Bo Han

Job Titles:
  • Director of Trustworthy Machine Learning and Reasoning Group at Hong Kong Baptist University
Bo Han is currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and a Director of Trustworthy Machine Learning and Reasoning Group at Hong Kong Baptist University, and a BAIHO Visiting Scientist at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (RIKEN AIP). He was a Visiting Faculty Researcher at Microsoft Research (2022) and a Postdoc Fellow at RIKEN AIP (2019-2020). He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Technology Sydney (2015-2019). During 2018-2019, he was a Research Intern with the AI Residency Program at RIKEN AIP, working on trustworthy representation learning (e.g., Co-teaching and Masking). He also works on causal representation learning (e.g., CausalAdv and CausalNL). He has co-authored a machine learning monograph, including Machine Learning with Noisy Labels (MIT Press). He has served as area chairs of NeurIPS, ICML and ICLR, senior program committees of AAAI, IJCAI and KDD, and program committees of AISTATS, UAI and CLeaR. He has also served as action (associate) editors of Transactions on Machine Learning Research, Neural Networks and IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, and editorial board members of Journal of Machine Learning Research and Machine Learning Journal. He received the RIKEN BAIHO Award (2019), RGC Early CAREER Scheme (2020), MSRA StarTrack Program (2021) and Tencent AI Focused Research Award (2022). Research Interests Weakly supervised Representation Learning: [Survey] [NeurIPS'18] [NeurIPS'18] [ICML'19] [ICML'20] [ICML'21] [NeurIPS'21] [ICML'22] Security, Privacy and Robustness in Machine Learning: [ICML'20] [NeurIPS'21] [ICML'21] [ICLR'21] [ICML'22] [ICLR'22] Automated, Federated and Graph Machine Learning: [ICML'20] [KDD'21] [ICML'22] [ICLR'22] [KDD'22] Interdisciplinary Problems (e.g., Healthcare Analytics and Drug Discovery): [Project'20] [Project'22] I am always looking for self-motivated PhD/RA/Visiting students and Postdoc researchers. Please read this document for recruiting information, and check this document for department information. Meanwhile, I am happy to host remote research trainees. Due to the large number of emails I receive, I cannot respond to every email individually. Thanks!

Dr. Lu (Eric) Zhang

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor of Computer Science at Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr. Lu (Eric) Zhang is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). Before joining HKBU, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Pathology at Stanford University, supervised by Prof. Serafim Batzoglou and Prof. Arend Sidow. He received an MPhil degree from Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong in 2012 and 2016, respectively. In 2008, he received a B.Eng in Software Engineering from Tianjin University. In 2015, he was a visiting scholar in the Department of Mathematics at UC Berkeley and worked with Prof. Stephen Smale. He has an interdisciplinary background in genomics, statistics and computer science. His primary research interests are computational genomics, bioinformatics and AI for Genomics. His team works specifically on 1. Developcomputational tools to support advanced high-throughput sequencing technologies on human gut metagenome. 2. Develop foundation model on metagenomics and single-cell multiomics data. 3. Explore the application of Large Language Models on modern healthcare problems. His work has been published in several top-tier journals, such as PNAS, Briefings in Bioinformatics, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, GigaScience, Nature Communications, Nature Genetics, Genome Biology, Bioinformatics, etc. Research Interests Computational Genomics AI for Science Deep learning in Genomics Single-Cell Multiomics Sequencing Foundation model Large language model

Dr. Xin Huang

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong
Dr. Xin Huang is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2014. His research interests include graph data management, graph mining and visualization, social network analysis, and privacy-aware computing. He has published in refereed conferences and journals including SIGMOD, PVLDB, ICDE, WWW, DAC, CIKM, AAAI, IJCAI, TKDE, TKDD, TMC, TNNLS, and VLDBJ. His scholarly works win the Best Paper Award at the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2019), the Best Student Paper Award at the 11th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2017), the Best Paper Nomination at the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020), as well as the Best Student Paper Award at the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Logic & Synthesis (IWLS 2023). He is a recipient of the RGC Early Career Award (2020), the HKBU President's Award for Outstanding Performance as Young Researcher (2021), and the Departmental Best Research Award (2020) and Best Teaching Award (2023). Research Interests Data Management Big Graph Mining & Visualization Social Network Analysis Privacy-Aware Computing

Mr. CHAN, Mandel Wai

Mr. Mandel Chan received his bachelor degree in Management Information System from Chu Hai College, and his Master degree in Computer Science and Engineering from The Open University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He joined the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2012 as an instructor. And he is also an Executive Committee, Directory (Internal) of iEthics - The Computer Ethics Society. He has more than ten years working experience in the I.T. consultancy services field. He is keen in programming and computer technologies. His interests include Networking, Mobile Computing, Internet Computing and Game Programming.

Mr. CHENG, Kenneth Yip Ho

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff
  • Kam Kong

Mr. CHOW, Johnson Wing Siu

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff

Mr. Kenny Cheng

Mr. Kenny Cheng received his BComp(Hons) in Internet Technology from The Open University of Hong Kong, and his MSc in Software Technology from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He joined the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2017 as an instructor. He has several years' experience in web development. He is interested in web technologies and programming languages.

Mr. KWOK, Ling Lam

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff

Mr. KWONG, Karsten Hok Ning

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff

Mr. Pang

Job Titles:
  • Executive Assistant
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff

Mr. TSE, Kelvin Kwan Ngai

Job Titles:
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Teaching Support Staff Member

Mr. WONG, Richard Tan

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff
  • Information Technology Officer

Ms. CHAN, Christy Ka Yin

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff
  • Communication Officer

Ms. CHAN, Clarissa Sze Wing

Job Titles:
  • Executive Assistant
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff

Ms. CHAN, Kelly Chi Ki

Job Titles:
  • Executive Officer
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff

Ms. CHIU, Rachel Hoi Shan

Job Titles:
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Teaching Support Staff Member

Ms. FOK, Florence Wai Yee

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
  • Teaching Support Staff Member
Ms Fok graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong where she was awarded a Bachelor of Business Administration (Management Information System). To further her interests in Information Technology, she subsequently pursued studies and obtained her MSc degree in Business Information Technology from Middlesex University. She also obtained a Continuing Education Diploma in Transportation and Logistics Management from School of Continuing and Professional Education, The City University of Hong Kong in 2005. She joined the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2008 as an instructor. Prior to joining HKBU, she taught Computer Information Technology in VTC and the Community College at Lingnan University respectively.

Ms. HUI, Echo Gi Wai

Job Titles:
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Teaching Support Staff Member

Ms. LEE, Rosita Ka Wing

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
  • Teaching Support Staff Member

Ms. LEUNG, Wendy Tam Fai

Job Titles:
  • Executive Assistant
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff

Ms. LI, Jiaqi

Job Titles:
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Teaching Support Staff Member

Ms. LO, Sandy Wan Yiu

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
  • Teaching Support Staff Member
Ms. Lo received a BEng(Hons) in Information Engineering from the City University of Hong Kong, and an MSc in Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) from the University of Hong Kong. She has taught various courses in Computer Science since 2007. She joined the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2012.

Ms. TSANG, Kristina Siu Suet

Job Titles:
  • Executive Officer
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff

Ms. WONG, Winnie Yuk Ping

Job Titles:
  • Executive Assistant
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff

Ms. YU, Phyllis Wan Pan

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Administrative & Technical Staff
  • Officer
  • Senior Executive