CENTURY INITIATIVE - History of Changes

2024-12-15 insert management_pages_linkeddomain scholaris.ca
2024-11-13 delete otherexecutives Pedro Barata
2024-11-13 delete person Pedro Barata
2024-11-13 insert person Noel Baldwin
2024-10-12 delete person Hassan Bhatti
2024-10-12 update person_description Jonathan Dewar => Jonathan Dewar
2024-10-12 update person_description Matthew Mendelsohn => Matthew Mendelsohn
2024-10-12 update person_title Matthew Mendelsohn: Senior Advisor, Boston Consulting Group / Visiting Professor, Ryerson University; Expert Panel Member; Researcher => Canadian Public Policy Leader; Expert Panel Member; Chief Executive Officer, Social Capital Partners
2024-07-29 insert otherexecutives Muraly Srinarayanathas
2024-07-29 insert otherexecutives Stuart Szabo
2024-07-29 insert person Muraly Srinarayanathas
2024-07-29 insert person Stuart Szabo
2024-06-21 delete otherexecutives Willa Black
2024-06-21 insert otherexecutives Tareq Hadhad
2024-06-21 delete person Willa Black
2024-06-21 insert person Tareq Hadhad
2024-06-21 update person_title Mark D. Wiseman: Corporate Executive; Chairman of the Board of Directors; Chairman of the Board of Directors at Alberta Investment Management Corporation / Senior Advisor to Boston Consulting Group and Hillhouse Capital; Investment Manager => Chairman of the Board of Directors; Senior Advisor & Chairman of Canada, Lazard, and Senior Advisor, Boston Consulting Group; Investment Manager
2024-03-09 delete otherexecutives Kareem El-Assal
2024-03-09 delete otherexecutives Murad Al-Katib
2024-03-09 insert publicrelations_emails me..@centuryinitiative.ca
2024-03-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain webflow.com
2024-03-09 delete management_pages_linkeddomain canadavisa.com
2024-03-09 delete person Murad Al-Katib
2024-03-09 delete person Victoria Barford
2024-03-09 delete phone (416) 843-8655
2024-03-09 insert email me..@centuryinitiative.ca
2024-03-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain website-files.com
2024-03-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain kareemelassal.com
2024-03-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain section95.com
2024-03-09 update person_description Kareem El-Assal => Kareem El-Assal
2024-03-09 update person_title Kareem El-Assal: Expert Panel Member; Director of Policy & Digital Strategy at CanadaVisa; Director of Policy => Expert Panel Member; Principal, El - Assal Insights; Principal of El
2023-08-30 delete person Alastair MacFadden
2023-08-30 delete person Iain Reeve
2023-08-30 delete person Maximilian Seunik
2023-06-22 insert vp Jonathan Dewar
2023-06-22 insert person Trevor Neiman
2023-06-22 insert person Victoria Barford
2023-06-22 update person_description Jonathan Dewar => Jonathan Dewar
2023-06-22 update person_title Adam Janikowski: Chairman, Council of Champions; Asian Investment Banking => Managing Director / BDJ Capital Limited; Chairman, Council of Champions
2023-06-22 update person_title Jonathan Dewar: Expert Panel Member; Chief Executive Officer => Expert Panel Member; Vice President; Director General and Vice President, Collections, Research, Exhibitions, and Repatriation at the Canadian Museum of History; Director General
2023-03-26 delete person Sonya Forsey
2023-02-08 delete otherexecutives Andrew Pickersgill
2023-02-08 delete otherexecutives Dominic Barton
2023-02-08 delete person Andrew Pickersgill
2023-02-08 delete person Dominic Barton
2023-02-08 delete person Eamama Daniyal
2023-02-08 insert person Sonya Forsey
2022-12-18 delete person Daniel Rubinstein
2022-07-26 insert otherexecutives Eamama Daniyal
2022-07-26 insert person Eamama Daniyal
2022-07-26 insert phone (416) 843-8655
2022-03-22 delete otherexecutives Dr. Marie Delorme
2022-03-22 delete person Dawn Madahbee Leach
2022-03-22 delete person Dr. Marie Delorme
2022-03-22 delete person Dr. Susan Black
2022-03-22 delete person Jaxson Khan
2022-03-22 insert person Adam Janikowski
2022-03-22 insert person Iain Reeve
2021-12-20 insert ceo Jonathan Dewar
2021-12-20 insert person Jonathan Dewar
2021-12-20 insert person Layth Ashoo
2021-09-08 update person_title Dr. Andrew S.Nevin: Council of Champions => Partner & Chief Economist; Council of Champions
2021-08-05 insert person Andrew Nevin
2021-08-05 insert person Hassan Bhatti
2021-08-05 update person_title Dawn Madahbee Leach: Vice - Chair - National Indigenous Economic Development; Expert Panel Member / Staff; Member of the Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation => Expert Panel Member; Vice - Chair - National Indigenous Economic Development; Member of the Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation
2021-06-05 insert otherexecutives The Honourable Marie-Lucie Morin
2021-06-05 insert person The Honourable Marie-Lucie Morin
2021-06-05 update person_title Murad Al-Katib: Board Member / Former Board Member; Member of the Board of Directors; President and CEO of AGT Food; CEO, AGT Food and Ingredients Inc => Member of the Board of Directors; President and CEO of AGT Food; CEO, AGT Food and Ingredients Inc
2021-04-08 insert otherexecutives Pedro Barata
2021-04-08 insert person Dawn Madahbee Leach
2021-04-08 insert person Pedro Barata
2021-01-29 insert index_pages_linkeddomain statcan.gc.ca
2021-01-29 insert index_pages_linkeddomain webflow.com
2021-01-29 update robots_txt_status www.centuryinitiative.ca: 200 => 404
2021-01-29 update robots_txt_status www.centuryinitiative.com: 200 => 404
2020-09-29 update person_description Goldy Hyder => Goldy Hyder
2020-09-29 update person_description Mark D. Wiseman => Mark D. Wiseman
2020-09-29 update person_description Tom Milroy => Tom Milroy
2020-09-29 update person_title Andrew Pickersgill: Senior Partner, McKinsey & Co; Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company => Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company Canada; Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company
2020-09-29 update person_title Mark D. Wiseman: Member of the Advisory Council; Global Head of Active Equities and Chairman, BlackRock Alternative Investors => Corporate Executive; Investment Manager; Board Chair, Alberta Investment Management Corporation
2020-09-29 update person_title Tom Milroy: Managing Director of Generation Capital Limited => Managing Director, Generation Capital Limited; President of TOSA Investments Limited
2020-06-21 delete otherexecutives Jasmine Gill
2020-06-21 delete email ja..@centuryinitiative.ca
2020-06-21 delete person Jasmine Gill
2019-11-11 update person_description Willa Black => Willa Black
2019-06-13 delete ceo Shari Austin
2019-06-13 delete person Shari Austin
2019-05-12 update person_description Goldy Hyder => Goldy Hyder
2019-05-12 update person_title Goldy Hyder: President and CEO, Hill Knowlton Strategies Canada => President and Chief Executive Officer of the Business Council of Canada
2019-03-03 delete person Krista O'Shaughnessy
2018-12-14 delete alias CI
2018-12-14 delete person David Naylor
2018-08-18 delete address 17 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto, ON M5R 1B2 Canada
2018-08-18 insert address 2 Bloor St W, Suite 1710, Toronto, ON M4W 3E2 Canada
2018-08-18 update primary_contact 17 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto, ON M5R 1B2 Canada => 2 Bloor St W, Suite 1710, Toronto, ON M4W 3E2 Canada
2018-04-24 insert person Krista O'Shaughnessy
2017-12-20 insert otherexecutives Jasmine Gill
2017-12-20 insert person Jasmine Gill
2017-11-13 delete otherexecutives Sophia Lowe
2017-11-13 insert ceo Shari Austin
2017-11-13 delete person Sophia Lowe
2017-11-13 insert person Shari Austin
2017-10-09 update person_description Willa Black => Willa Black