Updated 682 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 00653663 (CH)
- Age: 64 years
- ID: 53584908/2
New Lane, Huntington, York YO32 9PT
• 70100 - Activities of head offices
Shepherd Group is one of the leading family-owned private businesses in the UK. It was founded in 1890 in York and its head office remains in the City...
The Group's long history and success has been driven by passion, ambition, professionalism, innovation and outstanding customer service through manufacturing and distribution operations in the UK and Europe. Following a significant strategic restructure in 2015, Shepherd Group is purely focused on its flagship business, Portakabin, Europe's market-leading modular building innovator...
By the end of the 1970s, the Shepherd Building Group had become one of the 500 largest companies in the UK. Remarkably, this had been achieved without recourse to raising capital from the public, and the Group remains an unquoted company.
Also known as: Shepherd Building Group, SHEPHERD BUILDING GROUP LIMITED, Shepherd Building Group Ltd, Shepherd Construction Limited, Shepherd Group
Registration numbers: 00653663 (CH), 653663 (W)
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