DI LEONE GROUP - Key Persons

Anderson Trujillo

Job Titles:
Anderson has academic studies in International Business and Computer Science, he has a background in India as a Spanish-English translator and interpreter and customer service in different industries, his experience and professional profile assures our clients the confidence that Di Leone Group is committed to provide to you. Anderson is fluent in Spanish and English.

Andrea Ramírez

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( LTA )
Colombian lawyer with a comprehensive training on a personal and professional level, acquired while performing functions in the branch of Private Law and in different customer service positions for several years. Trained to analyze and systematize information. Empathetic and with great ability to find balanced and fair solutions for clients.

Angie Aponte

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( LTA )
Angie is part of our Transcription team; she has a Bachelor's Degree in International Business and experience as a customer service agent in different industries and countries, including the USA. Her experience and professional profile assure our clients the confidence that Di Leone Group is committed to provide to you. Angie is fluent in Spanish and English.

Annie Villalba

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( CSA )
Annie has an academic background in business administration with an emphasis on international business; with a long history and experience in sales and customer service in Colombia. Her profile is directed towards excellence in the attention and solution of services offered by our company. Annie speaks Spanish and English fluently.

Bibiana Gallego

Job Titles:
She is a Certified Public Accountant with more than 15 years of experience in financial management and has a deep knowledge of the Canadian tax system. This allows us to work and give our clients the certainty that our finances are handled with absolute and total security, legality and transparency.

Blanca Di Leone

Job Titles:
Our operations manager holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and her responsibilities include the control of immigration processes and cases and human resources. Blanca is a native Spanish speaker and has studied English in the United States and French in Quebec, Canada, both of which she is fluent in.

Celeste Rojas

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( TIA - TL )
Celeste has a Bachelor's Degree in Translation, graduated from Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). In addition, she has different certifications and diplomas to improve her skills in the area of analysis and interpretation in different languages. She has worked as a teacher of English and French, translator for different companies and industries, focusing in recent years on the legal area.

Deymar Funes

Job Titles:
Deymar is responsible for analyzing and processing our clients' information and cases, both in Spanish and English. Deymar is a computer technician and has a background in English, with more than 14 years of work experience in administrative positions including legal and immigration processes in England.

Dirk Van Duyn

Job Titles:
He is an RCIC Immigration Consultant, an active member of ICCRC and CAPIC, specializing in immigration programs for workers and professionals. He has a master's degree in Public Administration and has experience in companies in the public and private sectors in countries such as Mexico, Japan and Canada. Dirk speaks English and Spanish fluently.

Eugenia Vicent

Job Titles:
She is in charge of coordinating our social networks, the organization of international events to promote our brand and marketing campaigns. Eugenia has experience in the marketing area assisting directors and managers. She is in charge of managing informative conferences on Canadian immigration programs.

Gabriela Quiñonez

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( TIA )
Gabriela is fluent in Spanish and English and has basic knowledge of Japanese and French. She worked for years as an English language teacher at Fyr Lois English Institute in Venezuela. Gabriela has demonstrated great ability and professionalism in her work as a translator and case analyst.

Guillermo Zaa

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( TIA )
Guillermo has a degree in Environmental Studies with a diploma in Environmental Management and Non-Renewable Natural Resources. He has taught English for 8 years at all levels and had the required preparation for the TKT, IELTS, TOEFL and CELTA certifications. He has worked as a Spanish-English and English-Spanish translator and transcriber.

Karen Klouth

Job Titles:
She is an RCIC immigration consultant and an active member of ICCRC and CAPIC. Karen is an attorney in Mexico, and worked for the Supreme Court of Justice and different Federal Courts and District Courts, where she developed and sharpened her legal analytical skills, which places her in a position to provide sound judgment in the analysis of the most complex legal cases. She is fluent in English and Spanish.

Karina Quintero

Job Titles:
He has more than 12 years of experience in the Human Resources area, carrying out organizational development and transformation programs in different companies in the operational, construction and technology sectors. Leading work teams with a comprehensive and proactive vision; generating conflict solutions and thus achieving better management of internal processes.

Katherin Espinoza

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( CAA )
Lawyer graduated from the Popular University of Cesar in Colombia, with training in mediation and conciliation, with extensive experience in civil cases, prison system, probation, contractual and non-contractual responsibility, in alternative conflict resolution as a mechanism for peaceful justice. She is a professional with vast experience in the analysis and processing of cases.

Katiuska Duque

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( CAA )
She is a lawyer specialized in Labor Law, graduated in: public law, copyright and intellectual property, has studied Ibero-American procedural law; she has training from UNHCR and UNICEF in matters of Shelter and Comprehensive Protection of children affected by Armed Conflicts. She has 20 years of experience in different judicial instances, which allows her to establish an accurate legal criterion in the cases that are submitted to his analysis.

Leonardo Di Leone - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
He has successfully represented cases related to newcomers, immigrants and refugees for more than a decade. He stands out for his professionalism, commitment, dedication and experience, which lead him to have the best chances of success in his processes. Leonardo is an active member of ICCRC and CAPIC, and meets all the requirements for the full exercise of his profession. He speaks English, Spanish, Italian and French.

Luz Marina Ramírez

Job Titles:
Luz is a lawyer who has worked for the Ministry of Justice of Venezuela, with experience in analysis and legal procedures in Canada. Her legal experience gives her a great capacity for legal analysis, applicable to clarify the complexity of the cases assigned to her. Luz Marina is fluent in English and Spanish.

Maira Arboleda

Job Titles:
She is a professional in Marketing and Advertising, with vast experience in tracking and managing results, builder of creative and innovative solutions. She is part of the team that designs and presents "our visible face to the world" and together with the rest of the MKT team is the first contact between our company and the prospects that daily demand our services.

Maria Narvaez

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( LTA )
Colombian lawyer with work experience in the family area in the United States. He worked as a Victims Representative in the Attorney General's Office and his professional practices were in Regulatory Compliance in an important Colombian company responsible for creating and marketing energy at the national level. Maria speaks Spanish and English fluently.

Mariangel Vielma

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( TIA )
Thesis student at the National Experimental University of the Arts of Venezuela, with knowledge of English and French. He has worked in Venezuelan Audiovisual Translation Industries such as Mainpost and IDS, specializing in the translation of scripts for dubbing and subtitling. In addition, she has experience as a freelance translator of legal documents, under the supervision of lawyers and consultants.

Maribel Leal

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( CAA )
Maribel is a lawyer with an interesting academic background in Human Rights. She is part of our operations staff, whose functions include the analysis of cases and the consultation of foreign legal procedures involving the defense of Human Rights and other related matters.

Marielvi Piña

Job Titles:
She is a lawyer who has worked for the Supreme Court of Justice and different courts and judicial bodies in Venezuela. She has solid experience in legal analysis to clarify the legal complexity of the cases in her hands. Marielvi is fluent in English and Spanish.

María Bonilla

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( CAA )
She is an attorney with vast experience in legal and immigration processes both in Colombia and Iraq. Her experience provides us with the perfect talent and legal detail orientation to professionally handle our clients' cases. She is fluent in Spanish and English.

Maygualida Ibarra

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( TIA )
Maygualida has a degree in psychology, with advanced knowledge of English. She has experience as a virtual assistant, in translation areas, as a sales executive, marketing manager and graphic designer, which makes her a comprehensive professional oriented to performing her duties with the required discipline and vocation.

Sergio Parra

Job Titles:
  • AGENT OP ( TIA )
Degree in Environment from the University of Cádiz, Spain. He worked in London England for 5 years in customer service and also has experience as a translator. In Ecuador, he worked as a visa advisor in a Travel Agency for more than 2 years and has collaborated in environmental projects in an Environmental Consultant. Sergio speaks English and Spanish fluently.