GREAT LAKES WBC - History of Changes

2025-01-22 insert person Sherry Cummins
2024-10-19 delete person Danielle Brown
2024-08-17 insert person Nikki Jones
2024-07-15 delete otherexecutives Courtney Steward
2024-07-15 update person_title Courtney Steward: Member of the Board => Secretary
2024-07-15 update person_title Krystal Jones: CEED Lending Loan Development Coordinator => Capital Readiness Coordinator
2024-07-15 update person_title Michelle Richards: Executive Director; Executive Director / Great Lakes Women 's Business Council => Executive Director; Exec Utive Director
2024-06-12 delete otherexecutives Jackie Woodstock
2024-06-12 delete otherexecutives James (Jim) Bos
2024-06-12 insert otherexecutives Anand Kumar
2024-06-12 insert otherexecutives Bre Mills
2024-06-12 insert otherexecutives Denice Olson
2024-06-12 insert otherexecutives Sherry Diccion
2024-06-12 delete person Angela Henderson
2024-06-12 delete person Jackie Woodstock
2024-06-12 delete person James (Jim) Bos
2024-06-12 delete person Lynne Davis
2024-06-12 insert person Anand Kumar
2024-06-12 insert person Bre Mills
2024-06-12 insert person Denice Olson
2024-06-12 insert person Rachel (Ray) Roy
2024-06-12 insert person Sherry Diccion
2024-04-15 insert person Danielle Brown
2024-04-15 update person_title Belinda Turner-DuBois: Director of CEED Lending => CEED Lending Director
2024-04-15 update person_title Kelly Hill: Assistant to the Executive Director => Office Manager; Assistant to the Executive Director
2024-03-14 delete person Lawrence F. Jackson
2024-03-14 update person_title Annie Warnock: Marketing & Engagement Coordinator => Senior Marketing & Engagement Coordinator
2024-03-14 update person_title Rachel Floyd: Certification Administrative Clerk => Certification Outreach Associate
2024-03-14 update person_title Shelly Hyland: Marketing & Engagement Manager => Director of Marketing & Engagement
2023-07-19 delete otherexecutives Anne Aristeo Martinelli
2023-07-19 insert treasurer Anne Aristeo Martinelli
2023-07-19 update person_title Anne Aristeo Martinelli: Member of the Board; Aristeo Construction => Treasurer
2023-05-05 delete otherexecutives Bashar Cholagh
2023-05-05 delete otherexecutives Dr. Rae Pearson
2023-05-05 delete otherexecutives Karin Cozzi
2023-05-05 delete treasurer Lauren Rakolta
2023-05-05 insert otherexecutives April Diez
2023-05-05 insert otherexecutives Courtney Steward
2023-05-05 insert otherexecutives Lisa Hardin
2023-05-05 insert otherexecutives Marcia Hunter
2023-05-05 delete person Bashar Cholagh
2023-05-05 delete person Dr. Rae Pearson
2023-05-05 delete person Karin Cozzi
2023-05-05 delete person Lauren Rakolta
2023-05-05 insert person April Diez
2023-05-05 insert person Courtney Steward
2023-05-05 insert person Lisa Hardin
2023-05-05 insert person Marcia Hunter
2023-01-30 update person_title Sherry Cummins: MWM & WBE Services Coordinator => Women 's Business Development / Senior Specialist
2022-11-27 delete person Rita Leavell
2022-11-27 insert person Kimberly Meek
2022-10-27 insert person Rita Leavell
2022-09-25 insert person Annie Warnock
2022-09-25 insert person Lawrence F. Jackson
2022-09-25 insert person Rachel Floyd
2022-09-25 update person_title Danielle Lawhorn: Certification Administrative Clerk => Certification Coordinator
2022-07-23 delete otherexecutives April Diez
2022-07-23 delete president James Line
2022-07-23 insert otherexecutives Anne Aristeo Martinelli
2022-07-23 insert otherexecutives Tamara Hicks
2022-07-23 delete person April Diez
2022-07-23 delete person James Line
2022-07-23 insert person Anne Aristeo Martinelli
2022-07-23 insert person Tamara Hicks
2022-07-23 update person_title Angela Henderson: Vice President / Ford Motor Company => President / Ford Motor Company
2022-07-23 update person_title Lynne Davis: Secretary / Toyota => Vice President / Toyota
2022-06-22 update person_title Krystal Jones: null => Loan Development Coordinator
2022-05-22 insert person Rachel Floyd
2022-05-22 update person_title Cherise Gary: Certification Specialist => Senior Certification Specialist
2022-05-22 update person_title Krystal Jones: Loan Development Coordinator => null