While some ACR agencies are seeing drastic improvements in ROSC and OHCA survival with favorable neurological outcomes, all EMS agencies may not be ready for these changes. To realize these results, a strong effort is required from an entire community, which is why ACR promotes community engagement, T-CPR, investments in bystander CPR training, modifying on-scene medical care based on the latest evidence, and rigorous CQI programs. This type of change can take years to fully implement, but if it can result in even one more life saved, I believe it's worth our time..... ACR works closely with all participating agencies to collect OHCA outcome data. We plan to develop research studies and publish results to add to the body of evidence that already supports the above concepts... We can't fight this war alone. While the care provided by EMS clinicians is critically important, and the most apparent to the public, patient outcomes are heavily dependent many other aspects of the community...