Updated 227 days ago
1 High Street, Kensington Sydney, New South Wales Australia
The RepDevo Database aims to be a comprehensive source of scientific information on developmental plasticity in reptiles. Our goal is to assimilate how developmental environments impact phenotypes to: 1) ascertain knowledge gaps and areas in need of more research so that the field can grow to fill these gaps; 2) provide a database that can be used to address fundamental, global scale impacts of developmental environments on reptile phenotypes; and 3) provide a means by which data can be updated regularly as new knowledge is generated. Currently, we have endeavoured to put together as comprehensive a database as possible on the role of early thermal environments (i.e., incubation temperatures) on phenotypic traits across all orders of reptiles. However, the future plan is to further expand to include other, important developmental effects such as moisture, maternal effects, pH, oxygen concentrations etc...
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