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Deltares is a ‘top institute' that is ‘unique in the world with its breadth and depth'. ‘Deltares has an excellent reputation in the international research world'... We are constantly building on that knowledge, with innovation as a leading..

Relevance: 68.76118
  • 2
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The San Francisco Bay-Delta system is complex in its physical and environmental dynamics. Modeling tools integrating hydrodynamics and water quality dynamics are essential to unravel the governing processes on spatial and temporal scales and assess..

Relevance: 32.181442
  • 1
Deltares is an independent institute for applied research in the field of water and subsurface. Throughout the world, we work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society. Our main focus is on deltas, coastal..

Relevance: 27.17982
  • 20
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We are constantly building on that knowledge, with innovation as a leading priority. For example, we develop models using our specialised software and state-of-the-art data products. That also involves studying the potential, and the limitations, of..

Relevance: 18.767443