Neil Hornby - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
Neil has over 30 years' experience of working in a variety of secondary educational establishments. Neil has a Master's Degree in Special Educational Needs. He has experience of teaching and managing staff within three special schools. In 2007 Neil co-founded the Bridge. As Chief Executive Neil is responsible for fundraising, accounts and site development and manages the sixth form. Neil is also a trainer and an assessor. Neil is a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Simon Rowe

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Headteacher
​Simon joined Bridge School Malvern in April 2024. He is an experienced Educational Psychologist with over 20 years of working both independently and for Local Authorities. He is experienced as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist working with children and young people. His career began as a music teacher.

Sue Hornby

Job Titles:
  • Headteacher
Sue's background is in higher education administration. She co-founded the Bridge in 2007 and has been at the heart of shaping its development and direction. In 2015 she began the process of registering the Bridge as an Independent Special School. In 2016 we were recognised by HMI as a school which was shortly followed by an Ofsted inspection in 2017 which recognised us as outstanding in all areas. Sue is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the whole school. As Head teacher Sue is responsible for Internal Quality Assurance, health & safety, staff recruitment and development and safeguarding. Sue is also a trainer and assessor.