, we utilize a Christ-centered curriculum. Our philosophy is guided by the truths of Scripture that teach us we were..

Relevance: 25.761637
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At Frisco First Baptist Church, we are committed to sharing the love of Jesus with the people of Frisco Texas and world. Come worship with us on Sunday mornings... If you're interested e-mail your resume and cover..

Relevance: 25.761637
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At Pickens First Baptist Church, we are committed to exalting the Lord with our worship, and to sharing the Gospel with the world. We strive to be a community of believers that is guided by the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to help people of all age to..

Relevance: 25.761637
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Maplewood First Baptist Church serves as a place where connections are made to happen. At Maplewood FBC, it is our desire to see people connect relationally to Jesus Christ and the people He loves... Maplewood FBC is a place for believers to grow..

Relevance: 25.761637
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At First Baptist Rock Hill we are a family of faith who exists to Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples...

Relevance: 25.761637
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FELLOWSHIP FUND UPDATE In December of 2023, we started an official partnership with Edenton Street UMC and First Presbyterian Church, providing financial assistance for our neighbors in need. Through this partnership, individuals submit an..

Relevance: 25.759842
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For over 50 years FBCA has been regarded as an exceptional school, providing a solid Christian education in O'Fallon and St. Charles County, Missouri. First Baptist Christian Academy is made up of an Early Childhood School and an Elementary School..

Relevance: 25.759842
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It is our desire for every person to find a place to grow in their Christian faith. Our hope is you discover that FBCW is a place for you to call home as you worship, study the Bible, and connect with people...

Relevance: 25.759842
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our mission is to worship God, evangelize the lost, disciple the saved, minister to all, and fellowship with others by growing in Christ-likeness and going out as Christ commanded...

Relevance: 25.759842
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We are a spiritual family whose embrace aims to be as broad as the embrace of Jesus Christ. We desire that all who make a "decision" for Christ become true disciples of Christ. We have a diverse church of many ages, many backgrounds, and many..

Relevance: 25.759842